package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.assets.AssetDescriptor; import com.badlogic.gdx.assets.AssetLoaderParameters; import com.badlogic.gdx.assets.AssetManager; import com.badlogic.gdx.assets.loaders.AsynchronousAssetLoader; import com.badlogic.gdx.assets.loaders.resolvers.InternalFileHandleResolver; import com.badlogic.gdx.files.FileHandle; import; import; import; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Quaternion; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Json; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.JsonReader; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.JsonValue; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Created by danyel on 26/05/14. */ public class LevelLoader extends AsynchronousAssetLoader<Level, LevelLoader.LevelParameters> { private static final String JSON_POSITION = "position"; private static final String MODEL_FOLDER = "models/"; private static final int DEFAULT_GATE_SCORE = 50; Level level; private final JsonReader reader; private final Json auto; private JsonValue json; private Map<String, GameModel> models; private Map<String, String> dependencies; private Map<String, GameObject> components; private AssetManager manager; private FileHandle file; private LevelParameters parameter; private Map<String, Environment> environments; /** * Constructor, sets the * {@link com.badlogic.gdx.assets.loaders.FileHandleResolver} to use to * resolve the file associated with the asset name. * */ public LevelLoader() { super(new InternalFileHandleResolver()); reader = new JsonReader(); auto = new Json(); models = new HashMap<String, GameModel>(); components = new HashMap<String, GameObject>(); } public void loadLevelfromJson() { parseJson(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : dependencies.entrySet()) { models.put(e.getKey(), dependencyFor(e.getKey())); } environments = parseEnvironments(); parseComponents(); Perspective start = auto.fromJson(Perspective.class, json.get("start").toString()); List<GameObject> componentsList = new ArrayList<GameObject>(); componentsList.addAll(components.values()); level = new Level(json.getString("name"), start, componentsList, models, environments); JsonValue levelClass = json.get("class"); if (levelClass != null) { level.levelClass = levelClass.asString(); } = json.getInt("id"); level.setLeftTime(json.getInt("time")); JsonValue gravity = json.get("gravity"); if (gravity != null) { parseGravity(level, gravity); } level.addGateCircuit(parseGates()); level.addCollectibleManager(parseCollectibles()); } /** * Parses and adds the gravity to the level. * * @param level * The level to add the gravity to. * @param e * The json value of the level. */ private void parseGravity(Level level, JsonValue e) { String type = e.getString("type"); if ("ConstantGravity".equals(type)) { JsonValue dir = e.get("direction"); ConstantGravity gravity = new ConstantGravity(new Vector3(dir.getFloat(0), dir.getFloat(1), dir.getFloat(2))); level.setGravity(gravity); } else if ("DirectionalGravity".equals(type)) { JsonValue pos = e.get(JSON_POSITION); float strength = e.getFloat("strength"); DirectionalGravity gravity = new DirectionalGravity(new Vector3(pos.getFloat(0), pos.getFloat(1), pos.getFloat(2)), strength); level.setGravity(gravity); } } /** * Parses the gates in the level file and creates a gate circuit. * * @return GateCircuit * @throws LevelLoadingException */ private GateCircuit parseGates() { Map<Integer, GateGoal> gateMap = new HashMap<Integer, GateGoal>(); JsonValue gates = json.get("gates"); if (gates == null) { return null; } // dummy gate goal at the start GateGoal dummyGate = null; int len = gates.size; JsonValue jsonGate; GateDisplay display; GateGoal goal; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { jsonGate = gates.get(i); JsonValue gateId = jsonGate.get("gateId"); if (gateId != null) { String ref = jsonGate.getString("ref"); String refHole = jsonGate.getString("refHole"); display = new GateDisplay(models.get(ref)); JsonValue scoreJS = jsonGate.get("score"); int score = DEFAULT_GATE_SCORE; if (scoreJS != null) { score = scoreJS.asInt(); } goal = new GateGoal(gateId.asInt(), models.get(refHole), score, display); goal.hide(); display.setGoal(goal); parseTransform(display, jsonGate); goal.transform = display.transform.cpy(); parseVelocity(display, jsonGate); if(display.getMover() != null) { goal.setMover(display.getMover().getCopy(goal)); } gateMap.put(gateId.asInt(), goal); } else { goal = new GateGoal(-1, models.get("hole"), 0, null); goal.hide(); dummyGate = goal; } goal.successors = jsonGate.get("successors").asIntArray(); gateMap.put(goal.getGateId(), goal); } if (dummyGate == null) {"LevelLoader.parseGates", "no dummy gate found, create default one"); dummyGate = new GateGoal(-1, models.get("hole"), 0, null); dummyGate.hide(); int[] dummySuccessors = new int[1]; dummySuccessors[0] = 0; dummyGate.setSuccessors(dummySuccessors); } GateCircuit gateCircuit = new GateCircuit(dummyGate); gateCircuit.setGates(gateMap); return gateCircuit; } /** * Parses the additional information of the current game object like the id. * * @param o * The game object. * @param e * The json value of the game object. */ private void parseInformation(GameObject o, JsonValue e) { o.setId(e.getString("id")); JsonValue visible = e.get("visible"); if (visible != null && !visible.asBoolean()) { o.hide(); } } /** * Parses the transform matrix of the current game object. * * @param o * The game object. * @param e * The json value of the game object. */ private void parseTransform(GameObject o, JsonValue e) { JsonValue transform = e.get("transformMatrix"); JsonValue position = e.get(JSON_POSITION); if (transform != null) { o.transform.set(transform.asFloatArray()); } else if (position != null) { Vector3 pos = new Vector3(position.asFloatArray()); JsonValue euler = e.get("euler"); JsonValue quaternion = e.get("quaternion"); if (euler != null) { Quaternion quat = new Quaternion(); quat.setEulerAngles(euler.getFloat(1), euler.getFloat(0), euler.getFloat(2)); o.transform.set(pos, quat, new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)); } else if (quaternion != null) { Quaternion quat = new Quaternion(quaternion.getFloat(0), quaternion.getFloat(1), quaternion.getFloat(2), quaternion.getFloat(3)); o.transform.set(pos, quat, new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)); } else { o.transform.idt(); o.transform.trn(pos); } JsonValue scale = e.get("scale"); if (scale != null) { o.transform.scale(scale.getFloat(0), scale.getFloat(1), scale.getFloat(2)); } } else { o.transform.idt(); } } /** * Parses the velocity information of the current game object. Has to be * called after parse transform. * * @param o * The game object. * @param e * The json value of the game object. */ private void parseVelocity(GameObject o, JsonValue e) { JsonValue sinusX = e.get("sinus_x"); JsonValue sinusY = e.get("sinus_y"); JsonValue sinusZ = e.get("sinus_z"); JsonValue angular = e.get("angular_velocity"); if ((sinusX != null || sinusY != null || sinusZ != null) && angular != null) { // sin + rot SinusRotationMover mover = new SinusRotationMover(o); if (sinusX != null) { mover.X.set(sinusX.getFloat(0) * 0.01f, sinusX.getFloat(1), sinusX.getFloat(2)); } if (sinusY != null) { mover.Y.set(sinusY.getFloat(0) * 0.01f, sinusY.getFloat(1), sinusY.getFloat(2)); } if (sinusZ != null) { mover.Z.set(sinusZ.getFloat(0) * 0.01f, sinusZ.getFloat(1), sinusZ.getFloat(2)); } mover.setRotation(new Vector3(angular.getFloat(0), angular.getFloat(1), angular.getFloat(2))); o.setMover(mover); } else if ((sinusX != null || sinusY != null || sinusZ != null) && angular == null) { // sin SinusMover mover = new SinusMover(o); if (sinusX != null) { mover.X.set(sinusX.getFloat(0) * 