package net.seninp.grammarviz; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.beust.jcommander.JCommander; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.seninp.grammarviz.anomaly.AnomalyAlgorithm; import net.seninp.grammarviz.anomaly.RRAImplementation; import net.seninp.jmotif.distance.EuclideanDistance; import net.seninp.jmotif.sax.NumerosityReductionStrategy; import net.seninp.jmotif.sax.SAXProcessor; import net.seninp.jmotif.sax.TSProcessor; import net.seninp.jmotif.sax.datastructure.SAXRecords; import net.seninp.jmotif.sax.discord.BruteForceDiscordImplementation; import net.seninp.jmotif.sax.discord.DiscordRecords; import net.seninp.jmotif.sax.discord.HOTSAXImplementation; import net.seninp.jmotif.sax.parallel.ParallelSAXImplementation; import net.seninp.jmotif.sax.registry.LargeWindowAlgorithm; /** * Main executable wrapping all the discord discovery methods. * * @author psenin * */ public class GrammarVizAnomaly { // locale, charset, etc // final static Charset DEFAULT_CHARSET = StandardCharsets.UTF_8; private static final String CR = "\n"; // workers // private static TSProcessor tp = new TSProcessor(); private static EuclideanDistance ed = new EuclideanDistance(); // static block - we instantiate the logger // private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GrammarVizAnomaly.class); /** * The main executable. * * @param args The command-line params. * @throws Exception If error occurs. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { GrammarVizAnomalyParameters params = new GrammarVizAnomalyParameters(); JCommander jct = new JCommander(params, args); if (0 == args.length) { jct.usage(); } else { // get params printed // StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(1024); sb.append(CR).append("GrammarViz2 CLI anomaly discovery").append(CR); sb.append("parameters:").append(CR); sb.append(" input file: ").append(GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.IN_FILE) .append(CR); sb.append(" output files prefix: ").append(GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.OUT_FILE) .append(CR); sb.append(" Algorithm implementation: ").append(GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.ALGORITHM) .append(CR); sb.append(" Num. of discords to report: ").append(GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.DISCORDS_NUM) .append(CR); if (!(AnomalyAlgorithm.RRASAMPLED.equals(GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.ALGORITHM) || AnomalyAlgorithm.EXPERIMENT.equals(GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.ALGORITHM))) { sb.append(" SAX sliding window size: ") .append(GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SAX_WINDOW_SIZE).append(CR); } if (!(AnomalyAlgorithm.BRUTEFORCE.equals(GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.ALGORITHM))) { if (!(AnomalyAlgorithm.RRASAMPLED.equals(GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.ALGORITHM) || AnomalyAlgorithm.EXPERIMENT.equals(GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.ALGORITHM))) { sb.append(" SAX PAA size: ") .append(GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SAX_PAA_SIZE).append(CR); sb.append(" SAX alphabet size: ") .append(GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SAX_ALPHABET_SIZE).append(CR); } sb.append(" SAX numerosity reduction: ") .append(GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SAX_NR_STRATEGY).append(CR); sb.append(" SAX normalization threshold: ") .append(GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SAX_NORM_THRESHOLD).append(CR); } if (AnomalyAlgorithm.RRASAMPLED.equals(GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.ALGORITHM) || AnomalyAlgorithm.RRA.equals(GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.ALGORITHM) || AnomalyAlgorithm.RRAPRUNED.equals(GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.ALGORITHM) || AnomalyAlgorithm.EXPERIMENT.equals(GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.ALGORITHM)) { sb.append(" GI Algorithm: ") .append(GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.GI_ALGORITHM_IMPLEMENTATION).append(CR); } if (AnomalyAlgorithm.RRASAMPLED.equals(GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.ALGORITHM) || AnomalyAlgorithm.EXPERIMENT.equals(GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.ALGORITHM)) { sb.append(" Grid boundaries: ") .append(GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.GRID_BOUNDARIES).append(CR); } if ((AnomalyAlgorithm.RRASAMPLED.equals(GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.ALGORITHM) || AnomalyAlgorithm.EXPERIMENT.equals(GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.ALGORITHM)) && !