package net.seninp.grammarviz.view; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; public class GrammarvizParamsSampler implements Callable<String> { private GrammarvizChartPanel parent; // static block - we instantiate the logger // private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GrammarvizParamsSampler.class); public GrammarvizParamsSampler(GrammarvizChartPanel grammarvizChartPanel) { this.parent = grammarvizChartPanel; } public void cancel() { this.parent.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(this, 0, GrammarvizChartPanel.SELECTION_CANCELLED)); } @Override public String call() throws Exception { ArrayList<SampledPoint> res = new ArrayList<SampledPoint>(); this.parent.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(this, 0, GrammarvizChartPanel.SELECTION_FINISHED)); double[] ts = Arrays.copyOfRange(this.parent.tsData, this.parent.session.samplingStart, this.parent.session.samplingEnd); RulePruner rp = new RulePruner(ts); int[] boundaries = Arrays.copyOf(this.parent.session.boundaries, this.parent.session.boundaries.length); // //"starting sampling loop on interval [" + this.parent.session.samplingStart + ", " + this.parent.session.samplingEnd + "] of length " + Integer.valueOf(this.parent.session.samplingEnd - this.parent.session.samplingStart)); LOGGER .info("window range: " + boundaries[0] + " - " + boundaries[1] + ", step " + boundaries[2]);"PAA range: " + boundaries[3] + " - " + boundaries[4] + ", step " + boundaries[5]); "Alphabet range: " + boundaries[6] + " - " + boundaries[7] + ", step " + boundaries[8]); // // // need to take care about the sliding window size and adjust it // int samplingIntervalLength = this.parent.session.samplingEnd - this.parent.session.samplingStart; int WIN_LIMIT = Math.min(samplingIntervalLength, boundaries[1]); for (int WINDOW_SIZE = boundaries[0]; WINDOW_SIZE < WIN_LIMIT; WINDOW_SIZE += boundaries[2]) { for (int PAA_SIZE = boundaries[3]; PAA_SIZE < boundaries[4]; PAA_SIZE += boundaries[5]) { // System.out.println(WINDOW_SIZE); // check for invalid cases if (PAA_SIZE > WINDOW_SIZE) { continue; } for (int ALPHABET_SIZE = boundaries[6]; ALPHABET_SIZE < boundaries[7]; ALPHABET_SIZE += boundaries[8]) { SampledPoint p = null; try { p = rp.sample(WINDOW_SIZE, PAA_SIZE, ALPHABET_SIZE, GIAlgorithm.REPAIR, RulePrunerParameters.SAX_NR_STRATEGY, RulePrunerParameters.SAX_NORM_THRESHOLD); } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.err.println("Ooops -- was interrupted, finilizing sampling ..."); } if (null != p) { res.add(p); } if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) { // Cannot use InterruptedException since it's checked System.err.println("Ooops -- was interrupted, finilizing sampling ..."); Collections.sort(res, new ReductionSorter()); parent.session.saxWindow = res.get(0).getWindow(); parent.session.saxPAA = res.get(0).getPAA(); parent.session.saxAlphabet = res.get(0).getAlphabet();"\nApparently, the best parameters are " + res.get(0).toString()); this.parent .actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(this, 0, GrammarvizChartPanel.SAMPLING_SUCCEEDED)); return res.get(0).getWindow() + " " + res.get(0).getPAA() + " " + res.get(0).getAlphabet(); } } } }"sampler loop finished " + res.get(0).toString()); Collections.sort(res, new ReductionSorter()); parent.session.saxWindow = res.get(0).getWindow(); parent.session.saxPAA = res.get(0).getPAA(); parent.session.saxAlphabet = res.get(0).getAlphabet();"apparently, the best parameters are " + res.get(0).toString()); this.parent.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(this, 0, GrammarvizChartPanel.SAMPLING_SUCCEEDED)); return res.get(0).getWindow() + " " + res.get(0).getPAA() + " " + res.get(0).getAlphabet(); } }