package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Set; import freenet.node.FSParseException; import; import; import; /** * @author amphibian * * Simple FieldSet type thing, which uses the standard Java facilities. Should always be written as * UTF-8. Simpler encoding than Properties. * * All of the methods treat the data as a tree, where levels are indicated by ".". Hence e.g.: * DirectKey=Value * Subset.Key=Value * Subset.Subset.Key=Value * * DETAILS: * <key>=<value> * Key is split into a tree via "."'s. * Value is a string. * Conversion methods are provided for most key types, one notable issue is arrays of string, * which are separated by ";". * * ALTERNATE FORMAT: * <key>==<standard base64 encoded value> * The value is encoded. We will use this later on to prevent problems when transferring noderefs * (line breaks, whitespace get changes when people paste stuff etc), and to allow e.g. newlines * in strings. For now we only *read* such formats. */ public class SimpleFieldSet { private final Map<String, String> values; private Map<String, SimpleFieldSet> subsets; private String endMarker; private final boolean shortLived; private final boolean alwaysUseBase64; protected String[] header; public static final char MULTI_LEVEL_CHAR = '.'; public static final char MULTI_VALUE_CHAR = ';'; public static final char KEYVALUE_SEPARATOR_CHAR = '='; private static final String[] EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY = new String[0]; public SimpleFieldSet(boolean shortLived) { this(shortLived, false); } /** * Create a SimpleFieldSet. * @param shortLived If false, strings will be interned to ensure that they use as * little memory as possible. Only set to true if the SFS will be short-lived or * small. * @param alwaysUseBase64 If true, the SFS can contain newlines etc in values, and we will * always use base64 for the values if they contain such invalid characters. */ public SimpleFieldSet(boolean shortLived, boolean alwaysUseBase64) { values = new HashMap<String, String>(); subsets = null; this.shortLived = shortLived; this.alwaysUseBase64 = alwaysUseBase64; } public SimpleFieldSet(BufferedReader br, boolean allowMultiple, boolean shortLived) throws IOException { this(br, allowMultiple, shortLived, false, false); } /** * Construct a SimpleFieldSet from reading a BufferedReader. * @param br * @param allowMultiple If true, multiple lines with the same field name will be * combined; if false, the constructor will throw. * @param shortLived If false, strings will be interned to ensure that they use as * little memory as possible. Only set to true if the SFS will be short-lived or * small. * @throws IOException If the buffer could not be read, or if there was a formatting * problem. */ public SimpleFieldSet(BufferedReader br, boolean allowMultiple, boolean shortLived, boolean allowBase64, boolean alwaysBase64) throws IOException { this(shortLived, alwaysBase64); read(Readers.fromBufferedReader(br), allowMultiple, allowBase64); } /** Copy constructor */ public SimpleFieldSet(SimpleFieldSet sfs){ values = new HashMap<String, String>(sfs.values); if(sfs.subsets != null) subsets = new HashMap<String, SimpleFieldSet>(sfs.subsets); this.shortLived = false; // it's been copied! this.header = sfs.header; this.endMarker = sfs.endMarker; this.alwaysUseBase64 = sfs.alwaysUseBase64; } public SimpleFieldSet(LineReader lis, int maxLineLength, int lineBufferSize, boolean utf8OrIso88591, boolean allowMultiple, boolean shortLived) throws IOException { this(lis, maxLineLength, lineBufferSize, utf8OrIso88591, allowMultiple, shortLived, false); } public SimpleFieldSet(LineReader lis, int maxLineLength, int lineBufferSize, boolean utf8OrIso88591, boolean allowMultiple, boolean shortLived, boolean allowBase64) throws IOException { this(shortLived); read(lis, maxLineLength, lineBufferSize, utf8OrIso88591, allowMultiple, allowBase64); } /** * Construct from a string. * String format: * blah=blah * blah=blah * End * @param shortLived If false, strings will be interned to ensure that they use as * little memory as possible. Only set to true if the SFS will be short-lived or * small. * @throws IOException if the string is too short or invalid. */ public SimpleFieldSet(String content, boolean allowMultiple, boolean shortLived, boolean allowBase64) throws IOException { this(shortLived); StringReader sr = new StringReader(content); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(sr); read(Readers.fromBufferedReader(br), allowMultiple, allowBase64); } /** * Construct from a {@link String} array. * <p> * Similar to {@link #SimpleFieldSet(String, boolean, boolean)}, * but each item of array represents a single line * </p> * @param content to be parsed * @param allowMultiple If {@code true}, multiple lines with the same field name will be * combined; if {@code false}, the constructor will throw. * @param shortLived If {@code false}, strings will be interned to ensure that they use as * little memory as possible. Only set to {@code true} if the SFS will be short-lived or * small. * @throws IOException */ public SimpleFieldSet(String[] content, boolean allowMultiple, boolean shortLived, boolean allowBase64) throws IOException { this(shortLived); read(Readers.fromStringArray(content), allowMultiple, allowBase64); } /** * @see #read(LineReader, int, int, boolean, boolean) */ private void