package org.marketcetera.quickfix; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.marketcetera.core.ClassVersion; import org.marketcetera.core.instruments.InstrumentToMessage; import org.marketcetera.quickfix.messagefactory.FIXMessageAugmentor; import; import; import quickfix.FieldNotFound; import quickfix.Group; import quickfix.Message; import quickfix.MessageFactory; import quickfix.SessionNotFound; import quickfix.StringField; import quickfix.field.Account; import quickfix.field.AvgPx; import quickfix.field.BeginSeqNo; import quickfix.field.BusinessRejectReason; import quickfix.field.ClOrdID; import quickfix.field.CumQty; import quickfix.field.CxlRejReason; import quickfix.field.CxlRejResponseTo; import quickfix.field.EndSeqNo; import quickfix.field.ExecID; import quickfix.field.HandlInst; import quickfix.field.LastPx; import quickfix.field.LastShares; import quickfix.field.MDEntryType; import quickfix.field.MDReqID; import quickfix.field.MarketDepth; import quickfix.field.MsgSeqNum; import quickfix.field.MsgType; import quickfix.field.NoMDEntryTypes; import quickfix.field.NoRelatedSym; import quickfix.field.OrdRejReason; import quickfix.field.OrdStatus; import quickfix.field.OrdType; import quickfix.field.OrderID; import quickfix.field.OrderQty; import quickfix.field.OrigClOrdID; import quickfix.field.Price; import quickfix.field.RefMsgType; import quickfix.field.RefSeqNum; import quickfix.field.SecurityExchange; import quickfix.field.SecurityListRequestType; import quickfix.field.SecurityReqID; import quickfix.field.SenderCompID; import quickfix.field.SendingTime; import quickfix.field.SessionRejectReason; import quickfix.field.Side; import quickfix.field.SubscriptionRequestType; import quickfix.field.Symbol; import quickfix.field.TargetCompID; import quickfix.field.Text; import quickfix.field.TimeInForce; import quickfix.field.TransactTime; /** * Factory class that creates a particular beginString of the FIX message * based on the beginString specified. * Uses an instance of the {@link FIXMessageAugmentor} to add version-specific * fields to each newly created message. * * @author toli * @version $Id: 16154 2012-07-14 16:34:05Z colin $ */ @ClassVersion("$Id: 16154 2012-07-14 16:34:05Z colin $") //$NON-NLS-1$ public class FIXMessageFactory { private MessageFactory msgFactory; private FIXMessageAugmentor msgAugmentor; private String beginString; /*package */static final char SOH_REPLACE_CHAR = '|'; private static final char SOH_CHAR = '\001'; public FIXMessageFactory(String beginString, MessageFactory inFactory, FIXMessageAugmentor augmentor) { this.beginString = beginString; msgFactory = inFactory; msgAugmentor = augmentor; } /** * Creates a message representing an ExecutionReport (type {@link MsgType#ORDER_CANCEL_REJECT} * @return appropriately versioned message object */ public Message newOrderCancelReject() { Message msg = msgFactory.create(beginString, MsgType.ORDER_CANCEL_REJECT); addTransactionTimeIfNeeded(msg); return msg; } public Message newCancelReplaceShares(String orderID, String origOrderID, BigDecimal quantity) { Message aMessage = msgFactory.create(beginString, MsgType.ORDER_CANCEL_REPLACE_REQUEST); addTransactionTimeIfNeeded(aMessage); aMessage.setField(new ClOrdID(orderID)); aMessage.setField(new OrigClOrdID(origOrderID)); aMessage.setField(new OrderQty(quantity)); addHandlingInst(aMessage); return aMessage; } protected void addHandlingInst(Message inMessage) { inMessage.setField(new HandlInst(HandlInst.AUTOMATED_EXECUTION_ORDER_PRIVATE)); } public Message newCancelReplacePrice( String orderID, String origOrderID, BigDecimal price ) { Message aMessage = msgFactory.create(beginString, MsgType.ORDER_CANCEL_REPLACE_REQUEST); addTransactionTimeIfNeeded(aMessage); aMessage.setField(new ClOrdID(orderID)); aMessage.setField(new OrigClOrdID(origOrderID)); aMessage.setField(new Price(price)); addHandlingInst(aMessage); return aMessage; } public Message newCancelFromMessage(Message oldMessage) throws FieldNotFound { return newCancelHelper(MsgType.ORDER_CANCEL_REQUEST, oldMessage, false); } public