package; import; import; import; public enum Hasher { SHA_1("SHA-1"), SHA_512("SHA-512"); private String algorithm; private Hasher(String algorithm) { this.algorithm = algorithm; } /** * Algorithm that returns a Hashed string of the value given as parameter * * @param value the string to hash * @return String hashed value. */ public String hash(String value) { try { MessageDigest messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance(algorithm); messageDigest.reset(); messageDigest.update(value.getBytes()); byte[] hashed = messageDigest.digest(); return EncryptionUtils.toHex(hashed); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new UnexpectedException(e); } } public Boolean isSupported() { try { MessageDigest.getInstance(algorithm); return true; } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { return false; } } public static Hasher getSupportedHasher() { if (Hasher.SHA_512.isSupported()) { return Hasher.SHA_512; } else { return Hasher.SHA_1; } } }