read(LineReader lr, boolean allowMultiple, boolean allowBase64) throws IOException { read(lr, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0x100, true, allowMultiple, allowBase64); } /** * Read from stream. Format: * * # Header1 * # Header2 * key0=val0 * key1=val1 * # comment * key2=val2 * End * * (headers and comments are optional) * * @param utfOrIso88591 If true, read as UTF-8, otherwise read as ISO-8859-1. */ private void read(LineReader br, int maxLength, int bufferSize, boolean utfOrIso88591, boolean allowMultiple, boolean allowBase64) throws IOException { boolean firstLine = true; boolean headerSection = true; List<String> headers = new ArrayList<String>(); while (true) { String line = br.readLine(maxLength, bufferSize, utfOrIso88591); if (line == null) { if (firstLine) throw new EOFException(); Logger.error(this, "No end marker"); break; } if ((line.length() == 0)) continue; // ignore firstLine = false; char first = line.charAt(0); if (first == '#') { if (headerSection) { headers.add(line.substring(1).trim()); } } else { if (headerSection) { if (headers.size() > 0) { this.header = headers.toArray(new String[headers.size()]); } headerSection = false; } int index = line.indexOf(KEYVALUE_SEPARATOR_CHAR); if(index >= 0) { // Mapping String before = line.substring(0, index).trim(); String after = line.substring(index+1); if((!after.isEmpty()) && after.charAt(0) == '=' && allowBase64) { try { after = after.substring(1); after = after.replaceAll("\\s", ""); after = Base64.decodeUTF8(after); } catch (IllegalBase64Exception e) { throw new IOException("Unable to decode UTF8, = should not be allowed as first character of a value"); } } if(!shortLived) after = after.intern(); put(before, after, allowMultiple, false, true); } else { endMarker = line; break; } } } } /** Get a value for a key as a String. This may be a top level value, or we will traverse the * tree, so can be used for any key=value or subset.subset.key=value etc. * @param key The key to look up. * @return The String value corresponding to the given key, or null if there is no such * key=value pair. */ public synchronized String get(String key) { int idx = key.indexOf(MULTI_LEVEL_CHAR); if(idx == -1) return values.get(key); else if(idx == 0) return (subset("") == null) ? null : subset("").get(key.substring(1)); else { if(subsets == null) return null; String before = key.substring(0, idx); String after = key.substring(idx+1); SimpleFieldSet fs = subsets.get(before); if(fs == null) return null; return fs.get(after); } } public String[] getAll(String key) { String k = get(key); if(k == null) return null; return split(k); } /** Get a list of String's from a single value, encoded in Base64. This is useful for storing * arbitrary String's that may contain illegal characters - the MULTI_VALUE_CHAR, newlines, etc. */ public String[] getAllEncoded(String key) throws IllegalBase64Exception { String k = get(key); if(k == null) return null; String[] ret = split(k); for(int i=0;i<ret.length;i++) { ret[i] = Base64.decodeUTF8(ret[i]); } return ret; } /** Split a set of String's delimeted by MULTI_VALUE_CHAR, accepting empty strings at both ends. * E.g. ";blah;blah;blah;;" will give ["", "blah", "blah", "blah", "", ""]. * Java 7 split() would give ["blah","blah","blah"]. */ public static String[] split(String string) { if(string == null) return EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY; // Java 7 version of String.split() trims the extra delimeters at each end. int emptyAtStart = 0; for(;emptyAtStart<string.length() && string.charAt(emptyAtStart) == MULTI_VALUE_CHAR;emptyAtStart++); if(emptyAtStart == string.length()) { String[] ret = new String[string.length()]; for(int i=0;i<ret.length;i++) ret[i] = ""; return ret; } int emptyAtEnd = 0; for(int i=string.length()-1; i>=0 && string.charAt(i) == MULTI_VALUE_CHAR;i--) emptyAtEnd++; string = string.substring(emptyAtStart, string.length() - emptyAtEnd); String[] split = string.split(String.valueOf(MULTI_VALUE_CHAR)); // slower??? if(emptyAtStart != 0 || emptyAtEnd != 0) { String[] ret = new String[emptyAtStart+split.length+emptyAtEnd]; System.arraycopy(split, 0, ret, emptyAtStart, split.length); split = ret; for(int i=0;i<split.length;i++) if(split[i] == null) split[i] = ""; } return split; } /** Combine a list of String's into a single String, separating them by the MULTI_VALUE_CHAR. */ private static String unsplit(String[] strings) { if (strings.length == 0) return ""; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for(String s: strings) { sb.append(s); assert(s.indexOf(MULTI_VALUE_CHAR) == -1); sb.append(MULTI_VALUE_CHAR); } // assert(sb.length() > 0) -- always true as strings.length != 0 // remove last MULTI_VALUE_CHAR sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length()-1); return sb.toString(); } /** * Put contents of a fieldset, overwrite old values. */ public void putAllOverwrite(SimpleFieldSet fs) { for(Map.Entry<String, String> entry: fs.values.entrySet()) { values.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); // overwrite old } if(fs.subsets == null) return; if(subsets == null) subsets = new HashMap<String, SimpleFieldSet>(); for(Map.Entry<String, SimpleFieldSet> entry: fs.subsets.