package org.marketcetera.orderloader.system; import org.marketcetera.util.misc.ClassVersion; import org.marketcetera.util.log.I18NBoundMessage1P; import*; import org.marketcetera.orderloader.OrderParsingException; import org.marketcetera.orderloader.Messages; import java.math.BigDecimal; /* $License$ */ /** * Implements extraction of an equity instrument from a row. * * @author * @version $Id: 16154 2012-07-14 16:34:05Z colin $ * @since 2.0.0 */ @ClassVersion("$Id: 16154 2012-07-14 16:34:05Z colin $") public class OptionFromRow extends InstrumentFromRow { @Override protected boolean canProcess(String inHeader, int inIndex) { boolean isHandled = false; if(FIELD_EXPIRY.equals(inHeader)) { mExpiryIndex = inIndex; isHandled = true; } else if(FIELD_OPTION_TYPE.equals(inHeader)) { mOpTypeProcessor = new OptionTypeProcessor(inIndex); isHandled = true; } else if(FIELD_STRIKE_PRICE.equals(inHeader)) { mStrikeProcessor = new BigDecimalProcessor( Messages.INVALID_STRIKE_PRICE_VALUE, inIndex) { @Override public void apply(String[] inRow, OrderSingle inOrder) throws OrderParsingException { //do nothing. } }; isHandled = true; } return isHandled; } @Override protected boolean isHandled(Row inValue) { SecurityType secType = null; try { secType = getSecurityType(inValue.getRow()); } catch (OrderParsingException ignore) { } return secType != null && SecurityType.Option.equals(secType); } @Override protected Instrument extract(Row inRow) throws OrderParsingException { String[] row = inRow.getRow(); String symbol = getSymbol(row); checkEmptyField(FIELD_SYMBOL, symbol == null || symbol.trim().isEmpty()); String expiry = mExpiryIndex >=0 ? row[mExpiryIndex] : null; checkEmptyField(FIELD_EXPIRY, expiry == null || expiry.trim().isEmpty()); OptionType opType = mOpTypeProcessor == null ? null : mOpTypeProcessor.getEnumValue(row); checkEmptyField(FIELD_OPTION_TYPE, opType == null); BigDecimal strikePrice = mStrikeProcessor == null ? null : mStrikeProcessor.getDecimalValue(row); checkEmptyField(FIELD_STRIKE_PRICE, strikePrice == null); return new Option(symbol,expiry, strikePrice, opType); } /** * Throws an exception for the field header if the check fails. * * @param inFieldHeader the field header name to include in the error message. * @param inCheckFailed if the field validation check failed. * * @throws OrderParsingException if <code>inCheckFailed</code> is true. */ private static void checkEmptyField(String inFieldHeader, boolean inCheckFailed) throws OrderParsingException { if(inCheckFailed) { throw new OrderParsingException(new I18NBoundMessage1P( Messages.MISSING_OPTION_FIELD, inFieldHeader)); } } /** * The option expiry field header name. */ public static final String FIELD_EXPIRY = "Expiry"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * The option strike price field header name */ public static final String FIELD_STRIKE_PRICE = "StrikePrice"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * The option type field header name */ public static final String FIELD_OPTION_TYPE = "OptionType"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private OptionTypeProcessor mOpTypeProcessor = null; private BigDecimalProcessor mStrikeProcessor = null; private int mExpiryIndex = -1; }