package org.fdroid.fdroid.views; import; import; import; import; import; import android.view.View; public class LinearLayoutManagerSnapHelper extends LinearSnapHelper { private View lastSavedTarget; private int lastSavedDistance; public interface LinearSnapHelperListener { /** * Tells the listener that we have selected a view to snap to. * @param view The selected view (may be null) * @param position Adapter position of the snapped to view (or NO_POSITION if none) */ void onSnappedToView(View view, int position); } private final LinearLayoutManager layoutManager; private final OrientationHelper orientationHelper; private LinearSnapHelperListener listener; public LinearLayoutManagerSnapHelper(LinearLayoutManager layoutManager) { this.layoutManager = layoutManager; this.orientationHelper = OrientationHelper.createHorizontalHelper(this.layoutManager); } public void setLinearSnapHelperListener(LinearSnapHelperListener listener) { this.listener = listener; } @Override public View findSnapView(RecyclerView.LayoutManager layoutManager) { View snappedView = super.findSnapView(layoutManager); if (snappedView != null && layoutManager.canScrollHorizontally()) { if (layoutManager instanceof LinearLayoutManager) { // The super class implementation will always try to snap the center of a view to the // center of the screen. This is desired behavior, but will result in that the first // and last item will never be fully visible (unless in the special case when they all // fit on the screen) // // We handle this by checking if the first (and/or the last) item is visible, and compare // the distance it would take to "snap" this item to the screen edge to the distance // needed to snap the "snappedView" to the center of the screen. We always go for the // smallest distance, e.g. the closest snap position. // // To further complicate this, we might have intermediate views in the range 1..idxSnap // (and correspondingly idxsnap+1..idxLast-1) that will never be "snapped to". We // interpolate the "snap position" for these views (between center screen and screen edge) // and then calculate the snap distance for them, again selecting the smallest of them all. lastSavedTarget = null; int centerSnapPosition = orientationHelper.getTotalSpace() / 2; int firstChild = ((LinearLayoutManager) layoutManager).findFirstVisibleItemPosition(); int lastChild = ((LinearLayoutManager) layoutManager).findLastVisibleItemPosition(); int currentSmallestDistance = Integer.MAX_VALUE; View currentSmallestDistanceView = null; int snappedViewIndex = ((LinearLayoutManager) layoutManager).getPosition(snappedView); if (snappedViewIndex != RecyclerView.NO_POSITION) { int snapPositionFirst = orientationHelper.getDecoratedMeasurement(((LinearLayoutManager) layoutManager).findViewByPosition(firstChild)) / 2; int snapPositionLast = orientationHelper.getTotalSpace() - orientationHelper.getDecoratedMeasurement(((LinearLayoutManager) layoutManager).findViewByPosition(lastChild)) / 2; // If first item not on screen, ignore views 0..snappedViewIndex-1 if (firstChild != 0) { firstChild = snappedViewIndex; } // If last item not on screen, ignore views snappedViewIndex+1..N if (lastChild != this.layoutManager.getItemCount() - 1) { lastChild = snappedViewIndex; } for (int i = firstChild; i <= lastChild; i++) { View view = ((LinearLayoutManager) layoutManager).findViewByPosition(i); // Start by interpolating a snap position for (the center of) this view. // int snapPosition; if (i == snappedViewIndex) { snapPosition = centerSnapPosition; } else if (i > snappedViewIndex) { snapPosition = snapPositionLast - (lastChild - i) * (snapPositionLast - centerSnapPosition) / (lastChild - snappedViewIndex); } else { snapPosition = snapPositionFirst + (i - firstChild) * (centerSnapPosition - snapPositionFirst) / (snappedViewIndex - firstChild); } // Get current position of view (center) // int viewPosition = view.getLeft() + view.getWidth() / 2; // Calculate distance and compare to current best candidate // int dist = snapPosition - viewPosition; if (Math.abs(dist) < Math.abs(currentSmallestDistance) || (Math.abs(dist) == Math.abs(currentSmallestDistance))) { currentSmallestDistance = dist; currentSmallestDistanceView = view; } } // Update with best snap candidate snappedView = currentSmallestDistanceView; lastSavedTarget = currentSmallestDistanceView; lastSavedDistance = -currentSmallestDistance; } } } if (listener != null) { int snappedPosition = 0; if (snappedView != null) { snappedPosition = this.layoutManager.getPosition(snappedView); } listener.onSnappedToView(snappedView, snappedPosition); } return snappedView; } @Override public int[] calculateDistanceToFinalSnap(@NonNull RecyclerView.LayoutManager layoutManager, @NonNull View targetView) { if (targetView == lastSavedTarget) { // No need to recalc, we already did this when finding the snap candidate // int[] out = new int[2]; out[0] = lastSavedDistance; out[1] = 0; return out; } return super.calculateDistanceToFinalSnap(layoutManager, targetView); } }