/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* $Id$ */ package org.apache.fop.render.pcl.fonts; /** * Table C-1 from http://www.lprng.com/DISTRIB/RESOURCES/DOCS/pcl5comp.pdf */ public enum PCLSymbolSet { // Unbound font containing > 256 characters Unbound("1X", 56), // Other symbol sets to use in bound fonts Bound_Generic("0Q", 17), GW_3212("18C", 597), ISO_60_Danish_Norwegian("0D", 4), Devanagari("2D", 68), ISO_4_United_Kingdom("1E", 37), Windows_3_1_Latin2("9E", 293), ISO_69_French("1F", 38), ISO_21_German("1G", 39), Greek_8("8G", 283), Windows_3_1_Latin_Greek("9G", 295), PC_851_Latin_Greek("10G", 327), PC_8_Latin_Greek("12G", 391), Hebrew_7("0H", 8), ISO_8859_8_Latin_Hebrew("7H", 232), Hebrew_8("8H", 264), PC_862_Latin_Hebrew("15H", 488), ISO_15_Italian("0I", 9), Microsoft_Publishing("6J", 202), DeskTop("7J", 234), Document("8J", 266), PC_1004("9J", 298), PS_Text("10J", 330), PS_ISO_Latin1("11J", 362), MC_Text("12J", 394), Ventura_International3("13J", 426), Ventura_US3("14J", 458), Swash_Characters("16J", 522), Small_Caps_Old_Style_Figures("17J", 554), Old_Style_Figures("18J", 586), Fractions("19J", 618), Lining_Figures("21J", 682), Small_Caps_and_Lining_Figures("22J", 714), Alternate_Caps("23J", 746), Kana_8_JIS_210("8K", 267), Korean_8("9K", 299), Line_Draw_7("0L", 12), HP_Block_Characters("1L", 44), Tax_Line_Draw("2L", 76), Line_Draw_8("8L", 268), Ventura_ITC_Zapf_Dingbats3("9L", 300), PS_ITC_Zapf_Dingbats("10L", 332), ITC_Zapf_Dingbats_Series_100("11L", 364), ITC_Zapf_Dingbats_Series_200("12L", 396), ITC_Zapf_Dingbats_Series_300("13L", 428), Windows_Baltic("19L", 620), Carta("20L", 652), Ornaments("21L", 684), Universal_News_Commercial_Pi("22L", 716), Chess("23L", 748), Astrology_1("24L", 780), Pi_Set_1("31L", 1004), Pi_Set_2("32L", 1036), Pi_Set_3("33L", 1068), Pi_Set_4("34L", 1100), Pi_Set_5("35L", 1132), Pi_Set_6("36L", 1164), Wingdings("579L", 18540), Math_7("0M", 13), Tech_7("1M", 45), PS_Math("5M", 173), Ventura_Math3("6M", 205), Math_8("8M", 269), Universal_Greek_Math_Pi("10M", 333), TeX_Math_Extension("11M", 365), TeX_Math_Symbol("12M", 397), TeX_Math_Italic("13M", 429), Symbol("19M", 621), ISO_8859_1_Latin_1("0N", 14), ISO_8859_2_Latin_2("2N", 78), ISO_8859_3_Latin_3("3N", 110), ISO_8859_4_Latin_4("4N", 142), ISO_8859_9_Latin_5("5N", 174), ISO_8859_10_Latin_6("6N", 206), ISO_8859_5_Latin_Cyrillic("10N", 334), ISO_8859_6_Latin_Arabic("11N", 366), ISO_8859_7_Latin_Greek("12N", 398), OCR_A("0O", 15), OCR_B("1O", 47), OCR_M("2O", 79), MICR_E13B("10O", 335), Typewriter_Paired_APL("0P", 16), Bit_Paired_APL("1P", 48), Expert("10P", 336), Alternate("11P", 368), Fraktur("12P", 400), Cyrillic_ASCII_8859_5_1986("0R", 18), Cyrillic("1R", 50), PC_Cyrillic("3R", 114), Windows_3_1_Latin_Cyrillic("9R", 306), ISO_11_Swedish("0S", 19), ISO_17_Spanish3("2S", 83), HP_European_Spanish("7S", 243), HP_Latin_Spanish("8S", 275), HP_GL_Download("16S", 531), HP_GL_Drafting("17S", 563), HP_GL_Special_Symbols("18S", 595), Sonata("20S", 659), Thai_8("0T", 20), TISI_620_2533_Thai("1T", 52), Windows_3_1_Latin_5("5T", 180), Turkish_8("8T", 276), PC_8_Turkish("9T", 308), Teletex("10T", 340), ISO_6_ASCII("0U", 21), Legal("1U", 53), HPL("5U", 181), OEM_1("7U", 245), Roman_8("8U", 277), Windows_3_0_Latin_1("9U", 309), PC_8_Code_Page_437("10U", 341), PC_8_D_N_Danish_Norwegian("11U", 373), PC_850_Multilingual("12U", 405), Pi_Font("15U", 501), PC_857("16U", 533), PC_852_Latin_2("17U", 565), Windows_3_1_Latin_1("19U", 629), PC_860_Portugal("20U", 661), PC_861_Iceland("21U", 693), PC_863_Canada_French("23U", 757), PC_865_Norway("25U", 821), PC_775("26U", 853), Arabic_8("8V", 278), Windows_3_1_Latin_Arabic("9V", 310), Code_Page_864_Latin_Arabic("10V", 342), Barcode_3of9("0Y", 25), Industrial_2_of_5_Barcode("1Y", 57), Matrix_2_of_5_Barcode("2Y", 89), Interleaved_2_of_5_Barcode("4Y", 153), CODABAR_Barcode("5Y", 185), MSI_Plessey_Barcode("6Y", 217), Code_11_Barcode("7Y", 249), UPC_EAN_Barcode("8Y", 281), MICR_CMC_7("14Y", 473), USPS_ZIP("5Y", 505), Math_7_2("0A", 1), Line_Draw_7_2("0B", 2), HP_Large_Characters("0C", 3), ISO_61_Norwegian_Version_2("1D", 36), Roman_Extension("0E", 5), ISO_25_French("0F", 6), HP_German("0G", 7), ISO_14_JIS_ASCII("0K", 11), ISO_13_Katakana("1K", 43), ISO_57_Chinese("2K", 75), HP_Spanish("1S", 51), ISO_10_Swedish("3S", 115), ISO_16_Portuguese("4S", 147), ISO_84_Portuguese("5S", 179), ISO_85_Spanish("6S", 211), ISO_2_International_Reference("2U", 85), Arabic("0V", 22); private String symbolSetID; private int kind1; PCLSymbolSet(String symbolSetID, int kind1) { this.kind1 = kind1; } public String getSymbolSetID() { return symbolSetID; } public int getKind1() { return kind1; } }