package; import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass; import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod; /** * Base TestCase class */ public class BaseTestCase { /** * Method executed before the class is being tested. * * @throws Exception The exception by configuration */ @BeforeClass protected final void initialize() throws Exception { onInit(); } /** * Override this method to define the behavior to be executed before the class is being tested. * * @throws Exception The exception by configuration */ protected void onInit() throws Exception { // Do nothing } /** * Method executed before each test. * * @throws Exception The exception by configuration */ @BeforeMethod protected final void setUp() throws Exception { onSetUp(); } /** * Override this method to define the behavior to be executed before each test. * * @throws Exception The exception by configuration */ protected void onSetUp() throws Exception { // Do nothing } /** * Method executed after the class is being tested. * * @throws Exception The exception by configuration */ @AfterMethod protected final void tearDown() throws Exception { onTearDown(); } /** * Override this method to define the behavior to be executed after each test. * * @throws Exception The exception by configuration */ protected void onTearDown() throws Exception { // Do nothing } /** * Method executed after the class is being tested. * * @throws Exception The exception by configuration */ @AfterClass protected final void end() throws Exception { onEnd(); } /** * Override this method to define the behavior to be executed after the class is being tested. * * @throws Exception The exception by configuration */ protected void onEnd() throws Exception { // Do nothing } }