package com.googlecode.gwt.test.uibinder; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import com.googlecode.gwt.test.exceptions.GwtTestUiBinderException; import com.googlecode.gwt.test.exceptions.ReflectionException; import com.googlecode.gwt.test.internal.utils.JsoUtils; import com.googlecode.gwt.test.utils.GwtReflectionUtils; import com.googlecode.gwt.test.utils.JavaScriptObjects; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Base handler for any object tag (e.g. <g:Xxx /> tags, where Xxx is either {@link UIObject} * subclass or a {@link IsWidget} subtype. This class is expected to be extended to add custom code * to handle specific widget / attributes. * * @param <T> The wrapped object subtype * @author Gael Lazzari * @see UiObjectTag#instanciate(Class, Map, Object) * @see UiObjectTag#initializeObject(Object, Map, Object) * @see UiObjectTag#finalizeObject(Object) */ public abstract class UiObjectTag<T> implements UiTag<T> { private static class UiChildMethodHolder { int invocationCount; int invocationLimit; Method uiChildMethod; } private UiTag<?> parentTag; private Map<String, UiChildMethodHolder> uiChildMethodMap; private T wrapped; /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.googlecode.gwt.test.uibinder.UiTag#addElement( .Element ) */ public final void addElement(Element element) { String namespaceURI = JavaScriptObjects.getString(element, UiElementTag.UIBINDER_XML_NAMESPACE); appendElement(this.wrapped, element, namespaceURI, UiBinderXmlUtils.getChildWidgets(element)); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.googlecode.gwt.test.uibinder.UiTag#addUiObject( client * .ui.UIObject) */ public final void addUiObject(UIObject uiObject) { addUIObject(this.wrapped, uiObject); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.googlecode.gwt.test.uibinder.UiTag#addWidget( .ui * .IsWidget) */ public final void addWidget(IsWidget isWidget) { addWidget(this.wrapped, isWidget); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.googlecode.gwt.test.uibinder.UiTag#appendText(java.lang.String) */ public final void appendText(String data) { if (!"".equals(data.trim())) { appendText(this.wrapped, data); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.googlecode.gwt.test.uibinder.UiTag#endTag() */ public final T endTag() { finalizeObject(wrapped); return wrapped; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.googlecode.gwt.test.uibinder.UiTag#getParentTag() */ public final UiTag<?> getParentTag() { return parentTag; } /** * Add a new UIObject which is not a {@link IsWidget} instance as a child to this uiObject. This * implementation does nothing, the method is expected to be overridden. * * @param wrapped The wrapped uiObject of this tag. * @param uiObject The UIObject instance to add, which is not a {@link IsWidget} instance. */ protected void addUIObject(T wrapped, UIObject uiObject) { } /** * Add a new Widget as a child to this uiObject. This implementation just calls * {@link ForIsWidget#add(IsWidget)} or * {@link HasWidgets#add(} according to which interface the * wrapped uiObject is implementing. * * @param wrapped The wrapped uiObject of this tag. * @param isWidget The child widget to be added. */ protected void addWidget(T wrapped, IsWidget isWidget) { if (ForIsWidget.class.isInstance(wrapped)) { ((ForIsWidget) wrapped).add(isWidget); } else if (HasWidgets.class.isInstance(wrapped)) { ((HasWidgets) wrapped).add(isWidget.asWidget()); } } /** * Append an element declared in the .ui.xml to this uiObject, which is supposed to be its * parent. This implementation has one of the following behavior : * <ul> * <li>If a {@link UiChild} annotated method which correspond to the element to append is found, * it will be called with the element's first child Widget.</li> * <li>Else if the wrapped {@link UIObject} implements {@link HasHTML}, the child would be * appended through {@link Element#appendChild(}</li> * <li>Otherwise, a {@link GwtTestUiBinderException} would be thrown with message: 'Found * unexpected child element : <x:xxxx>'</li> * </ul> * * @param wrapped The wrapped uiObject of this tag. * @param element The child element to be appended. * @param namespaceURI The namespace URI of the child element. * @param childWidgets The element's childs widgets, which could be empty if no child has been * added to it. */ protected void appendElement(T wrapped, Element element, String namespaceURI, List<IsWidget> childWidgets) { UiChildMethodHolder uiChildMethodHolder = uiChildMethodMap.get(element.getTagName()); if (uiChildMethodHolder != null) { invokeUiChildMethod(wrapped, childWidgets, uiChildMethodHolder); } else if (HasHTML.class.isInstance(wrapped)) { getElement(wrapped).appendChild(element); } else { String elementToString = (namespaceURI != null && namespaceURI.length() > 0) ? namespaceURI + ":" + element.getTagName() : element.getTagName(); throw new GwtTestUiBinderException("Found unexpected child element : <" + elementToString + "> in " + wrapped.getClass().getName()); } } /** * Append text to this uiObject. This implementation calls {@link HasText#setText(String)} if the * current uiObject is implementing the {@link HasText} interface, or append a new {@link Text} * node wrapping the data value to the Widget's element. * * @param wrapped The wrapped uiObject of this tag. * @param data The string value. */ protected void appendText(T wrapped, String data) { if (HasText.class.isInstance(wrapped)) { ((HasText) wrapped).setText(data); } else { Element element = getElement(wrapped); Text text = JsoUtils.newText(data, element.getOwnerDocument()); element.appendChild(text); } } /** * A callback executed after every standard uiObject properties have been setup to be able to * process any custom finalization on the wrapped uiObject. * * @param