package net.seninp.grammarviz.session; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import net.seninp.grammarviz.logic.CoverageCountStrategy; import net.seninp.grammarviz.logic.GrammarVizChartData; import net.seninp.jmotif.sax.NumerosityReductionStrategy; import net.seninp.util.StackTrace; /** * Keeps user parameters organized. * * @author psenin * */ public class UserSession { /** Params change event. */ public static final String PARAMS_CHANGED_EVENT = "parameters_changed"; /** The default values. */ private static final int DEFAULT_SAX_WINDOW = 170; private static final int DEFAULT_SAX_PAA = 4; private static final int DEFAULT_SAX_ALPHABET = 4; private static final boolean USE_SLIDING_WINDOW = true; private static final Double DEFAULT_NORMALIZATION_THRESHOLD_VALUE = 0.05; private static final NumerosityReductionStrategy DEFAULT_NUMEROSITY_REDUCTION_STRATEGY = NumerosityReductionStrategy.EXACT; private static final GIAlgorithm DEFAULT_GI_ALGORITHM = GIAlgorithm.SEQUITUR; private static final CoverageCountStrategy DEFAULT_COUNT_STRATEGY = CoverageCountStrategy.COUNT; // discretization variables // public volatile int saxWindow; public volatile int saxPAA; public volatile int saxAlphabet; public volatile boolean useSlidingWindow; public volatile NumerosityReductionStrategy numerosityReductionStrategy; public volatile Double normalizationThreshold; // core algorithms variables // public volatile CoverageCountStrategy countStrategy; public volatile GIAlgorithm giAlgorithm; // guesser parameters // public volatile Integer samplingStart; public volatile Integer samplingEnd; public volatile Double minimalCoverThreshold = 0.98; public volatile int[] boundaries = { 10, 200, 10, 2, 10, 1, 2, 10, 1 }; // auxiliary variables // public volatile String ruleDensityOutputFileName; public volatile String grammarOutputFileName; public volatile String anomaliesOutputFileName; public volatile String chartsSaveFolder; // listeners for the parameter changes // private ArrayList<ActionListener> listeners = new ArrayList<ActionListener>(); // the huge class holding the timeseries and the grammar // public volatile GrammarVizChartData chartData; public UserSession() { super(); this.saxWindow = DEFAULT_SAX_WINDOW; this.saxPAA = DEFAULT_SAX_PAA; this.saxAlphabet = DEFAULT_SAX_ALPHABET; this.useSlidingWindow = USE_SLIDING_WINDOW; this.numerosityReductionStrategy = DEFAULT_NUMEROSITY_REDUCTION_STRATEGY; this.normalizationThreshold = DEFAULT_NORMALIZATION_THRESHOLD_VALUE; this.giAlgorithm = DEFAULT_GI_ALGORITHM; this.countStrategy = DEFAULT_COUNT_STRATEGY; // attempt to fill the rule coverage name automatically // String filename = ""; try { String currentPath = new File(".").getCanonicalPath(); filename = currentPath + File.separator + "density_curve.txt"; } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println( "Error has been thrown, unable to findout the current path: " + StackTrace.toString(e)); } this.ruleDensityOutputFileName = filename; } /** * Adds a parameters change action listener which will be notified on any change. * * @param e */ public void addActionListener(ActionListener e) { this.listeners.add(e); } /** * Notifies all registered listeners. */ public void notifyParametersChangeListeners() { ActionEvent event = new ActionEvent(this, 0, PARAMS_CHANGED_EVENT); for (ActionListener listener : listeners) { listener.actionPerformed(event); } } }