/* * Copyright (c) 2017, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ // @formatter:off /* @ApiInfo( group="Tutorial" ) */ /** * <h1>Truffle Tutorial: Embedding Truffle Languages in Java</h1> * * This tutorial shows how to embed the Truffle language * {@linkplain com.oracle.truffle.api.vm.PolyglotEngine execution environment} in a * Java application. * <p> * The Truffle environment lets Java interoperate with Truffle-implemented * <em>guest languages</em> via <em>foreign objects</em> and <em>foreign functions</em>. * For example Java code * can directly access guest language methods, objects, classes, * and some complex data structures * with Java-typed accessors. In the reverse direction, guest language code can access Java objects, * classes, and constructors. * <p> * This tutorial helps you get started, starting with setup instructions, followed by descriptions of * different interoperation scenarios with (working) code examples. * * <h2>Related information</h2> * </ul> * <li>{@link com.oracle.truffle.api.vm.PolyglotEngine}: execution environment for Truffle-implemented languages.</li> * <li>{@linkplain com.oracle.truffle.tutorial Other Truffle Tutorials} * </ul> * * <h2>Contents</h2> * * <div id="toc"></div> * <div id="contents"> * * <h2>Setup</h2> * * Download * <a href="http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/oracle-labs/program-languages/overview/">GraalVM</a>, * which contains all the necessary pre-built components. * Truffle bits are <a href="http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cgav%7C1%7Cg%3A%22com.oracle.truffle%22%20AND%20a%3A%22truffle-api%22"> * uploaded to Maven central</a>. You can use them from your <em>pom.xml</em> * file as: * <pre> <dependency> <groupId><b>com.oracle.truffle</b></groupId> <artifactId><b>truffle-api</b></artifactId> <version>0.23</version> <em><!-- or any later version --></em> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId><b>com.oracle.truffle</b></groupId> <artifactId><b>truffle-dsl-processor</b></artifactId> <version>0.23</version> <em><!-- same version as above --></em> <scope>provided</scope> </dependency> * </pre> * * <h2>Get started</h2> * * <h3>Guest language "Hello World!"</h3> * * Integrating Truffle into your Java application starts with building * an instance of {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.vm.PolyglotEngine}, the * execution environment for Truffle-implemented languages. * You can then use the engine to * {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.vm.PolyglotEngine#eval evaluate} * guest language source code. * <p> * The following example creates the (literal) JavaScript * {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.source.Source} named <code>hello.js</code>, * evaluates it, and then "casts" the result to a Java string. * You can also create a {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.source.Source} that * wraps a file name or URL. * * {@codesnippet com.oracle.truffle.tutorial.HelloWorld#helloWorldInJavaScript} * * <h3>It's a polyglot world</h3> * * How to list all available languages? (TBD) * * <h3>Add a language</h3> * * The set of supported languages is determined by putting their JAR files on a * classpath of your application. Some languages are available in central * <a href="http://search.maven.org/#search|ga|1|g%3A%22com.oracle.truffle%22%20AND%20a%3A%22truffle-sl%22"> * Maven repository</a>. To include them, modify your <code>pom.xml</code> file (if * using Maven) dependency section: * * <pre> * <dependency> * <groupId>com.oracle.truffle</groupId> * <artifactId>truffle-sl</artifactId> * <version>0.23</version> * </dependency> * </pre> * * In addition to languages found on classpath the * <a href="http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/oracle-labs/program-languages/overview/">GraalVM</a> * download comes with highly efficient implementations of <em>JavaScript</em>, * <a href="https://github.com/graalvm/truffleruby/">Ruby</a> and * the <a href="https://github.com/graalvm/fastr/">R language</a>. * * <h3>Hello World in Ruby and JavaScript</h3> * * Mixing languages (TBD) * * <h2>Call guest language functions from Java</h2> * * Tuffle interoperation lets Java call * <em>foreign functions</em> that guest language code <em>exports</em> (details vary across languages). * This section presents a few examples. * * <h3>Define and call a JavaScript function</h3> * * A function exported from a dynamic language becomes a callable <em>foreign function</em> * by giving it a Java type, for example the Java interface {@code Multiplier} in the following code. * * {@codesnippet com.oracle.truffle.tck.impl.PolyglotEngineWithJavaScript#callJavaScriptFunctionFromJava} * * Notes: * <ul> * <li>Evaluating the JS source returns an anonymous JS function of two arguments wrapped * in a {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.vm.PolyglotEngine.Value Value} that can be * {@linkplain com.oracle.truffle.api.vm.PolyglotEngine.Value#as(Class) "cast"} * to a <em>foreign function</em> with a Java type.