(Double.isNaN(GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SUBSAMPLING_FRACTION))) { sb.append(" Subsampling fraction: ") .append(GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SUBSAMPLING_FRACTION).append(CR); } System.out.println(sb.toString()); // read the file //"Reading data ..."); double[] series = tp.readTS(GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.IN_FILE, 0);"read " + series.length + " points from " + GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.IN_FILE); // switch logic according to the algorithm selection // if (AnomalyAlgorithm.BRUTEFORCE.equals(GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.ALGORITHM)) { findBruteForce(series, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SAX_WINDOW_SIZE, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.DISCORDS_NUM, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SAX_NORM_THRESHOLD); } else if (AnomalyAlgorithm.HOTSAX.equals(GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.ALGORITHM)) { findHotSax(series, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.DISCORDS_NUM, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SAX_WINDOW_SIZE, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SAX_PAA_SIZE, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SAX_ALPHABET_SIZE, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SAX_NR_STRATEGY, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SAX_NORM_THRESHOLD); } else if (AnomalyAlgorithm.RRA.equals(GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.ALGORITHM)) { findRRA(series, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SAX_WINDOW_SIZE, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SAX_PAA_SIZE, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SAX_ALPHABET_SIZE, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SAX_NR_STRATEGY, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.DISCORDS_NUM, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.GI_ALGORITHM_IMPLEMENTATION, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.OUT_FILE, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SAX_NORM_THRESHOLD); } else if (AnomalyAlgorithm.RRAPRUNED.equals(GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.ALGORITHM)) { findRRAPruned(series, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SAX_WINDOW_SIZE, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SAX_PAA_SIZE, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SAX_ALPHABET_SIZE, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SAX_NR_STRATEGY, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.DISCORDS_NUM, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.GI_ALGORITHM_IMPLEMENTATION, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.OUT_FILE, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SAX_NORM_THRESHOLD); } else if (AnomalyAlgorithm.RRASAMPLED.equals(GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.ALGORITHM)) { findRRASampled(series, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.GRID_BOUNDARIES, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SAX_NR_STRATEGY, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.DISCORDS_NUM, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.GI_ALGORITHM_IMPLEMENTATION, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.OUT_FILE, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SAX_NORM_THRESHOLD); } else if (AnomalyAlgorithm.EXPERIMENT.equals(GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.ALGORITHM)) { findRRAExperiment(series, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.GRID_BOUNDARIES, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SAX_NR_STRATEGY, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.DISCORDS_NUM, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.GI_ALGORITHM_IMPLEMENTATION, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.OUT_FILE, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SAX_NORM_THRESHOLD); } } } private static void findRRAExperiment(double[] ts, String boundaries, NumerosityReductionStrategy saxNRStrategy, int discordsToReport, GIAlgorithm