uiObject The uiObject to finalize. */ protected abstract void finalizeObject(T uiObject); protected Element getElement(T wrapped) { if (wrapped instanceof UIObject) { return ((UIObject) wrapped).getElement(); } else if (wrapped instanceof IsWidget) { return ((IsWidget) wrapped).asWidget().getElement(); } else { throw new GwtTestUiBinderException( "Cannot retrieve the Element instance in instances of '" + wrapped.getClass().getName() + "', you have to override " + this.getClass() + ".getElement(..) protected method"); } } /** * A callback method executed just after the corresponding UiBinder tag was opened to be able to * process any custom initialization on the wrapped uiObject. * * @param wrapped The uiObject to initialize * @param attributes map of attributes of the wrapped uiObject, with attribute XML names as keys, * corresponding objects as values. This map will be used to populate the wrapped * uiObject just after this callback would be executed. * @param owner The owner of the UiBinder template, with {@link UiField} fields. */ protected abstract void initializeObject(T wrapped, Map<String, Object> attributes, Object owner); /** * Method responsible for the uiObject instanciation. It is called only if the uiBinder tag is * not a provided {@link UiField} and not annotated with either {@link UiFactory} nor * {@link UiConstructor}. This implementation simply check for a zero-arg constructor to call and * would throw an exception if it does not exist. * * @param clazz The uiObject class to instanciate. * @param attributes map of attributes of the wrapped uiObject, with attribute XML names as keys, * corresponding objects as values. * @param owner The owner of the UiBinder template, with {@link UiField} fields. * @return The created instance. */ protected T instanciate(Class<? extends T> clazz, Map<String, Object> attributes, Object owner) { try { Constructor<? extends T> defaultCons = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor(); return GwtReflectionUtils.instantiateClass(defaultCons); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new GwtTestUiBinderException( clazz.getName() + " has no default (zero args) constructor. You have to register a custom " + UiObjectTagFactory.class.getSimpleName() + " by calling the protected method 'addUiObjectTagFactory' of your test class and override the 'instanciate(Class<T>) method in it"); } } /** * Callback method called whenever a new uiBinder tag is opened, so implementation could apply * some custom initialization. * * @param clazz The class of the object to be wrapped in this UiTag. * @param namespaceURI The namespace URI of the opened tag * @param attributes map of attributes of the wrapped uiObject, with attribute XML names as keys, * corresponding objects as values. * @param parentTag The parent tag * @param owner The owner of the UiBinder template, with {@link UiField} fields. */ final void startTag(Class<? extends T> clazz, Map<String, Object> attributes, UiTag<?> parentTag, Object owner) { this.parentTag = parentTag; this.uiChildMethodMap = collectUiChildMethods(clazz); wrapped = UiBinderInstanciator.getInstance(clazz, attributes, owner); if (wrapped == null) { wrapped = instanciate(clazz, attributes, owner); } String uiFieldValue = (String) attributes.get("ui:field"); if (uiFieldValue != null) { attributes.remove("ui:field"); try { GwtReflectionUtils.setPrivateFieldValue(owner, uiFieldValue, wrapped); } catch (ReflectionException e) { // ui:field has no corresponding @UiField declared : just ignore it } } initializeObject(wrapped, attributes, owner); UiBinderBeanUtils.populateObject(wrapped, attributes); } private Map<String, UiChildMethodHolder> collectUiChildMethods(Class<? extends T> clazz) { Map<String, UiChildMethodHolder> map = new HashMap<String, UiObjectTag.UiChildMethodHolder>(); Map<Method, UiChild> uiChildMap = GwtReflectionUtils.getAnnotatedMethod(clazz, UiChild.class); for (Map.Entry<Method, UiChild> entry : uiChildMap.entrySet()) { Method method = entry.getKey(); UiChild annotation = entry.getValue(); UiChildMethodHolder holder = new UiChildMethodHolder(); holder.uiChildMethod = method; holder.invocationLimit = annotation.limit(); // default is -1 holder.invocationCount = 0; String tagName = (annotation.tagname().equals("")) ? computeUiChildMethodTagName(method) : annotation.tagname(); map.put(tagName, holder); } return map; } private String computeUiChildMethodTagName(Method method) { if (!method.getName().startsWith("add")) { throw new GwtTestUiBinderException( "Cannot compute tagname of @UiChild annotated method '" + method.toGenericString() + "': you have to fill the 'tagname' property of the @UiChild or to prefix your the method name with 'add'"); } return method.getName().substring(3).toLowerCase(); } private void invokeUiChildMethod(T wrapped, List<IsWidget> childWidgets, UiChildMethodHolder uiChildMethodHolder) { if (uiChildMethodHolder.invocationLimit > -1 && uiChildMethodHolder.invocationCount > uiChildMethodHolder.invocationLimit) { throw new GwtTestUiBinderException("@UiChild method '" + uiChildMethodHolder.uiChildMethod.toGenericString() + "' cannot be invoked more than " + uiChildMethodHolder.invocationLimit + " times"); } else if (childWidgets.size() != 1) { throw new GwtTestUiBinderException("@UiChild method '" + uiChildMethodHolder.uiChildMethod.toGenericString() + "' can only be applied to add one Widget, but " + childWidgets.size() + " have been found"); } try { uiChildMethodHolder.uiChildMethod.invoke(wrapped, childWidgets.get(0)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new GwtTestUiBinderException( "An exception has been thrown during invocation of @UiChild method: " + uiChildMethodHolder.uiChildMethod.toGenericString(), e); } uiChildMethodHolder.invocationCount++; } }