package org.marketcetera.core; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import org.marketcetera.util.log.SLF4JLoggerProxy; import; /** * Collection of random utilities. * * @author Toli Kuznets * @author <a href="">Colin DuPlantis</a> * @version $Id: 16841 2014-02-20 19:59:04Z colin $ */ @ClassVersion("$Id: 16841 2014-02-20 19:59:04Z colin $") public class Util { /** Tries to load the named file from a classpath * If the file name doesn't start with a leading / then * if we fail to load it we prepend the / and try again * @param inFileName * @param inObj some object to get the classloader from * @return The URL to the resource or NULL if it's not found */ public static URL loadFileFromClasspath(String inFileName, Object inObj) { if((inFileName == null) || ("".equals(inFileName))) return null; //$NON-NLS-1$ URL resource = inObj.getClass().getResource(inFileName); if((resource == null) && !inFileName.startsWith("/")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ resource = inObj.getClass().getResource("/"+inFileName); //$NON-NLS-1$ } return resource; } /** * Reads the entire file and stuffs it into a StringBuffer and returns the string * The file is loaded from classpath. * Use wisely, this will choke on very large files. * * @param inFileName * @param inObj some object to get the classloader from * @return The entire contents of the file */ public static String getStringFromFile(String inFileName, Object inObj) throws Exception { URL url = Util.loadFileFromClasspath(inFileName, inObj); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(url.getPath()))); String line = null; StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(2000); while((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { result.append(line); } reader.close(); return result.toString(); } /** * the character used to prevent a delimiter or separator from being interpreted literally */ public static final String ESCAPE_CHARACTER = "\\"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * the version of {@link #ESCAPE_CHARACTER} to use within a key or value */ public static final String ESCAPED_ESCAPE_CHARACTER = ESCAPE_CHARACTER + ESCAPE_CHARACTER; /** * the delimiter used to distinguish key/value pairs in the string representation of properties */ public static final String KEY_VALUE_DELIMITER = ":"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * the version of {@link #KEY_VALUE_DELIMITER} to use within a key or value */ public static final String ESCAPED_KEY_VALUE_DELIMITER = ESCAPE_CHARACTER + KEY_VALUE_DELIMITER; /** * the separator used to separate key/value pairs in the string representation of properties */ public static final String KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR = "="; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * the version of {@link #KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR} to use within a key or value */ public static final String ESCAPED_KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR = ESCAPE_CHARACTER + KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR; /** * base value used to replace a delimiter or separator in a key or value */ private static final String PROCESSING_TOKEN = "$TOKEN-%s$"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * Creates a <code>Properties</code> object from the given <code>String</code>. * * <p>This function assumes that the <code>String</code> consists of a series of key/value pairs separated by * the {@link #KEY_VALUE_DELIMITER}. The key/value pairs themselves are separated by the {@link #KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR}. * Any malformed entries are discarded. A best-effort will be made to retain as many key/value pairs as possible. * * <p>If either the key or value contains {@link #ESCAPE_CHARACTER}, {@link #KEY_VALUE_DELIMITER}, or {@link #KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR}, * these characters must be escaped using the {@link #ESCAPE_CHARACTER}. * * @param inCondensedProperties a <code>String</code> value * @return a <code>Properties</code> value or null if <code>inCondensedProperties</code> is null or empty */ public static final Properties propertiesFromString(String inCondensedProperties) { if(inCondensedProperties == null || inCondensedProperties.isEmpty()) { return null; } // first, replace any escaped escape characters with a token ("\" -> "\\", e.g., path=c:\value -> path=c:$TOKEN-1$value) Pair<String,String> processedForEscapeCharacter = tokenizeEscapedDelimiters(inCondensedProperties, ESCAPED_ESCAPE_CHARACTER); // next, replace any key/value delimiters with another token (":" -> "\:", e.g. path=c:$TOKEN-1$value -> path=c$TOKEN-2$$TOKEN-1$value) Pair<String,String> processedForKeyValueDelimiter = tokenizeEscapedDelimiters(processedForEscapeCharacter.getFirstMember(), ESCAPED_KEY_VALUE_DELIMITER); // the result has now replaced any instances of the escaped key value delimiter with a token that will not // be noticed when we split the properties string String[] statements = processedForKeyValueDelimiter.getFirstMember().split(KEY_VALUE_DELIMITER); Properties props = new Properties(); // each statement should be "x=y" for(String statement : statements) { // the statement may contain a token which stands for an escaped key value delimiter or an escaped escape character // replace them with the intended unescaped character, this is what the user intended statement = untokenizeEscapedDelimiters(statement, processedForKeyValueDelimiter.getSecondMember(), KEY_VALUE_DELIMITER); Pair<String,String> processedForKeyValueSeparator = tokenizeEscapedDelimiters(statement, ESCAPED_KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR); String processedKeyValueSeparatorProperties = processedForKeyValueSeparator.getFirstMember(); String keyValueSeparatorToken = processedForKeyValueSeparator.getSecondMember(); if(processedKeyValueSeparatorProperties.contains(KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR)) { String[] subStatements = processedKeyValueSeparatorProperties.split(KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR); if(subStatements != null && (subStatements.length >= 1 && subStatements.length <= 2)) { String key = untokenizeEscapedDelimiters(subStatements[0], processedForEscapeCharacter.getSecondMember(), ESCAPE_CHARACTER); String value = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ if(subStatements.length == 2) { value = untokenizeEscapedDelimiters(subStatements[1], processedForEscapeCharacter.getSecondMember(), ESCAPE_CHARACTER); } key = untokenizeEscapedDelimiters(key, keyValueSeparatorToken, KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR); value = untokenizeEscapedDelimiters(value, keyValueSeparatorToken, KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR); props.setProperty(key, value); } else { SLF4JLoggerProxy.debug(Util.class, "Putative key/value \"{}\" discarded", //$NON-NLS-1$ (subStatements == null ? "null" : Arrays.toString(subStatements))); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } else { SLF4JLoggerProxy.debug(Util.class, "Putative key/value \"{}\" discarded because it does not contain '{}'", //$NON-NLS-1$ processedKeyValueSeparatorProperties, KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR); } } return props; } /** * Takes the given source and replaces the given escaped delimiter with an arbitrary token guaranteed to not already exist * in the given source. * * <p>The token chosen to replace the escaped delimiter will not otherwise exist in the source. All occurrences * of the escaped delimiter will be replaced by the same token. * * <p>The returned value is the tuple of the processed source (escaped delimiter replaced by token) and the actual * token used to replace the escaped delimiter. Non-escaped delimiters will not be replaced. If the source does * not contain the escaped delimiter, the source is returned unmodified. The second member of the returned tuple * is a generated token that may be ignored. * * @param inSource a <code>String</code> value containing the source to be processed * @param inEscapedDelimiter a <code>String</code> value containing the escaped delimiter to be removed * @return a <code>Pair<String,String></code> value containing the tuple of the processed source and the token used */ private static Pair<String,String> tokenizeEscapedDelimiters(String inSource, String inEscapedDelimiter) { String generatedToken = String.format(PROCESSING_TOKEN, counter.incrementAndGet()); String result = inSource; // create a token that is guaranteed not to be in the source while(inSource.contains(generatedToken)) { generatedToken = String.format(PROCESSING_TOKEN, counter.incrementAndGet()); } result = inSource.replace(inEscapedDelimiter, generatedToken); return new Pair<String,String>(result, generatedToken); } /** * Takes the given source and replaces the given token with the given delimiter. * * <p>If the source does not contain the given token, the source will be returned unmodified. * * @param inSource a <code>String</code> value containing source to be untokenized * @param inToken a <code>String</code> value containing the token to replace * @param inDelimiter a <code>String</code> value containing the value to replace the tokens with * @return */ private static String untokenizeEscapedDelimiters(String inSource, String inToken, String inDelimiter) { return inSource.replace(inToken, inDelimiter); } /** * Creates a <code>String</code> object from the given <code>Properties</code> object. * * <p>This function returns a <code>String</code> containing a series of key/value pairs representing this object. * Each key/value pair is separated by the {@link #KEY_VALUE_DELIMITER}. The pairs themselves are separated by * {@link #KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR}. * * <p>Note that if any of the keys or values of the <code>Properties</code> object contains any of * {@link #KEY_VALUE_DELIMITER}, {@link #KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR}, or {@link #ESCAPE_CHARACTER} character, * the resulting String will have these values escaped with the {@link #ESCAPE_CHARACTER}. * * @param inProperties a <code>Properties</code> value * @return a <code>String</code> value or null if <code>inProperties</code> is null or empty */ public static String propertiesToString(Properties inProperties) { if(inProperties == null || inProperties.isEmpty()) { return null; } StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer(); boolean delimiterNeeded = false; for(Object keyObject : inProperties.keySet()) { if(delimiterNeeded) { output.append(KEY_VALUE_DELIMITER); } else { delimiterNeeded = true; } String key = (String)keyObject; String value = (String)inProperties.getProperty(key); // escape ESCAPE_CHARACTER, KEY_VALUE_DELIMITER, and KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR String escapedKey = untokenizeEscapedDelimiters(key, ESCAPE_CHARACTER, ESCAPED_ESCAPE_CHARACTER); escapedKey = untokenizeEscapedDelimiters(escapedKey, KEY_VALUE_DELIMITER, ESCAPED_KEY_VALUE_DELIMITER); escapedKey = untokenizeEscapedDelimiters(escapedKey, KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR, ESCAPED_KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR); String escapedValue = untokenizeEscapedDelimiters(value, ESCAPE_CHARACTER, ESCAPED_ESCAPE_CHARACTER); escapedValue = untokenizeEscapedDelimiters(escapedValue, KEY_VALUE_DELIMITER, ESCAPED_KEY_VALUE_DELIMITER); escapedValue = untokenizeEscapedDelimiters(escapedValue, KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR, ESCAPED_KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR); output.append(escapedKey).append(KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR).append(escapedValue); } return output.toString(); } /** * Returns the name portion of the given application ID. * * @param id The application ID. It may be null. * @return The name portion. It may be null if the provided ID * lacks a name. */ public static String getName(AppId id) { if ((id == null) || (id.getValue() == null)) { return null; } int index = id.getValue().indexOf(APP_ID_VERSION_SEPARATOR); String value = index == -1 ? id.getValue() : id.getValue().substring(0, index); return value.isEmpty() ? null : value; } /** * Returns the version portion of the given application ID. * * @param id The application ID. It may be null. * * @return The version portion. It may be null if the provided ID * lacks a version. */ public static String getVersion(AppId id) { if ((id==null) || (id.getValue()==null)) { return null; } int index=id.getValue().indexOf(APP_ID_VERSION_SEPARATOR); if (index==-1) { return null; } index++; if (index>=id.getValue().length()) { return null; } return id.getValue().substring(index); } /** * Returns an AppId, given the app name and version. * * @param inName the application name. * @param inVersion the application version. * * @return the application version instance. */ public static AppId getAppId(String inName, String inVersion) { return new AppId(inName + APP_ID_VERSION_SEPARATOR + inVersion); } /** * The the version separator used to separate Application Name and Version * number in application IDs. */ private static final String APP_ID_VERSION_SEPARATOR="/"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * counter used to guarantee unique tokens */ private static final AtomicLong counter = new AtomicLong(0); }