Message newCancelReplaceFromMessage(Message oldMessage) throws FieldNotFound { Message cancelMessage = newCancelHelper(MsgType.ORDER_CANCEL_REPLACE_REQUEST, oldMessage, false); if (oldMessage.isSetField(Price.FIELD)){ cancelMessage.setField(oldMessage.getField(new Price())); } addHandlingInst(cancelMessage); return cancelMessage; } public Message newCancelHelper(String msgType, Message oldMessage, boolean onlyCopyRequiredFields) throws FieldNotFound { Message cancelMessage = msgFactory.create(beginString, msgType); cancelMessage.setField(new OrigClOrdID(oldMessage.getString(ClOrdID.FIELD))); fillFieldsFromExistingMessage(oldMessage, onlyCopyRequiredFields, cancelMessage); if (oldMessage.isSetField(OrderQty.FIELD)){ cancelMessage.setField(oldMessage.getField(new OrderQty())); } addTransactionTimeIfNeeded(cancelMessage); addSendingTime(cancelMessage); return cancelMessage; } protected void addSendingTime(Message inCancelMessage) { inCancelMessage.getHeader().setField(new SendingTime(new Date())); //non-i18n } protected void fillFieldsFromExistingMessage(Message oldMessage, boolean onlyCopyRequiredFields, Message inCancelMessage) { FIXMessageUtil.fillFieldsFromExistingMessage(inCancelMessage, oldMessage, onlyCopyRequiredFields); } private final int TOP_OF_BOOK_DEPTH = 1; /** * Returns a Market Data Request for the given symbols from the given exchange. * * @param reqID a <code>String</code> value containing the identifier to assign to the message * @param symbols a <code>List<MSymbol></code> value containing the symbols for which to request data * @param inExchange a <code>String</code> value containing the exchange from which to request data or <code>null</code> to not specify an exchange * @return a <code>Message</code> value */ public Message newMarketDataRequest(String reqID, List<Equity> symbols, String inExchange) { Message request = msgFactory.create(beginString, MsgType.MARKET_DATA_REQUEST); request.setField(new MarketDepth(TOP_OF_BOOK_DEPTH)); request.setField(new MDReqID(reqID)); request.setChar(SubscriptionRequestType.FIELD, SubscriptionRequestType.SNAPSHOT); Group entryTypeGroup = msgFactory.create(beginString, MsgType.MARKET_DATA_REQUEST, NoMDEntryTypes.FIELD); entryTypeGroup.setField(new MDEntryType(MDEntryType.BID)); request.addGroup(entryTypeGroup); entryTypeGroup.setField(new MDEntryType(MDEntryType.OFFER)); request.addGroup(entryTypeGroup); int numSymbols = symbols.size(); if (numSymbols == 0){ request.setInt(NoRelatedSym.FIELD, numSymbols); } for (Equity oneSymbol : symbols) { if(oneSymbol != null) { Group symbolGroup = msgFactory.create(beginString, MsgType.MARKET_DATA_REQUEST, NoRelatedSym.FIELD); symbolGroup.setField(new Symbol(oneSymbol.getSymbol())); if(inExchange != null && !inExchange.isEmpty()) { symbolGroup.setField(new SecurityExchange(inExchange)); } request.addGroup(symbolGroup); } } return request; } /** Creates a new MarketDataRequest for the specified symbols. * Setting the incoming symbols array to empty results in a "get all" request * @param reqID request id to assign to this * @param symbols List of symbols, or an empty list to get all available * @return Message corresponding to the market data request */ public Message newMarketDataRequest(String reqID, List<Equity> symbols) { return newMarketDataRequest(reqID, symbols, null); } /** * Generates a <code>Security List Request</code> FIX message. * * @param inReqID a <code>String</code> value containing a unique request ID * @return a <code>Message</code> value */ public Message newSecurityListRequest(String inReqID) { FIXVersion thisVersion = FIXVersion.getFIXVersion(beginString); if(thisVersion.equals(FIXVersion.FIX43) || thisVersion.equals(FIXVersion.FIX44)) { Message request = msgFactory.create(beginString, MsgType.SECURITY_LIST_REQUEST); request.setField(new SecurityReqID(inReqID)); request.setField(new SecurityListRequestType(SecurityListRequestType.SYMBOL)); return request; } throw new IllegalStateException(); } /** * Generates a <code>Derivative Security