/* * Copyright (c) 2012, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 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DO NOT EDIT. package com.oracle.truffle.sl.parser; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import com.oracle.truffle.api.source.Source; import com.oracle.truffle.sl.SLException; import com.oracle.truffle.sl.SLLanguage; import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.SLExpressionNode; import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.SLRootNode; import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.SLStatementNode; // Checkstyle: stop // @formatter:off public class Parser { public static final int _EOF = 0; public static final int _identifier = 1; public static final int _stringLiteral = 2; public static final int _numericLiteral = 3; public static final int maxT = 34; static final boolean _T = true; static final boolean _x = false; static final int minErrDist = 2; public Token t; // last recognized token public Token la; // lookahead token int errDist = minErrDist; public final Scanner scanner; public final Errors errors; private final SLNodeFactory factory; public Parser(SLLanguage language, Source source) { this.scanner = new Scanner(source.getInputStream()); this.factory = new SLNodeFactory(language, source); errors = new Errors(); } void SynErr(int n) { if (errDist >= minErrDist) errors.SynErr(la.line, la.col, n); errDist = 0; } public void SemErr(String msg) { if (errDist >= minErrDist) errors.SemErr(t.line, t.col, msg); errDist = 0; } void Get() { for (;;) { t = la; la = scanner.Scan(); if (la.kind <= maxT) { ++errDist; break; } la = t; } } void Expect(int n) { if (la.kind == n) Get(); else { SynErr(n); } } boolean StartOf(int s) { return set[s][la.kind]; } void ExpectWeak(int n, int follow) { if (la.kind == n) Get(); else { SynErr(n); while (!StartOf(follow)) Get(); } } boolean WeakSeparator(int n, int syFol, int repFol) { int kind = la.kind; if (kind == n) { Get(); return true; } else if (StartOf(repFol)) return false; else { SynErr(n); while (!(set[syFol][kind] || set[repFol][kind] || set[0][kind])) { Get(); kind = la.kind; } return StartOf(syFol); } } void SimpleLanguage() { Function(); while (la.kind == 4) { Function(); } } void Function() { Expect(4); Expect(1); Token identifierToken = t; Expect(5); int bodyStartPos = t.charPos; factory.startFunction(identifierToken, bodyStartPos); if (la.kind == 1) { Get(); factory.addFormalParameter(t); while (la.kind == 6) { Get(); Expect(1); factory.addFormalParameter(t); } } Expect(7); SLStatementNode body = Block(false); factory.finishFunction(body); } SLStatementNode Block(boolean inLoop) { SLStatementNode result; factory.startBlock(); List<SLStatementNode> body = new ArrayList<>(); Expect(8); int start = t.charPos; while (StartOf(1)) { SLStatementNode s = Statement(inLoop); body.add(s); } Expect(9); int length = (t.charPos + t.val.length()) - start; result = factory.finishBlock(body, start, length); return result; } SLStatementNode Statement(boolean inLoop) { SLStatementNode result; result = null; switch (la.kind) { case 14: { result = WhileStatement(); break; } case 10: { Get(); if (inLoop) { result = factory.createBreak(t); } else { SemErr("break used outside of loop"); } Expect(11); break; } case 12: { Get(); if (inLoop) { result = factory.createContinue(t); } else { SemErr("continue used outside of loop"); } Expect(11); break; } case 15: { result = IfStatement(inLoop); break; } case 17: { result = ReturnStatement(); break; } case 1: case 2: case 3: case 5: { result = Expression(); Expect(11); break; } case 13: { Get(); result = factory.createDebugger(t); Expect(11); break; } default: SynErr(35); break; } return result; } SLStatementNode WhileStatement() { SLStatementNode result; Expect(14); Token whileToken = t; Expect(5); SLExpressionNode condition = Expression(); Expect(7); SLStatementNode body = Block(true); result = factory.createWhile(whileToken, condition, body); return result; } SLStatementNode IfStatement(boolean inLoop) { SLStatementNode result; Expect(15); Token ifToken = t; Expect(5); SLExpressionNode condition = Expression(); Expect(7); SLStatementNode