package org.keycloak.testsuite.performance; import org.jboss.logging.Logger; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.keycloak.testsuite.adapter.AbstractExampleAdapterTest; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import static org.keycloak.testsuite.util.WaitUtils.pause; /** * PerformanceTest. * * @author tkyjovsk */ public abstract class PerformanceTest extends AbstractExampleAdapterTest { public static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(PerformanceTest.class); public static final Integer WARMUP_LOAD = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("warmup.load", "5")); public static final Integer WARMUP_DURATION = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("warmup.duration", "30")); public static final Integer INITIAL_LOAD = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("initial.load", "10")); // load for the first iteration public static final Integer LOAD_INCREASE = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("load.increase", "10")); // how many threads to add before each iteration public static final Integer LOAD_INCREASE_RATE = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("load.increase.rate", "2")); // how fast to add the new threads per second public static final Integer MEASUREMENT_DURATION = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("measurement.duration", "20")); // duration of one measurement iteration public static final Integer MAX_ITERATIONS = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("max.iterations", "10")); public static final Integer MAX_THREADS = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("max.threads", "1000")); public static final Integer SLEEP_BETWEEN_LOOPS = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("sleep.between.loops", "0")); public static final Integer THREADPOOL_TERMINATION_TIMEOUT = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("threadpool.termination.timeout", "10")); public static final Integer ADDITIONAL_SLEEP_AFTER = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("additional.sleep.after", "0")); public static final String SCENARIO_TIME = "SCENARIO"; private int currentLoad; private ExecutorService executorService; protected PerformanceStatistics statistics = new PerformanceStatistics(); protected PerformanceStatistics timeoutStatistics = new PerformanceStatistics(); // for keeping track of # of conn. timeout exceptions protected List<PerformanceMeasurement> measurements = new ArrayList<>(); @Before public void before() { if (WARMUP_LOAD > INITIAL_LOAD) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("'warmup.load' cannot be larger than 'initial.load'"); } executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(MAX_THREADS); currentLoad = 0; statistics.clear(); timeoutStatistics.clear(); } @After public void after() throws IOException, InterruptedException { executorService.shutdown();"Waiting for threadpool termination."); executorService.awaitTermination(THREADPOOL_TERMINATION_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.SECONDS); pause(ADDITIONAL_SLEEP_AFTER * 1000);"Logging out all sessions."); testRealmResource().logoutAll(); } @Test public void test() { increaseLoadBy(WARMUP_LOAD); // increase to warmup load warmup(); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ITERATIONS; i++) { int loadIncrease = (i == 0) ? INITIAL_LOAD - WARMUP_LOAD // increase from warmup to initial load : LOAD_INCREASE; // increase load between measurements increaseLoadBy(loadIncrease); measurePerformance(); if (!isThereEnoughThreadsForNextIteration(LOAD_INCREASE)) { LOG.warn("Threadpool capacity reached. Stopping the test."); break; } if (!isLatestMeasurementWithinLimits()) { LOG.warn("The latest measurement exceeded expected limit. Stopping the test."); break; } } } private void warmup() {"Warming up for " + WARMUP_DURATION + " s"); pauseWithErrorChecking(WARMUP_DURATION * 1000); } private boolean isThereEnoughThreadsForNextIteration(int loadIncrease) { return currentLoad + loadIncrease <= MAX_THREADS; } private void increaseLoadBy(int loadIncrease) { if (loadIncrease < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot increase load by a negative number (" + loadIncrease + ")."); } if (!isThereEnoughThreadsForNextIteration(loadIncrease)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot increase load beyond threadpool capacity (" + MAX_THREADS + ")."); } if (loadIncrease > 0) {"Increasing load from %s to %s at +%s clients/s.", currentLoad, currentLoad + loadIncrease, LOAD_INCREASE_RATE)); for (int t = 0; t < loadIncrease; t++) { executorService.submit(newRunnable()); currentLoad++; pauseWithErrorChecking(1000 / LOAD_INCREASE_RATE); } } } private void measurePerformance() { PerformanceMeasurement measurement = new PerformanceMeasurement(currentLoad); statistics.reset(); timeoutStatistics.reset();"Measuring performance. Iteration: %s, Load: %s, Duration: %s s", measurements.size() + 1, currentLoad, MEASUREMENT_DURATION)); pauseWithErrorChecking(MEASUREMENT_DURATION * 1000); measurement.setStatistics( statistics.snapshot(), timeoutStatistics.snapshot()); measurements.add(measurement); measurement.printToCSV(getTestName()); measurement.printToLog(); } private Throwable error = null; public synchronized Throwable getError() { return error; } public synchronized void setError(Throwable error) { this.error = error; } protected void pauseWithErrorChecking(long millis) { pauseWithErrorChecking(millis, 1000); } protected void pauseWithErrorChecking(long millis, long checkDurationMillis) { long checkDurationMillisMin = Math.min(millis, checkDurationMillis); long checkCount = millis / checkDurationMillis; long remainder = millis % checkDurationMillis; LOG.debug(String.format("Pause %s ms, checking errors once per %s ms", millis, checkDurationMillisMin)); for (int i = 0; i < checkCount + 1; i++) { // loop 'count' times + once for remainder if (i < checkCount || remainder > 0) { // on last iteration check if any remainder pause(checkDurationMillisMin); if (getError() != null) { throw new RuntimeException("PerformanceTestRunnable threw an exception. Stopping the test.", getError()); } } } } protected PerformanceMeasurement getLatestMeasurement() { return measurements.isEmpty() ? null : measurements.get(measurements.size() - 1); } protected boolean isLatestMeasurementWithinLimits() { return isMeasurementWithinLimits(getLatestMeasurement()); } protected abstract boolean isMeasurementWithinLimits(PerformanceMeasurement measurement); protected abstract Runnable newRunnable(); public abstract class Runnable extends LoopingRunnable { protected final Timer timer; // for timing individual operations/requests private final Timer scenarioTimer; // for timing the whole scenario public Runnable() { super(SLEEP_BETWEEN_LOOPS * 1000); this.timer = new Timer(); this.scenarioTimer = new Timer(); } @Override public void loop() { try { scenarioTimer.reset(); performanceScenario(); statistics.addValue(SCENARIO_TIME, scenarioTimer.getElapsedTime()); } catch (OperationTimeoutException ex) { timeoutStatistics.addValue(ex.getStatistic(), ex.getValue()); LOG.debug(String.format("Operation %s timed out. Cause: %s.", ex.getStatistic(), ex.getCause())); } catch (AssertionError | Exception ex) { setError(ex); throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } public abstract void performanceScenario() throws Exception; } public String getTestName() { return this.getClass().getSimpleName(); } }