package com.googlecode.gwt.test.internal.rewrite; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.googlecode.gwt.test.GwtTreeLogger; import org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader; import org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor; import org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter; import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes; import org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method; import java.util.*; /** * This class performs any and all byte code rewriting needed to make Overlay types work with * gwt-test-utils. * <ol> * <li>Rewrites all JSO types into an interface type (which retains the original name) and an * implementation type (which has a $ appended).</li> * <li>All JSO interface types are empty and mirror the original type hierarchy.</li> * <li>All JSO impl types contain the guts of the original type, except that all instance methods * are reimplemented as statics.</li> * <li>Calls sites to JSO types rewritten to dispatch to impl types. Any virtual calls are also made * static. Static field references to JSO types reference static fields in the the impl class.</li> * <li>JavaScriptObject$ implements all the interface types and is the only instantiable type.</li> * </ol> * <strong>For internal use only.</strong> * * @see RewriteRefsToJsoClasses * @see WriteJsoImpl */ public class OverlayTypesRewriter { /** * Implements {@link InstanceMethodOracle} on behalf of the {@link HostedModeClassRewriter}. * Implemented using {@link TypeOracle}. */ private class MyInstanceMethodOracle implements InstanceMethodOracle { private final Map<String, Set<JClassType>> signatureToDeclaringClasses = new HashMap<String, Set<JClassType>>(); public MyInstanceMethodOracle(Set<JClassType> jsoTypes, JClassType javaLangObject) { // Record that the JSO implements its own methods for (JClassType type : jsoTypes) { for (JMethod method : type.getMethods()) { if (!method.isStatic()) { assert !method.isAbstract() : "Abstract method in JSO type " + method; add(type, method); } } } /* * Record the implementing types for methods defined in SingleJsoImpl interfaces. We have * to make this pass because of possible variance in the return types between the abstract * method declaration in the interface and the concrete method. */ for (String intfName : jsoData.getSingleJsoIntfTypes()) { // We only store the name in the data block to keep it lightweight JClassType intf = typeOracle.findType(Name.InternalName.toSourceName(intfName)); JClassType jso = typeOracle.getSingleJsoImpl(intf); for (JMethod method : intf.getMethods()) { JClassType implementingJso = findImplementingTypeForMethod(jso, method); assert implementingJso != null : "Jso should contain method: " + method.getJsniSignature(); add(implementingJso, method); } } // Object clobbers everything. for (JMethod method : javaLangObject.getMethods()) { if (!method.isStatic()) { String signature = createSignature(method); Set<JClassType> declaringClasses = new HashSet<JClassType>(); signatureToDeclaringClasses.put(signature, declaringClasses); declaringClasses.add(javaLangObject); } } } public String findOriginalDeclaringClass(String desc, String signature) { // Lookup the method. Set<JClassType> declaringClasses = signatureToDeclaringClasses.get(signature); assert declaringClasses != null : "No classes for " + signature; if (declaringClasses.size() == 1) { // Shortcut: if there's only one answer, it must be right. return createDescriptor(declaringClasses.iterator().next()); } // Must check for assignability. String sourceName = desc.replace('/', '.'); sourceName = sourceName.replace('$', '.'); JClassType declaredType = typeOracle.findType(sourceName); // Check if I declare this directly. if (declaringClasses.contains(declaredType)) { return desc; } // Check to see what type I am assignable to. for (JClassType possibleSupertype : declaringClasses) { if (declaredType.isAssignableTo(possibleSupertype)) { return