package freenet.clients.fcp; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock; import freenet.client.async.ClientContext; import freenet.client.async.PersistenceDisabledException; import freenet.client.async.PersistentJob; import freenet.client.async.TooManyFilesInsertException; import freenet.clients.fcp.ClientRequest.Persistence; import freenet.node.RequestClient; import freenet.node.RequestClientBuilder; import freenet.pluginmanager.PluginManager; import freenet.pluginmanager.PluginNotFoundException; import freenet.pluginmanager.PluginRespirator; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class FCPConnectionHandler implements Closeable { private static final class DirectoryAccess { final boolean canWrite; final boolean canRead; public DirectoryAccess(boolean canRead, boolean canWrite) { this.canRead = canRead; this.canWrite = canWrite; } } public static class DDACheckJob { final File directory, readFilename, writeFilename; final String readContent, writeContent; /** * null if not requested. */ DDACheckJob(Random r, File directory, File readFilename, File writeFilename) { = directory; this.readFilename = readFilename; this.writeFilename = writeFilename; byte[] random = new byte[128]; r.nextBytes(random); this.readContent = HexUtil.bytesToHex(random); r.nextBytes(random); this.writeContent = HexUtil.bytesToHex(random); } } final FCPServer server; final Socket sock; final FCPConnectionInputHandler inputHandler; final Map<String, SubscribeUSK> uskSubscriptions; public final FCPConnectionOutputHandler outputHandler; private boolean isClosed; private boolean inputClosed; private boolean outputClosed; private String clientName; private PersistentRequestClient rebootClient; private PersistentRequestClient foreverClient; final BucketFactory bf; final HashMap<String, ClientRequest> requestsByIdentifier; /** * {@link FCPPluginConnectionImpl} indexed by the server plugin name (see * {@link PluginManager#getPluginFCPServer(String)}.<br><br> * * This also serves the same purpose as the client which is connected to this would normally * be responsible for if it was running as a plugin in the node (as specified by * {@link PluginRespirator#connectToOtherPlugin(String, ClientSideFCPMessageHandler)}):<br> * It keeps strong references to the {@link FCPPluginConnectionImpl} objects, and thereby marks * them as alive.<br> * This in turn causes the {@link FCPPluginConnectionImpl} objects to stay available in the * {@link FCPPluginConnectionTracker}, which allows server plugins to query them by their ID. */ private final TreeMap<String, FCPPluginConnectionImpl> pluginConnectionsByServerName = new TreeMap<String, FCPPluginConnectionImpl>(); /** * Lock for {@link #pluginConnectionsByServerName}. * * A {@link ReadWriteLock} because the usage pattern is mostly reads, very few writes - * {@link ReadWriteLock} can do that faster than a regular Lock. * (A {@link ReentrantReadWriteLock} because thats the only implementation of * {@link ReadWriteLock}.) */ private final ReadWriteLock pluginConnectionsByServerName_Lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); /** * 16 random bytes hex-encoded as String. Unique for each instance of this class. * * @deprecated Use {@link #connectionIdentifierUUID} instead. */ @Deprecated public final String connectionIdentifier; /** Random UUID unique for each instance of this class */ protected final UUID connectionIdentifierUUID; private static volatile boolean logMINOR; private boolean killedDupe; static { Logger.registerLogThresholdCallback(new LogThresholdCallback(){ @Override public void shouldUpdate(){ logMINOR = Logger.shouldLog(LogLevel.MINOR, this); } }); } // We are confident that the given client can access those private final HashMap<String, DirectoryAccess> checkedDirectories = new HashMap<String, DirectoryAccess>(); // DDACheckJobs in flight private final HashMap<File, DDACheckJob> inTestDirectories = new HashMap<File, DDACheckJob>(); public final RequestClient connectionRequestClientBulk = new RequestClientBuilder().build(); public final RequestClient connectionRequestClientRT = new RequestClientBuilder().realTime().build(); public FCPConnectionHandler(Socket s, FCPServer server) { this.sock = s; this.server = server; isClosed = false; = server.core.tempBucketFactory; requestsByIdentifier = new HashMap<String, ClientRequest>(); uskSubscriptions = new HashMap<String, SubscribeUSK>(); this.inputHandler = new FCPConnectionInputHandler(this); this.outputHandler = new FCPConnectionOutputHandler(this); byte[] identifier = new byte[16]; server.node.random.nextBytes(identifier); this.connectionIdentifier = HexUtil.bytesToHex(identifier); // The random 16-byte identifier was used before we added the UUID. Luckily, UUIDs are also // 16 byetes, so we can re-use the bytes. // TODO: When getting rid of the non-UUID connectionIdentifier, use UUID.randomUUID(); this.connectionIdentifierUUID = UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(identifier); } /** * Queues the message for sending at the {@link FCPConnectionOutputHandler}.<br> * <br> * * ATTENTION: The function will return immediately before even trying to send the message, the * message will be sent asynchronously.<br> * As a consequence, this function not throwing does not give any guarantee whatsoever that the * message will ever be sent. */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public final void send(final FCPMessage message) { outputHandler.queue(message); } void start() { inputHandler.start(); outputHandler.start(); } @Override public void close() { ClientRequest[] requests; if(rebootClient != null) rebootClient.onLostConnection(this); if(foreverClient != null) foreverClient.onLostConnection(this); boolean dupe; SubscribeUSK[] uskSubscriptions2; synchronized(this) { if(isClosed) { // This is normal, both input and output handlers will call close(). return; } isClosed = true; requests = new ClientRequest[requestsByIdentifier.size()]; requests = requestsByIdentifier.values().toArray(requests); requestsByIdentifier.clear(); uskSubscriptions2 = uskSubscriptions.values().toArray(new SubscribeUSK[uskSubscriptions.size()]); dupe = killedDupe; } for(ClientRequest req : requests) req.onLostConnection(server.core.clientContext); for(SubscribeUSK sub : uskSubscriptions2) sub.unsubscribe(); if(!dupe) { try { server.core.clientContext.jobRunner.queue(new PersistentJob() { @Override public boolean run(ClientContext context) { if((rebootClient != null) && !rebootClient.hasPersistentRequests()) server.unregisterClient(rebootClient); if(foreverClient != null) { if(!foreverClient.hasPersistentRequests()) server.unregisterClient(foreverClient); } return false; } }, NativeThread.NORM_PRIORITY); } catch (PersistenceDisabledException e) { // Ignore } } outputHandler.onClosed(); } synchronized void setKilledDupe() { killedDupe = true; } public synchronized boolean isClosed() { return isClosed; } public void closedInput() { try { sock.shutdownInput(); } catch (IOException e) { // Ignore } synchronized(this) { inputClosed = true; if(!outputClosed) return; } try { sock.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // Ignore } } public void closedOutput() { try { sock.shutdownOutput(); } catch (IOException e) { // Ignore } synchronized(this) { outputClosed = true; if(!inputClosed) return; } try { sock.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // Ignore } } public void setClientName(final String name) { this.clientName = name; rebootClient = server.registerRebootClient(name, server.core, this); rebootClient.queuePendingMessagesOnConnectionRestartAsync(outputHandler, server.core.clientContext); // Create foreverClient lazily. Everything that needs it (especially creating ClientGet's etc) runs on a database job. if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Set client name: "+name); PersistentRequestClient client = server.getForeverClient(name, server.core, this); if(client != null) { synchronized(this) { foreverClient = client; } foreverClient.queuePendingMessagesOnConnectionRestartAsync(outputHandler, server.core.clientContext); } } protected PersistentRequestClient createForeverClient(String name) { synchronized(FCPConnectionHandler.this) { if(foreverClient != null) return foreverClient; } PersistentRequestClient client = server.registerForeverClient(name, server.core, FCPConnectionHandler.this); synchronized(FCPConnectionHandler.this) { foreverClient = client; FCPConnectionHandler.this.notifyAll(); } client.queuePendingMessagesOnConnectionRestartAsync(outputHandler, server.core.clientContext); return foreverClient; } public String getClientName() { return clientName; } // FIXME next 3 methods are in need of refactoring! /** * Start a ClientGet. If there is an identifier collision, queue an IdentifierCollisionMessage. * Hence, we can run stuff on other threads if we need to, as long as we send the right messages. */ public void startClientGet(final ClientGetMessage message) { final String id = message.identifier; final boolean global =; ClientGet cg = null; boolean success; boolean persistent = message.persistence != Persistence.CONNECTION; synchronized(this) { if(isClosed) return; // We need to track non-persistent requests anyway, so we may as well check if(persistent) success = true; else success = !requestsByIdentifier.containsKey(id); if(success) { try { if(!persistent) { cg = new ClientGet(this, message, server.core); requestsByIdentifier.put(id, cg); } else if(message.persistence == Persistence.FOREVER) { try { server.core.clientContext.jobRunner.queue(new PersistentJob() { @Override public boolean run(ClientContext context) { ClientGet getter; try { getter = new ClientGet(FCPConnectionHandler.this, message, server.core); } catch (IdentifierCollisionException e1) { Logger.normal(this, "Identifier collision on "+this); FCPMessage msg = new IdentifierCollisionMessage(id,; outputHandler.queue(msg); return false; } catch (MessageInvalidException e1) { outputHandler.queue(new ProtocolErrorMessage(e1.protocolCode, false, e1.getMessage(), e1.ident,; return false; } try { getter.register(false); } catch (IdentifierCollisionException e) { Logger.normal(this, "Identifier collision on "+this); FCPMessage msg = new IdentifierCollisionMessage(id, global); outputHandler.queue(msg); return false; } getter.start(context); return true; } }, NativeThread.HIGH_PRIORITY-1); } catch (PersistenceDisabledException e) { outputHandler.queue(new ProtocolErrorMessage(ProtocolErrorMessage.PERSISTENCE_DISABLED, false, "Persistence is disabled", id, global)); return; } return; // Don't run the start() below } else { cg = new ClientGet(this, message, server.core); } } catch (IdentifierCollisionException e) { success = false; } catch (MessageInvalidException e) { outputHandler.queue(new ProtocolErrorMessage(e.protocolCode, false, e.getMessage(), e.ident,; return; } } } if(message.persistence == Persistence.REBOOT) try { cg.register(false); } catch (IdentifierCollisionException e) { success = false; } if(!success) { Logger.normal(this, "Identifier collision on "+this); FCPMessage msg = new IdentifierCollisionMessage(id,; outputHandler.queue(msg); return; } else { cg.start(server.core.clientContext); } } public void startClientPut(final ClientPutMessage message) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Starting insert ID=\""+message.identifier+ '"'); final String id = message.identifier; final boolean global =; ClientPut cp = null; boolean persistent = message.persistence != Persistence.CONNECTION; FCPMessage failedMessage = null; synchronized(this) { boolean success; if(isClosed) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Connection is closed"); return; } // We need to track non-persistent requests anyway, so we may as well check if(persistent) success = true; else success = !requestsByIdentifier.containsKey(id); if(success) { if(!persistent) { try { cp = new ClientPut(this, message, server); requestsByIdentifier.put(id, cp); } catch (IdentifierCollisionException e) { success = false; } catch (MessageInvalidException e) { outputHandler.queue(new ProtocolErrorMessage(e.protocolCode, false, e.getMessage(), e.ident,; return; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { failedMessage = new ProtocolErrorMessage(ProtocolErrorMessage.FREENET_URI_PARSE_ERROR, true, e.getMessage(), id,; } catch (IOException e) { failedMessage = new ProtocolErrorMessage(ProtocolErrorMessage.IO_ERROR, true, e.getMessage(), id,; } } else