package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import freenet.client.async.ClientContext; import freenet.crypt.MasterSecret; import; import; import; /** Pads a bucket to the next power of 2 file size. * Note that self-terminating formats do not work with AEADCryptBucket; it needs to know the real * length. This pads with FileUtil.fill(), which is reasonably random but is faster than using * SecureRandom, and vastly more secure than using a non-secure Random. */ public class PaddedRandomAccessBucket implements RandomAccessBucket, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final RandomAccessBucket underlying; private long size; private transient boolean outputStreamOpen; private boolean readOnly; /** Create a PaddedBucket, assumed to be empty */ public PaddedRandomAccessBucket(RandomAccessBucket underlying) { this(underlying, 0); } /** Create a PaddedBucket, specifying the actual size of the existing bucket, which we * do not store on disk. * @param underlying The underlying bucket. * @param size The actual size of the data. */ public PaddedRandomAccessBucket(RandomAccessBucket underlying, long size) { this.underlying = underlying; this.size = size; } protected PaddedRandomAccessBucket() { // For serialization. underlying = null; size = 0; } @Override public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException { OutputStream os; synchronized(this) { if(outputStreamOpen) throw new IOException("Already have an OutputStream for "+this); os = underlying.getOutputStream(); outputStreamOpen = true; size = 0; } return new MyOutputStream(os); } @Override public OutputStream getOutputStreamUnbuffered() throws IOException { OutputStream os; synchronized(this) { if(outputStreamOpen) throw new IOException("Already have an OutputStream for "+this); os = underlying.getOutputStreamUnbuffered(); outputStreamOpen = true; size = 0; } return new MyOutputStream(os); } private class MyOutputStream extends FilterOutputStream { private boolean closed; MyOutputStream(OutputStream os) { super(os); } @Override public void write(int b) throws IOException { out.write(b); synchronized(PaddedRandomAccessBucket.this) { size++; } } @Override public void write(byte[] buf) throws IOException { out.write(buf); synchronized(PaddedRandomAccessBucket.this) { if(closed) throw new IOException("Already closed"); size += buf.length; } } @Override public void write(byte[] buf, int offset, int length) throws IOException { out.write(buf, offset, length); synchronized(PaddedRandomAccessBucket.this) { if(closed) throw new IOException("Already closed"); size += length; } } @Override public void close() throws IOException { try { long padding; synchronized(PaddedRandomAccessBucket.this) { if(closed) return; closed = true; long paddedLength = paddedLength(size); padding = paddedLength - size; } FileUtil.fill(out, padding); out.close(); } finally { synchronized(PaddedRandomAccessBucket.this) { outputStreamOpen = false; } } } public String toString() { return "TrivialPaddedBucketOutputStream:"+out+"("+PaddedRandomAccessBucket.this+")"; } } private static final long MIN_PADDED_SIZE = 1024; private long paddedLength(long size) { if(size < MIN_PADDED_SIZE) size = MIN_PADDED_SIZE; if(size == MIN_PADDED_SIZE) return size; long min = MIN_PADDED_SIZE; long max = (long)MIN_PADDED_SIZE << 1; while(true) { if(max < 0) throw new Error("Impossible size: "+size+" - min="+min+", max="+max); if(size < min) throw new IllegalStateException("???"); if((size >= min) && (size <= max)) { return max; } min = max; max = max << 1; } } @Override public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { return new MyInputStream(underlying.getInputStream()); } @Override public InputStream getInputStreamUnbuffered() throws IOException { return new MyInputStream(underlying.getInputStreamUnbuffered()); } private class MyInputStream extends FilterInputStream { private long counter; public MyInputStream(InputStream is) { super(is); } @Override public int read() throws IOException { synchronized(PaddedRandomAccessBucket.this) { if(counter >= size) return -1; } int ret =; synchronized(PaddedRandomAccessBucket.this) { counter++; } return ret; } @Override public int read(byte[] buf) throws IOException { return read(buf, 0, buf.length); } @Override public int read(byte[] buf, int offset, int length) throws IOException { synchronized(PaddedRandomAccessBucket.this) { if(length < 0) return -1; if(length == 0) return 0; if(counter >= size) return -1; if(counter + length >= size) { length = (int)Math.min(length, size - counter); } } int ret =, offset, length); synchronized(PaddedRandomAccessBucket.this) { if(ret > 0) counter += ret; } return ret; } public long skip(long length) throws IOException { synchronized(PaddedRandomAccessBucket.this) { if(counter >= size) return -1; if(counter + length >= size) { length = (int)Math.min(length, counter + length - size); } } long ret = in.skip(length); synchronized(PaddedRandomAccessBucket.this) { if(ret > 0) counter += ret; } return ret; } @Override public synchronized int available() throws IOException { long max = size - counter; int ret = in.available(); if(max < ret) ret = (int)max; if(ret < 0) return 0; return ret; } } @Override public String getName() { return "Padded:"+underlying.getName(); } @Override /** Get the size of the data written to the bucket (not the padded size). */ public synchronized long size() { return size; } @Override public synchronized boolean isReadOnly() { return readOnly; } @Override public synchronized void setReadOnly() { readOnly = true; } @Override public void free() {; } @Override public RandomAccessBucket createShadow() { RandomAccessBucket shadow = underlying.createShadow(); PaddedRandomAccessBucket ret = new PaddedRandomAccessBucket(shadow, size); ret.setReadOnly(); return ret; } @Override public void onResume(ClientContext context) throws ResumeFailedException { underlying.onResume(context); } static final int MAGIC = 0x95c42e34; static final int VERSION = 1; @Override public void storeTo(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException { dos.writeInt(MAGIC); dos.writeInt(VERSION); dos.writeLong(size); dos.writeBoolean(readOnly); underlying.storeTo(dos); } protected PaddedRandomAccessBucket(DataInputStream dis, FilenameGenerator fg, PersistentFileTracker persistentFileTracker, MasterSecret masterKey) throws IOException, StorageFormatException, ResumeFailedException { int version = dis.readInt(); if(version != VERSION) throw new StorageFormatException("Bad version"); size = dis.readLong(); readOnly = dis.readBoolean(); underlying = (RandomAccessBucket) BucketTools.restoreFrom(dis, fg, persistentFileTracker, masterKey); } @Override public LockableRandomAccessBuffer toRandomAccessBuffer() throws IOException { synchronized(this) { if(outputStreamOpen) throw new IOException("Must close first"); readOnly = true; } underlying.setReadOnly(); LockableRandomAccessBuffer u = underlying.toRandomAccessBuffer(); return new PaddedRandomAccessBuffer(u, size); } public RandomAccessBucket getUnderlying() { return underlying; } }