package; import; import; import; import; import; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.View; public interface ComponentIf { // //////////////////////// Layout //////////////////////// // /** * Finds a view that was identified by the id attribute from the XML that was processed in * {@link Fragment#onCreateView(android.view.LayoutInflater, android.view.ViewGroup, android.os.Bundle)} * * @param id The id to search for. * @param <V> The {@link View} class * * @return The view if found or null otherwise. */ public <V extends View> V findView(@IdRes int id); /** * Inflate a new view hierarchy from the specified xml resource. * * @param resource ID for an XML layout resource to load * @return The root View of the inflated XML file. */ public View inflate(@LayoutRes int resource); // //////////////////////// Life cycle //////////////////////// // /** * @param key The key of the intent extra * @param <E> The instance type * @return the entry with the given key as an object. */ public <E> E getExtra(String key); @MenuRes public Integer getMenuResourceId(); public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item); public Boolean onBackPressedHandled(); // //////////////////////// Loading //////////////////////// // public void showLoading(); public void dismissLoading(); // //////////////////////// Others //////////////////////// // /** * Runs the specified action on the UI thread. If the current thread is the UI thread, then the action is executed * immediately. If the current thread is not the UI thread, the action is posted to the event queue of the UI * thread. * * If the current {@link Activity} is not equals to this, then no action is executed * * @param runnable the action to run on the UI thread */ public void executeOnUIThread(Runnable runnable); }