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); SimpleFieldSet hisFS = entry.getValue(); SimpleFieldSet myFS = subsets.get(key); if(myFS != null) { myFS.putAllOverwrite(hisFS); } else { subsets.put(key, hisFS); } } } /** * Set a key to a value. If the value already exists, throw IllegalStateException. * @param key The key. * @param value The value. */ public void putSingle(String key, String value) { if(value == null) return; if(!shortLived) value = value.intern(); if(!put(key, value, false, false, false)) throw new IllegalStateException("Value already exists: "+value+" but want to set "+key+" to "+value); } /** * Aggregating put. Set a key to a value, if the value already exists, append to it. * If you do not need this functionality please use putOverwrite for a minimal * performance gain. * * @param key The key. * @param value The value. */ public void putAppend(String key, String value) { if(value == null) return; if(!shortLived) value = value.intern(); put(key, value, true, false, false); } /** * Set a key to a value, overwriting any existing value if present. * This function is a little bit faster than putAppend() because it does not * check whether the key already exists. * * @param key The key. * @param value The value. */ public void putOverwrite(String key, String value) { if(value == null) return; if(!shortLived) value = value.intern(); put(key, value, false, true, false); } /** * Set a key to a value. * @param key The key. * @param value The value. * @param allowMultiple If true, if the key already exists then the value will be * appended to the existing value. If false, we return false to indicate that the * old value is unchanged. * @return True unless allowMultiple was false and there was a pre-existing value, * or value was null. */ private synchronized boolean put(String key, String value, boolean allowMultiple, boolean overwrite, boolean fromRead) { int idx; if(value == null) return true; // valid no-op if((!alwaysUseBase64) && value.indexOf('\n') != -1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("A simplefieldSet can't accept newlines !"); if(allowMultiple && (!fromRead) && value.indexOf(MULTI_VALUE_CHAR) != -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Appending a string to a SimpleFieldSet value should not contain the multi-value char \""+String.valueOf(MULTI_VALUE_CHAR)+"\" but it does: \"" +value+"\" for \""+key+"\"", new Exception("error")); } if((idx = key.indexOf(MULTI_LEVEL_CHAR)) == -1) { if(!shortLived) key = key.intern(); if(overwrite) { values.put(key, value); } else { if(values.get(key) == null) { values.put(key, value); } else { if(!allowMultiple) return false; values.put(key, (values.get(key))+ MULTI_VALUE_CHAR +value); } } } else { String before = key.substring(0, idx); String after = key.substring(idx+1); SimpleFieldSet fs = null; if(subsets == null) subsets = new HashMap<String, SimpleFieldSet>(); fs = subsets.get(before); if(fs == null) { fs = new SimpleFieldSet(shortLived, alwaysUseBase64); if(!shortLived) before = before.intern(); subsets.put(before, fs); } fs.put(after, value, allowMultiple, overwrite, fromRead); } return true; } public void put(String key, int value) { // Use putSingle so it does the intern check putSingle(key, Integer.toString(value)); } public void put(String key, long value) { putSingle(key, Long.toString(value)); } public void put(String key, short value) { putSingle(key, Short.toString(value)); } public void put(String key, char c) { putSingle(key, Character.toString(c)); } public void put(String key, boolean b) { // Don't use putSingle, avoid intern check (Boolean.toString returns interned strings anyway) put(key, Boolean.toString(b), false, false, false); } public void put(String key, double windowSize) { putSingle(key, Double.toString(windowSize)); } public void put(String key, byte[] bytes) { putSingle(key, Base64.encode(bytes)); } /** * Write the contents of the SimpleFieldSet to a Writer. * Note: The caller *must* buffer the writer to avoid lousy performance! * (StringWriter is by definition buffered, otherwise wrap it in a BufferedWriter) * * @warning keep in mind that a Writer is not necessarily UTF-8!! */ public void writeTo(Writer w) throws IOException { writeTo(w, "", false, false); } /** * Write the contents of the SimpleFieldSet to a Writer. * Note: The caller *must* buffer the writer to avoid lousy performance! * (StringWriter is by definition buffered, otherwise wrap it in a BufferedWriter) * * @param w The Writer to write to. @warning keep in mind that a Writer is not necessarily UTF-8!! * @param prefix String to prefix the keys with. (E.g. when writing a tree of SFS's). * @param noEndMarker If true, don't write the end marker (the last line, the only one with no * "=" in it). * @param useBase64 If true, use Base64 for any value that has control characters, whitespace, * or characters used by SimpleFieldSet in it. In this case the separator will be "==" not "=". * This is mainly useful for node references, which tend to lose whitespace, gain newlines etc * in transit. Can be overridden (to true) by alwaysUseBase64 setting. */ synchronized void writeTo(Writer w, String prefix, boolean noEndMarker, boolean useBase64) throws IOException { writeHeader(w); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry: values.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); String value = entry.getValue(); writeValue(w, key, value, prefix, useBase64); } if(subsets != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, SimpleFieldSet> entry: subsets.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); SimpleFieldSet subset = entry.getValue(); if(subset == null) throw new NullPointerException(); subset.writeTo(w, prefix+key+MULTI_LEVEL_CHAR, true, useBase64); } } if(!noEndMarker) { if(endMarker == null) w.write("End\n"); else { w.write(endMarker); w.write('\n'); } } } private void writeValue(Writer w, String key, String value, String prefix, boolean useBase64) throws IOException { w.write(prefix); w.write(key); w.write(KEYVALUE_SEPARATOR_CHAR); if((useBase64 || alwaysUseBase64) && shouldBase64(value)) { w.write(KEYVALUE_SEPARATOR_CHAR); w.write(Base64.encodeUTF8(value)); } else { w.write(value); } w.write('\n'); } private boolean shouldBase64(String value) { for(int i=0;i<value.length();i++) { char c = value.charAt(i); if(c == SimpleFieldSet.KEYVALUE_SEPARATOR_CHAR) return true; if(c == SimpleFieldSet.MULTI_LEVEL_CHAR) return true; if(c == SimpleFieldSet.MULTI_VALUE_CHAR) return true; if(Character.isISOControl(c)) return true; if(Character.isWhitespace(c)) return true; } return false; } public void writeToOrdered(Writer w) throws IOException { writeToOrdered(w, "", false, false); } /** * Write the SimpleFieldSet to a Writer, in order. * @param w The Writer to write the SFS to. * @param prefix The prefix ("" at the top level, e.g. "something." if we are inside a sub-SFS * called "something"). * @param noEndMarker If true, don't write the end marker (usually End). Again this is normally * set only in sub-SFS's. * @param allowOptionalBase64 If true, write fields as Base64 if they contain spaces etc. This * improves the robustness of e.g. node references, where the SFS can be written with or * without Base64. However, for SFS's where the values can contain <b>anything</b>, the member * flag alwaysUseBase64 will be set and we will write lines that need to be Base64 as such * regardless of this allowOptionalBase64. * @throws IOException If an error occurs writing to the Writer. */ private synchronized void writeToOrdered(Writer w, String prefix, boolean noEndMarker, boolean allowOptionalBase64) throws IOException { writeHeader(w); String[] keys = values.keySet().toArray(new String[values.size()]); int i=0; // Sort Arrays.sort(keys); // Output for(i=0; i < keys.length; i++) { writeValue(w, keys[i], get(keys[i]), prefix, allowOptionalBase64); } if(subsets != null) { String[] orderedPrefixes = subsets.keySet().toArray(new String[subsets.size()]); // Sort Arrays.sort(orderedPrefixes); for(i=0; i < orderedPrefixes.length; i++) { SimpleFieldSet subset = subset(orderedPrefixes[i]); if(subset == null) throw new NullPointerException(); subset.writeToOrdered(w, prefix+orderedPrefixes[i]+MULTI_LEVEL_CHAR, true, allowOptionalBase64); } } if(!noEndMarker) { if(endMarker == null) w.write("End\n"); else w.write(endMarker+ '\n'); } } private void writeHeader(Writer w) throws IOException { if (header != null) { for (String line: header) { w.write("# " + line + "\n"); } } } @Override public String toString() { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); try { writeTo(sw); } catch (IOException e) { Logger.error(this, "WTF?!: "+e+" in toString()!", e); } return sw.toString(); } public String toOrderedString() { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); try { writeToOrdered(sw); } catch (IOException e) { Logger.error(this, "WTF?!: "+e+" in toString()!", e); } return sw.toString(); } public String toOrderedStringWithBase64() { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); try { writeToOrdered(sw, "", false, true); } catch (IOException e) { Logger.error(this, "WTF?!: "+e+" in toString()!", e); } return sw.toString(); } public String getEndMarker() { return endMarker; } public void setEndMarker(String s) { endMarker = s; } public synchronized SimpleFieldSet subset(String key) { if(subsets == null) return null; int idx = key.indexOf(MULTI_LEVEL_CHAR); if(idx == -1) return subsets.get(key); String before = key.substring(0, idx); String after = key.substring(idx+1); SimpleFieldSet fs = subsets.get(before); if(fs == null) return null; return fs.subset(after); } /** * Like subset(), only throws instead of returning null. * @throws FSParseException */ public synchronized SimpleFieldSet getSubset(String key) throws FSParseException { SimpleFieldSet fs = subset(key); if(fs == null) throw new FSParseException("No such subset "+key); return fs; } /** Iterate over all keys in the SimpleFieldSet, even if they are at lower levels. */ public Iterator<String> keyIterator() { return new KeyIterator(""); } /** Iterate over all keys in the SimpleFieldSet, even if they are at lower levels. * @param prefix Add the given prefix to lower levels. This is used recursively by KeyIterator. */ public KeyIterator keyIterator(String prefix) { return new KeyIterator(prefix); } /** Iterate over keys that are in the top level of the tree, i.e. that do not contain a ".". * E.g. "Name=Value" is a top level key. "Subset.Name=Value" is NOT a top level key. */ public Iterator<String> toplevelKeyIterator() { return values.keySet().iterator(); } public class KeyIterator implements Iterator<String> { final Iterator<String> valuesIterator; final Iterator<String> subsetIterator; KeyIterator subIterator; String prefix; /** * It provides an iterator for the SimpleSetField * which passes through every key. * (e.g. for key1=value1 key2.sub2=value2 key1.sub=value3 * it will provide key1,key2.sub2,key1.sub) * @param a prefix to put BEFORE every key * (e.g. for key1=value, if the iterator is created with prefix "aPrefix", * it will provide aPrefixkey1 */ public KeyIterator(String prefix) { synchronized(SimpleFieldSet.this) { valuesIterator = values.keySet().iterator(); if(subsets != null) subsetIterator = subsets.keySet().iterator(); else subsetIterator = null; while(true) { if(valuesIterator != null && valuesIterator.hasNext()) break; if(subsetIterator == null || !subsetIterator.hasNext()) break; String name =; if(name == null) continue; SimpleFieldSet fs = subsets.get(name); if(fs == null) continue; String newPrefix = prefix + name + MULTI_LEVEL_CHAR; subIterator = fs.keyIterator(newPrefix); if(subIterator.hasNext()) break; subIterator = null; } this.prefix = prefix; } } @Override public boolean hasNext() { synchronized(SimpleFieldSet.this) { while(true) { if(valuesIterator.hasNext()) return true; if((subIterator != null) && subIterator.hasNext()) return true; if(subIterator != null) subIterator = null; if(subsetIterator != null && subsetIterator.hasNext()) { String key =; SimpleFieldSet fs = subsets.get(key); String newPrefix = prefix + key + MULTI_LEVEL_CHAR; subIterator = fs.keyIterator(newPrefix); } else return false; } } } @Override public final String next() { return nextKey(); } public String nextKey() { synchronized(SimpleFieldSet.this) { String ret = null; if(valuesIterator != null && valuesIterator.hasNext()) { return prefix +; } // Iterate subsets. while(true) { if(subIterator != null && subIterator.hasNext()) { // If we have a retval, and we have a next value, return if(ret != null) return ret; ret =; if(subIterator.hasNext()) // If we have a retval, and we have a next value, return if(ret != null) return ret; } // Otherwise, we need to get a new subIterator (or hasNext() will return false) subIterator = null; if(subsetIterator != null && subsetIterator.hasNext()) { String key =; SimpleFieldSet fs = subsets.get(key); String newPrefix = prefix + key + MULTI_LEVEL_CHAR; subIterator = fs.keyIterator(newPrefix); } else { // No more subIterator's if(ret == null) { //There is nothing to return and no more iterators, so we must be out //of elements throw new NoSuchElementException(); } return ret; } } } } @Override public synchronized void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } /** Get a read-only map of direct key name:value pairs. Direct key values are things like * "Name=Value" (which would return a map containing "Name" -> "Value", NOT * "Subset.Name=Value" (which would not be returned). */ public Map<String, String> directKeyValues() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(values); } /** Get a read-only set of direct key names. So: * Name=Value * Subset.OtherName=Value * End * Would give "Name". * @return */ public Set<String> directKeys() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(values.keySet()); } /** Get a read-only set of direct subsets. So: * Name=Value * Subset.OtherName=Value * End * Would give "OtherName" -> SFS containing OtherName=Value. * @return */ public Map<String, SimpleFieldSet> directSubsets() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(subsets); } /** Tolerant put(); does nothing if fs is empty */ public void tput(String key, SimpleFieldSet fs) { if(fs == null || fs.isEmpty()) return; put(key, fs); } /** Add a name:value pair, traversing the tree and creating sub-SFS's if necessary. So we can * add("a.b.c.d", "value) even if there is no subset "a"; it will create it automatically. * @param key Name of the key to add. * @param fs Subset under the key. */ public void put(String key, SimpleFieldSet fs) { if(fs == null) return; // legal no-op, because used everywhere if(fs.isEmpty()) // can't just no-op, because caller might add the FS then populate it... throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty"); if(subsets == null) subsets = new HashMap<String, SimpleFieldSet>(); if(subsets.containsKey(key)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Already contains "+key+" but trying to add a SimpleFieldSet!"); if(!shortLived) key = key.intern(); subsets.put(key, fs); } /** Remove a name:value pair at any point in the tree. Will automatically traverse the tree and * remove empty subsets (which are not written anyway). */ public synchronized void removeValue(String key) { int idx; if((idx = key.indexOf(MULTI_LEVEL_CHAR)) == -1) { values.remove(key); } else { if(subsets == null) return; String before = key.substring(0, idx); String after = key.substring(idx+1); SimpleFieldSet fs = subsets.get(before); if(fs == null) { return; } fs.removeValue(after); if(fs.isEmpty()) { subsets.remove(before); if(subsets.isEmpty()) subsets = null; } } } /** * It removes the specified subset. * For example, in a SimpleFieldSet like this: * foo=bar * * * calling it with the parameter "foo" * means to drop the second and the third line. * @param is the subset to remove */ public synchronized void removeSubset(String key) { if(subsets == null) return; int idx; if((idx = key.indexOf(MULTI_LEVEL_CHAR)) == -1) { subsets.remove(key); } else { String before = key.substring(0, idx); String after = key.substring(idx+1); SimpleFieldSet fs = subsets.get(before); if(fs == null) { return; } fs.removeSubset(after); if(fs.isEmpty()) { subsets.remove(before); if(subsets.isEmpty()) subsets = null; } } } /** Is this SimpleFieldSet empty? */ public synchronized boolean isEmpty() { return values.isEmpty() && (subsets == null || subsets.isEmpty()); } /** Iterator over the names of direct subsets, i.e. the tree nodes just below this one, not the * values. E.g.: * Foo.Bar.Bat=1 * Baz.Boo=hello * Grrr=goodbye * End * Returns "Foo", "Baz". */ public Iterator<String> directSubsetNameIterator() { return (subsets == null) ? null : subsets.keySet().iterator(); } /** Get the names of direct subsets, i.e. the tree nodes just below this one, not the * values. E.g.: * Foo.Bar.Bat=1 * Baz.Boo=hello * Grrr=goodbye * End * Returns [ "Foo", "Baz" ]. */ public String[] namesOfDirectSubsets() { return (subsets == null) ? EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY : subsets.keySet().toArray(new String[subsets.size()]); } /** Read a SimpleFieldSet from an InputStream in the standard format, using UTF-8, and not * allowing the Base64 encoding. * @param is The InputStream to read from. We will use the UTF-8 charset. * @param allowMultiple Whether to allow multiple entries for each key (and automatically * combine them). Not usually useful except maybe in FCP. * @param shortLived If true, don't intern the strings. * @return A new SimpleFieldSet. * @throws IOException If a read error occurs, including a formatting error, illegal * characters etc. */ public static SimpleFieldSet readFrom(InputStream is, boolean allowMultiple, boolean shortLived) throws IOException { return readFrom(is, allowMultiple, shortLived, false, false); } /** * Read a SimpleFieldSet from an InputStream. * @param is The InputStream to read from. We will use the UTF-8 charset. * @param allowMultiple Whether to allow multiple entries for each key (and automatically * combine them). Not usually useful except maybe in FCP. * @param shortLived If true, don't intern the strings. * @param allowBase64 If true, allow reading Base64 encoded lines (key==base64(value)). * @param alwaysBase64 If true, the resulting SFS should have the alwaysUseBase64 flag enabled, * i.e it can store anything in key values including newlines, special chars such as = etc. * Otherwise, even if allowBase64 is enabled, invalid chars will not be. * @return A new SimpleFieldSet. * @throws IOException If a read error occurs, including a formatting error, illegal * characters etc. */ public static SimpleFieldSet readFrom(InputStream is, boolean allowMultiple, boolean shortLived, boolean allowBase64, boolean alwaysBase64) throws IOException { BufferedInputStream bis = null; InputStreamReader isr = null; BufferedReader br = null; try { bis = new BufferedInputStream(is); try { isr = new InputStreamReader(bis, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { Logger.error(SimpleFieldSet.class, "Impossible: "+e, e); is.close(); throw new Error("Impossible: JVM doesn't support UTF-8: " + e, e); } br = new BufferedReader(isr); SimpleFieldSet fs = new SimpleFieldSet(br, allowMultiple, shortLived, allowBase64, alwaysBase64); br.close(); return fs; } finally { Closer.close(br); Closer.close(isr); Closer.close(bis); } } /** Read a SimpleFieldSet from a File. */ public static SimpleFieldSet readFrom(File f, boolean allowMultiple, boolean shortLived) throws IOException { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f); try { return readFrom(fis, allowMultiple, shortLived); } finally { fis.close(); } } /** Write to the given OutputStream (as UTF-8) and flush it. */ public void writeTo(OutputStream os) throws IOException { writeTo(os, 4096); } /** Write to the given OutputStream and flush it. Use a big buffer, for jobs that aren't called * too often e.g. persisting a file every 10 minutes. */ public void writeToBigBuffer(OutputStream os) throws IOException { writeTo(os, 65536); } /** Write to the given OutputStream and flush it. */ public void writeTo(OutputStream os, int bufferSize) throws IOException { BufferedOutputStream bos = null; OutputStreamWriter osw = null; BufferedWriter bw = null; bos = new BufferedOutputStream(os, bufferSize); try { osw = new OutputStreamWriter(bos, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { Logger.error(SimpleFieldSet.class, "Impossible: " + e, e); throw e; } bw = new BufferedWriter(osw); writeTo(bw); bw.flush(); } /** Get an integer value for the given key. This may be at the top level or lower in the tree, * it's just key=value. (Value in decimal) * @param key The key to fetch. * @param def The default value to return if the key does not exist or can't be parsed. * @return The integer value of the key, or the default value. */ public int getInt(String key, int def) { String s = get(key); if(s == null) return def; try { return Integer.parseInt(s); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return def; } } /** Get an integer value for the given key. This may be at the top level or lower in the tree, * it's just key=value. (Value in decimal) * @param key The key to fetch. * @return The integer value of the key, if it exists and is valid. * @throws FSParseException If the key=value pair does not exist or if the value cannot be * parsed as an integer. */ public int getInt(String key) throws FSParseException { String s = get(key); if(s == null) throw new FSParseException("No key "+key); try { return Integer.parseInt(s); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new FSParseException("Cannot parse "+s+" for integer "+key); } } /** Get a double precision value for the given key. This may be at the top level or lower in * the tree, it's just key=value. (Value in decimal) * @param key The key to fetch. * @param def The default value to return if the key does not exist or can't be parsed. * @return The integer value of the key, or the default value. */ public double getDouble(String key, double def) { String s = get(key); if(s == null) return def; try { return Double.parseDouble(s); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return def; } } /** Get a double precision value for the given key. This may be at the top level or lower in * the tree, it's just key=value. (Value in decimal) * @param key The key to fetch. * @return The value of the key as a double, if it exists and is valid. * @throws FSParseException If the key=value pair does not exist or if the value cannot be * parsed as a double. */ public double getDouble(String key) throws FSParseException { String s = get(key); if(s == null) throw new FSParseException("No key "+key); try { return Double.parseDouble(s); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new FSParseException("Cannot parse "+s+" for integer "+key); } } /** Get a long value for the given key. This may be at the top level or lower in the tree, * it's just key=value. (Value in decimal) * @param key The key to fetch. * @param def The default value to return if the key does not exist or can't be parsed. * @return The long value of the key, or the default value. */ public long getLong(String key, long def) { String s = get(key); if(s == null) return def; try { return Long.parseLong(s); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return def; } } /** Get a long value for the given key. This may be at the top level or lower in the tree, * it's just key=value. (Value in decimal) * @param key The key to fetch. * @return The value of the key as a long, if it exists and is valid. * @throws FSParseException If the key=value pair does not exist or if the value cannot be * parsed as a long. */ public long getLong(String key) throws FSParseException { String s = get(key); if(s == null) throw new FSParseException("No key "+key); try { return Long.parseLong(s); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new FSParseException("Cannot parse "+s+" for long "+key); } } /** Get a short value for the given key. This may be at the top level or lower in the tree, * it's just key=value. (Value in decimal) * @param key The key to fetch. * @return The value of the key as a short, if it exists and is valid. * @throws FSParseException If the key=value pair does not exist or if the value cannot be * parsed as a short. */ public short getShort(String key) throws FSParseException { String s = get(key); if(s == null) throw new FSParseException("No key "+key); try { return Short.parseShort(s); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new FSParseException("Cannot parse "+s+" for short "+key); } } /** Get a short value for the given key. This may be at the top level or lower in the tree, * it's just key=value. (Value in decimal) * @param key The key to fetch. * @return The value of the key as a short, if it exists and is valid. */ public short getShort(String key, short def) { String s = get(key); if(s == null) return def; try { return Short.parseShort(s); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return def; } } /** Get a byte value for the given key (represented as a number in decimal). This may be at * the top level or lower in the tree, it's just key=value. (Value in decimal) * @param key The key to fetch. * @return The value of the key as a byte, if it exists and is valid. * @throws FSParseException If the key=value pair does not exist or if the value cannot be * parsed as a byte. */ public byte getByte(String key) throws FSParseException { String s = get(key); if(s == null) throw new FSParseException("No key " + key); try { return Byte.parseByte(s); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new FSParseException("Cannot parse \"" + s + "\" as a byte."); } } /** Get a byte value for the given key (represented as a number in decimal). This may be at * the top level or lower in the tree, it's just key=value. (Value in decimal) * @param key The key to fetch. * @return The value of the key as a byte, if it exists and is valid, otherwise the default * value. */ public byte getByte(String key, byte def) { try { return getByte(key); } catch (FSParseException e) { return def; } } /** Get a byte array for the given key (represented in Base64). The key may be at the top level * or further down the tree, so this is key=[base64 of value]. * @param key The key to fetch. * @return The byte array to fetch. * @throws FSParseException If the key does not exist or cannot be parsed as a byte array. */ public byte[] getByteArray(String key) throws FSParseException { String s = get(key); if(s == null) throw new FSParseException("No key " + key); try { return Base64.decode(s); } catch (IllegalBase64Exception e) { throw new FSParseException("Cannot parse value \""+s+"\" as a byte[]"); } } /** Get a char for the given key (represented as a single character). The key may be at the * top level or further down the tree, so this is key=[character]. * @param