package com.googlecode.gwt.test.internal.utils; import; import*; import; import com.googlecode.gwt.test.finder.GwtFinder; import com.googlecode.gwt.test.utils.GwtReflectionUtils; import com.googlecode.gwt.test.utils.JavaScriptObjects; import com.googlecode.gwt.test.utils.WidgetUtils; import java.util.*; /** * Some {@link JavaScriptObject} utility methods. <strong>For internal use only.</strong> * * @author Gael Lazzari */ public class JsoUtils { private static final Set<String> DOM_PROPERTIES = new HashSet<String>() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; { /* * * Parse HTML standard attributes here : * * With this jQuery script : * * <script language="Javascript"> var array = new Array(); * $('td[title=Name]').each(function() { var text = $(this).text().trim(); if * (jQuery.inArray(text, array) == -1) { array.push(text); } }); * * var java = '<p>'; var length = array.length; * * for (var i=0; i < length; i++) { java += 'add("' + array[i] + '");<br/>'; } * * java += '</p>'; * * $('table').parent().html(java); </script> */ add("abbr"); add("accept-charset"); add("accept"); add("accesskey"); add("action"); add("align"); add("alink"); add("alt"); add("archive"); add("axis"); add("background"); add("bgcolor"); add("border"); add("cellpadding"); add("cellspacing"); add("char"); add("charoff"); add("charset"); add("checked"); add("cite"); add("class"); add("classid"); add("clear"); add("code"); add("codebase"); add("codetype"); add("color"); add("cols"); add("colspan"); add("compact"); add("content"); add("coords"); add("data"); add("datetime"); add("declare"); add("defer"); add("dir"); add("disabled"); add("enctype"); add("face"); add("for"); add("frame"); add("frameborder"); add("headers"); add("height"); add("href"); add("hreflang"); add("hspace"); add("http-equiv"); add("id"); add("ismap"); add("label"); add("lang"); add("language"); add("link"); add("longdesc"); add("marginheight"); add("marginwidth"); add("maxlength"); add("media"); add("method"); add("multiple"); add("name"); add("nohref"); add("noresize"); add("noshade"); add("nowrap"); add("object"); add("onblur"); add("onchange"); add("onclick"); add("ondblclick"); add("onfocus"); add("onkeydown"); add("onkeypress"); add("onkeyup"); add("onload"); add("onmousedown"); add("onmousemove"); add("onmouseout"); add("onmouseover"); add("onmouseup"); add("onreset"); add("onselect"); add("onsubmit"); add("onunload"); add("profile"); add("prompt"); add("readonly"); add("rel"); add("rev"); add("rows"); add("rowspan"); add("rules"); add("scheme"); add("scope"); add("scrolling"); add("selected"); add("shape"); add("size"); add("span"); add("src"); add("standby"); add("start"); add("style"); add("summary"); add("tabindex"); add("target"); add("text"); add("title"); add("type"); add("usemap"); add("valign"); add("value"); add("valuetype"); add("version"); add("vlink"); add("vspace"); add("width"); } }; private static final String ELEM_PROPERTIES = "ELEM_PROPERTIES"; private static final String IS_XML_ELEMENT = "IS_XML_ELEMENT"; private static final String NODE_LIST_FIELD = "childNodes"; private static final String NODE_LIST_INNER_LIST = "NODE_LIST_INNER_LIST"; private static final String NODE_NAME = "nodeName"; private static final String NODE_TYPE_FIELD = "nodeType"; private static final String PARENT_NODE_FIELD = "parentNode"; private static final String TAG_NAME = "tagName"; public static JavaScriptObject cloneJso(JavaScriptObject oldJso, boolean deep) { JavaScriptObject newJso = JavaScriptObject.createObject(); if ( { short nodeType = oldJso.<Node>cast().getNodeType(); JavaScriptObjects.setProperty(newJso, NODE_TYPE_FIELD, nodeType); } for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : JavaScriptObjects.entrySet(oldJso)) { if (PARENT_NODE_FIELD.equals(entry.getKey())) { // Nothing to do : new cloned node does not have any parent } else if (NODE_TYPE_FIELD.equals(entry.getKey())) { // ignore it since it has to be handled at the very beginning of // cloning } else if (JsoProperties.NODE_OWNER_DOCUMENT.equals(entry.getKey())) { JavaScriptObjects.setProperty(newJso, JsoProperties.NODE_OWNER_DOCUMENT, JavaScriptObjects.getObject(oldJso, JsoProperties.NODE_OWNER_DOCUMENT)); } else if (GwtStyleUtils.STYLE_OBJECT_FIELD.equals(entry.getKey())) { Style newStyle = GwtStyleUtils.getStyle(newJso.<Element>cast()); GwtStyleUtils.cloneStyle(newStyle, (Style) entry.getValue()); } else if (NODE_LIST_FIELD.equals(entry.getKey())) { Node newNode = newJso.cast(); Node oldNode = oldJso.cast(); cloneChildNodes(newNode, oldNode, deep); } else if (ELEM_PROPERTIES.equals(entry.getKey())) { PropertyContainer newPc = getDomProperties(newJso.<Element>cast()); PropertyContainer oldPc = getDomProperties(oldJso.