</li> * <li>Parentheses around the JS function definition keep it out of JavaScript's * global scope, so the Java object holds the only reference to it.</li> * </ul> * * <h3>Define and call a Ruby function</h3> * * {@codesnippet com.oracle.truffle.tck.impl.PolyglotEngineWithRuby#callRubyFunctionFromJava} * * Notes: * <ul> * <li>Evaluating the Ruby source returns a Ruby Proc of two arguments wrapped * in a {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.vm.PolyglotEngine.Value Value} that can be * {@linkplain com.oracle.truffle.api.vm.PolyglotEngine.Value#as(Class) "cast"} * to a <em>foreign function</em> with a Java type.</li> * </ul> * * <h3>Call an existing R function</h3> * * In this sample we use a reference to existing R function {@code qbinom} from the built-in <em>stats</em> package. * * {@codesnippet com.oracle.truffle.tck.impl.PolyglotEngineWithR#callRFunctionFromJava} * * <h2>Call multiple guest language functions with shared state from Java</h2> * * Often it is necessary to export multiple dynamic language functions that work * together, for example by sharing variables. This can be done by giving * an exported group of functions a Java type with more than a single method, * for example the Java interface {@code Counter} in the following code. * * {@codesnippet com.oracle.truffle.tck.impl.PolyglotEngineWithJavaScript#callJavaScriptFunctionsWithSharedStateFromJava} * * Notes: * <ul> * <li>Evaluating the JS source returns an anonymous JS function of no arguments wrapped * in a {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.vm.PolyglotEngine.Value Value} (assigned * to {@code jsFunction}) that can be * {@linkplain com.oracle.truffle.api.vm.PolyglotEngine.Value#execute(Object...) executed} * directly, without giving it a Java type.</li> * <li>Executing {@code jsFunction} returns a JS dynamic object (containing two methods * and a shared variable) wrapped in a {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.vm.PolyglotEngine.Value Value} * that can be {@linkplain com.oracle.truffle.api.vm.PolyglotEngine.Value#as(Class) "cast"} * to a <em>foreign object</em> with a Java type.</li> * <li>Parentheses around the JS function definition keep it out of JavaScript's * global scope, so the Java object holds the only reference to it.</li> * </ul> * * <h2>Access guest language classes from Java</h2> * * <h3>Access a JavaScript class</h3> * * The ECMAScript 6 specification adds the concept of typeless classes to JavaScript. * Truffle interoperation allows Java to access fields and functions of a JavaScript class, * for example the <em>foreign function</em> factory and class given the Java type * {@code Incrementor} in the following code. * * {@codesnippet com.oracle.truffle.tck.impl.PolyglotEngineWithJavaScript#callJavaScriptClassFactoryFromJava} * * Notes: * <ul> * <li>Evaluating the JS source returns an anonymous JS function of no arguments wrapped * in a {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.vm.PolyglotEngine.Value Value} (assigned * to {@code jsFunction}) that can be * {@linkplain com.oracle.truffle.api.vm.PolyglotEngine.Value#execute(Object...) executed} * directly, without giving it a Java type.</li> * <li>Executing {@code jsFunction} returns a JS factory method for class * {@code JSIncrementor} that can also be executed directly.</li> * <li>Executing the JS factory returns a JS object * wrapped in a {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.vm.PolyglotEngine.Value Value} * that can be {@linkplain com.oracle.truffle.api.vm.PolyglotEngine.Value#as(Class) "cast"} * to a <em>foreign object</em> with the Java type {@code Incrementor}.</li> * <li>Parentheses around the JS function definition keep it out of JavaScript's * global scope, so the Java object holds the only reference to it.</li> * </ul> * * <h2>Access guest language data structures from Java</h2> * * The method {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.vm.PolyglotEngine.Value#as(Class) Value.as(Class)} * plays an essential role supporting interoperation between Java and guest language data * structures. * This section presents a few examples. * * <h3>Access a JavaScript Array</h3> * * The following example demonstrates type-safe Java foreign access * to members of a JavaScript array with members of a known type, * accessed as a Java {@link java.util.List} of objects with type given by interface {@code Point}. * * {@codesnippet com.oracle.truffle.tck.impl.PolyglotEngineWithJavaScript#accessJavaScriptArrayWithTypedElementsFromJava} * * Notes: * <ul> * <li>Evaluating the JS source returns an anonymous JS function of no arguments wrapped * in a {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.vm.PolyglotEngine.Value Value} (assigned * to {@code jsFunction}) that can be * {@linkplain com.oracle.truffle.api.vm.PolyglotEngine.Value#as(Class) "cast"} * to a <em>foreign function</em> with Java type {@code PointProvider}.</li> * <li>Invoking the foreign function (assigned to {@code pointProvider}) creates * a JS array, which is returned as a <em>foreign object</em> * with Java type {@code List<Point>}.