package com.googlecode.gwt.test.i18n; import; import; import; @DefaultLocale("en") public interface MyMessages extends Messages { public enum Gender { FEMALE, MALE, UNKNOWN, } String a_message(String name, int number, boolean bool); @Key("1234") @DefaultMessage("This is a plain string.") String oneTwoThreeFour(); // @DefaultMessage("{0} likes their widgets.") // @AlternateMessage({ "FEMALE", "{0} likes her widgets.", "MALE", // "{0} likes his widgets.", }) // String alternateMessageWithSelect(String name, @Select Gender gender); // // @DefaultMessage("{0} gave away their {2} widgets") // @AlternateMessage({ "MALE|other", "{0} gave away his {2} widgets", // "FEMALE|other", "{0} gave away her {2} widgets", "MALE|one", // "{0} gave away his widget", "FEMALE|one", "{0} gave away her widget", // "other|one", "{0} gave away their widget", }) // String alternateMessageWithSelectAndPluralCount(String name, @Select // Gender // gender, @PluralCount int count); @DefaultMessage("No reference to the argument") String optionalArg(@Optional String ignored); @Meaning("the color") @DefaultMessage("orange") String orangeColor(); @Meaning("the fruit") @DefaultMessage("orange") SafeHtml orangeFruit(); @DefaultMessage("Your cart total is {0,number,currency}") @Description("The total value of the items in the shopping cart in local currency") String totalAmount(@Example("$5.00") double amount); @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @DefaultMessage("You have {0} widgets") @PluralText({"one", "You have {0} widget"}) String widgetCount(@PluralCount int count); }