/* * Copyright 2016 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates * and other contributors as indicated by the @author tags. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.keycloak.client.admin.cli.commands; import org.jboss.aesh.cl.CommandDefinition; import org.jboss.aesh.cl.Option; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.StringWriter; import static org.keycloak.client.admin.cli.util.ConfigUtil.DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_STRING; import static org.keycloak.client.admin.cli.util.OsUtil.CMD; import static org.keycloak.client.admin.cli.util.OsUtil.EOL; import static org.keycloak.client.admin.cli.util.OsUtil.OS_ARCH; import static org.keycloak.client.admin.cli.util.OsUtil.PROMPT; /** * @author <a href="mailto:mstrukel@redhat.com">Marko Strukelj</a> */ @CommandDefinition(name = "create", description = "Command to create new resources") public class CreateCmd extends AbstractRequestCmd { @Option(shortName = 'f', name = "file", description = "Read object from file or standard input if FILENAME is set to '-'") String file; @Option(shortName = 'b', name = "body", description = "JSON object to be sent as-is or used as a template") String body; @Option(shortName = 'F', name = "fields", description = "A pattern specifying which attributes of JSON response body to actually display as result - causes mismatch with Content-Length header", hasValue = true) String fields; @Option(shortName = 'H', name = "print-headers", description = "Print response headers", hasValue = false) boolean printHeaders; @Option(shortName = 'i', name = "id", description = "After creation only print id of created resource to standard output", hasValue = false) boolean returnId = false; @Option(shortName = 'o', name = "output", description = "After creation output the new resource to standard output", hasValue = false) boolean outputResult = false; @Option(shortName = 'c', name = "compressed", description = "Don't pretty print the output", hasValue = false) boolean compressed = false; //@OptionGroup(shortName = 's', name = "set", description = "Set attribute to the specified value") //Map<String, String> attributes = new LinkedHashMap<>(); @Override void initOptions() { // set options on parent super.file = file; super.body = body; super.fields = fields; super.printHeaders = printHeaders; super.returnId = returnId; super.outputResult = outputResult; super.compressed = compressed; super.httpVerb = "post"; } @Override protected boolean nothingToDo() { return noOptions() && file == null && body == null && (args == null || args.size() == 0); } protected String suggestHelp() { return EOL + "Try '" + CMD + " help create' for more information"; } protected String help() { return usage(); } public static String usage() { StringWriter sb = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(sb); out.println("Usage: " + CMD + " create ENDPOINT_URI [ARGUMENTS]"); out.println(); out.println("Command to create new resources on the server."); out.println(); out.println("Use `" + CMD + " config credentials` to establish an authenticated sessions, or use CREDENTIALS OPTIONS"); out.println("to perform one time authentication."); out.println(); out.println("Arguments:"); out.println(); out.println(" Global options:"); out.println(" -x Print full stack trace when exiting with error"); out.println(" --config Path to the config file (" + DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_STRING + " by default)"); out.println(" --truststore PATH Path to a truststore containing trusted certificates"); out.println(" --trustpass PASSWORD Truststore password (prompted for if not specified and --truststore is used)"); out.println(" CREDENTIALS OPTIONS Same set of options as accepted by '" + CMD + " config credentials' in order to establish"); out.println(" an authenticated sessions. This allows on-the-fly transient authentication that does"); out.println(" not touch a config file."); out.println(); out.println(" Command specific options:"); out.println(" ENDPOINT_URI URI used to compose a target resource url. Commonly used values are:"); out.println(" realms, users, roles, groups, clients, keys, serverinfo, components ..."); out.println(" If it starts with 'http://' then it will be used as target resource url"); out.println(" -r, --target-realm REALM Target realm to issue requests against if not the