<Element>cast()); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry2 : oldPc.entrySet()) { newPc.put(entry2.getKey(), entry2.getValue()); } } else if (JavaScriptObject.class.isInstance(entry.getValue())) { JavaScriptObject oldChildJso = (JavaScriptObject) entry.getValue(); JavaScriptObject newChildJso = cloneJso(oldChildJso, deep); JavaScriptObjects.setProperty(newJso, entry.getKey(), newChildJso); } else { // copy the property, which should be a String or a primitive type // (or // corresponding wrapper object) JavaScriptObjects.setProperty(newJso, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } return newJso; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static List<Node> getChildNodeInnerList(Node node) { NodeList<Node> nodeList = getChildNodes(node); return (List<Node>) JavaScriptObjects.getObject(nodeList, NODE_LIST_INNER_LIST); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T extends Node> List<T> getChildNodeInnerList(NodeList<T> nodeList) { assert isNodeList(nodeList) : "not a NodeList"; return (List<T>) JavaScriptObjects.getObject(nodeList, NODE_LIST_INNER_LIST); } public static NodeList<Node> getChildNodes(Node node) { assert : "not a Node"; NodeList<Node> nodeList = JavaScriptObjects.getObject(node, NODE_LIST_FIELD); if (nodeList == null) { nodeList = newNodeList(); JavaScriptObjects.setProperty(node, NODE_LIST_FIELD, nodeList); } return nodeList; } public static PropertyContainer getDomProperties(Element element) { assert : "not a Node"; PropertyContainer pc = JavaScriptObjects.getObject(element, ELEM_PROPERTIES); if (pc == null) { // a propertyContainer with a LinkedHashMap to record the order of DOM // properties pc = PropertyContainer.newInstance(new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>()); JavaScriptObjects.setProperty(element, ELEM_PROPERTIES, pc); } return pc; } public static short getNodeType(JavaScriptObject jso) { return JavaScriptObjects.hasProperty(jso, NODE_TYPE_FIELD) ? JavaScriptObjects.getShort(jso, NODE_TYPE_FIELD) : -1; } public static String getTagName(Element element) { assert : "not an Element"; return JavaScriptObjects.getString(element, TAG_NAME); } public static boolean isNodeList(JavaScriptObject jso) { return JavaScriptObjects.hasProperty(jso, NODE_LIST_INNER_LIST); } public static boolean isStandardDOMProperty(String propertyName) { return "className".equals(propertyName) || !"class".equals(propertyName) && DOM_PROPERTIES.contains(propertyName); } public static boolean isXmlElement(JavaScriptObject jso) { return JavaScriptObjects.hasProperty(jso, IS_XML_ELEMENT); } public static Document newDocument() { Document document = newNode(Node.DOCUMENT_NODE).cast(); JavaScriptObjects.setProperty(document, JsoProperties.NODE_OWNER_DOCUMENT, document); return document; } public static Element newElement(String tag, Document ownerDocument) { Element elem = newNode(Node.ELEMENT_NODE).cast(); JavaScriptObjects.setProperty(elem, TAG_NAME, tag); JavaScriptObjects.setProperty(elem, JsoProperties.NODE_OWNER_DOCUMENT, ownerDocument); if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("html")) { JavaScriptObjects.setProperty(elem, NODE_NAME, "HTML"); } return elem; } public static Node newNode(int nodeType) { Node newNode = JavaScriptObject.createObject().cast(); JavaScriptObjects.setProperty(newNode, NODE_TYPE_FIELD, (short) nodeType); return newNode; } public static <T extends Node> NodeList<T> newNodeList() { return newNodeList(new ArrayList<T>()); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T extends Node> NodeList<T> newNodeList(List<T> innerList) { NodeList<T> nodeList = (NodeList<T>) JavaScriptObject.createObject().cast(); JavaScriptObjects.setProperty(nodeList, NODE_LIST_INNER_LIST, innerList); return nodeList; } public static Text newText(String data, Document ownerDocument) { Text text = newNode(Node.TEXT_NODE).cast(); JavaScriptObjects.setProperty(text, JsoProperties.NODE_OWNER_DOCUMENT, ownerDocument); text.setData(data); return text; } public static Element newXmlElement(Document document, String tagName) { Element xmlElement = document.createElement(tagName); JavaScriptObjects.setProperty(xmlElement, IS_XML_ELEMENT, true); return xmlElement; } public static void onSetHTML(JavaScriptObject jso, String newHTML, String oldHTML) { Widget w = WidgetUtils.getWidget(jso.<Element>cast()); if (w != null) { GwtReflectionUtils.callStaticMethod(GwtFinder.class, "onSetHTML", w, newHTML, oldHTML); } } public static void onSetId(JavaScriptObject jso, String newId, String oldId) { Widget w = WidgetUtils.getWidget(jso.<Element>cast()); if (w != null) { GwtReflectionUtils.callStaticMethod(GwtFinder.class, "onSetId", w, newId, oldId); } } public static void onSetText(JavaScriptObject jso, String newText, String oldText) { Widget w = WidgetUtils.getWidget(jso.<Element>cast()); if (w != null) { GwtReflectionUtils.callStaticMethod(GwtFinder.class, "onSetText", w, newText, oldText); } } public static String serialize(JavaScriptObject jso) { if ( { return jso.toString(); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // FIXME : provide support for JavaScriptObject arrays sb.append("{ "); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : JavaScriptObjects.entrySet(jso)) { sb.append("\"").append(entry.getKey()).append("\": "); sb.append(entry.getValue()).append(", "); } sb.replace(sb.length() - 2, sb.length(), ""); sb.append(" }"); return sb.toString(); } public static void setParentNode(Node child, Node parent) { JavaScriptObjects.setProperty(child, PARENT_NODE_FIELD, parent); } private static void cloneChildNodes(Node newNode, Node oldNode, boolean deep) { List<Node> childs = getChildNodeInnerList(oldNode); if (deep) { // copy all child nodes for (Node child : childs) { newNode.appendChild(child.cloneNode(deep)); } } else { // only copy the TextNode if exists for (Node child : childs) { if (Node.TEXT_NODE == child.getNodeType()) { newNode.appendChild(Document.get().createTextNode(child.getNodeValue())); break; } } } } }