package com.googlecode.gwt.test.internal.patchers; import; import; import; import com.googlecode.gwt.test.internal.AfterTestCallback; import com.googlecode.gwt.test.internal.AfterTestCallbackManager; import com.googlecode.gwt.test.patchers.PatchClass; import com.googlecode.gwt.test.patchers.PatchMethod; import com.googlecode.gwt.test.patchers.PatchMethod.ParamType; import com.googlecode.gwt.test.utils.GwtReflectionUtils; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; @PatchClass(target = HistoryImplPatcher.HISTORY_IMPL) class HistoryImplPatcher { static final String HISTORY_IMPL = "$HistoryImpl"; static class GwtBrowserHistory implements AfterTestCallback { private int currentIndex; private final List<String> stack; GwtBrowserHistory() { this.stack = new ArrayList<String>(); this.currentIndex = -1; AfterTestCallbackManager.get().registerCallback(this); } /** * Add a new token in the history if it does not equal the current token * * @param token */ public void addToken(String token) { String current = getCurrentToken(); if (!current.equals(token)) { // remove possible token which could be reach with a forward so it // won't // be possible anymore while (stack.size() > currentIndex + 1) { stack.remove(stack.size() - 1); } stack.add(token); currentIndex = stack.size() - 1; } } public void afterTest() throws Throwable { stack.clear(); currentIndex = -1; Object historyImpl = GwtReflectionUtils.getStaticFieldValue(History.class, "historyEventSource"); GwtReflectionUtils.callPrivateMethod(GwtReflectionUtils.getPrivateFieldValue( GwtReflectionUtils.getPrivateFieldValue( GwtReflectionUtils.getPrivateFieldValue(historyImpl, "handlers"), "eventBus"), "map"), "clear"); GwtReflectionUtils.setStaticField(History.class, "token", ""); } /** * Simulate a Browser back button click * * @return the previous token or an empty String */ public String back() { String token = null; boolean fireEvent = false; switch (currentIndex) { case 0: currentIndex--; fireEvent = true; case -1: token = ""; break; default: fireEvent = true; token = stack.get(--currentIndex); } if (fireEvent) { fireHistoryChanged(token); } return token; } /** * Simulate a Browser forward button click * * @return the next token or an empty String */ public String forward() { if (currentIndex >= stack.size() - 1) { return ""; } else { String token = stack.get(++currentIndex); fireHistoryChanged(token); return token; } } /** * Return the current token in history * * @return the current token in history or an empty String if no token is set in the URL */ public String getCurrentToken() { return (currentIndex == -1) ? "" : stack.get(currentIndex); } private void fireHistoryChanged(String token) { Object impl = GwtReflectionUtils.getStaticFieldValue(History.class, "historyEventSource"); try { Method method = GwtReflectionUtils.findMethod(impl.getClass(), "fireValueChangedEvent", String.class); method.invoke(impl, token); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } static GwtBrowserHistory BROWSER_HISTORY = new GwtBrowserHistory(); @PatchMethod static String encodeHistoryToken(@ParamType(HISTORY_IMPL) Object impl, String fragment) { return URL.encodeQueryString(fragment).replace("#", "%23"); } @PatchMethod static void newToken(@ParamType(HISTORY_IMPL) Object impl, String token) { if (token == null) { token = ""; } BROWSER_HISTORY.addToken(token); } @PatchMethod static String getToken() { return BROWSER_HISTORY.getCurrentToken(); } @PatchMethod static boolean init(@ParamType(HISTORY_IMPL) Object historyImpl) { String hash = Window.Location.getHash(); int index = hash.indexOf("#"); if (index > -1) { String token = hash.substring(index + 1); GwtReflectionUtils.callPrivateMethod(historyImpl, "setToken", token); nativeUpdate(historyImpl, token); } return true; } @PatchMethod static void nativeUpdate(@ParamType(HISTORY_IMPL) Object historyImpl, String historyToken) { if (historyToken == null) { historyToken = ""; } BROWSER_HISTORY.addToken(historyToken); } @PatchMethod static void attachListener(@ParamType(HISTORY_IMPL) Object historyImpl) { } }