package org.keycloak.models.cache.infinispan; import org.infinispan.Cache; import org.jboss.logging.Logger; import org.keycloak.cluster.ClusterProvider; import; import org.keycloak.models.KeycloakSession; import org.keycloak.models.cache.infinispan.entities.Revisioned; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.function.Predicate; /** * * Some notes on how this works: * This implementation manages optimistic locking and version checks itself. The reason is Infinispan just does behave * the way we need it to. Not saying Infinispan is bad, just that we have specific caching requirements! * * This is an invalidation cache implementation and requires to caches: * Cache 1 is an Invalidation Cache * Cache 2 is a local-only revision number cache. * * * Each node in the cluster maintains its own revision number cache for each entry in the main invalidation cache. This revision * cache holds the version counter for each cached entity. * * Cache listeners do not receive a @CacheEntryInvalidated event if that node does not have an entry for that item. So, consider the following. 1. Node 1 gets current counter for user. There currently isn't one as this user isn't cached. 2. Node 1 reads user from DB 3. Node 2 updates user 4. Node 2 calls cache.remove(user). This does not result in an invalidation listener event to node 1! 5. node 1 checks version counter, checks pass. Stale entry is cached. The issue is that Node 1 doesn't have an entry for the user, so it never receives an invalidation listener event from Node 2 thus it can't bump the version. So, when node 1 goes to cache the user it is stale as the version number was never bumped. So how is this issue fixed? here is pseudo code: 1. Node 1 calls cacheManager.getCurrentRevision() to get the current local version counter of that User 2. Node 1 getCurrentRevision() pulls current counter for that user 3. Node 1 getCurrentRevision() adds a "invalidation.key.userid" to invalidation cache. Its just a marker. nothing else 4. Node 2 update user 5. Node 2 does a cache.remove(user) cache.remove(invalidation.key.userid) 6. Node 1 receives invalidation event for invalidation.key.userid. Bumps the version counter for that user 7. node 1 version check fails, it doesn't cache the user * * @author <a href="">Bill Burke</a> * @version $Revision: 1 $ */ public abstract class CacheManager { protected final Cache<String, Long> revisions; protected final Cache<String, Revisioned> cache; protected final UpdateCounter counter = new UpdateCounter(); public CacheManager(Cache<String, Revisioned> cache, Cache<String, Long> revisions) { this.cache = cache; this.revisions = revisions; } protected abstract Logger getLogger(); public Cache<String, Revisioned> getCache() { return cache; } public long getCurrentCounter() { return counter.current(); } public Long getCurrentRevision(String id) { Long revision = revisions.get(id); if (revision == null) { revision = counter.current(); } return revision; } public void endRevisionBatch() { try { revisions.endBatch(true); } catch (Exception e) { } } public <T> T get(String id, Class<T> type) { Revisioned o = (Revisioned)cache.get(id); if (o == null) { return null; } Long rev = revisions.get(id); if (rev == null) { if (getLogger().isTraceEnabled()) { getLogger().tracev("get() missing rev {0}", id); } return null; } long oRev = o.getRevision() == null ? -1L : o.getRevision().longValue(); if (rev > oRev) { if (getLogger().isTraceEnabled()) { getLogger().tracev("get() rev: {0} o.rev: {1}", rev.longValue(), oRev); } return null; } return o != null && type.isInstance(o) ? type.cast(o) : null; } public Object invalidateObject(String id) { Revisioned removed = (Revisioned)cache.remove(id); if (getLogger().isTraceEnabled()) { getLogger().tracef("Removed key='%s', value='%s' from cache", id, removed); } bumpVersion(id); return removed; } protected void bumpVersion(String id) { long next =; Object rev = revisions.put(id, next); } public void addRevisioned(Revisioned object, long startupRevision) { addRevisioned(object, startupRevision, -1); } public void addRevisioned(Revisioned object, long startupRevision, long lifespan) { //startRevisionBatch(); String id = object.getId(); try { //revisions.getAdvancedCache().lock(id); Long rev = revisions.get(id); if (rev == null) { rev = counter.current(); revisions.put(id, rev); } revisions.startBatch(); if (!revisions.getAdvancedCache().lock(id)) { if (getLogger().isTraceEnabled()) { getLogger().tracev("Could not obtain version lock: {0}", id); } return; } rev = revisions.get(id); if (rev == null) { return; } if (rev > startupRevision) { // revision is ahead transaction start. Other transaction updated in the meantime. Don't cache if (getLogger().isTraceEnabled()) { getLogger().tracev("Skipped cache. Current revision {0}, Transaction start revision {1}", object.getRevision(), startupRevision); } return; } if (rev.equals(object.getRevision())) { cache.putForExternalRead(id, object); return; } if (rev > object.getRevision()) { // revision is ahead, don't cache if (getLogger().isTraceEnabled()) getLogger().tracev("Skipped cache. Object revision {0}, Cache revision {1}", object.getRevision(), rev); return; } // revisions cache has a lower value than the object.revision, so update revision and add it to cache revisions.put(id, object.getRevision()); if (lifespan < 0) cache.putForExternalRead(id, object); else cache.putForExternalRead(id, object, lifespan, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } finally { endRevisionBatch(); } } public void clear() { cache.clear(); revisions.clear(); } public void addInvalidations(Predicate<Map.Entry<String, Revisioned>> predicate, Set<String> invalidations) { Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Revisioned>> it = getEntryIterator(predicate); while (it.hasNext()) { invalidations.add(; } } private Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Revisioned>> getEntryIterator(Predicate<Map.Entry<String, Revisioned>> predicate) { return cache .entrySet() .stream() .filter(predicate).iterator(); } public void sendInvalidationEvents(KeycloakSession session, Collection<InvalidationEvent> invalidationEvents) { ClusterProvider clusterProvider = session.getProvider(ClusterProvider.class); // Maybe add InvalidationEvent, which will be collection of all invalidationEvents? That will reduce cluster traffic even more. for (InvalidationEvent event : invalidationEvents) { clusterProvider.notify(generateEventId(event), event, true); } } protected String generateEventId(InvalidationEvent event) { return new StringBuilder(event.getId()) .append("_") .append(event.hashCode()) .toString(); } public void invalidationEventReceived(InvalidationEvent event) { Set<String> invalidations = new HashSet<>(); addInvalidationsFromEvent(event, invalidations); getLogger().debugf("Invalidating %d cache items after received event %s", invalidations.size(), event); for (String invalidation : invalidations) { invalidateObject(invalidation); } } protected abstract void addInvalidationsFromEvent(InvalidationEvent event, Set<String> invalidations); }