if(message.persistence == Persistence.FOREVER) { try { server.core.clientContext.jobRunner.queue(new PersistentJob() { @Override public boolean run(ClientContext context) { ClientPut putter; try { putter = new ClientPut(FCPConnectionHandler.this, message, server); } catch (IdentifierCollisionException e) { Logger.normal(this, "Identifier collision on "+this); FCPMessage msg = new IdentifierCollisionMessage(id,; outputHandler.queue(msg); return false; } catch (MessageInvalidException e) { outputHandler.queue(new ProtocolErrorMessage(e.protocolCode, false, e.getMessage(), e.ident,; return false; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { outputHandler.queue(new ProtocolErrorMessage(ProtocolErrorMessage.FREENET_URI_PARSE_ERROR, true, null, id,; return false; } catch (IOException e) { outputHandler.queue(new ProtocolErrorMessage(ProtocolErrorMessage.IO_ERROR, true, null, id,; return false; } try { putter.register(false); } catch (IdentifierCollisionException e) { Logger.normal(this, "Identifier collision on "+this); FCPMessage msg = new IdentifierCollisionMessage(id, global); outputHandler.queue(msg); return false; } putter.start(context); return true; } }, NativeThread.HIGH_PRIORITY-1); } catch (PersistenceDisabledException e) { outputHandler.queue(new ProtocolErrorMessage(ProtocolErrorMessage.PERSISTENCE_DISABLED, false, "Persistence is disabled", id, global)); } return; // Don't run the start() below } else { try { cp = new ClientPut(this, message, server); } catch (IdentifierCollisionException e) { success = false; } catch (MessageInvalidException e) { outputHandler.queue(new ProtocolErrorMessage(e.protocolCode, false, e.getMessage(), e.ident,; return; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { failedMessage = new ProtocolErrorMessage(ProtocolErrorMessage.FREENET_URI_PARSE_ERROR, true, null, id,; } catch (IOException e) { failedMessage = new ProtocolErrorMessage(ProtocolErrorMessage.IO_ERROR, true, null, id,; } } } if(!success) { Logger.normal(this, "Identifier collision on "+this); failedMessage = new IdentifierCollisionMessage(id,; } } if(message.persistence == Persistence.REBOOT && cp != null) try { cp.register(false); } catch (IdentifierCollisionException e) { failedMessage = new IdentifierCollisionMessage(id,; } if(failedMessage != null) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Failed: "+failedMessage); outputHandler.queue(failedMessage); if(cp != null) cp.freeData(); else message.freeData(); return; } else { Logger.minor(this, "Starting "+cp); cp.start(server.core.clientContext); } } public void startClientPutDir(final ClientPutDirMessage message, final HashMap<String, Object> buckets, final boolean wasDiskPut) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Start ClientPutDir"); final String id = message.identifier; final boolean global =; ClientPutDir cp = null; FCPMessage failedMessage = null; boolean persistent = message.persistence != Persistence.CONNECTION; // We need to track non-persistent requests anyway, so we may as well check boolean success; synchronized(this) { if(isClosed) return; if(!persistent) success = true; else success = !requestsByIdentifier.containsKey(id); } if(success) { if(!persistent) { try { cp = new ClientPutDir(this, message, buckets, wasDiskPut, server); synchronized(this) { requestsByIdentifier.put(id, cp); } } catch (IdentifierCollisionException e) { success = false; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { failedMessage = new ProtocolErrorMessage(ProtocolErrorMessage.FREENET_URI_PARSE_ERROR, true, null, id,; } catch (TooManyFilesInsertException e) { failedMessage = new ProtocolErrorMessage(ProtocolErrorMessage.TOO_MANY_FILES_IN_INSERT, true, null, id,; } // FIXME register non-persistent requests in the constructors also, we already register persistent ones... } else if(message.persistence == Persistence.FOREVER) { try { server.core.clientContext.jobRunner.queue(new PersistentJob() { @Override public boolean run(ClientContext context) { ClientPutDir putter; try { putter = new ClientPutDir(FCPConnectionHandler.this, message, buckets, wasDiskPut, server); } catch (IdentifierCollisionException e) { Logger.normal(this, "Identifier collision on "+this); FCPMessage msg = new IdentifierCollisionMessage(id,; outputHandler.queue(msg); return false; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { outputHandler.queue(new ProtocolErrorMessage(ProtocolErrorMessage.FREENET_URI_PARSE_ERROR, true, null, id,; return false; } catch (TooManyFilesInsertException e) { outputHandler.queue(new ProtocolErrorMessage(ProtocolErrorMessage.TOO_MANY_FILES_IN_INSERT, true, null, id,; return false; } try { putter.register(false); } catch (IdentifierCollisionException e) { Logger.normal(this, "Identifier collision on "+this); FCPMessage msg = new IdentifierCollisionMessage(id, global); outputHandler.queue(msg); return false; } putter.start(context); return true; } }, NativeThread.HIGH_PRIORITY-1); } catch (PersistenceDisabledException e) { outputHandler.queue(new ProtocolErrorMessage(ProtocolErrorMessage.PERSISTENCE_DISABLED, false, "Persistence is disabled", id, global)); } return; // Don't run the start() below } else { try { cp = new ClientPutDir(this, message, buckets, wasDiskPut, server); } catch (IdentifierCollisionException e) { success = false; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { failedMessage = new ProtocolErrorMessage(ProtocolErrorMessage.FREENET_URI_PARSE_ERROR, true, null, id,; } catch (TooManyFilesInsertException e) { failedMessage = new ProtocolErrorMessage(ProtocolErrorMessage.TOO_MANY_FILES_IN_INSERT, true, null, id,; } } if(!success) { Logger.normal(this, "Identifier collision on "+this); failedMessage = new IdentifierCollisionMessage(id,; } } if(message.persistence == Persistence.REBOOT) try { cp.register(false); } catch (IdentifierCollisionException e) { failedMessage = new IdentifierCollisionMessage(id,; } if(failedMessage != null) { // FIXME do we need to freeData??? outputHandler.queue(failedMessage); if(cp != null) cp.cancel(server.core.clientContext); return; } else { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Starting "+cp); cp.start(server.core.clientContext); } } public PersistentRequestClient getRebootClient() { return rebootClient; } /** * @return * The {@link FCPPluginConnection} for the given serverPluginName (see * {@link PluginManager#getPluginFCPServer(String)}). Atomically creates and stores it if * there does not exist one yet. This ensures that for each FCPConnectionHandler, there can * be only one {@link FCPPluginConnection} for a given serverPluginName. * @throws PluginNotFoundException * If the specified plugin is not loaded or does not provide an FCP server. */ FCPPluginConnection getFCPPluginConnection(String serverPluginName) throws PluginNotFoundException { // The suspected typical usage pattern of this function is that the great majority of calls // will return an existing FCPPluginConnection. Creating a fresh one will typically only // happen at the start of a connection and then it will be re-used a lot. // Therefore, it would cost a lot of performance to use synchronized() and we instead use a // ReadWriteLock which is optimal for such patterns. // // The double-checked locking pattern which this induces is necessary due to the fact that a // read-lock cannot be upgraded to a write lock. // The JavaDoc of ReentrantReadWriteLock specifically recommends this pattern, so it ought // to be a safe version of double-checked locking. pluginConnectionsByServerName_Lock.readLock().lock(); try { // We use the actual *Impl instead of the interface because the implementation provides // isServerDead(), which the interface does not. FCPPluginConnectionImpl peekOldConnection = pluginConnectionsByServerName.get(serverPluginName); if(peekOldConnection != null && !peekOldConnection.isServerDead()) { return peekOldConnection; } } finally { // A read-lock cannot be upgraded to a write-lock so we must always unlock pluginConnectionsByServerName_Lock.readLock().unlock(); } pluginConnectionsByServerName_Lock.writeLock().lock(); try { // Re-check whether there is an existing connection since we had to re-acquire the lock // meanwhile. FCPPluginConnectionImpl oldConnection = pluginConnectionsByServerName.get(serverPluginName); if(oldConnection != null) { if(!oldConnection.isServerDead()) { return oldConnection; } else { // oldConnection.isDead() returned true because the WeakReference to the server // has been nulled because the plugin was unloaded or reloaded. // The connection should be discarded then. We have no ReferenceQueue to discard // affected connections from the pluginConnectionsByServerName table, so we // opportunistically clean nulled connections from it here. // The reason why this is sufficient memory management is explained at // FCPPluginConnectionImpl.server // NOTICE: Even if there was automatic disposal of nulled references, we still // would have to manually remove dead ones here: I have observed that it can // take minutes until the JVM flushes a ReferenceQueue. So if we relied upon // that only, during those minutes a client would be unable to send messages to // a re-loaded server plugin because the continued existence of the dead old // connection would prevent a new one from being created. pluginConnectionsByServerName.remove(serverPluginName); } } FCPPluginConnectionImpl newConnection = server.createFCPPluginConnectionForNetworkedFCP(serverPluginName, this); pluginConnectionsByServerName.put(serverPluginName, newConnection); return newConnection; } finally { pluginConnectionsByServerName_Lock.writeLock().unlock(); } } public PersistentRequestClient getForeverClient() { synchronized(this) { if(foreverClient == null) { foreverClient = createForeverClient(clientName); } return foreverClient; } } public void finishedClientRequest(ClientRequest get) { synchronized(this) { requestsByIdentifier.remove(get.getIdentifier()); } } public boolean isGlobalSubscribed() { return rebootClient.watchGlobal; } public boolean hasFullAccess() { return server.allowedHostsFullAccess.allowed(sock.getInetAddress()); } /** * That method ought to be called before any DirectDiskAccess operation is performed by the node * @param filename * @param writeRequest : Are willing to write or to read ? * @return boolean : allowed or not */ protected boolean allowDDAFrom(File filename, boolean writeRequest) { String parentDirectory = FileUtil.getCanonicalFile(filename).getParent(); DirectoryAccess da = null; synchronized (checkedDirectories) { da = checkedDirectories.get(parentDirectory); } if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Checking DDA: "+da+" for "+parentDirectory); if(writeRequest) return (da == null ? server.isDownloadDDAAlwaysAllowed() : da.canWrite); else return (da == null ? server.isUploadDDAAlwaysAllowed() : da.canRead); } /** * SHOULD BE CALLED ONLY FROM TestDDAComplete! * @param path * @param read * @param write */ protected void registerTestDDAResult(String path, boolean read, boolean write) { DirectoryAccess da = new DirectoryAccess(read, write); synchronized (checkedDirectories) { checkedDirectories.put(path, da); } if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "DDA: read="+read+" write="+write+" for "+path); } /** * Return a DDACheckJob : the one we created and have enqueued * @param path * @param read : is Read access requested ? * @param write : is Write access requested ? * @return * @throws IllegalArgumentException * * FIXME: Maybe we need to enqueue a PS job to delete the created file after something like ... 5 mins ? */ protected DDACheckJob enqueueDDACheck(String path, boolean read, boolean write) throws IllegalArgumentException { File directory = FileUtil.getCanonicalFile(new File(path)); if(!directory.exists() || !directory.isDirectory()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The specified path isn't a directory! or doesn't exist or the node doesn't have access to it!"); // See #1856 DDACheckJob job = null; synchronized (inTestDirectories) { job = inTestDirectories.get(directory); } if(job != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("There is already a TestDDA going on for that directory!"); File writeFile = (write ? new File(path, "DDACheck-" + server.node.fastWeakRandom.nextInt() + ".tmp") : null); File readFile = null; if(read) { try { readFile = File.createTempFile("DDACheck-", ".tmp", directory); readFile.deleteOnExit(); } catch (IOException e) { // Now we know it: we can't write there ;) readFile = null; } } DDACheckJob result = new DDACheckJob(server.node.fastWeakRandom, directory, readFile, writeFile); synchronized (inTestDirectories) { inTestDirectories.put(directory, result); } if(read && (readFile != null) && readFile.canWrite()){ // We don't want to attempt to write before: in case an IOException is raised, we want to inform the // client somehow that the node can't write there... And setting readFile to null means we won't inform // it on the status (as if it hadn't requested us to do the test). FileOutputStream fos = null; BufferedOutputStream bos = null; try { fos = new FileOutputStream(result.readFilename); bos = new BufferedOutputStream(fos); bos.write(result.readContent.getBytes("UTF-8")); bos.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { Logger.error(this, "Got a IOE while creating the file (" + readFile.toString() + " ! " + e.getMessage()); } finally { Closer.close(bos); Closer.close(fos); } } return result; } /** * Return a DDACheckJob or null if not found * @param path * @return the DDACheckJob * @throws IllegalArgumentException */ protected DDACheckJob popDDACheck(String path) throws IllegalArgumentException { File directory = FileUtil.getCanonicalFile(new File(path)); if(!directory.exists() || !directory.isDirectory()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The specified path isn't a directory! or doesn't exist or the node doesn't have access to it!"); synchronized (inTestDirectories) { return inTestDirectories.remove(directory); } } /** * Delete the files we have created using DDATest * called by PersistentRequestClient.onDisconnect(handler) */ protected void freeDDAJobs(){ synchronized (inTestDirectories) { for(DDACheckJob job: inTestDirectories.values()) { if (job.readFilename != null) job.readFilename.delete(); } } } public ClientRequest removeRequestByIdentifier(String identifier, boolean kill) { ClientRequest req; synchronized(this) { req = requestsByIdentifier.remove(identifier); } if(req != null) { if(kill) req.cancel(server.core.clientContext); req.requestWasRemoved(server.core.clientContext); } return req; } ClientRequest getRebootRequest(boolean global, FCPConnectionHandler handler, String identifier) { if(global) return handler.server.globalRebootClient.getRequest(identifier); else return handler.getRebootClient().getRequest(identifier); } ClientRequest getForeverRequest(boolean global, FCPConnectionHandler handler, String identifier) { if(global) return handler.server.globalForeverClient.getRequest(identifier); else return handler.getForeverClient().getRequest(identifier); } ClientRequest removePersistentRebootRequest(boolean global, String identifier) throws MessageInvalidException { PersistentRequestClient client = global ? server.globalRebootClient : getRebootClient(); ClientRequest req = client.getRequest(identifier); if(req != null) { client.removeByIdentifier(identifier, true, server, server.core.clientContext); } return req; } ClientRequest removePersistentForeverRequest(boolean global, String identifier) throws MessageInvalidException { PersistentRequestClient client = global ? server.globalForeverClient : getForeverClient(); ClientRequest req = client.getRequest(identifier); if(req != null) { client.removeByIdentifier(identifier, true, server, server.core.clientContext); } return req; } public synchronized void addUSKSubscription(String identifier, SubscribeUSK subscribeUSK) throws IdentifierCollisionException { if(uskSubscriptions.containsKey(identifier)) throw new IdentifierCollisionException(); uskSubscriptions.put(identifier, subscribeUSK); } public void unsubscribeUSK(String identifier) throws MessageInvalidException { SubscribeUSK sub; synchronized(this) { sub = uskSubscriptions.remove(identifier); if(sub == null) throw new MessageInvalidException(ProtocolErrorMessage.NO_SUCH_IDENTIFIER, "No such identifier unsubscribing", identifier, false); } sub.unsubscribe(); } public RequestClient connectionRequestClient(boolean realTime) { if(realTime) return connectionRequestClientRT; else return connectionRequestClientBulk; } }