package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.TreeMap; import freenet.node.FastRunnable; import; import; public class PrioritizedTicker implements Ticker, Runnable { private static volatile boolean logMINOR; static { Logger.registerLogThresholdCallback(new LogThresholdCallback(){ @Override public void shouldUpdate(){ logMINOR = Logger.shouldLog(LogLevel.MINOR, this); } }); } private final static class Job { final String name; final Runnable job; Job(String name, Runnable job) { = name; this.job = job; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if(!(o instanceof Job)) return false; // Ignore the name, we are only interested in the job, needed for noDupes. return ((Job)o).job == job; } @Override public int hashCode() { return job.hashCode(); } } /** ~= Ticker :) */ private final TreeMap<Long, Object> timedJobsByTime; private final HashMap<Job, Long> timedJobsQueued; final NativeThread myThread; final Executor executor; static final int MAX_SLEEP_TIME = 200; public PrioritizedTicker(Executor executor, int portNumber) { this.executor = executor; timedJobsByTime = new TreeMap<Long, Object>(); timedJobsQueued = new HashMap<Job, Long>(); myThread = new NativeThread(this, "Ticker thread for " + portNumber, NativeThread.MAX_PRIORITY, false); myThread.setDaemon(true); } public void start() { Logger.normal(this, "Starting Ticker"); System.out.println("Starting Ticker"); myThread.start(); } @Override public void run() { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "In");; while(true) { try { realRun(); } catch(Throwable t) { Logger.error(this, "Caught in PacketSender: " + t, t); System.err.println("Caught in PacketSender: " + t); t.printStackTrace(); } } } private void realRun() { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<Job> jobsToRun = null; long sleepTime = MAX_SLEEP_TIME; synchronized(timedJobsByTime) { while(!timedJobsByTime.isEmpty()) { Long tRun = timedJobsByTime.firstKey(); if(tRun.longValue() <= now) { if(jobsToRun == null) jobsToRun = new ArrayList<Job>(); Object o = timedJobsByTime.remove(tRun); if(o instanceof Job[]) { for(Job r: (Job[]) o) { jobsToRun.add(r); timedJobsQueued.remove(r); } } else { Job r = (Job) o; jobsToRun.add(r); timedJobsQueued.remove(r); } } else { sleepTime = Math.min(sleepTime, tRun.longValue() - now); break; } } } if(jobsToRun != null) for(Job r : jobsToRun) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Running " + r); if(r.job instanceof FastRunnable) // Run in-line try {; } catch(Throwable t) { Logger.error(this, "Caught " + t + " running " + r, t); } else try { executor.execute(r.job,, true); } catch(Throwable t) { Logger.error(this, "Caught in PacketSender: " + t, t); System.err.println("Caught in PacketSender: " + t); t.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("Will retry above failed operation..."); queueTimedJob(r.job,, 200, true, false); } } if(sleepTime > 0) { try { sleep(sleepTime); } catch(InterruptedException e) { // Ignore, just wake up. Probably we got interrupt()ed // because a new job came in. } } } protected void sleep(long sleepTime) throws InterruptedException { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Sleeping for " + sleepTime); synchronized(this) { wait(sleepTime); } } @Override public void queueTimedJob(Runnable job, long offset) { queueTimedJob(job, "Scheduled job: "+job, offset, false, false); } /** * Queue a job at a specific time (offset in milliseconds from "now"). * @param runner The job to run. FastRunnable's get run directly on the PacketSender thread. * @param name The name of the job, the thread running it will temporarily take this name, * assuming it is run on a separate thread. * @param offset The time at which to run the job in milliseconds after * System.currentTimeMillis(). * @param runOnTickerAnyway If false, run jobs with offset <=0 on the ticker, to preserve * their thread priorities; if true, jobs to run immediately through the executor (which * normally will also preserve thread priorities, but may need to call back via * runOnTickerAnyway=true if it needs to increase the thread priority). * @param noDupes Don't run this job if it is already scheduled. Relatively expensive, O(n) * with