0.01f, sinusX.getFloat(1), sinusX.getFloat(2)); } if (sinusY != null) { mover.Y.set(sinusY.getFloat(0) * 0.01f, sinusY.getFloat(1), sinusY.getFloat(2)); } if (sinusZ != null) { mover.Z.set(sinusZ.getFloat(0) * 0.01f, sinusZ.getFloat(1), sinusZ.getFloat(2)); } o.setMover(mover); } else if (angular != null) { // rot RotationMover mover = new RotationMover(o); mover.setRotation(new Vector3(angular.getFloat(0), angular.getFloat(1), angular.getFloat(2))); o.setMover(mover); } } /** * Parses the collectibles in the level file. * * @return CollectibleManager */ private CollectibleManager parseCollectibles() { List<Collectible> upgradeList = new ArrayList<Collectible>(); JsonValue upgrades = json.get("upgrades"); if (upgrades == null) { return new CollectibleManager(); } int len = upgrades.size; JsonValue jsonUpgrade; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { jsonUpgrade = upgrades.get(i); JsonValue upgradeType = jsonUpgrade.get("type"); if (upgradeType != null) { String type = upgradeType.asString(); Collectible c = null; String ref = jsonUpgrade.getString("ref"); if ("ChangeTimeUpgrade".equals(type)) { c = new ChangeTimeUpgrade(models.get(ref), jsonUpgrade.get("time").asInt()); } else if (type.equals("ChangePointsUpgrade")) { c = new ChangePointsUpgrade(models.get(ref), jsonUpgrade.get("points").asInt()); } else if (type.equals(TemporarySpeedUpgrade.TYPE)) { float maxSpeedupFactor = jsonUpgrade.get("maxSpeedupFactor").asFloat(); int speedupTimeInMilliSeconds = jsonUpgrade.get("speedupTimeInMilliSeconds").asInt(); int maxSpeedTimeInMilliSeconds = jsonUpgrade.get("maxSpeedTimeInMilliSeconds").asInt(); int slowdownTimeInMilliSeconds = jsonUpgrade.get("slowdownTimeInMilliSeconds").asInt(); SpeedUpgradeEffect effect = new SpeedUpgradeEffect(maxSpeedupFactor, speedupTimeInMilliSeconds, maxSpeedTimeInMilliSeconds, slowdownTimeInMilliSeconds); c = new TemporarySpeedUpgrade(models.get(ref), effect); } else if ("ResizeGatesUpgrade".equals(type)) { JsonValue jsonResizeFactor = jsonUpgrade.get("resizeFactor"); Vector3 scale = new Vector3(jsonResizeFactor.getFloat(0), jsonResizeFactor.getFloat(1), jsonResizeFactor.getFloat(2)); c = new ResizeGatesUpgrade(models.get(ref), scale); } else if ("ChangeSteeringUpgrade".equals(type)) { c = new ChangeSteeringUpgrade(models.get(ref), jsonUpgrade.get("roll").asFloat(), jsonUpgrade.get("azimuth").asFloat(), jsonUpgrade.get("duration").asFloat()); } if (c != null) { parseInformation(c, jsonUpgrade); parseTransform(c, jsonUpgrade); parseVelocity(c, jsonUpgrade); upgradeList.add(c); } else {"LevelLoader.parseUpgrades", "Upgrade type not found."); } } } return new CollectibleManager(upgradeList); } /** * Parses the environments */ private Map<String, Environment> parseEnvironments() { Environment ambientEnvironment = new Environment(); Environment lightingEnvironment = new Environment(); Map<String, Environment> envList = new HashMap<String, Environment>(); JsonValue environments = json.get("environments"); if (environments == null) { // Set default environments if they aren't specified ambientEnvironment.set(new ColorAttribute(ColorAttribute.AmbientLight, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f)); lightingEnvironment.set(new ColorAttribute(ColorAttribute.AmbientLight, 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1f)); lightingEnvironment.add(new DirectionalLight().set(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, -1f, 0.8f, -0.2f)); envList.put("ambient", ambientEnvironment); envList.put("lighting", lightingEnvironment); return envList; } JsonValue ambient = environments.get("ambient"); ambientEnvironment.set(new ColorAttribute(ColorAttribute.AmbientLight, ambient.getFloat(0), ambient.getFloat(1), ambient.getFloat(2), ambient.getFloat(3))); JsonValue lighting = environments.get("lighting"); if (lighting != null) { ambient = lighting.get("ambientLight"); if (ambient != null) { lightingEnvironment.set(new