key The key to fetch. * @return The character to fetch. * @throws FSParseException If the key does not exist or there is more than one character. */ public char getChar(String key) throws FSParseException { String s = get(key); if(s == null) throw new FSParseException("No key "+key); if (s.length() == 1) return s.charAt(0); else throw new FSParseException("Cannot parse "+s+" for char "+key); } /** Get a char for the given key (represented as a single character). The key may be at the * top level or further down the tree, so this is key=[character]. * @param key The key to fetch. * @param def The default value to return if the key does not exist or can't be parsed. * @return The character to fetch. * @throws FSParseException If the key does not exist or there is more than one character. */ public char getChar(String key, char def) { String s = get(key); if(s == null) return def; if (s.length() == 1) return s.charAt(0); else return def; } public boolean getBoolean(String key, boolean def) { return Fields.stringToBool(get(key), def); } public boolean getBoolean(String key) throws FSParseException { try { return Fields.stringToBool(get(key)); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { throw new FSParseException(e); } } public void put(String key, int[] value) { removeValue(key); for(int v : value) putAppend(key, String.valueOf(v)); } public void put(String key, double[] value) { removeValue(key); for(double v : value) putAppend(key, String.valueOf(v)); } public void put(String key, float[] value) { removeValue(key); for (float v : value) putAppend(key, String.valueOf(v)); } public void put(String key, short[] value) { removeValue(key); for (short v : value) putAppend(key, String.valueOf(v)); } public void put(String key, long[] value) { removeValue(key); for (long v : value) putAppend(key, String.valueOf(v)); } public void put(String key, boolean[] value) { removeValue(key); for (boolean v : value) putAppend(key, String.valueOf(v)); } public int[] getIntArray(String key) { String[] strings = getAll(key); if(strings == null) return null; int[] ret = new int[strings.length]; for(int i=0;i<strings.length;i++) { try { ret[i] = Integer.parseInt(strings[i]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Logger.error(this, "Cannot parse "+strings[i]+" : "+e, e); return null; } } return ret; } public short[] getShortArray(String key) { String[] strings = getAll(key); if(strings == null) return null; short[] ret = new short[strings.length]; for(int i=0;i<strings.length;i++) { try { ret[i] = Short.parseShort(strings[i]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Logger.error(this, "Cannot parse "+strings[i]+" : "+e, e); return null; } } return ret; } public long[] getLongArray(String key) { String[] strings = getAll(key); if(strings == null) return null; long[] ret = new long[strings.length]; for(int i=0;i<strings.length;i++) { try { ret[i] = Long.parseLong(strings[i]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Logger.error(this, "Cannot parse "+strings[i]+" : "+e, e); return null; } } return ret; } public double[] getDoubleArray(String key) { String[] strings = getAll(key); if(strings == null) return null; double[] ret = new double[strings.length]; for(int i=0;i<strings.length;i++) { try { ret[i] = Double.valueOf(strings[i]); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { Logger.error(this, "Cannot parse "+strings[i]+" : "+e,e); return null; } } return ret; } public float[] getFloatArray(String key) { String[] strings = getAll(key); if(strings == null) return null; float[] ret = new float[strings.length]; for(int i=0;i<strings.length;i++) { try { ret[i] = Float.valueOf(strings[i]); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { Logger.error(this, "Cannot parse "+strings[i]+" : "+e,e); return null; } } return ret; } public boolean[] getBooleanArray(String key) { String[] strings = getAll(key); if(strings == null) return null; boolean[] ret = new boolean[strings.length]; for(int i=0;i<strings.length;i++) { try { ret[i] = Boolean.valueOf(strings[i]); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { Logger.error(this, "Cannot parse "+strings[i]+" : "+e,e); return null; } } return ret; } public void putOverwrite(String key, String[] strings) { putOverwrite(key, unsplit(strings)); } public void putEncoded(String key, String[] strings) { String[] copy = Arrays.copyOf(strings, strings.length); for(int i=0;i<copy.length;i++) { copy[i] = Base64.encodeUTF8(strings[i]); } putSingle(key, unsplit(copy)); } public String getString(String key) throws FSParseException { String s = get(key); if(s == null) throw new FSParseException("No such element "+key); return s; } /** Set the headers. This is a list of String's that are written before the name=value pairs. * Usually this is a comment (with each line starting with "#"). * @param headers The list of lines to precede the SimpleFieldSet by when we write it. */ public void setHeader(String... headers) { // FIXME LOW should really check that each line doesn't have a "\n" in it this.header = headers; } /** Get the headers. This is a list of String's that are written before the name=value pairs. * Usually this is a comment (with each line starting with "#"). */ public String[] getHeader() { return this.header; } public void put(String key, String[] values) { putSingle(key, unsplit(values)); } }