package net.seninp.grammarviz.model; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Observable; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.seninp.grammarviz.logic.GrammarVizChartData; import net.seninp.jmotif.sax.NumerosityReductionStrategy; import net.seninp.jmotif.sax.SAXProcessor; import net.seninp.jmotif.sax.alphabet.NormalAlphabet; import net.seninp.jmotif.sax.datastructure.SAXRecords; import net.seninp.jmotif.sax.parallel.ParallelSAXImplementation; import net.seninp.util.StackTrace; /** * Implements the Sequitur Model component of MVC GUI pattern. * * @author psenin * */ public class GrammarVizModel extends Observable { final static Charset DEFAULT_CHARSET = StandardCharsets.UTF_8; private static final String SPACE = " "; private static final String CR = "\n"; /** The data filename. */ private String dataFileName; /** If that data was read - it is stored here. */ private double[] ts; /** Data structure that keeps the chart data. */ private GrammarVizChartData chartData; // static block - we instantiate the logger // private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GrammarVizModel.class); /** * The file name getter. * * @return current filename. */ public synchronized String getDataFileName() { return this.dataFileName; } /** * Set data source filename. * * @param filename the filename. */ public synchronized void setDataSource(String filename) {"setting " + filename + " as the data source"); // action this.dataFileName = filename; // notify the View this.setChanged(); notifyObservers(new GrammarVizMessage(GrammarVizMessage.DATA_FNAME, this.getDataFileName())); // this notification tells GUI which file was selected as the data source this.log("set " + filename + " as the data source"); } /** * Load the data which is supposedly in the file which is selected as the data source. * * @param limitStr the limit of lines to read. */ public synchronized void loadData(String limitStr) { // check if everything is ready if ((null == this.dataFileName) || this.dataFileName.isEmpty()) { this.log("unable to load data - no data source selected yet"); return; } // make sure the path exists Path path = Paths.get(this.dataFileName); if (!(Files.exists(path))) { this.log("file " + this.dataFileName + " doesn't exist."); return; } // read the input // ArrayList<Double> data = new ArrayList<Double>(); // lets go try { // set the lines limit long loadLimit = 0l; if (!(null == limitStr) && !(limitStr.isEmpty())) { loadLimit = Long.parseLong(limitStr); } // open the reader BufferedReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(path, DEFAULT_CHARSET); // read by the line in the loop from reader String line = null; long lineCounter = 0; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { String[] lineSplit = line.trim().split("\\s+"); // we read only first column // for (int i = 0; i < lineSplit.length; i++) { double value = new BigDecimal(lineSplit[0]).doubleValue(); data.add(value); // } lineCounter++; // break the load if needed if ((loadLimit > 0) && (lineCounter > loadLimit)) { break; } } reader.close(); } catch (Exception e) { String stackTrace = StackTrace.toString(e); System.err.println(StackTrace.toString(e)); this.log("error while trying to read data from " + this.dataFileName + ":\n" + stackTrace); } finally { assert true; } // convert to simple doubles array and clean the variable if (!(data.isEmpty())) { this.ts = new double[data.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { this.ts[i] = data.get(i); } } data = new ArrayList<Double>();"loaded " + this.ts.length + " points...."); // notify that the process finished this.log("loaded " + this.ts.length + " points from " + this.dataFileName); // and send the timeseries setChanged(); notifyObservers(new GrammarVizMessage(GrammarVizMessage.TIME_SERIES_MESSAGE, this.ts)); } /** * Process data with GI algorithm. Instantiate, populate, and broadcast the ChartData object. * * @param algorithm the algorithm, 0 Sequitur, 1 RE-PAIR. * @param useSlidingWindow The use sliding window parameter. * @param numerosityReductionStrategy The numerosity reduction strategy. * @param windowSize The SAX sliding window size. * @param paaSize The SAX PAA size. * @param alphabetSize The SAX alphabet size. * @param normalizationThreshold The normalization threshold. * @param grammarOutputFileName The file name to where save the grammar. * @throws IOException */ public synchronized void processData(GIAlgorithm algorithm, boolean useSlidingWindow, NumerosityReductionStrategy numerosityReductionStrategy, int windowSize, int paaSize, int alphabetSize, double normalizationThreshold, String grammarOutputFileName) throws IOException { // check if the data is loaded // if (null == this.ts || this.ts.length == 0) { this.log("unable to \"Process data\" - no data were loaded ..."); } else { // the logging block // StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("setting up GI with params: "); if (GIAlgorithm.SEQUITUR.equals(algorithm)) { sb.append("algorithm: Sequitur, "); } else { sb.append("algorithm: RePair, "); } sb.append("sliding window ").append(useSlidingWindow); sb.append(", numerosity reduction ").append(numerosityReductionStrategy.toString()); sb.append(", SAX window ").append(windowSize); sb.append(", PAA ").append(paaSize); sb.append(", Alphabet ").append(alphabetSize);; this.log(sb.toString()); LOGGER.debug("creating ChartDataStructure"); this.chartData = new GrammarVizChartData(this.dataFileName, this.ts, useSlidingWindow, numerosityReductionStrategy, windowSize, paaSize, alphabetSize, normalizationThreshold); NormalAlphabet na = new NormalAlphabet(); try { if (GIAlgorithm.SEQUITUR.equals(algorithm)) { SAXProcessor sp = new SAXProcessor(); SAXRecords saxFrequencyData = new SAXRecords(); if (useSlidingWindow) { saxFrequencyData = sp.ts2saxViaWindow(ts, windowSize, paaSize, na.getCuts(alphabetSize), numerosityReductionStrategy, normalizationThreshold); } else { saxFrequencyData = sp.ts2saxByChunking(ts, paaSize, na.getCuts(alphabetSize), normalizationThreshold); } SAXRule sequiturGrammar = SequiturFactory .runSequitur(saxFrequencyData.getSAXString(SPACE)); GrammarRules rules = sequiturGrammar.toGrammarRulesData(); SequiturFactory.updateRuleIntervals(rules, saxFrequencyData, useSlidingWindow, this.ts, windowSize, paaSize); this.chartData.setGrammarRules(rules); } else { ParallelSAXImplementation ps = new ParallelSAXImplementation(); SAXRecords parallelRes = ps.process(ts, 2, windowSize, paaSize, alphabetSize, numerosityReductionStrategy, normalizationThreshold); RePairGrammar rePairGrammar = RePairFactory.buildGrammar(parallelRes); rePairGrammar.expandRules(); rePairGrammar.buildIntervals(parallelRes, ts, windowSize); GrammarRules rules = rePairGrammar.toGrammarRulesData(); this.chartData.setGrammarRules(rules); } } catch (Exception e) { this.log("error while processing data " + StackTrace.toString(e)); e.printStackTrace(); } this.log("processed data, broadcasting charts");"process finished"); setChanged(); notifyObservers(new GrammarVizMessage(GrammarVizMessage.CHART_MESSAGE, this.chartData)); } } /** * Performs logging messages distribution. * * @param message the message to log. */ private void log(String message) { this.setChanged(); notifyObservers(new GrammarVizMessage(GrammarVizMessage.STATUS_MESSAGE, "model: " + message)); } /** * Saves the grammar stats. * * @param data the data for collecting stats. */ protected void saveGrammarStats(GrammarVizChartData data) { boolean fileOpen = false; BufferedWriter bw = null; try { String currentPath = new File(".").getCanonicalPath(); bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream(currentPath + File.separator + "grammar_stats.txt"), "UTF-8")); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("# filename: ").append(this.dataFileName).append(CR); sb.append("# sliding window: ").append(data.getSAXWindowSize()).append(CR); if (data.isSlidingWindowOn()) { sb.append("# window size: ").append(data.getSAXWindowSize()).append(CR); } sb.append("# paa size: ").append(data.getSAXPaaSize()).append(CR); sb.append("# alphabet size: ").append(data.getSAXAlphabetSize()).append(CR); bw.write(sb.toString()); fileOpen = true; } catch (IOException e) { System.err.print( "Encountered an error while writing stats file: \n" + StackTrace.toString(e) + "\n"); } // ArrayList<int[]> ruleLengths = new ArrayList<int[]>(); for (GrammarRuleRecord ruleRecord : data.getGrammarRules()) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("/// ").append(ruleRecord.getRuleName()).append(CR); sb.append(ruleRecord.getRuleName()).append(" -> \'").append(ruleRecord.getRuleString().trim()) .append("\', expanded rule string: \'").append(ruleRecord.getExpandedRuleString()) .append("\'").append(CR); if (ruleRecord.getRuleIntervals().size() > 0) { int[] starts = new int[ruleRecord.getRuleIntervals().size()]; int[] lengths = new int[ruleRecord.getRuleIntervals().size()]; int i = 0; for (RuleInterval sp : ruleRecord.getRuleIntervals()) { starts[i] = sp.getStart(); lengths[i] = (sp.endPos - sp.startPos); i++; } sb.append("subsequences starts: ").append(Arrays.toString(starts)).append(CR) .append("subsequences lengths: ").append(Arrays.toString(lengths)).append(CR); } sb.append("rule occurrence frequency ").append(ruleRecord.getRuleIntervals().size()) .append(CR); sb.append("rule use frequency ").append(ruleRecord.getRuleUseFrequency()).append(CR); sb.append("min length ").append(ruleRecord.minMaxLengthAsString().split(" - ")[0]).append(CR); sb.append("max length ").append(ruleRecord.minMaxLengthAsString().split(" - ")[1]).append(CR); sb.append("mean length ").append(ruleRecord.getMeanLength()).append(CR); if (fileOpen) { try { bw.write(sb.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.print( "Encountered an error while writing stats file: \n" + StackTrace.toString(e) + "\n"); } } } // try to write stats into the file try { if (fileOpen) { bw.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.print( "Encountered an error while writing stats file: \n" + StackTrace.toString(e) + "\n"); } } }