giImplementation, String outputPrefix, double normalizationThreshold) throws Exception {"running RRA with experiment sampling algorithm..."); // Date start = new Date(); // parse the boundaries params int[] bounds = toBoundaries(GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.GRID_BOUNDARIES); ArrayList<SampledPoint> res = new ArrayList<SampledPoint>(); // we need to use this in the loop RulePruner rp; if (GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SUBSAMPLING_FRACTION.isNaN()) {"sampling on full time series length"); rp = new RulePruner(ts); } else { int sampleIntervalStart = 0; int sampleIntervalEnd = (int) Math .round(ts.length * GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SUBSAMPLING_FRACTION);"sampling parameters on interval [" + sampleIntervalStart + ", " + sampleIntervalEnd + "]"); rp = new RulePruner(Arrays.copyOfRange(ts, sampleIntervalStart, sampleIntervalEnd)); } // iterate over the grid evaluating the grammar // for (int WINDOW_SIZE = bounds[0]; WINDOW_SIZE < bounds[1]; WINDOW_SIZE += bounds[2]) { for (int PAA_SIZE = bounds[3]; PAA_SIZE < bounds[4]; PAA_SIZE += bounds[5]) { // check for invalid cases if (PAA_SIZE > WINDOW_SIZE) { continue; } for (int ALPHABET_SIZE = bounds[6]; ALPHABET_SIZE < bounds[7]; ALPHABET_SIZE += bounds[8]) { SampledPoint p = rp.sample(WINDOW_SIZE, PAA_SIZE, ALPHABET_SIZE, GIAlgorithm.REPAIR, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SAX_NR_STRATEGY, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SAX_NORM_THRESHOLD); res.add(p); /// /// /// /// // GrammarRules rules; // if (GIAlgorithm.SEQUITUR.equals(giImplementation)) { // rules = SequiturFactory.series2SequiturRules(ts, WINDOW_SIZE, PAA_SIZE, ALPHABET_SIZE, // GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SAX_NR_STRATEGY, // GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SAX_NORM_THRESHOLD); // } // else { // ParallelSAXImplementation ps = new ParallelSAXImplementation(); // SAXRecords parallelRes = ps.process(ts, 2, WINDOW_SIZE, PAA_SIZE, ALPHABET_SIZE, // GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SAX_NR_STRATEGY, // GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SAX_NORM_THRESHOLD); // RePairGrammar rePairGrammar = RePairFactory.buildGrammar(parallelRes); // rePairGrammar.expandRules(); // rePairGrammar.buildIntervals(parallelRes, ts, WINDOW_SIZE); // rules = rePairGrammar.toGrammarRulesData(); // } // // // prune grammar' rules // GrammarRules prunedRulesSet = RulePrunerFactory.performPruning(ts, rules); // // // pruned intervals // ArrayList<RuleInterval> prunedIntervals = new ArrayList<RuleInterval>(); // // // coverage intervals // int[] coverageArray = new int[ts.length]; // // // populate all intervals with their frequency // for (GrammarRuleRecord rule : prunedRulesSet) { // if (0 == rule.ruleNumber()) { // continue; // } // for (RuleInterval ri : rule.getRuleIntervals()) { // ri.setCoverage(rule.getRuleIntervals().size()); // ri.setId(rule.ruleNumber()); // prunedIntervals.add(ri); // // // int startPos = ri.getStartPos(); // int endPos = ri.getEndPos(); // for (int j = startPos; j < endPos; j++) { // coverageArray[j] = coverageArray[j] + 1; // } // } // } // // // look for zero-covered intervals and add those to the list // List<RuleInterval> zeros = getZeroIntervals(coverageArray); // if (zeros.size() > 0) { // prunedIntervals.addAll(zeros); // } // // run HOTSAX with this intervals set // DiscordRecords discords = RRAImplementation.series2RRAAnomalies(ts, 1, // prunedIntervals); // // if (discords.getSize() > 0) { // // if the discord(s) found"# " + WINDOW_SIZE + "," + PAA_SIZE + "," + ALPHABET_SIZE + "," + p.getApproxDist() + "," + p.getGrammarSize() + "," + p.getCompressedGrammarSize() + "," + p.getGrammarRules() + "," + p.getPrunedRules() + "," + p.getCoverage() + "," + p.getMaxFrequency()); // } // else { // // no discords were discovered // // need to increase the granularity of discretization //"# " + WINDOW_SIZE + "," + PAA_SIZE + "," + ALPHABET_SIZE + "," // + p.getApproxDist() + "," + p.getGrammarSize() + "," + p.getCompressedGrammarSize() // + "," + p.getCoverage() + ",-1,-1"); // } /// /// } } } // Collections.sort(res, new ReductionSorter()); Collections.sort(res, new GrammarSizeSorter()); System.out.println(CR + "# GLOBALLY MIN GRAMMAR size is " + res.get(0).toString() + CR + "Running