/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* $Id$ */ package org.apache.fop.text.linebreak; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.net.URL; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.fop.util.License; // CSOFF: LineLengthCheck /** * <p>Utility for generating a Java class representing line break properties * from the Unicode property files.</p> * <p>Customizations: * <ul> * <li>The pair table file is a cut+paste of the sample table from the TR14 * HTML file into a text file.</li> * <li>Because the sample table does not cover all line break classes, check the * 'not in pair table' list of property value short names.</li> * <li>Check MAX_LINE_LENGTH.</li> * </ul> * */ public final class GenerateLineBreakUtils { private GenerateLineBreakUtils() { } private static final int MAX_LINE_LENGTH = 110; private static final byte DIRECT_BREAK = 0; // _ in table private static final byte INDIRECT_BREAK = 1; // % in table private static final byte COMBINING_INDIRECT_BREAK = 2; // # in table private static final byte COMBINING_PROHIBITED_BREAK = 3; // @ in table private static final byte PROHIBITED_BREAK = 4; // ^ in table private static final byte EXPLICIT_BREAK = 5; // ! in rules private static final String BREAK_CLASS_TOKENS = "_%#@^!"; private static final String[] NOT_IN_PAIR_TABLE = { "AI", "BK", "CB", "CR", "LF", "NL", "SA", "SG", "SP", "XX" }; private static byte[] lineBreakProperties = new byte[0x10000]; private static Map lineBreakPropertyValues = new HashMap(); private static List lineBreakPropertyShortNames = new ArrayList(); private static List lineBreakPropertyLongNames = new ArrayList(); /** * Generate a class managing line break properties for Unicode characters and a sample * table for the table driven line breaking algorithm described in * <a href="http://unicode.org/reports/tr14/#PairBasedImplementation">UTR #14</a>. * TODO: Code points above the base plane are simply ignored. * * @param lineBreakFileName Name of line break property file (part of Unicode files). * @param propertyValueFileName Name of property values alias file (part of Unicode files). * @param breakPairFileName Name of pair table file (<i>not</i> part of the unicode files). * @param outFileName Name of the output file. * @throws Exception in case anything goes wrong. */ private static void convertLineBreakProperties( String lineBreakFileName, String propertyValueFileName, String breakPairFileName, String outFileName) throws Exception { readLineBreakProperties(lineBreakFileName, propertyValueFileName); // read break pair table int lineBreakPropertyValueCount = lineBreakPropertyValues.size(); int tableSize = lineBreakPropertyValueCount - NOT_IN_PAIR_TABLE.length; Map notInPairTableMap = new HashMap(NOT_IN_PAIR_TABLE.length); for (int i = 0; i < NOT_IN_PAIR_TABLE.length; i++) { Object v = lineBreakPropertyValues.get(NOT_IN_PAIR_TABLE[i]); if (v == null) { throw new Exception("'not in pair table' property not found: " + NOT_IN_PAIR_TABLE[i]); } notInPairTableMap.put(NOT_IN_PAIR_TABLE[i], v); } byte[][] pairTable = new byte[tableSize][]; byte[] columnHeader = new byte[tableSize]; byte[] rowHeader = new byte[tableSize]; byte[] columnMap = new byte[lineBreakPropertyValueCount + 1]; Arrays.fill(columnMap, (byte)255); byte[] rowMap = new byte[lineBreakPropertyValueCount + 1]; Arrays.fill(rowMap, (byte)255); BufferedReader b = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(breakPairFileName)); String line = b.readLine(); int lineNumber = 1; String[] lineTokens; String name; // read header if (line != null) { lineTokens = line.split("\\s+"); byte columnNumber = 0; for (int i = 0; i < lineTokens.length; ++i) { name = lineTokens[i]; if (name.length() > 0) { if (columnNumber >= columnHeader.length) { throw new Exception(breakPairFileName + ':' + lineNumber + ": unexpected column header " + name); } if (notInPairTableMap.get(name) != null) { throw new Exception(breakPairFileName + ':' + lineNumber + ": invalid column header " + name); } Byte v = (Byte)lineBreakPropertyValues.get(name); if (v != null) { byte vv = v.byteValue(); columnHeader[columnNumber] = vv; columnMap[vv] = columnNumber; } else { throw new Exception(breakPairFileName + ':' + lineNumber + ": unknown column header " + name); } columnNumber++; } } if (columnNumber < columnHeader.length) { StringBuffer missing = new StringBuffer(); for (int j = 0; j < lineBreakPropertyShortNames.size(); j++) { boolean found = false; for (int k = 0; k < columnNumber; k++) { if (columnHeader[k] == j + 1) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { if (missing.length() > 0) { missing.append(", "); } missing.append((String)lineBreakPropertyShortNames.get(j)); } } throw new Exception( breakPairFileName + ':' + lineNumber + ": missing column for properties: " + missing.toString()); } } else { throw new Exception(breakPairFileName + ':' + lineNumber + ": can't read table header"); } line = b.readLine().trim(); lineNumber++; byte rowNumber = 0; while (line != null && line.length() > 0) { if (rowNumber >= rowHeader.length) { throw new Exception(breakPairFileName + ':' + lineNumber + ": unexpected row " + line); } pairTable[rowNumber] = new byte[tableSize]; lineTokens = line.split("\\s+"); if (lineTokens.length > 0) { name = lineTokens[0]; if (notInPairTableMap.get(name) != null) { throw new Exception(breakPairFileName + ':' + lineNumber + ": invalid row header " + name); } Byte v = (Byte)lineBreakPropertyValues.get(name); if (v != null) { byte vv = v.byteValue(); rowHeader[rowNumber] = vv; rowMap[vv] = rowNumber; } else { throw new Exception(breakPairFileName + ':' + lineNumber + ": unknown row header " + name); } } else { throw new Exception(breakPairFileName + ':' + lineNumber + ": can't read row header"); } int columnNumber = 0; String token; for (int i = 1; i < lineTokens.length; ++i) { token = lineTokens[i]; if (token.length() == 1) { byte tokenBreakClass = (byte)BREAK_CLASS_TOKENS.indexOf(token.charAt(0)); if (tokenBreakClass >= 0) { pairTable[rowNumber][columnNumber] = tokenBreakClass; } else { throw new Exception(breakPairFileName + ':' + lineNumber + ": unexpected token: " + token); } } else { throw new Exception(breakPairFileName + ':' + lineNumber + ": token too long: " + token); } columnNumber++; } line = b.readLine().trim(); lineNumber++; rowNumber++; } if (rowNumber < rowHeader.length) { StringBuffer missing = new StringBuffer(); for (int j = 0; j < lineBreakPropertyShortNames.size(); j++) { boolean found = false; for (int k = 0; k < rowNumber; k++) { if (rowHeader[k] == j + 1) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { if (missing.length() > 0) { missing.append(", "); } missing.append((String)lineBreakPropertyShortNames.get(j)); } } throw new Exception( breakPairFileName + ':' + lineNumber + ": missing row for properties: " + missing.toString()); } // generate class int rowsize = 512; int blocksize = lineBreakProperties.length / rowsize; byte[][] row = new byte[rowsize][]; int idx = 0; StringBuffer doStaticLinkCode = new StringBuffer(); PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(outFileName)); License.writeJavaLicenseId(out); out.println(); out.println("package org.apache.fop.text.linebreak;"); out.println(); out.println("/*"); out.println(" * !!! THIS IS A GENERATED FILE !!!"); out.println(" * If updates to the source are needed, then:"); out.println(" * - apply the necessary modifications to"); out.println(" * 'src/codegen/unicode/java/org/apache/fop/text/linebreak/GenerateLineBreakUtils.java'"); out.println(" * - run 'ant codegen-unicode', which will generate a new LineBreakUtils.java"); out.println(" * in 'src/java/org/apache/fop/text/linebreak'"); out.println(" * - commit BOTH changed files"); out.println(" */"); out.println(); out.println("// CSOFF: WhitespaceAfterCheck"); out.println("// CSOFF: LineLengthCheck"); out.println(); out.println("/** Line breaking utilities. */"); out.println("public final class LineBreakUtils {"); out.println(); out.println(" private LineBreakUtils() {"); out.println(" }"); out.println(); out.println(" /** Break class constant */"); out.println(" public static final byte DIRECT_BREAK = " + DIRECT_BREAK + ';'); out.println(" /** Break class constant */"); out.println(" public static final byte INDIRECT_BREAK = " + INDIRECT_BREAK + ';'); out.println(" /** Break class constant */"); out.println(" public static final byte COMBINING_INDIRECT_BREAK = " + COMBINING_INDIRECT_BREAK + ';'); out.println(" /** Break class constant */"); out.println(" public static final byte COMBINING_PROHIBITED_BREAK = " + COMBINING_PROHIBITED_BREAK + ';'); out.println(" /** Break class constant */"); out.println(" public static final byte PROHIBITED_BREAK = " + PROHIBITED_BREAK + ';'); out.println(" /** Break class constant */"); out.println(" public static final byte EXPLICIT_BREAK = " + EXPLICIT_BREAK + ';'); out.println(); out.println(" private static final byte[][] PAIR_TABLE = {"); boolean printComma = false; for (int i = 1; i <= lineBreakPropertyValueCount; i++) { if (printComma) { out.println(","); } else { printComma = true; } out.print(" {"); boolean localPrintComma = false; for (int j = 1; j <= lineBreakPropertyValueCount; j++) { if (localPrintComma) { out.print(", "); } else { localPrintComma = true; } if (columnMap[j] != -1 && rowMap[i] != -1) { out.print(pairTable[rowMap[i]][columnMap[j]]); } else { out.print('0'); } } out.print('}'); } out.println("};"); out.println(); out.println(" private static byte[][] lineBreakProperties = new byte[" + rowsize + "][];"); out.println(); out.println(" private static void init0() {"); int rowsPrinted = 0; int initSections = 0; for (int i = 0; i < rowsize; i++) { boolean found = false; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (row[j] != null) { boolean matched = true; for (int k = 0; k < blocksize; k++) { if (row[j][k] != lineBreakProperties[idx + k]) { matched = false; break; } } if (matched) { found = true; doStaticLinkCode.append(" lineBreakProperties["); doStaticLinkCode.append(i); doStaticLinkCode.append("] = lineBreakProperties["); doStaticLinkCode.append(j); doStaticLinkCode.append("];\n"); break; } } } if (!found) { if (rowsPrinted >= 64) { out.println(" }"); out.println(); initSections++; out.println(" private static void init" + initSections + "() {"); rowsPrinted = 0; } row[i] = new byte[blocksize]; boolean printLocalComma = false; out.print(" lineBreakProperties[" + i + "] = new byte[] { "); for (int k = 0; k < blocksize; k++) { row[i][k] = lineBreakProperties[idx + k]; if (printLocalComma) { out.print(", "); } else { printLocalComma = true; } out.print(row[i][k]); } out.println("};"); rowsPrinted++; } idx += blocksize; } out.println(" }"); out.println(); out.println(" static {"); for (int i = 0; i <= initSections; i++) { out.println(" init" + i + "();"); } out.print(doStaticLinkCode); out.println(" }"); out.println(); for (int i = 0; i < lineBreakPropertyShortNames.size(); i++) { String shortName = (String)lineBreakPropertyShortNames.get(i); out.println(" /** Linebreak property constant */"); out.print(" public static final byte LINE_BREAK_PROPERTY_"); out.print(shortName); out.print(" = "); out.print(i + 1); out.println(';'); } out.println(); final String shortNamePrefix = " private static String[] lineBreakPropertyShortNames = {"; out.print(shortNamePrefix); int lineLength = shortNamePrefix.length(); printComma = false; for (int i = 0; i < lineBreakPropertyShortNames.size(); i++) { name = (String)lineBreakPropertyShortNames.get(i); if (printComma) { if (lineLength <= MAX_LINE_LENGTH - 2) { out.print(", "); } else { out.print(","); } // count the space anyway to force a linebreak if the comma causes lineLength == MAX_LINE_LENGTH lineLength += 2; } else { printComma = true; } if (lineLength > MAX_LINE_LENGTH) { out.println(); out.print(" "); lineLength = 8; } out.print('"'); out.print(name); out.print('"'); lineLength += (2 + name.length()); } out.println("};"); out.println(); final String longNamePrefix = " private static String[] lineBreakPropertyLongNames = {"; out.print(longNamePrefix); lineLength = longNamePrefix.length(); printComma = false; for (int i = 0; i < lineBreakPropertyLongNames.size(); i++) { name = (String)lineBreakPropertyLongNames.get(i); if (printComma) { out.print(','); lineLength++; } else { printComma = true; } if (lineLength > MAX_LINE_LENGTH) { out.println(); out.print(" "); lineLength = 8; } out.print('"'); out.print(name); out.print('"'); lineLength += (2 + name.length()); } out.println("};"); out.println(); out.println(" /**"); out.println(" * Return the short name for the linebreak property corresponding"); out.println(" * to the given symbolic constant."); out.println(" *"); out.println(" * @param i the numeric value of the linebreak property"); out.println(" * @return the short name of the linebreak property"); out.println(" */"); out.println(" public static String getLineBreakPropertyShortName(byte i) {"); out.println(" if (i > 0 && i <= lineBreakPropertyShortNames.length) {"); out.println(" return lineBreakPropertyShortNames[i - 1];"); out.println(" } else {"); out.println(" return null;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" }"); out.println(); out.println(" /**"); out.println(" * Return the long name for the linebreak property corresponding"); out.println(" * to the given symbolic constant."); out.println(" *"); out.println(" * @param i the numeric value of the linebreak property"); out.println(" * @return the long name of the linebreak property"); out.println(" */"); out.println(" public static String getLineBreakPropertyLongName(byte i) {"); out.println(" if (i > 0 && i <= lineBreakPropertyLongNames.length) {"); out.println(" return lineBreakPropertyLongNames[i - 1];"); out.println(" } else {"); out.println(" return null;"); out.println(" }"); out.println(" }"); out.println(); out.println(" /**"); out.println(" * Return the linebreak property constant for the given <code>char</code>"); out.println(" *"); out.println(" * @param c the <code>char</code> whose linebreak property to return"); out.println(" * @return the constant representing the linebreak property"); out.println(" */"); out.println(" public static byte getLineBreakProperty(char c) {"); out.println(" return lineBreakProperties[c / " + blocksize + "][c % " + blocksize + "];"); out.println(" }"); out.println(); out.println(" /**"); out.println(" * Return the break class constant for the given pair of linebreak"); out.println(" * property constants."); out.println(" *"); out.println(" * @param lineBreakPropertyBefore the linebreak property for the first character"); out.println(" * in a two-character sequence"); out.println(" * @param lineBreakPropertyAfter the linebreak property for the second character"); out.println(" * in a two-character sequence"); out.println(" * @return the constant representing the break class"); out.println(" */"); out.println( " public static byte getLineBreakPairProperty(int lineBreakPropertyBefore, int lineBreakPropertyAfter) {"); out.println(" return PAIR_TABLE[lineBreakPropertyBefore - 1][lineBreakPropertyAfter - 1];"); out.println(" }"); out.println(); out.println("}"); out.flush(); out.close(); } /** * Read line break property value names and the actual properties for the Unicode * characters from the respective Unicode files. * TODO: Code points above the base plane are simply ignored. * * @param lineBreakFileName Name of line break property file. * @param propertyValueFileName Name of property values alias file. * @throws Exception in case anything goes wrong. */ private static void readLineBreakProperties(String lineBreakFileName, String propertyValueFileName) throws Exception { // read property names BufferedReader b = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new URL(propertyValueFileName).openStream())); String line = b.readLine(); int lineNumber = 1; byte propertyIndex = 1; byte indexForUnknown = 0; while (line != null) { if (line.startsWith("lb")) { String shortName; String longName = null; int semi = line.indexOf(';'); if (semi < 0) { throw new Exception( propertyValueFileName + ':' + lineNumber + ": missing property short name in " + line); } line = line.substring(semi + 1); semi = line.indexOf(';'); if (semi > 0) { shortName = line.substring(0, semi).trim(); longName = line.substring(semi + 1).trim(); semi = longName.indexOf(';'); if (semi > 0) { longName = longName.substring(0, semi).trim(); } } else { shortName = line.trim(); } if (shortName.equals("XX")) { indexForUnknown = propertyIndex; } lineBreakPropertyValues.put(shortName, new Byte((byte)propertyIndex)); lineBreakPropertyShortNames.add(shortName); lineBreakPropertyLongNames.add(longName); propertyIndex++; if (propertyIndex <= 0) { throw new Exception(propertyValueFileName + ':' + lineNumber + ": property rolled over in " + line); } } line = b.readLine(); lineNumber++; } if (indexForUnknown == 0) { throw new Exception("index for XX (unknown) line break property value not found"); } // read property values Arrays.fill(lineBreakProperties, (byte)0); b = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new URL(lineBreakFileName).openStream())); line = b.readLine(); lineNumber = 1; while (line != null) { int idx = line.indexOf('#'); if (idx >= 0) { line = line.substring(0, idx); } line = line.trim(); if (line.length() > 0) { idx = line.indexOf(';'); if (idx <= 0) { throw new Exception(lineBreakFileName + ':' + lineNumber + ": No field delimiter in " + line); } Byte v = (Byte)lineBreakPropertyValues.get(line.substring(idx + 1).trim()); if (v == null) { throw new Exception(lineBreakFileName + ':' + lineNumber + ": Unknown property value in " + line); } String codepoint = line.substring(0, idx); int low; int high; idx = codepoint.indexOf(".."); try { if (idx >= 0) { low = Integer.parseInt(codepoint.substring(0, idx), 16); high = Integer.parseInt(codepoint.substring(idx + 2), 16); } else { low = Integer.parseInt(codepoint, 16); high = low; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new Exception(lineBreakFileName + ':' + lineNumber + ": Invalid codepoint number in " + line); } if (high > 0xFFFF) { // ignore non-baseplane characters for now } else { if (low < 0 || high < 0) { throw new Exception( lineBreakFileName + ':' + lineNumber + ": Negative codepoint(s) in " + line); } byte vv = v.byteValue(); for (int i = low; i <= high; i++) { if (lineBreakProperties[i] != 0) { throw new Exception( lineBreakFileName + ':' + lineNumber + ": Property already set for " + ((char)i) + " in " + line); } lineBreakProperties[i] = vv; } } } line = b.readLine(); lineNumber++; } } /** * Determine a good block size for the two stage optimized storage of the * line breaking properties. Note: the memory utilization calculation is a rule of thumb, * don't take it too serious. * * @param lineBreakFileName Name of line break property file. * @param propertyValueFileName Name of property values alias file. * @throws Exception in case anything goes wrong. */ private static void optimizeBlocks(String lineBreakFileName, String propertyValueFileName) throws Exception { readLineBreakProperties(lineBreakFileName, propertyValueFileName); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { int rowsize = 1 << i; int blocksize = lineBreakProperties.length / (rowsize); byte[][] row = new byte[rowsize][]; int idx = 0; int nrOfDistinctBlocks = 0; for (int j = 0; j < rowsize; j++) { byte[] block = new byte[blocksize]; for (int k = 0; k < blocksize; k++) { block[k] = lineBreakProperties[idx]; idx++; } boolean found = false; for (int k = 0; k < j; k++) { if (row[k] != null) { boolean matched = true; for (int l = 0; l < blocksize; l++) { if (row[k][l] != block[l]) { matched = false; break; } } if (matched) { found = true; break; } } } if (!found) { row[j] = block; nrOfDistinctBlocks++; } else { row[j] = null; } } int size = rowsize * 4 + nrOfDistinctBlocks * blocksize; System.out.println( "i=" + i + " blocksize=" + blocksize + " blocks=" + nrOfDistinctBlocks + " size=" + size); } } /** * Main entry point for running GenerateLineBreakUtils * @param args array of command line arg */ public static void main(String[] args) { String lineBreakFileName = "http://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/LineBreak.txt"; String propertyValueFileName = "http://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/PropertyValueAliases.txt"; String breakPairFileName = "src/codegen/unicode/data/LineBreakPairTable.txt"; String outFileName = "LineBreakUtils.java"; boolean ok = true; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i = i + 2) { if (i + 1 == args.length) { ok = false; } else { String opt = args[i]; if ("-l".equals(opt)) { lineBreakFileName = args[i + 1]; } else if ("-p".equals(opt)) { propertyValueFileName = args[i + 1]; } else if ("-b".equals(opt)) { breakPairFileName = args[i + 1]; } else if ("-o".equals(opt)) { outFileName = args[i + 1]; } else { ok = false; } } } if (!ok) { System.out.println("Usage: GenerateLineBreakUtils [-l <lineBreakFile>] [-p <propertyValueFile>] [-b <breakPairFile>] [-o <outputFile>]"); System.out.println(" defaults:"); System.out.println(" <lineBreakFile>: " + lineBreakFileName); System.out.println(" <propertyValueFile>: " + propertyValueFileName); System.out.println(" <breakPairFile>: " + breakPairFileName); System.out.println(" <outputFile>: " + outFileName); } else { try { convertLineBreakProperties(lineBreakFileName, propertyValueFileName, breakPairFileName, outFileName); System.out.println("Generated " + outFileName + " from"); System.out.println(" <lineBreakFile>: " + lineBreakFileName); System.out.println(" <propertyValueFile>: " + propertyValueFileName); System.out.println(" <breakPairFile>: " + breakPairFileName); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("An unexpected error occured"); e.printStackTrace(); } } } }