package; /** * Default resource adapter. */ public class DefaultResourceAdapter implements ResourceAdapter { @Override public String getString(Item item, Object... args) { switch (item) { case INPUT_SAME_AS_OUTPUT_ERROR: return "Input and output files are the same. Specify a different name for the output."; case AUTO_KEY_SELECTION_ERROR: return "Unable to auto-select key for signing " + args[0]; case LOADING_CERTIFICATE_AND_KEY: return "Loading certificate and private key"; case PARSING_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY: return "Parsing the input's central directory"; case GENERATING_MANIFEST: return "Generating manifest"; case GENERATING_SIGNATURE_FILE: return "Generating signature file"; case GENERATING_SIGNATURE_BLOCK: return "Generating signature block file"; case COPYING_ZIP_ENTRY: return String.format("Copying zip entry %d of %d", args[0], args[1]); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown item " + item); } } }