package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import; import; /** * Assertion tool class. Presents assertion methods with a more natural parameter order. The order is always * actualValue, expectedValue [, message]. * * @see org.testng.Assert */ public class Assert extends org.testng.Assert { /** * Asserts that two {@link Iterable} instances contain the same elements in no particular order. If they do not, an * AssertionError is thrown.<br> * This method replaces the use of {@link org.testng.Assert#assertEqualsNoOrder(Object[], Object[])}. * * @param actual The actual value. * @param expected The expected value. */ public static void assertEqualsNoOrder(Iterable<?> actual, Iterable<?> expected) { Assert.assertEqualsNoOrder(actual, expected, null); } /** * Asserts that two {@link Iterable} instances contain the same elements in no particular order. If they do not, an * AssertionError, with the given message, is thrown.<br> * This method replaces the use of {@link org.testng.Assert#assertEqualsNoOrder(Object[], Object[], String)}. * * @param actual The actual value. * @param expected The expected value. * @param message The assertion error message. */ public static void assertEqualsNoOrder(Iterable<?> actual, Iterable<?> expected, String message) { // Check if both iterables have the same size. org.testng.Assert.assertEquals(Iterables.size(actual), Iterables.size(expected), message); // Create a list based on the expected results. List<?> expectedList = Lists.newArrayList(expected); // Iterate over the obtained results and check if the expected list // contains the item. If the item is contained within the expected list // then it is removed from it so that repeated items can be checked. for (Object o : actual) { org.testng.Assert.assertTrue(expectedList.contains(o), message); expectedList.remove(o); } } /** * Asserts that two arrays contain the same elements in no particular order. If they do not, an AssertionError is * thrown.<br> * This method "overrides" the {@link org.testng.Assert#assertEqualsNoOrder(Object[], Object[])} method. It converts * the parameters to {@link ArrayList} instances and passes them as parameters to the * {@link Assert#assertEqualsNoOrder(Iterable, Iterable)} method. * * @param actual The actual value. * @param expected The expected value. */ public static void assertEqualsNoOrder(Object[] actual, Object[] expected) { Assert.assertEqualsNoOrder(Lists.newArrayList(actual), Lists.newArrayList(expected)); } /** * Asserts that two arrays contain the same elements in no particular order. If they do not, an AssertionError, with * the given message, is thrown.<br> * This method "overrides" the {@link org.testng.Assert#assertEqualsNoOrder(Object[], Object[], String)} method. It * converts the actual and expectedparamaters to {@link ArrayList} instances and passes them as parameters to the * {@link Assert#assertEqualsNoOrder(Iterable, Iterable, String)} method. * * @param actual The actual value. * @param expected The expected value. * @param message The assertion error message. */ public static void assertEqualsNoOrder(Object[] actual, Object[] expected, String message) { Assert.assertEqualsNoOrder(Lists.newArrayList(actual), Lists.newArrayList(expected), message); } /** * Asserts that a series of {@link Object} instances are not within a determined {@link Collection}. * * @param <T> The generic type of the contents and the collection. * @param container The {@link Collection} that is tested. * @param contents The series of contents to be tested if they are present in the collection. */ public static <T> void assertContentsNotPresent(Collection<T> container, Iterable<T> contents) { for (T content : contents) { org.testng.Assert.assertFalse(container.contains(content)); } } /** * Asserts that a series of {@link Object} instances are not within a determined {@link Collection}.<br> * Calls the {@link Assert#assertContentsNotPresent(Collection, Iterable)} method passing the contents as a * {@link List}. * * @see Assert#assertContentsNotPresent(Collection, Iterable) * @param <T> The generic type of the contents and the collection. * @param container The {@link Collection} that is tested. * @param contents The series of contents to be tested if they are present in the collection. */ @SafeVarargs public static <T> void assertContentsNotPresent(Collection<T> container, T... contents) { Assert.assertContentsNotPresent(container, Lists.newArrayList(contents)); } // /** // * Asserts that a list of Identifiables are the ones with the expected IDs.<br> // * Throws an {@link AssertionError} if they don't match. // * // * @param <T> Class that extends {@link Identifiable} // * @param actualIdentifiables The {@link List} of Identifiables to assert. // * @param expectedIds The {@link List} of expected IDs. // */ // public static <T extends Identifiable> void assertEntityIds(Collection<T> actualIdentifiables, // Collection<Long> expectedIds) { // Collection<Long> actualIds = Collections2.transform(actualIdentifiables, new IdPropertyFunction()); // org.testng.Assert.assertEquals(actualIds.size(), expectedIds.size()); // org.testng.Assert.assertEquals(Sets.newHashSet(actualIds), Sets.newHashSet(expectedIds)); // } }