thenPart = Block(inLoop); SLStatementNode elsePart = null; if (la.kind == 16) { Get(); elsePart = Block(inLoop); } result = factory.createIf(ifToken, condition, thenPart, elsePart); return result; } SLStatementNode ReturnStatement() { SLStatementNode result; Expect(17); Token returnToken = t; SLExpressionNode value = null; if (StartOf(2)) { value = Expression(); } result = factory.createReturn(returnToken, value); Expect(11); return result; } SLExpressionNode Expression() { SLExpressionNode result; result = LogicTerm(); while (la.kind == 18) { Get(); Token op = t; SLExpressionNode right = LogicTerm(); result = factory.createBinary(op, result, right); } return result; } SLExpressionNode LogicTerm() { SLExpressionNode result; result = LogicFactor(); while (la.kind == 19) { Get(); Token op = t; SLExpressionNode right = LogicFactor(); result = factory.createBinary(op, result, right); } return result; } SLExpressionNode LogicFactor() { SLExpressionNode result; result = Arithmetic(); if (StartOf(3)) { switch (la.kind) { case 20: { Get(); break; } case 21: { Get(); break; } case 22: { Get(); break; } case 23: { Get(); break; } case 24: { Get(); break; } case 25: { Get(); break; } } Token op = t; SLExpressionNode right = Arithmetic(); result = factory.createBinary(op, result, right); } return result; } SLExpressionNode Arithmetic() { SLExpressionNode result; result = Term(); while (la.kind == 26 || la.kind == 27) { if (la.kind == 26) { Get(); } else { Get(); } Token op = t; SLExpressionNode right = Term(); result = factory.createBinary(op, result, right); } return result; } SLExpressionNode Term() { SLExpressionNode result; result = Factor(); while (la.kind == 28 || la.kind == 29) { if (la.kind == 28) { Get(); } else { Get(); } Token op = t; SLExpressionNode right = Factor(); result = factory.createBinary(op, result, right); } return result; } SLExpressionNode Factor() { SLExpressionNode result; result = null; if (la.kind == 1) { Get(); SLExpressionNode assignmentName = factory.createStringLiteral(t, false); if (StartOf(4)) { result = MemberExpression(null, null, assignmentName); } else if (StartOf(5)) { result = factory.createRead(assignmentName); } else SynErr(36); } else if (la.kind == 2) { Get(); result = factory.createStringLiteral(t, true); } else if (la.kind == 3) { Get(); result = factory.createNumericLiteral(t); } else if (la.kind == 5) { Get(); int start = t.charPos; result = Expression(); SLExpressionNode expr = result; Expect(7); int length = (t.charPos + t.val.length()) - start; result = factory.createParenExpression(expr, start, length); } else SynErr(37); return result; } SLExpressionNode MemberExpression(SLExpressionNode r, SLExpressionNode assignmentReceiver, SLExpressionNode assignmentName) { SLExpressionNode result; result = null; SLExpressionNode receiver = r; SLExpressionNode nestedAssignmentName = null; if (la.kind == 5) { Get(); List<SLExpressionNode> parameters = new ArrayList<>(); SLExpressionNode parameter; if (receiver == null) { receiver = factory.createRead(assignmentName); } if (StartOf(2)) { parameter = Expression(); parameters.add(parameter); while (la.kind == 6) { Get(); parameter = Expression(); parameters.add(parameter); } } Expect(7); Token finalToken = t; result = factory.createCall(receiver, parameters, finalToken); } else if (la.kind == 30) { Get(); SLExpressionNode value = Expression(); if (assignmentName == null) { SemErr("invalid assignment target"); } else if (assignmentReceiver == null) { result = factory.createAssignment(assignmentName, value); } else { result = factory.createWriteProperty(assignmentReceiver, assignmentName, value); } } else if (la.kind == 31) { Get(); if (receiver == null) { receiver = factory.createRead(assignmentName); } Expect(1); nestedAssignmentName = factory.createStringLiteral(t, false); result = factory.createReadProperty(receiver, nestedAssignmentName); } else if (la.kind == 32) { Get(); if (receiver == null) { receiver = factory.createRead(assignmentName); } nestedAssignmentName = Expression(); result = factory.createReadProperty(receiver, nestedAssignmentName); Expect(33); } else