ColorAttribute(ColorAttribute.AmbientLight, ambient.getFloat(0), ambient.getFloat(1), ambient.getFloat(2), ambient.getFloat(3))); } JsonValue directionalLights = lighting.get("directionalLights"); if (directionalLights != null) { for (int i = 0; i < directionalLights.size; i++) { JsonValue colorValue = directionalLights.get(i).get("color"); JsonValue directionValue = directionalLights.get(i).get("direction"); Color color = new Color(colorValue.getFloat(0), colorValue.getFloat(1), colorValue.getFloat(2), colorValue.getFloat(3)); Vector3 direction = new Vector3(directionValue.getFloat(0), directionValue.getFloat(1), directionValue.getFloat(2)); lightingEnvironment.add(new DirectionalLight().set(color, direction)); } } JsonValue pointLights = lighting.get("pointLights"); if (pointLights != null) { for (int i = 0; i < pointLights.size; i++) { JsonValue colorValue = pointLights.get(i).get("color"); JsonValue positionValue = pointLights.get(i).get(JSON_POSITION); JsonValue intensityValue = pointLights.get(i).get("intensity"); Color color = new Color(colorValue.getFloat(0), colorValue.getFloat(1), colorValue.getFloat(2), colorValue.getFloat(3)); Vector3 position = new Vector3(positionValue.getFloat(0), positionValue.getFloat(1), positionValue.getFloat(2)); lightingEnvironment.add(new PointLight().set(color, position, intensityValue.asFloat())); } } } envList.put("ambient", ambientEnvironment); envList.put("lighting", lightingEnvironment); return envList; } /** * Parses the json file. */ private void parseJson() { if (json == null) { json = reader.parse(file); } } /** * Parses the dependencies. */ private void parseDependencies() { if (dependencies == null) { parseJson(); dependencies = new HashMap<String, String>(); JsonValue e; JsonValue jsonDependencies = json.get("dependencies"); int len = jsonDependencies.size; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { e = jsonDependencies.get(i); String fileName = MODEL_FOLDER + e.asString() + "/" + e.asString(); dependencies.put(, fileName); } } } /** * Parses the components. * <p> * Components are all the decoration stuff in the level. */ private void parseComponents() { parseJson(); components.clear(); GameObject o; for (JsonValue e : json.get("components")) { String ref = e.getString("ref"); long timeStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); o = new GameObject(models.get(ref), ref);"loadGameObject", String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - timeStart)); if (e.has("environment")) { o.environment = environments.get(e.getString("environment")); } parseInformation(o, e); parseTransform(o, e); parseVelocity(o, e); components.put(o.getId(), o); } } private GameModel dependencyFor(String ref) { return manager.get(dependencies.get(ref), GameModel.class); } private void deinit() { level = null; json = null; components.clear(); dependencies = null; file = null; parameter = null; manager = null; // Models are needed for the features, dont clear them! // models.clear(); } @Override public Level loadSync(AssetManager manager, String fileName, FileHandle file, LevelParameters parameter) {"LevelLoader.loadSync", "LOADING."); Level l = level; deinit(); return l; } @Override public void loadAsync(AssetManager manager, String fileName, FileHandle file, LevelParameters parameter) {"LevelLoader.loadAsync", "LOADING."); this.level = null; this.manager = manager; loadLevelfromJson(); } @Override public Array<AssetDescriptor> getDependencies(String fileName, FileHandle file, LevelParameters parameter) { this.file = file; this.parameter = parameter; parseDependencies(); Array<AssetDescriptor> deps = new Array<AssetDescriptor>(); for (String name : dependencies.values()) { //"LevelLoader.getDependencies", name); deps.add(new AssetDescriptor<GameModel>(name, GameModel.class)); } return deps; } static public class LevelParameters extends AssetLoaderParameters<Level> { } }