package freenet.crypt; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import; import; public class HashResult implements Comparable<HashResult>, Cloneable, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** The type of hash. */ public final HashType type; /** The result of the hash. Immutable. */ private final byte[] result; /** Cached HashType.values(). Never modify or pass this array to outside code! */ private static final HashType[] HashType_values = HashType.values(); public HashResult(HashType hashType, byte[] bs) { this.type = hashType; this.result = bs; assert(bs.length == type.hashLength); } protected HashResult() { // For serialization. type = null; result = null; } public static HashResult[] readHashes(DataInputStream dis) throws IOException { int bitmask = dis.readInt(); if(bitmask == 0) return null; int count = 0; for(HashType h : HashType_values) { if((bitmask & h.bitmask) == h.bitmask) { count++; } } HashResult[] results = new HashResult[count]; int x = 0; for(HashType h : HashType_values) { if((bitmask & h.bitmask) == h.bitmask) { results[x++] = HashResult.readFrom(h, dis); } } return results; } private static HashResult readFrom(HashType h, DataInputStream dis) throws IOException { byte[] buf = new byte[h.hashLength]; dis.readFully(buf); return new HashResult(h, buf); } public static void write(HashResult[] hashes, DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException { if(hashes == null) hashes = new HashResult[0]; int bitmask = 0; for(HashResult hash : hashes) bitmask |= hash.type.bitmask; dos.writeInt(bitmask); Arrays.sort(hashes); HashType prev = null; for(HashResult h : hashes) { if(prev == h.type || (prev != null && prev.bitmask == h.type.bitmask)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Multiple hashes of the same type!"); prev = h.type; } for(HashResult h : hashes) h.writeTo(dos); } public void writeTo(OutputStream dos) throws IOException { // Any given hash type has a fixed hash length, so just push the bytes. dos.write(result); } @Override public int compareTo(HashResult h) { if(type.bitmask == h.type.bitmask) return 0; if(type.bitmask > h.type.bitmask) return 1; /* else if(type.bitmask < h.type.bitmask) */ return -1; } public static long makeBitmask(HashResult[] hashes) { long l = 0; for(HashResult hash : hashes) l |= hash.type.bitmask; return l; } public static boolean strictEquals(HashResult[] results, HashResult[] hashes) { if(results.length != hashes.length) { Logger.error(HashResult.class, "Hashes not equal: "+results.length+" hashes vs "+hashes.length+" hashes"); return false; } for(int i=0;i<results.length;i++) { if(results[i].type != hashes[i].type) { // FIXME Db4o kludge if(HashType.valueOf(results[i] != HashType.valueOf(hashes[i] { Logger.error(HashResult.class, "Hashes not the same type: "+results[i]" vs "+hashes[i]; return false; } } if(!Arrays.equals(results[i].result, hashes[i].result)) { Logger.error(HashResult.class, "Hash "+results[i]" not equal"); return false; } } return true; } public static boolean contains(HashResult[] hashes, HashType type) { for(HashResult res : hashes) if(res.type == type || return true; return false; } public static byte[] get(HashResult[] hashes, HashType type) { for(HashResult res : hashes) if(res.type == type || return res.result; return null; } public static HashResult[] copy(HashResult[] hashes) { if(hashes == null) return null; HashResult[] out = new HashResult[hashes.length]; for(int i=0;i<hashes.length;i++) { out[i] = hashes[i].clone(); } return out; } @Override public HashResult clone() { try { return (HashResult) super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { throw new Error(e); } } public String hashAsHex() { return HexUtil.bytesToHex(result); } }