createDescriptor(possibleSupertype); } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not resolve signature '" + signature + "' from class '" + desc + "'"); } /** * Record that a given JSO type contains the concrete implementation of a (possibly abstract) * method. */ private void add(JClassType type, JMethod method) { String signature = createSignature(method); Set<JClassType> declaringClasses = signatureToDeclaringClasses.get(signature); if (declaringClasses == null) { declaringClasses = new HashSet<JClassType>(); signatureToDeclaringClasses.put(signature, declaringClasses); } declaringClasses.add(type); } private String createDescriptor(JClassType type) { String jniSignature = type.getJNISignature(); return jniSignature.substring(1, jniSignature.length() - 1); } private String createSignature(JMethod method) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(method.getName()); sb.append('('); for (JParameter param : method.getParameters()) { sb.append(param.getType().getJNISignature()); } sb.append(')'); sb.append(method.getReturnType().getJNISignature()); String signature = sb.toString(); return signature; } } /** * Cook up the data we need to support JSO subtypes that implement interfaces with methods. This * includes the set of SingleJsoImpl interfaces actually implemented by a JSO type, the mangled * method names, and the names of the Methods that should actually implement the virtual * functions. * <p> * Given the current implementation of JSO$ and incremental execution of rebinds, it's not * possible for Generators to produce additional JavaScriptObject subtypes, so this data can * remain static. */ private class MySingleJsoImplData implements SingleJsoImplData { private final SortedSet<String> mangledNames = new TreeSet<String>(); private final Map<String, List<Method>> mangledNamesToDeclarations = new HashMap<String, List<Method>>(); private final Map<String, List<Method>> mangledNamesToImplementations = new HashMap<String, List<Method>>(); private final Set<String> unmodifiableIntfNames = Collections.unmodifiableSet(singleJsoImplTypes); private final SortedSet<String> unmodifiableNames = Collections.unmodifiableSortedSet(mangledNames); public MySingleJsoImplData(TypeOracle typeOracle) { // Loop over all interfaces with JSO implementations typeLoop: for (JClassType type : typeOracle.getSingleJsoImplInterfaces()) { assert type.isInterface() == type : "Expecting interfaces only"; /* * By preemptively adding all possible mangled names by which a method could be called, * we greatly simplify the logic necessary to rewrite the call-site. * * interface A {void m();} * * interface B extends A {void z();} * * becomes * * c_g_p_A_m() -> JsoA$.m$() * * c_g_p_B_m() -> JsoA$.m$() * * c_g_p_B_z() -> JsoB$.z$() */ for (JMethod intfMethod : type.getOverridableMethods()) { assert intfMethod.isAbstract() : "Expecting only abstract methods"; /* * It is necessary to locate the implementing type on a per-method basis. Consider * the case of * * @SingleJsoImpl interface C extends A, B {} * * Methods inherited from interfaces A and B must be dispatched to their respective * JSO implementations. */ JClassType implementingType = typeOracle.getSingleJsoImpl(intfMethod.getEnclosingType()); if (implementingType == null || implementingType.isAnnotationPresent(GwtScriptOnly.class)) { /* * This means that there is no concrete implementation of the interface by a JSO. * Any implementation that might be created by a Generator won't be a JSO subtype, * so we'll just ignore it as an actionable type. Were Generators ever able to * create new JSO subtypes, we'd have to speculatively rewrite the callsite. */ continue typeLoop; } /* * Record the type as being actionable. */ singleJsoImplTypes.add(canonicalizeClassName(getBinaryName(type))); /* * The mangled name adds the current interface like * * com_foo_Bar_methodName */ String mangledName = getBinaryName(type).replace('.', '_') + "_" + intfMethod.getName(); mangledNames.add(mangledName); /* * Handle virtual overrides by finding the method that we would normally invoke and * using its declaring class as the dispatch target. */ JMethod implementingMethod; while ((implementingMethod = findOverloadUsingErasure(implementingType, intfMethod)) == null) { implementingType = implementingType.getSuperclass(); } // implementingmethod and implementingType cannot be null here /* * Create a pseudo-method declaration for the interface method. This should look * something like * * ReturnType method$ (ParamType, ParamType) * * This must be kept in sync with the WriteJsoImpl class. */ { String decl = getBinaryOrPrimitiveName(intfMethod.getReturnType().getErasedType()) + " " + intfMethod.getName() + "("; for (JParameter param : intfMethod.getParameters()) { decl += ","; decl += getBinaryOrPrimitiveName(param.getType().getErasedType()); } decl += ")"; Method declaration = Method.getMethod(decl); addToMap(mangledNamesToDeclarations, mangledName, declaration); } /* * Cook up the a pseudo-method declaration for the concrete type. This should look * something like * * ReturnType method$ (JsoType, ParamType, ParamType) * * This must be kept in sync with the WriteJsoImpl class. */ { String returnName = getBinaryOrPrimitiveName(implementingMethod.getReturnType().getErasedType()); String jsoName = getBinaryOrPrimitiveName(implementingType); String decl = returnName + " " + intfMethod.getName() + "$ (" + jsoName; for (JParameter param : implementingMethod.getParameters()) { decl += ","; decl += getBinaryOrPrimitiveName(param.getType().getErasedType()); } decl += ")"; Method toImplement = Method.getMethod(decl); addToMap(mangledNamesToImplementations, mangledName, toImplement); } } } TreeLogger logger = GwtTreeLogger.get(); if (logger.isLoggable(TreeLogger.SPAM)) { TreeLogger dumpLogger = logger.branch(TreeLogger.SPAM, "SingleJsoImpl method mappings"); for (Map.Entry<String, List<Method>> entry : mangledNamesToImplementations.entrySet()) { dumpLogger.log(TreeLogger.SPAM, entry.getKey() + " -> " + entry.getValue()); } } } public List<Method> getDeclarations(String mangledName) { List<Method> toReturn = mangledNamesToDeclarations.get(mangledName); return toReturn == null ? null : Collections.unmodifiableList(toReturn); } public List<Method> getImplementations(String mangledName) { List<Method> toReturn = mangledNamesToImplementations.get(mangledName); return toReturn == null ? toReturn : Collections.unmodifiableList(toReturn); } public SortedSet<String> getMangledNames() { return unmodifiableNames; } public Set<String> getSingleJsoIntfTypes() { return unmodifiableIntfNames; } /** * Assumes that the usual case is a 1:1 mapping. */ private <K, V> void addToMap(Map<K, List<V>> map, K key, V value) { List<V> list = map.get(key); if (list == null) { map.put(key, Lists.create(value)); } else { List<V> maybeOther = Lists.add(list, value); if (maybeOther != list) { map.put(key, maybeOther); } } } /** * Looks for a concrete implementation of <code>intfMethod</code> in * <code>implementingType</code>. */ private JMethod findOverloadUsingErasure(JClassType implementingType, JMethod intfMethod) { int numParams = intfMethod.getParameters().length; JType[] erasedTypes = new JType[numParams]; for (int i = 0; i < numParams; i++) { erasedTypes[i] = intfMethod.getParameters()[i].getType().getErasedType(); } outer: for (JMethod method : implementingType.getOverloads(intfMethod.getName())) { JParameter[] params = method.getParameters(); if (params.length != numParams) { continue; } for (int i = 0; i < numParams; i++) { if (params[i].getType().getErasedType() != erasedTypes[i]) { continue outer; } } return method; } return null; } } static final String JAVASCRIPTOBJECT_DESC = JsValueGlue.JSO_CLASS.replace('.', '/'); static final String JAVASCRIPTOBJECT_IMPL_DESC = JsValueGlue.JSO_IMPL_CLASS.replace('.', '/'); static String addSyntheticThisParam(String owner, String methodDescriptor) { return "(L" + owner + ";" + methodDescriptor.substring(1); } private static JClassType findImplementingTypeForMethod(JClassType type, JMethod method) { JType[] methodParamTypes = method.getErasedParameterTypes(); while (type != null) { for (JMethod candidate : type.getMethods()) { if (hasMatchingErasedSignature(method, methodParamTypes, candidate)) { return type; } } type = type.getSuperclass(); } return null; } private static boolean hasMatchingErasedSignature(JMethod a, JType[] aParamTypes, JMethod b) { if (!a.getName().equals(b.getName())) { return false; } JType[] bParamTypes = b.getErasedParameterTypes(); if (aParamTypes.length != bParamTypes.length) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < aParamTypes.length; ++i) { if (aParamTypes[i] != bParamTypes[i]) { return false; } } return true; } private static String toDescriptor(String jsoSubtype) { return jsoSubtype.replace('.', '/'); } private final CompilationState compilationState; private final SingleJsoImplData jsoData; /** * An unmodifiable set of descriptors containing the implementation form of * <code>JavaScriptObject</code> and all subclasses. */ private final Set<String> jsoImplDescs; /** * An unmodifiable set of descriptors containing the interface form of * <code>JavaScriptObject</code> and all subclasses. */ private final Set<String> jsoIntfDescs; /** * Records the superclass of every JSO for generating empty JSO interfaces. */ private final Map<String, List<String>> jsoSuperDescs; /** * Maps methods to the class in which they are declared. */ private final InstanceMethodOracle mapper; private final Set<String> singleJsoImplTypes = new HashSet<String>(); private final TypeOracle typeOracle; /** * @param compilationState the name of the GWT module under test * @param jsoType the type of JavaScriptObject */ public OverlayTypesRewriter(CompilationState compilationState, JClassType jsoType) { // Create a set of binary names. Set<JClassType> jsoTypes = new HashSet<JClassType>(); JClassType[] jsoSubtypes = jsoType.getSubtypes(); Collections.addAll(jsoTypes, jsoSubtypes); jsoTypes.add(jsoType); Set<String> jsoTypeNames = new HashSet<String>(); Map<String, List<String>> jsoSuperTypes = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); for (JClassType type : jsoTypes) { List<String> types = new ArrayList<String>(); types.add(getBinaryName(type.getSuperclass())); for (JClassType impl : type.getImplementedInterfaces()) { types.add(getBinaryName(impl)); } String binaryName = getBinaryName(type); jsoTypeNames.add(binaryName); jsoSuperTypes.put(binaryName, types); } Set<String> buildJsoIntfDescs = new HashSet<String>(); Set<String> buildJsoImplDescs = new HashSet<String>(); Map<String, List<String>> buildJsoSuperDescs = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); for (String jsoSubtype : jsoTypeNames) { String desc = toDescriptor(jsoSubtype); buildJsoIntfDescs.add(desc); buildJsoImplDescs.add(desc + "$"); List<String> superTypes = jsoSuperTypes.get(jsoSubtype); assert superTypes != null; assert superTypes.size() > 0; for (ListIterator<String> i = superTypes.listIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { i.set(toDescriptor(; } buildJsoSuperDescs.put(desc, Collections.unmodifiableList(superTypes)); } // FIXME: RegExp extends JavaScriptObject at runtime, don't know why... String notJsoDesc = toDescriptor(""); buildJsoIntfDescs.remove(notJsoDesc); buildJsoImplDescs.remove(notJsoDesc); buildJsoSuperDescs.remove(notJsoDesc); // FIXME: MatchResult extends JavaScriptObject at runtime, don't know // why... notJsoDesc = toDescriptor(""); buildJsoIntfDescs.remove(notJsoDesc); buildJsoImplDescs.remove(notJsoDesc); buildJsoSuperDescs.remove(notJsoDesc); // FIXME: SplitResult extends JavaScriptObject at runtime, don't know // why... notJsoDesc = toDescriptor(""); buildJsoIntfDescs.remove(notJsoDesc); buildJsoImplDescs.remove(notJsoDesc); buildJsoSuperDescs.remove(notJsoDesc); this.compilationState = compilationState; this.typeOracle = compilationState.getTypeOracle(); this.jsoIntfDescs = Collections.unmodifiableSet(buildJsoIntfDescs); this.jsoImplDescs = Collections.unmodifiableSet(buildJsoImplDescs); this.jsoSuperDescs = Collections.unmodifiableMap(buildJsoSuperDescs); this.jsoData = new MySingleJsoImplData(typeOracle); this.mapper = new MyInstanceMethodOracle(jsoTypes, typeOracle.getJavaLangObject()); } /** * Convert a binary class name into a resource-like name. */ public String canonicalizeClassName(String className) { String lookupClassName = className.replace('.', '/'); // A JSO impl class ends with $, strip it if (isJsoImpl(className)) { lookupClassName = lookupClassName.substring(0, lookupClassName.length() - 1); } return lookupClassName; } public CompilationState getCompilationState() { return compilationState; } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if the class is the implementation class for a JSO subtype. */ public boolean isJsoImpl(String className) { return jsoImplDescs.contains(toDescriptor(className)); } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if the class is the interface class for a JSO subtype. */ public boolean isJsoIntf(String className) { return jsoIntfDescs.contains(toDescriptor(className)); } /** * Performs rewriting transformations on a class. * * @param className the name of the class * @param classBytes the bytes of the class */ public byte[] rewrite(String className, byte[] classBytes) { Event classBytesRewriteEvent = SpeedTracerLogger.start(DevModeEventType.CLASS_BYTES_REWRITE, "Class Name", className); String desc = toDescriptor(className); assert !jsoIntfDescs.contains(desc); // The ASM model is to chain a bunch of visitors together. ClassWriter writer = new ClassWriter(0); ClassVisitor v = writer; // v = new CheckClassAdapter(v); // v = new TraceClassVisitor(v, new PrintWriter(System.out)); v = new UseMirroredClasses(v, className); v = new RewriteSingleJsoImplDispatches(v, typeOracle, jsoData); v = new RewriteRefsToJsoClasses(v, jsoIntfDescs, mapper); if (jsoImplDescs.contains(desc)) { v = WriteJsoImpl.create(v, desc, jsoIntfDescs, mapper, jsoData); } if (Double.parseDouble(System.getProperty("java.class.version")) < Opcodes.V1_6) { v = new ForceClassVersion15(v); } new ClassReader(classBytes).accept(v, 0); classBytesRewriteEvent.end(); return writer.toByteArray(); } public byte[] writeJsoIntf(String className) { String desc = toDescriptor(className); assert jsoIntfDescs.contains(desc); assert jsoSuperDescs.containsKey(desc); List<String> superDescs = jsoSuperDescs.get(desc); assert superDescs != null; assert superDescs.size() > 0; // The ASM model is to chain a bunch of visitors together. ClassWriter writer = new ClassWriter(0); ClassVisitor v = writer; // v = new CheckClassAdapter(v); // v = new TraceClassVisitor(v, new PrintWriter(System.out)); String[] interfaces; // TODO(bov): something better than linear? if (superDescs.contains("java/lang/Object")) { interfaces = null; } else { interfaces = superDescs.toArray(new String[superDescs.size()]); } v.visit(Opcodes.V1_5, Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | Opcodes.ACC_INTERFACE, desc, null, "java/lang/Object", interfaces); v.visitEnd(); return writer.toByteArray(); } private String getBinaryName(JClassType type) { String name = type.getPackage().getName() + '.'; name += type.getName().replace('.', '$'); return name; } private String getBinaryOrPrimitiveName(JType type) { JArrayType asArray = type.isArray(); JClassType asClass = type.isClassOrInterface(); JPrimitiveType asPrimitive = type.isPrimitive(); if (asClass != null) { return getBinaryName(asClass); } else if (asPrimitive != null) { return asPrimitive.getQualifiedSourceName(); } else if (asArray != null) { JType componentType = asArray.getComponentType(); return getBinaryOrPrimitiveName(componentType) + "[]"; } else { throw new InternalCompilerException("Cannot create binary name for " + type.getQualifiedSourceName()); } } }