RRAPruned ..." + CR); int windowSize = res.get(0).getWindow(); int paaSize = res.get(0).getPAA(); int alphabetSize = res.get(0).getAlphabet(); findRRAPruned(ts, windowSize, alphabetSize, paaSize, saxNRStrategy, discordsToReport, giImplementation, outputPrefix, normalizationThreshold); Collections.sort(res, new ReducedGrammarSizeSorter()); System.out.println(CR + "# GLOBALLY MIN PRUNED grammar size: " + res.get(0).toString() + CR + "Running RRAPruned ..." + CR); windowSize = res.get(0).getWindow(); paaSize = res.get(0).getPAA(); alphabetSize = res.get(0).getAlphabet(); findRRAPruned(ts, windowSize, alphabetSize, paaSize, saxNRStrategy, discordsToReport, giImplementation, outputPrefix, normalizationThreshold); double threshold = 0.99; ArrayList<SampledPoint> resCovered = new ArrayList<SampledPoint>(); for (SampledPoint p : res) { if (p.getCoverage() >= threshold) { resCovered.add(p); } } // Collections.sort(resCovered, new ReductionSorter()); Collections.sort(resCovered, new GrammarSizeSorter()); System.out.println(CR + "# COVERED ABOVE THRESHOLD MIN GRAMMAR parameters are " + resCovered.get(0).toString() + CR + "Running RRAPruned ..." + CR); windowSize = resCovered.get(0).getWindow(); paaSize = resCovered.get(0).getPAA(); alphabetSize = resCovered.get(0).getAlphabet(); findRRAPruned(ts, windowSize, alphabetSize, paaSize, saxNRStrategy, discordsToReport, giImplementation, outputPrefix, normalizationThreshold); Collections.sort(resCovered, new ReducedGrammarSizeSorter()); System.out.println(CR + "# COVERED ABOVE THRESHOLD MIN PRUNED GRAMMAR : " + resCovered.get(0).toString() + CR + "Running RRAPruned ..." + CR); windowSize = resCovered.get(0).getWindow(); paaSize = resCovered.get(0).getPAA(); alphabetSize = resCovered.get(0).getAlphabet(); findRRAPruned(ts, windowSize, alphabetSize, paaSize, saxNRStrategy, discordsToReport, giImplementation, outputPrefix, normalizationThreshold); } /** * Finds discords in classic manner (i.e., using a trie). * * @param ts the dataset. * @param boundaries the sampling boundaries. * @param saxNRStrategy the NR strategy to use. * @param discordsToReport SAX sliding window size. * @param giImplementation the GI algorithm to use. * @param outputPrefix the output prefix. * @param normalizationThreshold SAX normalization threshold. * @throws Exception if error occurs. */ private static void findRRASampled(double[] ts, String boundaries, NumerosityReductionStrategy saxNRStrategy, int discordsToReport, GIAlgorithm giImplementation, String outputPrefix, double normalizationThreshold) throws Exception {"running RRA with sampling algorithm..."); // Date start = new Date(); // parse the boundaries params int[] bounds = toBoundaries(GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.GRID_BOUNDARIES); // create the output file // BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter( // new FileWriter(new File(GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.OUT_FILE))); // bw.write(OUTPUT_HEADER); ArrayList<SampledPoint> res = new ArrayList<SampledPoint>(); // we need to use this in the loop RulePruner rp; if (GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SUBSAMPLING_FRACTION.isNaN()) {"sampling on full time series length"); rp = new RulePruner(ts); } else { int sampleIntervalStart = 0; int sampleIntervalEnd = (int) Math .round(ts.length * GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SUBSAMPLING_FRACTION);"sampling parameters on interval [" + sampleIntervalStart + ", " + sampleIntervalEnd + "]"); rp = new RulePruner(Arrays.copyOfRange(ts, sampleIntervalStart, sampleIntervalEnd)); } // iterate over the grid evaluating the grammar // for (int WINDOW_SIZE = bounds[0]; WINDOW_SIZE < bounds[1]; WINDOW_SIZE += bounds[2]) { for (int PAA_SIZE = bounds[3]; PAA_SIZE < bounds[4]; PAA_SIZE += bounds[5]) { // check for invalid cases if (PAA_SIZE > WINDOW_SIZE) { continue; } for (int ALPHABET_SIZE = bounds[6]; ALPHABET_SIZE < bounds[7]; ALPHABET_SIZE += bounds[8]) { SampledPoint p = rp.sample(WINDOW_SIZE, PAA_SIZE, ALPHABET_SIZE, GIAlgorithm.REPAIR, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SAX_NR_STRATEGY, GrammarVizAnomalyParameters.SAX_NORM_THRESHOLD); res.add(p); } } } Collections.sort(res, new ReductionSorter()); System.out.println(CR + "Apparently, the best parameters are " + res.get(0).toString() + CR + "Running RRAPRUNED..." + CR); int