package net.seninp.tinker; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.seninp.jmotif.sax.TSProcessor; import net.seninp.jmotif.sax.alphabet.NormalAlphabet; import net.seninp.jmotif.sax.datastructure.SAXRecords; public class MovieMaker { // locale, charset, logger, etc // final static Charset DEFAULT_CHARSET = StandardCharsets.UTF_8; // data file // private static final String DATA_FILENAME = "data/asys40.txt"; private static final String OUT_PREFIX = "movie/density"; // params // private static final int WINDOW_SIZE = 400; private static final int PAA_SIZE = 8; private static final int A_SIZE = 6; private static final double NORMALIZATION_THRESHOLD = 0.01D; private static final NormalAlphabet normalA = new NormalAlphabet(); // data // private static double[] ts; private static TSProcessor tp = new TSProcessor(); // static block - we instantiate the logger // private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MovieMaker.class); // the main runnable // public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // load the data // ts = MovieUtils.loadData(DATA_FILENAME); // we keep discretized data here // SAXRecords saxFrequencyData = new SAXRecords(); // getting ready // SAXRule.reset(); SAXRule grammar = new SAXRule(); String previousString = ""; // scan across the time series extract sub sequences, and convert // them to strings int stringPosCounter = 0; int saveFileCounter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ts.length - (WINDOW_SIZE - 1); i++) { if (i % (1000) == 0) {"processing position " + i + " out of " + ts.length); } // fix the current subsection double[] subSection = Arrays.copyOfRange(ts, i, i + WINDOW_SIZE); // Z normalize it subSection = tp.znorm(subSection, NORMALIZATION_THRESHOLD); // perform PAA conversion if needed double[] paa = tp.paa(subSection, PAA_SIZE); // Convert the PAA to a string. char[] currentString = tp.ts2String(paa, normalA.getCuts(A_SIZE)); // NumerosityReduction if (!previousString.isEmpty() && previousString.equalsIgnoreCase(String.valueOf(currentString))) { continue; } previousString = String.valueOf(currentString); // add a terminal to the Sequitur // grammar.last().insertAfter(new SAXTerminal(String.valueOf(currentString), stringPosCounter)); grammar.last().p.check(); // add the word to frequency data structure // saxFrequencyData.add(currentString, i); // save the current rule density curve // if (i >= WINDOW_SIZE && i < ts.length - WINDOW_SIZE * 2) { // index sax words // saxFrequencyData.buildIndex(); // convert the grammar to a simple data structure // GrammarRules rules = grammar.toGrammarRulesData(); // and populate the coverage // SequiturFactory.updateRuleIntervals(rules, saxFrequencyData, true, Arrays.copyOfRange(ts, i, i + WINDOW_SIZE), WINDOW_SIZE, PAA_SIZE); // collect the coverage // int[] coverageArray = new int[i + WINDOW_SIZE]; for (GrammarRuleRecord r : rules) { if (0 == r.ruleNumber()) { continue; } ArrayList<RuleInterval> arrPos = r.getRuleIntervals(); for (RuleInterval saxPos : arrPos) { int startPos = saxPos.getStart(); int endPos = saxPos.getEnd(); for (int j = startPos; j < endPos; j++) { coverageArray[j] = coverageArray[j] + 1; } } } String outFname = OUT_PREFIX + String.format("%04d", saveFileCounter) + ".csv"; MovieUtils.saveColumn(coverageArray, outFname); } // moving on... // stringPosCounter++; saveFileCounter++; } // String cmdLine = "Rscript RCode/movie_plotter.R " + DATA_FILENAME + " " + outFname // + " movie/" + String.format("%04d", counter) + ".jpg"; //; // Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime(); // Process p = r.exec(cmdLine); // p.waitFor(); // BufferedReader b = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream())); // String line = ""; // // while ((line = b.readLine()) != null) { // System.out.println(line); // } // // b.close(); } }