SynErr(38); if (StartOf(4)) { result = MemberExpression(result, receiver, nestedAssignmentName); } return result; } public void Parse() { la = new Token(); la.val = ""; Get(); SimpleLanguage(); Expect(0); } private static final boolean[][] set = { {_T,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x}, {_x,_T,_T,_T, _x,_T,_x,_x, _x,_x,_T,_x, _T,_T,_T,_T, _x,_T,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x}, {_x,_T,_T,_T, _x,_T,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x}, {_x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _T,_T,_T,_T, _T,_T,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x}, {_x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_T,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_T,_T, _T,_x,_x,_x}, {_x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_T,_T,_T, _x,_x,_x,_T, _x,_x,_x,_x, _x,_x,_T,_T, _T,_T,_T,_T, _T,_T,_T,_T, _T,_T,_T,_T, _T,_T,_x,_x} }; @Deprecated public static Map<String, SLRootNode> parseSL(Source source) { return parseSL(null, source); } public static Map<String, SLRootNode> parseSL(SLLanguage language, Source source) { Parser parser = new Parser(language, source); parser.Parse(); if (parser.errors.errors.size() > 0) { StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder("Error(s) parsing script:\n"); for (String error : parser.errors.errors) { msg.append(error).append("\n"); } throw new SLException(msg.toString()); } return parser.factory.getAllFunctions(); } } // end Parser class Errors { protected final List<String> errors = new ArrayList<>(); public String errMsgFormat = "-- line {0} col {1}: {2}"; // 0=line, 1=column, 2=text protected void printMsg(int line, int column, String msg) { StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer(errMsgFormat); int pos = b.indexOf("{0}"); if (pos >= 0) { b.delete(pos, pos + 3); b.insert(pos, line); } pos = b.indexOf("{1}"); if (pos >= 0) { b.delete(pos, pos + 3); b.insert(pos, column); } pos = b.indexOf("{2}"); if (pos >= 0) b.replace(pos, pos + 3, msg); errors.add(b.toString()); } public void SynErr(int line, int col, int n) { String s; switch (n) { case 0: s = "EOF expected"; break; case 1: s = "identifier expected"; break; case 2: s = "stringLiteral expected"; break; case 3: s = "numericLiteral expected"; break; case 4: s = "\"function\" expected"; break; case 5: s = "\"(\" expected"; break; case 6: s = "\",\" expected"; break; case 7: s = "\")\" expected"; break; case 8: s = "\"{\" expected"; break; case 9: s = "\"}\" expected"; break; case 10: s = "\"break\" expected"; break; case 11: s = "\";\" expected"; break; case 12: s = "\"continue\" expected"; break; case 13: s = "\"debugger\" expected"; break; case 14: s = "\"while\" expected"; break; case 15: s = "\"if\" expected"; break; case 16: s = "\"else\" expected"; break; case 17: s = "\"return\" expected"; break; case 18: s = "\"||\" expected"; break; case 19: s = "\"&&\" expected"; break; case 20: s = "\"<\" expected"; break; case 21: s = "\"<=\" expected"; break; case 22: s = "\">\" expected"; break; case 23: s = "\">=\" expected"; break; case 24: s = "\"==\" expected"; break; case 25: s = "\"!=\" expected"; break; case 26: s = "\"+\" expected"; break; case 27: s = "\"-\" expected"; break; case 28: s = "\"*\" expected"; break; case 29: s = "\"/\" expected"; break; case 30: s = "\"=\" expected"; break; case 31: s = "\".\" expected"; break; case 32: s = "\"[\" expected"; break; case 33: s = "\"]\" expected"; break; case 34: s = "??? expected"; break; case 35: s = "invalid Statement"; break; case 36: s = "invalid Factor"; break; case 37: s = "invalid Factor"; break; case 38: s = "invalid MemberExpression"; break; default: s = "error " + n; break; } printMsg(line, col, s); } public void SemErr(int line, int col, String s) { printMsg(line, col, s); } public void SemErr(String s) { errors.add(s); } public void Warning(int line, int col, String s) { printMsg(line, col, s); } public void Warning(String s) { errors.add(s); } } // Errors class FatalError extends RuntimeException { public static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public FatalError(String s) { super(s); } }