package; import; import; public final class LocalizationUtils { /** * Returns a formatted string, using the localized resource as format and the supplied arguments * * @param resId The resource id to obtain the format * @param args arguments to replace format specifiers * @return The localized and formatted string */ public static String getString(int resId, Object... args) { return AbstractApplication.get().getString(resId, args); } public static String getTitle(ErrorCode errorCode) { if ((errorCode != null) && (errorCode.getTitleResId() != null)) { return LocalizationUtils.getString(errorCode.getTitleResId()); } else { return null; } } public static String getTitle(ErrorCode errorCode, Object... args) { if ((errorCode != null) && (errorCode.getTitleResId() != null)) { return LocalizationUtils.getString(errorCode.getTitleResId(), args); } else { return null; } } public static String getDescription(ErrorCode errorCode) { if ((errorCode != null) && (errorCode.getDescriptionResId() != null)) { return LocalizationUtils.getString(errorCode.getDescriptionResId()); } else { return null; } } public static String getDescription(ErrorCode errorCode, Object... args) { if ((errorCode != null) && (errorCode.getDescriptionResId() != null)) { return LocalizationUtils.getString(errorCode.getDescriptionResId(), args); } else { return null; } } }