List Request</code> FIX message. * * @param inReqID a <code>String</code> value containing a unique request ID * @return a <code>Message</code> value */ public Message newDerivativeSecurityListRequest(String inReqID) { FIXVersion thisVersion = FIXVersion.getFIXVersion(beginString); if(thisVersion.equals(FIXVersion.FIX43) || thisVersion.equals(FIXVersion.FIX44)) { Message request = msgFactory.create(beginString, MsgType.DERIVATIVE_SECURITY_LIST_REQUEST); request.setField(new SecurityReqID(inReqID)); request.setField(new SecurityListRequestType(SecurityListRequestType.SYMBOL)); return request; } throw new IllegalStateException(); } /** * Creates a new limit order with it fields set to the specified values. * * <p> * <b>NOTE:</b> This method is only meant to be used for unit testing. * * @param clOrderID the client order ID * @param side the side * @param quantity the quantity * @param instrument the instrument * @param price the price * @param timeInForce the time in force * @param account the account * * @return the new limit order */ public Message newLimitOrder( String clOrderID, char side, BigDecimal quantity, Instrument instrument, BigDecimal price, char timeInForce, String account) { Message newMessage = newOrderHelper(clOrderID, side, quantity, instrument, timeInForce, account); newMessage.setField(new OrdType(OrdType.LIMIT)); newMessage.setField(new Price(price)); return newMessage; } /** * Creates a new market order with it fields set to the specified values. * <p> * <b>NOTE:</b> This method is only meant to be used for unit testing. * * @param clOrderID the client order ID * @param side the side * @param quantity the quantity * @param instrument the instrument * @param timeInForce the time in force * @param account the account * * @return the new market order */ public Message newMarketOrder( String clOrderID, char side, BigDecimal quantity, Instrument instrument, char timeInForce, String account) { Message newMessage = newOrderHelper(clOrderID, side, quantity, instrument, timeInForce, account); newMessage.setField(new OrdType(OrdType.MARKET)); return newMessage; } /** * Creates a new FIX order * <p> * <b>NOTE:</b> This method is only meant to be used for unit testing. * * @param clOrderID Internally generated clOrderID that will become the {@link ClOrdID} that * uniquely identifies this orderlater * @param side Buy/Sell side * @param quantity # of shares being bought/sold * @param instrument instrument * @param timeInForce How long the order is in effect * @param account Account ID * @return Message representing this new order */ private Message newOrderHelper(String clOrderID, char side, BigDecimal quantity, Instrument instrument, char timeInForce, String account) { Message aMessage = msgFactory.create(beginString, MsgType.ORDER_SINGLE); aMessage.setField(new ClOrdID(clOrderID)); addHandlingInst(aMessage); InstrumentToMessage.SELECTOR.forInstrument(instrument). set(instrument, beginString, aMessage); aMessage.setField(new Side(side)); aMessage.setField(new OrderQty(quantity)); aMessage.setField(new TimeInForce(timeInForce)); if (account != null) { aMessage.setField(new Account(account)); } addTransactionTimeIfNeeded(aMessage); msgAugmentor.newOrderSingleAugment(aMessage); return aMessage; } /** * Helps create a cancel order for an existing cancel request * <p> * <b>NOTE:</b> This method is only meant to be used for unit testing. * * @param clOrderId Newly generated OrderID for this cancel request * @param origClOrderID our original clOrderID of the existing order we are trying to cancel * that we gave to it the first time we ack'ed * @param side Buy/Sell side of the initial order * @param quantity Initial quantity * @param instrument instrument for the initial order * @param counterpartyOrderID The counterpartyOrderID. can be null. this is the ID given to this order * by the "counterparty" financial institution * @return Message representing the new order */ public Message newCancel( String clOrderId, String origClOrderID, char side, BigDecimal quantity, Instrument