package org.marketcetera.module; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.ConversionException; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.ConvertUtilsBean; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.Converter; import org.marketcetera.core.Util; import org.marketcetera.util.log.I18NBoundMessage1P; import org.marketcetera.util.misc.ClassVersion; import; /* $License$ */ /** * A Utility class to convert strings to object types. * Following types of instances can be converted to from strings * <ul> * <li>Java Primtive Types</li> * <li>BigDecimal</li> * <li>BigInteger</li> * <li>Strings</li> * <li>File</li> * <li>URL</li> * <li>ModuleURN</li> * </ul> * * This class is a thin wrapper around * <a href=""> * ConvertUtilsBean</a> * * @author * @version $Id: 16841 2014-02-20 19:59:04Z colin $ * @since 1.0.0 */ @ClassVersion("$Id: 16841 2014-02-20 19:59:04Z colin $") class StringToTypeConverter { /** * Returns true if conversion from the supplied type * name is supported. The type name is either the name * of the class or the name of one of the primitive types. * * If the supplied type name is not a valid java type, or * if the class corresponding to the supplied java type * cannot be loaded, a false value is returned. * * @param inTypeName the type name to check * * @return true if the converter supports conversion of strings * to instances of the supplied type. */ public static boolean isSupported(String inTypeName) { try { return isSupported(toClass(inTypeName)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ignored) { } return false; } /** * Returns true if conversion from the supplied type * is supported. The type name is either the name * of the class or the name of one of the primitive types. * * @param inType the type to check * * @return true if the converter supports conversion of strings * to instances of the supplied type. */ public static boolean isSupported(Class<?> inType) { return sConverter.lookup(inType) != null; } /** * Converts the supplied string value to the instance of the * specified type. * * Calls to this method should only be made if {@link #isSupported(String)} * returns true for the <code>inTypeName</code>, otherwise this method * will throw an <code>IllegalArgumentException</code>. * * @param inTypeName the type of instance to return * @param inValue the string value to convert to instance * * @return the instance converted from the string. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the supplied type name is * not supported OR if there were errors converting * the string to a numeric type. */ public static Object convert(String inTypeName, String inValue) throws IllegalArgumentException { return convert(toClass(inTypeName), inValue); } /** * Converts the supplied string value to the instance of the * specified type. * * Calls to this method should only be made if {@link #isSupported(String)} * returns true for the <code>inTypeName</code>, otherwise this method * will throw an <code>IllegalArgumentException</code>. * * @param inType the type of instance to return * @param inValue the string value to convert to instance * * @return the instance converted from the string. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the supplied type name is * not supported OR if there were errors converting * the string to a numeric type. */ public static Object convert(Class<?> inType, String inValue) throws IllegalArgumentException { try { return sConverter.convert(inValue, inType); } catch (ConversionException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( Messages.STRING_CONVERSION_ERROR.getText(inValue, inType.getName(),e.getMessage())); } } /** * Converts the supplied type name to class instance. This method * ensures that the correct class objects are returned for primitive * types. * * @param inTypeName the type name * * @return the class object corresponding to the type name. */ private static Class<?> toClass(String inTypeName) { if(sPrimitiveTypeMap.containsKey(inTypeName)) { return sPrimitiveTypeMap.get(inTypeName); } try { return Class.forName(inTypeName); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(inTypeName,e); } } /** * This method is used during class initialization to initialize * the table for mapping primitive type names to their class instances. * * @param inClass the primitive type class to register. */ private static void registerPrimitive(Class<?> inClass) { sPrimitiveTypeMap.put(inClass.getName(), inClass); } private static final ConvertUtilsBean sConverter = new ConvertUtilsBean(); private static final HashMap<String,Class<?>> sPrimitiveTypeMap = Maps.newHashMap(); /** * A converter class for converting string to module URN. */ private static final class ModuleURNConverter implements Converter { @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public Object convert(Class inClass, Object o) { if(ModuleURN.class.equals(inClass)) { try { if(o instanceof ModuleURN) { return o; } else if(o instanceof String) { return new ModuleURN((String)o); } else if(o != null) { return new ModuleURN(o.toString()); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new ConversionException(new I18NBoundMessage1P( Messages.CANNOT_CONVERT_TO_MODULE_URN, o.toString()).getText(),e); } } throw new ConversionException(new I18NBoundMessage1P( Messages.CANNOT_CONVERT_TO_MODULE_URN, o == null ? null : o.toString()).getText()); } } private static final class PropertiesConverter implements Converter { @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public Object convert(Class inClass, Object o) { if(Properties.class.equals(inClass)) { if(o instanceof Properties) { return o; } else if(o instanceof String) { return Util.propertiesFromString((String)o); } } throw new ConversionException(new I18NBoundMessage1P( Messages.CANNOT_CONVERT_TO_PROPERTIES, o == null ? null : o.toString()).getText()); } } static { //Reset the converter to throw exceptions for conversion errors sConverter.register(true, true, 0); //register the module URN converter sConverter.register(new ModuleURNConverter(), ModuleURN.class); //register the Properties converter sConverter.register(new PropertiesConverter(), Properties.class); //initialize the table convert primitive type names to their //respective class instances. registerPrimitive(Boolean.TYPE); registerPrimitive(Byte.TYPE); registerPrimitive(Character.TYPE); registerPrimitive(Short.TYPE); registerPrimitive(Integer.TYPE); registerPrimitive(Float.TYPE); registerPrimitive(Long.TYPE); registerPrimitive(Double.TYPE); } }