/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* $Id$ */ package org.apache.fop.fonts.truetype; import java.io.IOException; /** * Reads a TrueType file or a TrueType Collection. * The TrueType spec can be found at the Microsoft. * Typography site: http://www.microsoft.com/truetype/ */ public class TTFFile extends OpenFont { public TTFFile() { this(true, false); } /** * Constructor * @param useKerning true if kerning data should be loaded * @param useAdvanced true if advanced typographic tables should be loaded */ public TTFFile(boolean useKerning, boolean useAdvanced) { super(useKerning, useAdvanced); } /** * Read the "name" table. * @throws IOException In case of a I/O problem */ protected void readName() throws IOException { seekTab(fontFile, OFTableName.NAME, 2); int i = fontFile.getCurrentPos(); int n = fontFile.readTTFUShort(); int j = fontFile.readTTFUShort() + i - 2; i += 2 * 2; while (n-- > 0) { // getLogger().debug("Iteration: " + n); fontFile.seekSet(i); final int platformID = fontFile.readTTFUShort(); final int encodingID = fontFile.readTTFUShort(); final int languageID = fontFile.readTTFUShort(); int k = fontFile.readTTFUShort(); int l = fontFile.readTTFUShort(); if (((platformID == 1 || platformID == 3) && (encodingID == 0 || encodingID == 1))) { fontFile.seekSet(j + fontFile.readTTFUShort()); String txt; if (platformID == 3) { txt = fontFile.readTTFString(l, encodingID); } else { txt = fontFile.readTTFString(l); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(platformID + " " + encodingID + " " + languageID + " " + k + " " + txt); } switch (k) { case 0: if (notice.length() == 0) { notice = txt; } break; case 1: //Font Family Name case 16: //Preferred Family familyNames.add(txt); break; case 2: if (subFamilyName.length() == 0) { subFamilyName = txt; } break; case 4: if (fullName.length() == 0 || (platformID == 3 && languageID == 1033)) { fullName = txt; } break; case 6: if (postScriptName.length() == 0) { postScriptName = txt; } break; default: break; } } i += 6 * 2; } } /** * Read the "glyf" table to find the bounding boxes. * @throws IOException In case of a I/O problem */ private void readGlyf() throws IOException { OFDirTabEntry dirTab = dirTabs.get(OFTableName.GLYF); if (dirTab == null) { throw new IOException("glyf table not found, cannot continue"); } for (int i = 0; i < (numberOfGlyphs - 1); i++) { if (mtxTab[i].getOffset() != mtxTab[i + 1].getOffset()) { fontFile.seekSet(dirTab.getOffset() + mtxTab[i].getOffset()); fontFile.skip(2); final int[] bbox = { fontFile.readTTFShort(), fontFile.readTTFShort(), fontFile.readTTFShort(), fontFile.readTTFShort()}; mtxTab[i].setBoundingBox(bbox); } else { mtxTab[i].setBoundingBox(mtxTab[0].getBoundingBox()); } } long n = (dirTabs.get(OFTableName.GLYF)).getOffset(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfGlyphs; i++) { if ((i + 1) >= mtxTab.length || mtxTab[i].getOffset() != mtxTab[i + 1].getOffset()) { fontFile.seekSet(n + mtxTab[i].getOffset()); fontFile.skip(2); final int[] bbox = { fontFile.readTTFShort(), fontFile.readTTFShort(), fontFile.readTTFShort(), fontFile.readTTFShort()}; mtxTab[i].setBoundingBox(bbox); } else { /**@todo Verify that this is correct, looks like a copy/paste bug (jm)*/ final int bbox0 = mtxTab[0].getBoundingBox()[0]; final int[] bbox = {bbox0, bbox0, bbox0, bbox0}; mtxTab[i].setBoundingBox(bbox); /* Original code mtxTab[i].bbox[0] = mtxTab[0].bbox[0]; mtxTab[i].bbox[1] = mtxTab[0].bbox[0]; mtxTab[i].bbox[2] = mtxTab[0].bbox[0]; mtxTab[i].bbox[3] = mtxTab[0].bbox[0]; */ } if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(mtxTab[i].toString(this)); } } } @Override protected void updateBBoxAndOffset() throws IOException { readIndexToLocation(); readGlyf(); } /** * Read the "loca" table. * @throws IOException In case of a I/O problem */ protected final void readIndexToLocation() throws IOException { if (!seekTab(fontFile, OFTableName.LOCA, 0)) { throw new IOException("'loca' table not found, happens when the font file doesn't" + " contain TrueType outlines (trying to read an OpenType CFF font maybe?)"); } for (int i = 0; i < numberOfGlyphs; i++) { mtxTab[i].setOffset(locaFormat == 1 ? fontFile.readTTFULong() : (fontFile.readTTFUShort() << 1)); } lastLoca = (locaFormat == 1 ? fontFile.readTTFULong() : (fontFile.readTTFUShort() << 1)); } /** * Gets the last location of the glyf table * @return The last location as a long */ public long getLastGlyfLocation() { return lastLoca; } @Override protected void initializeFont(FontFileReader in) throws IOException { fontFile = in; } }