instrument, String counterpartyOrderID) { Message aMessage = msgFactory.create(beginString,MsgType.ORDER_CANCEL_REQUEST); addTransactionTimeIfNeeded(aMessage); aMessage.setField(new ClOrdID(clOrderId)); aMessage.setField(new OrigClOrdID(origClOrderID)); aMessage.setField(new Side(side)); InstrumentToMessage.SELECTOR.forInstrument(instrument). set(instrument, beginString, aMessage); aMessage.setField(new OrderQty(quantity)); if (counterpartyOrderID != null) { aMessage.setField(new OrderID(counterpartyOrderID)); } msgAugmentor.cancelRequestAugment(aMessage); return aMessage; } /** Incoming price may be null for MARKET orders * <p> * <b>NOTE:</b> This method is only meant to be used for unit testing. * * @param orderQty Original order qty * @param orderPrice Original order price * @param inAccount Account name of the institution that's sending the order. may be null * */ public Message newExecutionReport( String orderID, String clOrderID, String execID, char ordStatus, char side, BigDecimal orderQty, BigDecimal orderPrice, BigDecimal lastShares, BigDecimal lastPrice, BigDecimal cumQty, BigDecimal avgPrice, Instrument instrument, String inAccount, String inText) throws FieldNotFound { Message aMessage = msgFactory.create(beginString, MsgType.EXECUTION_REPORT); addTransactionTimeIfNeeded(aMessage); if (orderID != null) aMessage.setField(new OrderID(orderID)); aMessage.setField(new ClOrdID(clOrderID)); aMessage.setField(new ExecID(execID)); aMessage.setField(new OrdStatus(ordStatus)); aMessage.setField(new Side(side)); aMessage.setField(new OrderQty(orderQty)); if(orderPrice != null) { aMessage.setField(new Price(orderPrice)); } if (lastShares != null) aMessage.setField(new LastShares(lastShares)); if (lastPrice != null) aMessage.setField(new LastPx(lastPrice)); aMessage.setField(new CumQty(cumQty)); aMessage.setField(new AvgPx(avgPrice)); InstrumentToMessage.SELECTOR.forInstrument(instrument). set(instrument, beginString, aMessage); if(inAccount != null) { aMessage.setField(new Account(inAccount)); } if(inText != null) { aMessage.setField(new Text(inText)); } msgAugmentor.executionReportAugment(aMessage); return aMessage; } /** * Creates a new ExecutionReport that with a {@link OrdStatus#REJECTED} type * * @param orderID OrderID for the new report (can be null) * @param clOrderID OrderID of the original (client) order that got rejected * @param execID Execution ID for this order (can be null) * @param side {@link quickfix.field.Side} of the transaction * @param orderQty Original order quantity * @param cumQty Cumuluative order qty (can be 0) * @param avgPrice Average price for the order (can be 0) * @param instrument instrument for the order * @return A new {@link Message} signifying a reject */ public Message newRejectExecutionReport( String orderID, String clOrderID, String execID, char side, BigDecimal orderQty, BigDecimal cumQty, BigDecimal avgPrice, Instrument instrument, OrdRejReason rejReason, String inAccount, String inText ) throws FieldNotFound { Message execReport = newExecutionReport(orderID, clOrderID, execID, OrdStatus.REJECTED, side, orderQty, BigDecimal.ZERO, BigDecimal.ZERO, BigDecimal.ZERO, cumQty, avgPrice, instrument, inAccount, inText); addTransactionTimeIfNeeded(execReport); execReport.setField(rejReason); return execReport; } /** Creates a new BusinessMessageReject message based on passed-in parameters */ public Message newBusinessMessageReject(String refMsgType, int rejReason, String textReason) { Message bmReject = createMessage(MsgType.BUSINESS_MESSAGE_REJECT); bmReject.setField(new RefMsgType(refMsgType)); bmReject.setField(new BusinessRejectReason(rejReason)); bmReject.setField(new Text(textReason)); return bmReject; } /** Creates a {@link MsgType#ORDER_CANCEL_REJECT} message * @param rejectReasonText Text explanation for why reject is sent */ public Message newOrderCancelReject(OrderID orderID, ClOrdID clOrdID, OrigClOrdID origClOrdID, String rejectReasonText, CxlRejReason cxlRejReason) { Message reject = newOrderCancelReject(); reject.setField(orderID); reject.setField(clOrdID); reject.setField(origClOrdID); reject.setField(new OrdStatus(OrdStatus.REJECTED)); reject.setField(new CxlRejResponseTo(CxlRejResponseTo.ORDER_CANCEL_REQUEST)); reject.setString(Text.FIELD, rejectReasonText.replace(SOH_CHAR, SOH_REPLACE_CHAR)); if(cxlRejReason!