queued jobs. Necessary for Announcer to ensure that we don't get exponentially * increasing numbers of announcement check jobs queued, while ensuring that we do always * have one queued within the given period. */ @Override public void queueTimedJob(Runnable runner, String name, long offset, boolean runOnTickerAnyway, boolean noDupes) { // Run directly *if* that won't cause any priority problems. long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if(offset < 0) offset = 0; queueTimedJobInner(runner, name, now+offset, offset, runOnTickerAnyway, noDupes); } /** Queue a job at a specific time (absolute time in milliseconds). If the time given has * passed already, then run the job ASAP. * @param time The time at which to run the job. @see System.currentTimeMillis() */ @Override public void queueTimedJobAbsolute(Runnable runner, String name, long time, boolean runOnTickerAnyway, boolean noDupes) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); queueTimedJobInner(runner, name, time, time-now, runOnTickerAnyway, noDupes); } /** Queue a job at a specific absolute time. * @param runJobAt The absolute time at which the job should run. * @param offset The offset in milliseconds from "now" (i.e. some recent call to * System.currentTimeMillis()). */ private void queueTimedJobInner(Runnable runner, String name, long runJobAt, long offset, boolean runOnTickerAnyway, boolean noDupes) { if(noDupes) runOnTickerAnyway = true; if(offset <= 0 && !runOnTickerAnyway) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Running directly: "+runner); executor.execute(runner, name); return; } Job job = new Job(name, runner); synchronized(timedJobsByTime) { if(noDupes) { Long alreadyQueuedAt = timedJobsQueued.get(job); if(alreadyQueuedAt != null) { if(alreadyQueuedAt <= runJobAt) { Logger.normal(this, "Not re-running as already queued: "+runner+" for "+name); return; } else { // Delete the existing job because the new job will run first. removeQueuedJobInner(job, alreadyQueuedAt); } } } Object o = timedJobsByTime.get(runJobAt); if(o == null) timedJobsByTime.put(runJobAt, job); else if(o instanceof Job) timedJobsByTime.put(runJobAt, new Job[]{(Job) o, job}); else if(o instanceof Job[]) { Job[] r = (Job[]) o; Job[] jobs = Arrays.copyOf(r, r.length+1); jobs[jobs.length - 1] = job; timedJobsByTime.put(runJobAt, jobs); } timedJobsQueued.put(job, runJobAt); } if(offset < MAX_SLEEP_TIME) { wakeUp(); } } /** Wake up, and run any queued jobs. */ void wakeUp() { // Wake up if needed synchronized(this) { notifyAll(); } } @Override public Executor getExecutor() { return executor; } int queuedJobs() { synchronized(timedJobsByTime) { return timedJobsQueued.size(); } } int queuedJobsUniqueTimes() { synchronized(timedJobsByTime) { return timedJobsByTime.size(); } } @Override /* Remove a queued job. * @param runnable The job to remove. If this is currently queued, it will be * removed. The Ticker should not throw if the job is not queued. */ public void removeQueuedJob(Runnable runnable) { Job job = new Job(null, runnable); synchronized(timedJobsByTime) { Long t = timedJobsQueued.remove(job); if(t != null) { removeQueuedJobInner(job, t); } } } /** Remove a queued job from the internal structures other than timedJobsQueued. The * caller must check that it is present in timedJobsQueued, remove from that structure, and * call this method, all inside the timedJobsByTime lock. * @param job The job to remove. * @param t The time at which is it scheduled. */ private void removeQueuedJobInner(Job job, Long t) { Object o = timedJobsByTime.get(t); assert(o != null); if(o instanceof Job) { assert(o.equals(job)); timedJobsByTime.remove(t); } else { Job[] jobs = (Job[]) o; if(jobs.length == 1) { assert(jobs[0].equals(job)); timedJobsByTime.remove(t); } else { Job[] newJobs = new Job[jobs.length-1]; int x = 0; for(Job oldjob : jobs) { if(oldjob.equals(job)) { continue; } newJobs[x++] = oldjob; assert(x != jobs.length); // Must be in jobs array. } assert(x != 0); // Not duplicated. if (x == 1) { timedJobsByTime.put(t, newJobs[0]); } else { if(x != newJobs.length) newJobs = Arrays.copyOf(newJobs, x); timedJobsByTime.put(t, newJobs); assert(x == jobs.length-1); } } } } }