one authenticated against"); out.println(" -s, --set NAME=VALUE Set a specific attribute NAME to a specified value VALUE"); out.println(" -d, --delete NAME Remove a specific attribute NAME from JSON request body"); out.println(" -f, --file FILENAME Read object from file or standard input if FILENAME is set to '-'"); out.println(" -b, --body CONTENT Content to be sent as-is or used as a JSON object template"); out.println(" -q, --query NAME=VALUE Add to request URI a NAME query parameter with value VALUE"); out.println(" -h, --header NAME=VALUE Set request header NAME to VALUE"); out.println(); out.println(" -H, --print-headers Print response headers"); out.println(" -o, --output After creation output the new resource to standard output"); out.println(" -i, --id After creation only print id of the new resource to standard output"); out.println(" -F, --fields FILTER A filter pattern to specify which fields of a JSON response to output"); out.println(" -c, --compressed Don't pretty print the output"); out.println(" -a, --admin-root URL URL of Admin REST endpoint root if not default - e.g. http://localhost:8080/auth/admin"); out.println(); out.println(); out.println("Nested attributes are supported by using '.' to separate components of a KEY. Optionaly, the KEY components "); out.println("can be quoted with double quotes - e.g. my_client.attributes.\"external.user.id\". If VALUE starts with [ and "); out.println("ends with ] the attribute will be set as a JSON array. If VALUE starts with { and ends with } the attribute "); out.println("will be set as a JSON object. If KEY ends with an array index - e.g. clients[3]=VALUE - then the specified item"); out.println("of the array is updated. If KEY+=VALUE syntax is used, then KEY is assumed to be an array, and another item is"); out.println("added to it."); out.println(); out.println("Attributes can also be deleted. If KEY ends with an array index, then the targeted item of an array is removed"); out.println("and the following items are shifted."); out.println(); out.println(); out.println("Examples:"); out.println(); out.println("Create a new realm:"); out.println(" " + PROMPT + " " + CMD + " create realms -s realm=demorealm -s enabled=true"); out.println(); out.println("Create a new realm role in realm 'demorealm' returning newly created role:"); out.println(" " + PROMPT + " " + CMD + " create roles -r demorealm -s name=manage-all -o"); out.println(); out.println("Create a new user in realm 'demorealm' returning only 'id', and 'username' attributes:"); out.println(" " + PROMPT + " " + CMD + " create users -r demorealm -s username=testuser -s enabled=true -o --fields id,username"); out.println(); out.println("Create a new client using configuration read from standard input:"); if (OS_ARCH.isWindows()) { out.println(" " + PROMPT + " echo { \"clientId\": \"my_client\" } | " + CMD + " create clients -r demorealm -f -"); } else { out.println(" " + PROMPT + " " + CMD + " create clients -r demorealm -f - << EOF"); out.println(" {"); out.println(" \"clientId\": \"my_client\""); out.println(" }"); out.println(" EOF"); } out.println(); out.println("Create a new group using configuration JSON passed as 'body' argument:"); if (OS_ARCH.isWindows()) { out.println(" " + PROMPT + " " + CMD + " create groups -r demorealm -b \"{ \\\"name\\\": \\\"Admins\\\" }\""); } else { out.println(" " + PROMPT + " " + CMD + " create groups -r demorealm -b '{ \"name\": \"Admins\" }'"); } out.println(); out.println("Create a client using file as a template, and override some attributes - return an 'id' of new client:"); if (OS_ARCH.isWindows()) { out.println(" " + PROMPT + " " + CMD + " create clients -r demorealm -f my_client.json -s clientId=my_client2 -s \"redirectUris=[\\\"http://localhost:8980/myapp/*\\\"]\" -i"); } else { out.println(" " + PROMPT + " " + CMD + " create clients -r demorealm -f my_client.json -s clientId=my_client2 -s 'redirectUris=[\"http://localhost:8980/myapp/*\"]' -i"); } out.println(); out.println("Create a new client role for client my_client in realm 'demorealm' (replace ID with output of previous example command):"); out.println(" " + PROMPT + " " + CMD + " create clients/ID/roles -r demorealm -s name=client_role"); out.println(); out.println(); out.println("Use '" + CMD + " help' for general information and a list of commands"); return sb.toString(); } }