=null) { reject.setField(cxlRejReason); } return reject; } /** Creates a new order message and poopulates it with current {@link TransactTime} * @return new order single */ public Message newBasicOrder() { Message msg = msgFactory.create(beginString, MsgType.ORDER_SINGLE); addHandlingInst(msg); addTransactionTimeIfNeeded(msg); return msg; } /** Creates a group based on the specified container message and group id */ public Group createGroup(String msgType, int groupID) { return msgFactory.create(beginString, msgType, groupID); } /** Creates a message baed on the specified message type */ public Message createMessage(String msgType) { Message msg = msgFactory.create(beginString, msgType); addTransactionTimeIfNeeded(msg); return msg; } public String getBeginString() { return beginString; } /** Returns the underlying Quickfix/J {@link MessageFactory} that is used * to create all messages. */ public MessageFactory getUnderlyingMessageFactory() { return msgFactory; } public FIXMessageAugmentor getMsgAugmentor() { return msgAugmentor; } /** Only add the transaction time if it's necessary for this message */ public void addTransactionTimeIfNeeded(Message msg) { if(msgAugmentor.needsTransactTime(msg)) { msg.setField(new TransactTime(new Date())); //non-i18n } } public Message newResendRequest(BigInteger beginSeqNo, BigInteger endSeqNo) { Message rr = msgFactory.create(beginString, MsgType.RESEND_REQUEST); if (beginSeqNo == null){ // from 0 rr.setField(new BeginSeqNo(0)); } else { rr.setField(new StringField(BeginSeqNo.FIELD,beginSeqNo.toString()));//i18n_number } if (endSeqNo == null){ // to infinity rr.setField(new EndSeqNo(0)); } else { rr.setField(new StringField(EndSeqNo.FIELD,endSeqNo.toString()));//i18n_number } return rr; } /** Creates a new session-level reject with the given reason to return * to the sender of the incomingMsg * @param incomingMsg Message that generated this session-level reject * @param rejectReason Reason for reject * @return Session-level reject message to send out * @throws FieldNotFound * @throws SessionNotFound */ public Message createSessionReject(Message incomingMsg, int rejectReason) throws FieldNotFound, SessionNotFound { Message reply = createMessage(MsgType.REJECT); reverseRoute(incomingMsg, reply); String refSeqNum = incomingMsg.getHeader().getString(MsgSeqNum.FIELD); reply.setString(RefSeqNum.FIELD, refSeqNum); reply.setString(RefMsgType.FIELD, incomingMsg.getHeader().getString(MsgType.FIELD)); reply.setInt(SessionRejectReason.FIELD, rejectReason); return reply; } /** Reverses the sender/target compIDs from reply and sets them in the outgoing outgoingMsg */ public void reverseRoute(Message outgoingMsg, Message reply) throws FieldNotFound { reply.getHeader().setString(SenderCompID.FIELD, outgoingMsg.getHeader().getString(TargetCompID.FIELD)); reply.getHeader().setString(TargetCompID.FIELD, outgoingMsg.getHeader().getString(SenderCompID.FIELD)); } public Message newCancelReplaceEmpty() { Message msg=msgFactory.create (beginString,MsgType.ORDER_CANCEL_REPLACE_REQUEST); addTransactionTimeIfNeeded(msg); addHandlingInst(msg); return msg; } public Message newCancelEmpty() { Message msg=msgFactory.create (beginString,MsgType.ORDER_CANCEL_REQUEST); addTransactionTimeIfNeeded(msg); return msg; } public Message newOrderEmpty() { Message msg=msgFactory.create (beginString,MsgType.ORDER_SINGLE); addHandlingInst(msg); addTransactionTimeIfNeeded(msg); return msg; } public Message newOrderCancelRejectEmpty() { Message msg = msgFactory.create (beginString,MsgType.ORDER_CANCEL_REJECT); addTransactionTimeIfNeeded(msg); return msg; } public Message newExecutionReportEmpty() { Message msg = msgFactory.create (beginString,MsgType.EXECUTION_REPORT); addTransactionTimeIfNeeded(msg); return msg; } }