windowSize = res.get(0).getWindow(); int paaSize = res.get(0).getPAA(); int alphabetSize = res.get(0).getAlphabet(); findRRAPruned(ts, windowSize, alphabetSize, paaSize, saxNRStrategy, discordsToReport, giImplementation, outputPrefix, normalizationThreshold); } /** * Finds discords in classic manner (i.e., using a trie). * * @param ts the dataset. * @param windowSize SAX int windowSize = res.get(0).getWindow(); int paaSize = * res.get(0).getPAA(); int alphabetSize = res.get(0).getAlphabet(); * * GrammarRules rules; * * if (GIAlgorithm.SEQUITUR.equals(giImplementation)) { rules = * SequiturFactory.series2SequiturRules(ts, windowSize, paaSize, alphabetSize, saxNRStrategy, * normalizationThreshold); } else { ParallelSAXImplementation ps = new * ParallelSAXImplementation(); SAXRecords parallelRes = ps.process(ts, 2, windowSize, paaSize, * alphabetSize, NumerosityReductionStrategy.EXACT, normalizationThreshold); RePairGrammar * rePairGrammar = RePairFactory.buildGrammar(parallelRes); rePairGrammar.expandRules(); * rePairGrammar.buildIntervals(parallelRes, ts, windowSize); rules = * rePairGrammar.toGrammarRulesData(); } * * ArrayList<RuleInterval> intervals = new ArrayList<RuleInterval>(); * * // populate all intervals with their frequency // for (GrammarRuleRecord rule : rules) { // // * TODO: do we care about long rules? // if (0 == rule.ruleNumber() || rule.getRuleYield() > 2) { * if (0 == rule.ruleNumber()) { continue; } for (RuleInterval ri : rule.getRuleIntervals()) { * ri.setCoverage(rule.getRuleIntervals().size()); ri.setId(rule.ruleNumber()); intervals.add(ri); * } } * * // get the coverage array // int[] coverageArray = new int[ts.length]; for (GrammarRuleRecord * rule : rules) { if (0 == rule.ruleNumber()) { continue; } ArrayList<RuleInterval> arrPos = * rule.getRuleIntervals(); for (RuleInterval saxPos : arrPos) { int startPos = * saxPos.getStartPos(); int endPos = saxPos.getEndPos(); for (int j = startPos; j < endPos; j++) * { coverageArray[j] = coverageArray[j] + 1; } } } * * // look for zero-covered intervals and add those to the list // List<RuleInterval> zeros = * getZeroIntervals(coverageArray); if (zeros.size() > 0) { "found " + zeros.size() + * " intervals not covered by rules: " + intervalsToString(zeros)); intervals.addAll(zeros); } * else { "the whole timeseries is covered by rule intervals ..."); } * * // run HOTSAX with this intervals set // DiscordRecords discords = * RRAImplementation.series2RRAAnomalies(ts, discordsToReport, intervals); Date end = new Date(); * * System.out.println(discords.toString() + CR + "Discords found in " + * SAXProcessor.timeToString(start.getTime(), end.getTime()) + CR); * * // THE DISCORD SEARCH IS DONE RIGHT HERE // BELOW IS THE CODE WHICH WRITES THE CURVE AND THE * DISTANCE FILE ON FILESYSTEM // if (!(outputPrefix.isEmpty())) { * * // write the coverage array // String currentPath = new File(".").getCanonicalPath(); * BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter(new File(currentPath + File.separator + * outputPrefix + "_coverage.txt"))); for (int i : coverageArray) { bw.write(i + "\n"); } * bw.close(); * * Collections.sort(intervals, new Comparator<RuleInterval>() { public int compare(RuleInterval * c1, RuleInterval c2) { if (c1.getStartPos() > c2.getStartPos()) { return 1; } else if * (c1.getStartPos() < c2.getStartPos()) { return -1; } return 0; } }); * * // now lets find all the distances to non-self match // double[] distances = new * double[ts.length]; double[] widths = new double[ts.length]; * * for (RuleInterval ri : intervals) { * * int ruleStart = ri.getStartPos(); int ruleEnd = ruleStart + ri.getLength(); int window = * ruleEnd - ruleStart; * * double[] cw = tp.subseriesByCopy(ts, ruleStart, ruleStart + window); * * double cwNNDist = Double.MAX_VALUE; * * // this effectively finds the furthest hit // for (int j = 0; j < ts.length - window - 1; j++) * { if (Math.abs(ruleStart - j) > window) { double[] currentSubsequence = tp.subseriesByCopy(ts, * j, j + window); double dist = ed.distance(cw, currentSubsequence); if (dist < cwNNDist) { * cwNNDist = dist; } } } * * distances[ruleStart] = cwNNDist; widths[ruleStart] = ri.getLength(); } * * bw = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter(new File(currentPath + File.separator + outputPrefix + * "_distances.txt"))); for (int i = 0; i < distances.length; i++) { bw.write(i + "," + * distances[i] + "," + widths[i] + "\n"); } bw.close(); } sliding window size. * @param paaSize SAX PAA size. * @param alphabetSize SAX alphabet size. * @param saxNRStrategy the NR strategy to use. * @param discordsToReport SAX sliding window size. * @param giImplementation the GI algorithm to use. * @param outputPrefix the output prefix. * @param normalizationThreshold SAX normalization threshold. * @throws Exception if error occurs. */ private static void findRRAPruned(double[] ts, int windowSize, int paaSize, int alphabetSize, NumerosityReductionStrategy saxNRStrategy, int discordsToReport, GIAlgorithm giImplementation, String outputPrefix, double normalizationThreshold) throws Exception {"running RRA with pruning algorithm, building the grammar ..."); Date start = new Date(); GrammarRules rules; if (GIAlgorithm.SEQUITUR.equals(giImplementation)) { rules = SequiturFactory.series2SequiturRules(ts, windowSize, paaSize, alphabetSize, saxNRStrategy, normalizationThreshold); } else { ParallelSAXImplementation ps = new ParallelSAXImplementation(); SAXRecords parallelRes = ps.process(ts, 2, windowSize, paaSize, alphabetSize, saxNRStrategy, normalizationThreshold); RePairGrammar rePairGrammar = RePairFactory.buildGrammar(parallelRes); rePairGrammar.expandRules(); rePairGrammar.buildIntervals(parallelRes, ts, windowSize); rules = rePairGrammar.toGrammarRulesData(); } + " rules inferred in " + SAXProcessor.timeToString(start.getTime(), new Date().getTime()) + ", pruning ..."); // prune grammar' rules // GrammarRules prunedRulesSet = RulePrunerFactory.performPruning(ts, rules); "finished pruning in " + SAXProcessor.timeToString(start.getTime(), new Date().getTime()) + ", keeping " + prunedRulesSet.size() + " rules for anomaly discovery ..."); ArrayList<RuleInterval> intervals = new ArrayList<RuleInterval>(); // populate all intervals with their frequency // for (GrammarRuleRecord rule : prunedRulesSet) { // // TODO: do we care about long rules? // if (0 == rule.ruleNumber() || rule.getRuleYield() > 2) { if (0 == rule.ruleNumber()) { continue; } for (RuleInterval ri : rule.getRuleIntervals()) { ri.setCoverage(rule.getRuleIntervals().size()); ri.setId(rule.ruleNumber()); intervals.add(ri); } } // get the coverage array // int[] coverageArray = new int[ts.length]; for (GrammarRuleRecord rule : prunedRulesSet) { if (0 == rule.ruleNumber()) { continue; } ArrayList<RuleInterval> arrPos = rule.getRuleIntervals(); for (RuleInterval saxPos : arrPos) { int startPos = saxPos.getStart(); int endPos = saxPos.getEnd(); for (int j = startPos; j < endPos; j++) { coverageArray[j] = coverageArray[j] + 1; } } } // look for zero-covered intervals and add those to the list // List<RuleInterval> zeros = getZeroIntervals(coverageArray); if (zeros.size() > 0) { "found " + zeros.size() + " intervals not covered by rules: " + intervalsToString(zeros)); intervals.addAll(zeros); } else {"the whole timeseries is covered by rule intervals ..."); } // run HOTSAX with this intervals set // DiscordRecords discords = RRAImplementation.series2RRAAnomalies(ts, discordsToReport, intervals, normalizationThreshold); Date end = new Date(); System.out.println(discords.toString() + CR + "Discords found in " + SAXProcessor.timeToString(start.getTime(), end.getTime()) + CR); // THE DISCORD SEARCH IS DONE RIGHT HERE // BELOW IS THE CODE WHICH WRITES THE CURVE AND THE DISTANCE FILE ON FILESYSTEM // if (!(outputPrefix.isEmpty())) { // write the coverage array // String currentPath = new File(".").getCanonicalPath(); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter(new File(currentPath + File.separator + outputPrefix + "_coverage.txt"))); for (int i : coverageArray) { bw.write(i + "\n"); } bw.close(); Collections.sort(intervals, new Comparator<RuleInterval>() { public int compare(RuleInterval c1, RuleInterval c2) { if (c1.getStart() > c2.getStart()) { return 1; } else if (c1.getStart() < c2.getStart()) { return -1; } return 0; } }); // now lets find all the distances to non-self match // double[] distances = new double[ts.length]; double[] widths = new double[ts.length]; for (RuleInterval ri : intervals) { int ruleStart = ri.getStart(); int ruleEnd = ruleStart + ri.getLength(); int window = ruleEnd - ruleStart; double[] cw = tp.subseriesByCopy(ts, ruleStart, ruleStart + window); double cwNNDist = Double.MAX_VALUE; // this