package org.marketcetera.photon.commons; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import org.marketcetera.util.log.I18NLoggerProxy; import org.marketcetera.util.log.I18NMessage; import org.marketcetera.util.log.I18NMessage1P; import org.marketcetera.util.log.I18NMessage2P; import org.marketcetera.util.log.I18NMessage3P; import org.marketcetera.util.log.I18NMessageProvider; import org.marketcetera.util.misc.ClassVersion; /* $License$ */ /** * Experimental utility to aid construction of message constants. A typical * usage would be * * <pre> * /** * * Messages for this package. * */ * @ClassVersion("$Id$") * final class Messages { * * static I18NMessage0P MY_MESSAGE; * static I18NMessage1P MY_OTHER_MESSAGE; * * static { * ReflectiveMessages.init(Messages.class); * } * } * </pre> * * @author <a href="">Will Horn</a> * @version $Id: 16154 2012-07-14 16:34:05Z colin $ * @since 2.0.0 */ @ClassVersion("$Id: 16154 2012-07-14 16:34:05Z colin $") public final class ReflectiveMessages { private static final String MESSAGE_ENTRY_SEPARATOR = "__"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String EXTENSION_METHOD_NAME = "initReflectiveMessages"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * Initializes message constants for a class. This assumes a properties file * named "" in the same package as clazz. For each * static {@link I18NMessage} field in clazz, this method instantiates a * suitable instance. The message id and entry id is determined by the * following procedure: * <ul> * <li>convert the field name to lower case</li> * <li>if the result ends with "__xyz", use the string before it as the * message id, and "xyz" as the entry id</li> * <li>otherwise use the entire string as the messageId and * {@link I18NMessage#UNKNOWN_ENTRY_ID} as the entry id</li> * </ul> * <p> * This method also supports extension. If a field has a type Type that is * not assignable to {@link I18NMessage}, this method will attempt to * reflect on Type for a static "initReflectiveMessages" method with the * signature: * * <pre> * Type initReflectiveMessages(String, I18NLoggerProxy) * </pre> * * If found, it will invoke this method and set the field to the returned * Type object. Otherwise, the field will be ignored. An example of * extension can be found in * org.marketcetera.photon.commons.ui.LocalizedLabel. * * @param clazz * the class to initialize */ public static void init(Class<?> clazz) { final String className = clazz.getName(); try { String id = clazz.getPackage().getName().replaceAll("\\.", "/") + "/"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ final I18NMessageProvider provider = new I18NMessageProvider(id, clazz.getClassLoader()); final I18NLoggerProxy logger = new I18NLoggerProxy(provider); Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields(); for (Field field : fields) { field.setAccessible(true); final String fieldName = field.getName(); if ((field.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) == 0) { ReflectiveMessages.class, fieldName, className); continue; } Class<?> type = field.getType(); if (I18NMessage.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { String entryId = I18NMessage.UNKNOWN_ENTRY_ID; String messageId = fieldName.toLowerCase(); String[] split = messageId.split(MESSAGE_ENTRY_SEPARATOR); if (split.length > 1) { String suffix = split[split.length - 1]; if (!suffix.isEmpty()) { entryId = suffix; messageId = messageId.substring(0, messageId .lastIndexOf(MESSAGE_ENTRY_SEPARATOR)); } } try { Constructor<?> constructor = type.getConstructor( I18NLoggerProxy.class, String.class, String.class); Object instance = constructor.newInstance(logger, messageId, entryId); field.set(null, instance); } catch (Exception e) { Messages.FAILED_TO_INITIALIZE_FIELD.error( ReflectiveMessages.class, e, fieldName, className); } catch (ExceptionInInitializerError e) { Messages.FAILED_TO_INITIALIZE_FIELD.error( ReflectiveMessages.class, e, fieldName, className); } } else { try { Method initMethod = type.getDeclaredMethod( EXTENSION_METHOD_NAME, String.class, I18NLoggerProxy.class); initMethod.setAccessible(true); try { Object instance = initMethod.invoke(null, fieldName, logger); field.set(null, instance); } catch (Exception e) { Messages.FAILED_TO_INITIALIZE_FIELD.error( ReflectiveMessages.class, e, fieldName, className); } catch (ExceptionInInitializerError e) { Messages.FAILED_TO_INITIALIZE_FIELD.error( ReflectiveMessages.class, e, fieldName, className); } } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { ReflectiveMessages.class, e, type.getName(), fieldName, className); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Messages.FAILED_TO_INITIALIZE_CLASS.error(ReflectiveMessages.class, e, className); } } private ReflectiveMessages() { throw new AssertionError("non-instantiable"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } /** * Message constants used by {@link ReflectiveMessages}. */ @ClassVersion("$Id: 16154 2012-07-14 16:34:05Z colin $") private static class Messages { /** * The message provider */ static final I18NMessageProvider PROVIDER = new I18NMessageProvider( "reflective_messages", Messages.class.getClassLoader()); //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * The message logger. */ static final I18NLoggerProxy LOGGER = new I18NLoggerProxy(PROVIDER); /** * The messages. */ static final I18NMessage2P NONSTATIC_FIELD_IGNORED = new I18NMessage2P( LOGGER, "nonstatic_field_ignored"); //$NON-NLS-1$ static final I18NMessage3P UNSUPPORTED_FIELD_IGNORED = new I18NMessage3P( LOGGER, "unsupported_field_ignored"); //$NON-NLS-1$ static final I18NMessage2P FAILED_TO_INITIALIZE_FIELD = new I18NMessage2P( LOGGER, "failed_to_initialize_field"); //$NON-NLS-1$ static final I18NMessage1P FAILED_TO_INITIALIZE_CLASS = new I18NMessage1P( LOGGER, "failed_to_initialize_class"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } }