package; import android.content.ContentProviderOperation; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.content.OperationApplicationException; import; import android.os.RemoteException; import; import; import org.fdroid.fdroid.CompatibilityChecker; import org.fdroid.fdroid.RepoUpdater; import org.fdroid.fdroid.Utils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class RepoPersister { private static final String TAG = "RepoPersister"; /** * Crappy benchmark with a Nexus 4, Android 5.0 on a fairly crappy internet connection I get: * * 25 = 37 seconds * * 50 = 33 seconds * * 100 = 30 seconds * * 200 = 32 seconds * Raising this means more memory consumption, so we'd like it to be low, but not * so low that it takes too long. */ private static final int MAX_APP_BUFFER = 50; @NonNull private final Repo repo; private boolean hasBeenInitialized; @NonNull private final Context context; @NonNull private final List<App> appsToSave = new ArrayList<>(); @NonNull private final Map<String, List<Apk>> apksToSave = new HashMap<>(); @NonNull private final CompatibilityChecker checker; public RepoPersister(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull Repo repo) { this.repo = repo; this.context = context; checker = new CompatibilityChecker(context); } public void saveToDb(App app, List<Apk> packages) throws RepoUpdater.UpdateException { appsToSave.add(app); apksToSave.put(app.packageName, packages); if (appsToSave.size() >= MAX_APP_BUFFER) { flushBufferToDb(); } } public void commit(ContentValues repoDetailsToSave) throws RepoUpdater.UpdateException { flushBufferToDb(); TempAppProvider.Helper.commitAppsAndApks(context); RepoProvider.Helper.update(context, repo, repoDetailsToSave); } private void flushBufferToDb() throws RepoUpdater.UpdateException { if (!hasBeenInitialized) { // This is where we will store all of the metadata before commiting at the // end of the process. This is due to the fact that we can't verify the cert // the index was signed with until we've finished reading it - and we don't // want to put stuff in the real database until we are sure it is from a // trusted source. It also helps performance as it is done via an in-memory database. TempAppProvider.Helper.init(context); hasBeenInitialized = true; } if (apksToSave.size() > 0 || appsToSave.size() > 0) { Utils.debugLog(TAG, "Flushing details of up to " + MAX_APP_BUFFER + " apps and their packages to the database."); Map<String, Long> appIds = flushAppsToDbInBatch(); flushApksToDbInBatch(appIds); apksToSave.clear(); appsToSave.clear(); } } private void flushApksToDbInBatch(Map<String, Long> appIds) throws RepoUpdater.UpdateException { List<Apk> apksToSaveList = new ArrayList<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, List<Apk>> entries : apksToSave.entrySet()) { for (Apk apk : entries.getValue()) { apk.appId = appIds.get(apk.packageName); } apksToSaveList.addAll(entries.getValue()); } calcApkCompatibilityFlags(apksToSaveList); ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> apkOperations = new ArrayList<>(); ContentProviderOperation clearOrphans = deleteOrphanedApks(appsToSave, apksToSave); if (clearOrphans != null) { apkOperations.add(clearOrphans); } apkOperations.addAll(insertOrUpdateApks(apksToSaveList)); try { context.getContentResolver().applyBatch(TempApkProvider.getAuthority(), apkOperations); } catch (RemoteException | OperationApplicationException e) { throw new RepoUpdater.UpdateException(repo, "An internal error occurred while updating the database", e); } } /** * Will first insert new or update existing rows in the database for each {@link RepoPersister#appsToSave}. * Then, will query the database for the ID + packageName for each of these apps, so that they * can be returned and the relevant apks can be joined to the app table correctly. */ private Map<String, Long> flushAppsToDbInBatch() throws RepoUpdater.UpdateException { ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> appOperations = insertOrUpdateApps(appsToSave); try { context.getContentResolver().applyBatch(TempAppProvider.getAuthority(), appOperations); return getIdsForPackages(appsToSave); } catch (RemoteException | OperationApplicationException e) { throw new RepoUpdater.UpdateException(repo, "An internal error occurred while updating the database", e); } } /** * Although this might seem counter intuitive - receiving a list of apps, then querying the * database again for info about these apps, it is required because the apps came from the * repo metadata, but we are really interested in their IDs from the database. These IDs only * exist in SQLite and not the repo metadata. */ private Map<String, Long> getIdsForPackages(List<App> apps) { List<String> packageNames = new ArrayList<>(appsToSave.size()); for (App app : apps) { packageNames.add(app.packageName); } String[] projection = {Schema.AppMetadataTable.Cols.ROW_ID, Schema.AppMetadataTable.Cols.Package.PACKAGE_NAME}; List<App> fromDb = TempAppProvider.Helper.findByPackageNames(context, packageNames,, projection); Map<String, Long> ids = new HashMap<>(fromDb.size()); for (App app : fromDb) { ids.put(app.packageName, app.getId()); } return ids; } /** * Depending on whether the {@link App}s have been added to the database previously, this * will queue up an update or an insert {@link ContentProviderOperation} for each app. */ private ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> insertOrUpdateApps(List<App> apps) { ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> operations = new ArrayList<>(apps.size()); for (App app : apps) { if (isAppInDatabase(app)) { operations.add(updateExistingApp(app)); } else { operations.add(insertNewApp(app)); } } return operations; } /** * Depending on whether the .apks have been added to the database previously, this * will queue up an update or an insert {@link ContentProviderOperation} for each package. */ private ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> insertOrUpdateApks(List<Apk> packages) { String[] projection = new String[]{ Schema.ApkTable.Cols.Package.PACKAGE_NAME, Schema.ApkTable.Cols.VERSION_CODE, Schema.ApkTable.Cols.REPO_ID, Schema.ApkTable.Cols.APP_ID, }; List<Apk> existingApks = ApkProvider.Helper.knownApks(context, packages, projection); ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> operations = new ArrayList<>(packages.size()); for (Apk apk : packages) { boolean exists = false; for (Apk existing : existingApks) { if (existing.repo == apk.repo && existing.packageName.equals(apk.packageName) && existing.versionCode == apk.versionCode) { exists = true; break; } } if (exists) { operations.add(updateExistingApk(apk)); } else { operations.add(insertNewApk(apk)); } } return operations; } /** * Creates an update {@link ContentProviderOperation} for the {@link App} in question. * <strong>Does not do any checks to see if the app already exists or not.</strong> */ private ContentProviderOperation updateExistingApp(App app) { Uri uri = TempAppProvider.getSpecificTempAppUri(app.packageName, app.repoId); return ContentProviderOperation.newUpdate(uri).withValues(app.toContentValues()).build(); } /** * Creates an insert {@link ContentProviderOperation} for the {@link App} in question. * <strong>Does not do any checks to see if the app already exists or not.</strong> */ private ContentProviderOperation insertNewApp(App app) { ContentValues values = app.toContentValues(); Uri uri = TempAppProvider.getContentUri(); return ContentProviderOperation.newInsert(uri).withValues(values).build(); } /** * Looks in the database to see which apps we already know about. Only * returns ids of apps that are in the database if they are in the "apps" * array. */ private boolean isAppInDatabase(App app) { String[] fields = {Schema.AppMetadataTable.Cols.Package.PACKAGE_NAME}; App found = AppProvider.Helper.findSpecificApp(context.getContentResolver(), app.packageName,, fields); return found != null; } /** * Creates an update {@link ContentProviderOperation} for the {@link Apk} in question. * <strong>Does not do any checks to see if the apk already exists or not.</strong> */ private ContentProviderOperation updateExistingApk(final Apk apk) { Uri uri = TempApkProvider.getApkUri(apk); ContentValues values = apk.toContentValues(); return ContentProviderOperation.newUpdate(uri).withValues(values).build(); } /** * Creates an insert {@link ContentProviderOperation} for the {@link Apk} in question. * <strong>Does not do any checks to see if the apk already exists or not.</strong> */ private ContentProviderOperation insertNewApk(final Apk apk) { ContentValues values = apk.toContentValues(); Uri uri = TempApkProvider.getContentUri(); return ContentProviderOperation.newInsert(uri).withValues(values).build(); } /** * Finds all apks from the repo we are currently updating, that belong to the specified app, * and delete them as they are no longer provided by that repo. */ @Nullable private ContentProviderOperation deleteOrphanedApks(List<App> apps, Map<String, List<Apk>> packages) { String[] projection = new String[]{Schema.ApkTable.Cols.Package.PACKAGE_NAME, Schema.ApkTable.Cols.VERSION_CODE}; List<Apk> existing = ApkProvider.Helper.findByUri(context, repo, apps, projection); List<Apk> toDelete = new ArrayList<>(); for (Apk existingApk : existing) { boolean shouldStay = false; if (packages.containsKey(existingApk.packageName)) { for (Apk newApk : packages.get(existingApk.packageName)) { if (newApk.versionCode == existingApk.versionCode) { shouldStay = true; break; } } } if (!shouldStay) { toDelete.add(existingApk); } } if (toDelete.size() == 0) { return null; } Uri uri = TempApkProvider.getApksUri(repo, toDelete); return ContentProviderOperation.newDelete(uri).build(); } /** * This cannot be offloaded to the database (as we did with the query which * updates apps, depending on whether their apks are compatible or not). * The reason is that we need to interact with the CompatibilityChecker * in order to see if, and why an apk is not compatible. */ private void calcApkCompatibilityFlags(List<Apk> apks) { for (final Apk apk : apks) { final List<String> reasons = checker.getIncompatibleReasons(apk); if (reasons.size() > 0) { apk.compatible = false; apk.incompatibleReasons = reasons.toArray(new String[reasons.size()]); } else { apk.compatible = true; apk.incompatibleReasons = null; } } } }