</li> * <li>Parentheses around the JS function definition keep it out of JavaScript's * global scope, so the Java object holds the only reference to it.</li> * </ul> * * <h3>Access a JavaScript JSON structure</h3> * * This example demonstrates type-safe Java foreign access to a JavaScript JSON-like * structure, based on JSON data returned by a GitHub API. * The GitHub response contains a list of repository objects. Each repository has an id, * name, list of URLs, and a nested structure describing its owner. Java interfaces * {@code Repository} and {@code Owner} define the structure as Java types. * <p> * The following Java code is able to inspect a JavaScript JSON data structure * generated by "mock parser" in a type-safe way. * * {@codesnippet com.oracle.truffle.tck.impl.PolyglotEngineWithJavaScript#accessJavaScriptJSONObjectFromJava} * * Notes: * <ul> * <li>Evaluating the JS source returns an anonymous JS function of no arguments wrapped * in a {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.vm.PolyglotEngine.Value Value} (assigned * to {@code jsFunction}) that can be * {@linkplain com.oracle.truffle.api.vm.PolyglotEngine.Value#execute(Object...) executed} * directly, without giving it a Java type.</li> * <li>Executing {@code jsFunction} returns a JS mock JSON parser function * (assigned to {@code jsMockParser}) wrapped in a * {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.vm.PolyglotEngine.Value Value}, that can be * {@linkplain com.oracle.truffle.api.vm.PolyglotEngine.Value#as(Class) "cast"} * to a <em>foreign function</em> with Java type {@code ParseJSON}.</li> * <li>Calling the Java-typed mock parser creates a JS data structure, which is * returned as a <em>foreign object</em> with Java type {@code List<Repository>}. * <li>Parentheses around the JS function definition keep it out of JavaScript's * global scope, so the Java object holds the only reference to it.</li> * </ul> * * <h2>Access Java from guest languages</h2> * * <h3>Access Java fields and methods from JavaScript</h3> * * <em>Public</em> members of Java objects can be exposed to guest language code * as <em>foreign objects</em>, for example Java objects of type {@code Moment} in * the following example. * * {@codesnippet com.oracle.truffle.tck.impl.PolyglotEngineWithJavaScript#accessFieldsOfJavaObject} * * Notes: * <ul> * <li>Evaluating the JS source returns an anonymous JS function of one argument wrapped * in a {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.vm.PolyglotEngine.Value Value} (assigned to * {@code jsFunction}) that can be executed directly with one argument.</li> * <li>The Java argument {@code javaMoment} is seen by the JS function as a * <em>foreign object</em> whose public fields are visible.</em> * <li>Executing {@code jsFunction} returns a JS number * that can be * {@linkplain com.oracle.truffle.api.vm.PolyglotEngine.Value#as(Class) "cast"} * to a Java {@link java.lang.Number} and then to a Java {@code int}.</li> * <li>Parentheses around the JS function definition keep it out of JavaScript's * global scope, so the Java object holds the only reference to it.</li> * </ul> * * The multiple steps needed to convert the result in the above example * produces awkward code that can be simplified. * Instead of invoking the JS function directly, and "casting" the wrapped JS result, * we can instead * {@linkplain com.oracle.truffle.api.vm.PolyglotEngine.Value#as(Class) "cast"} * the JS function to a Java foreign function (of type {@code MomentConverter}) that * returns the desired Java type directly, as shown in the following variation. * * {@codesnippet com.oracle.truffle.tck.impl.PolyglotEngineWithJavaScript#accessFieldsOfJavaObjectWithConverter} * * <h3>Access Java constructors and static methods from JavaScript</h3> * * Dynamic languages can also access the <em>public constructors</em> and <em>public static methods</em> * of any Java class for which they are provided a reference. * The following example shows JavaScript access to the public constructor of a Java * class. * * {@codesnippet com.oracle.truffle.tck.impl.PolyglotEngineWithJavaScript#createJavaScriptFactoryForJavaClass} * * Notes: * <ul> * <li>Evaluating the JS source returns an anonymous JS function of one argument wrapped * in a {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.vm.PolyglotEngine.Value Value} (assigned to * {@code jsFunction}) that can be executed directly with one argument.</li> * <li>The Java class argument {@code Moment.class} is seen by the JS function as a * <em>foreign class</em> whose public constructor is visible.</em> * <li>Executing {@code jsFunction} with the Java class argument returns * a JS "factory" function (for the Java class) that can be * {@linkplain com.oracle.truffle.api.vm.PolyglotEngine.Value#as(Class) "cast"} * to the desired Java function type ({@code MomentFactory}).</li> * <li>Parentheses around the JS function definition keep it out of JavaScript's * global scope, so the Java object holds the only reference to it.</li> * </ul> * * </div> * <script src="../doc-files/tutorial.js"></script> * * @since 0.25 */ package com.oracle.truffle.tutorial.embedding;