effectively finds the furthest hit // for (int j = 0; j < ts.length - window - 1; j++) { if (Math.abs(ruleStart - j) > window) { double[] currentSubsequence = tp.subseriesByCopy(ts, j, j + window); double dist = ed.distance(cw, currentSubsequence); if (dist < cwNNDist) { cwNNDist = dist; } } } distances[ruleStart] = cwNNDist; widths[ruleStart] = ri.getLength(); } bw = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter(new File(currentPath + File.separator + outputPrefix + "_distances.txt"))); for (int i = 0; i < distances.length; i++) { bw.write(i + "," + distances[i] + "," + widths[i] + "\n"); } bw.close(); } } /** * Finds discords in classic manner (i.e., using a trie). * * @param ts the dataset. * @param windowSize SAX sliding window size. * @param paaSize SAX PAA size. * @param alphabetSize SAX alphabet size. * @param saxNRStrategy the NR strategy to use. * @param discordsToReport SAX sliding window size. * @param giImplementation the GI algorithm to use. * @param outputPrefix the output prefix. * @param normalizationThreshold SAX normalization threshold. * @throws Exception if error occurs. */ private static void findRRA(double[] ts, int windowSize, int paaSize, int alphabetSize, NumerosityReductionStrategy saxNRStrategy, int discordsToReport, GIAlgorithm giImplementation, String outputPrefix, double normalizationThreshold) throws Exception {"running RRA algorithm..."); Date start = new Date(); // [1] get the grammar induced // GrammarRules rules; if (GIAlgorithm.SEQUITUR.equals(giImplementation)) { rules = SequiturFactory.series2SequiturRules(ts, windowSize, paaSize, alphabetSize, saxNRStrategy, normalizationThreshold); Date end = new Date(); + " Sequitur rules inferred in " + SAXProcessor.timeToString(start.getTime(), end.getTime())); } else { ParallelSAXImplementation ps = new ParallelSAXImplementation(); SAXRecords parallelRes = ps.process(ts, 2, windowSize, paaSize, alphabetSize, saxNRStrategy, normalizationThreshold); RePairGrammar rePairGrammar = RePairFactory.buildGrammar(parallelRes); rePairGrammar.expandRules(); rePairGrammar.buildIntervals(parallelRes, ts, windowSize); rules = rePairGrammar.toGrammarRulesData(); Date end = new Date(); + " RePair rules inferred in " + SAXProcessor.timeToString(start.getTime(), end.getTime())); } // [2] extract all the intervals // ArrayList<RuleInterval> intervals = new ArrayList<RuleInterval>(rules.size() * 2); // populate all intervals with their frequency // for (GrammarRuleRecord rule : rules) { if (0 == rule.ruleNumber()) { continue; } for (RuleInterval ri : rule.getRuleIntervals()) { RuleInterval i = (RuleInterval) ri.clone(); i.setCoverage(rule.getRuleIntervals().size()); // not a coverage used here but a rule // frequency, will override later i.setId(rule.ruleNumber()); intervals.add(i); } } // get the coverage array // int[] coverageArray = new int[ts.length]; for (GrammarRuleRecord rule : rules) { if (0 == rule.ruleNumber()) { continue; } ArrayList<RuleInterval> arrPos = rule.getRuleIntervals(); for (RuleInterval saxPos : arrPos) { int startPos = saxPos.getStart(); int endPos = saxPos.getEnd(); for (int j = startPos; j < endPos; j++) { coverageArray[j] = coverageArray[j] + 1; } } } // look for zero-covered intervals and add those to the list // List<RuleInterval> zeros = getZeroIntervals(coverageArray); if (zeros.size() > 0) { "found " + zeros.size() + " intervals not covered by rules: " + intervalsToString(zeros)); intervals.addAll(zeros); } else {"the whole timeseries is covered by rule intervals ..."); } // run HOTSAX with this intervals set // DiscordRecords discords = RRAImplementation.series2RRAAnomalies(ts, discordsToReport, intervals, normalizationThreshold); Date end = new Date(); System.out.println(discords.toString() + CR + discords.getSize() + " discords found in " + SAXProcessor.timeToString(start.getTime(), end.getTime()) + CR); // THE DISCORD SEARCH IS DONE RIGHT HERE // BELOW IS THE CODE WHICH WRITES THE CURVE AND THE DISTANCE FILE ON FILESYSTEM // if (!(outputPrefix.isEmpty())) { // write the coverage array // String currentPath = new File(".").getCanonicalPath(); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter(new File(currentPath + File.separator + outputPrefix + "_coverage.txt"))); for (int i : coverageArray) { bw.write(i + "\n"); } bw.close(); Collections.sort(intervals, new Comparator<RuleInterval>() { public int compare(RuleInterval c1, RuleInterval c2) { if (c1.getStart() > c2.getStart()) { return 1; } else if (c1.getStart() < c2.getStart()) { return -1; } return 0; } }); // now lets find all the distances to non-self match // double[] distances = new double[ts.length]; double[] widths = new double[ts.length]; for (RuleInterval ri : intervals) { int ruleStart = ri.getStart(); int ruleEnd = ruleStart + ri.getLength(); int window = ruleEnd - ruleStart; double[] cw = tp.subseriesByCopy(ts, ruleStart, ruleStart + window); double cwNNDist = Double.MAX_VALUE; // this effectively finds the furthest hit // for (int j = 0; j < ts.length - window - 1; j++) { if (Math.abs(ruleStart - j) > window) { double[] currentSubsequence = tp.subseriesByCopy(ts, j, j + window); double dist = ed.distance(cw, currentSubsequence); if (dist < cwNNDist) { cwNNDist = dist; } } } distances[ruleStart] = cwNNDist; widths[ruleStart] = ri.getLength(); } bw = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter(new File(currentPath + File.separator + outputPrefix + "_distances.txt"))); for (int i = 0; i < distances.length; i++) { bw.write(i + "," + distances[i] + "," + widths[i] + "\n"); } bw.close(); } } /** * Procedure of finding brute-force discords. * * @param ts timeseries to use * @param windowSize the sliding window size. * @param discordsToReport num of discords to report. * @param nThreshold the z-Normlization threshold value. * @throws Exception if error occurs. */ private static void findBruteForce(double[] ts, int windowSize, int discordsToReport, double nThreshold) throws Exception {"running brute force algorithm..."); Date start = new Date(); DiscordRecords discords = BruteForceDiscordImplementation.series2BruteForceDiscords(ts, windowSize, discordsToReport, new LargeWindowAlgorithm(), nThreshold); Date end = new Date(); System.out.println(CR + discords.toString() + CR + discords.getSize() + " discords found in " + SAXProcessor.timeToString(start.getTime(), end.getTime()) + CR); } /** * Finds discords using a hash-backed magic array. * * @param ts the dataset. * @param discordsToReport SAX sliding window size. * @param windowSize SAX sliding window size. * @param paaSize SAX PAA size. * @param alphabetSize SAX alphabet size. * @param saxNRStrategy the NR strategy to use. * @param normalizationThreshold SAX normalization threshold. * @throws Exception if error occurs. */ private static void findHotSax(double[] ts, int discordsToReport, int windowSize, int paaSize, int alphabetSize, NumerosityReductionStrategy saxNRStrategy, double normalizationThreshold) throws Exception {"running HOT SAX hashtable-based algorithm..."); Date start = new Date(); DiscordRecords discords = HOTSAXImplementation.series2Discords(ts, discordsToReport, windowSize, paaSize, alphabetSize, saxNRStrategy, normalizationThreshold); Date end = new Date(); System.out.println(CR + discords.toString() + CR + discords.getSize() + " discords found in " + SAXProcessor.timeToString(start.getTime(), end.getTime()) + CR); } /** * Makes a zeroed interval to appear nicely in output. * * @param zeros the list of zeros. * @return the intervals list as a string. */ private static String intervalsToString(List<RuleInterval> zeros) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (RuleInterval i : zeros) { sb.append(i.toString()).append(","); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Run a quick scan along the timeseries coverage to find a zeroed intervals. * * @param coverageArray the coverage to analyze. * @return set of zeroed intervals (if found). */ public static List<RuleInterval> getZeroIntervals(int[] coverageArray) { ArrayList<RuleInterval> res = new ArrayList<RuleInterval>(); int start = -1; boolean inInterval = false; int intervalsCounter = -1; for (int i = 0; i < coverageArray.length; i++) { if (0 == coverageArray[i] && !inInterval) { start = i; inInterval = true; } if (coverageArray[i] > 0 && inInterval) { res.add(new RuleInterval(intervalsCounter, start, i, 0)); inInterval = false; intervalsCounter--; } } return res; } /** * Converts a param string to boundaries array. * * @param str * @return */ private static int[] toBoundaries(String str) { int[] res = new int[9]; String[] split = str.split("\\s+"); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { res[i] = Integer.valueOf(split[i]); } return res; } }