package org.fdroid.fdroid.localrepo; import android.content.Context; import; import; import android.content.res.AssetManager; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import org.fdroid.fdroid.FDroidApp; import org.fdroid.fdroid.Hasher; import org.fdroid.fdroid.Preferences; import org.fdroid.fdroid.Utils; import; import; import; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserFactory; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlSerializer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.jar.JarEntry; import java.util.jar.JarOutputStream; /** * The {@link SwapService} deals with managing the entire workflow from selecting apps to * swap, to invoking this class to prepare the webroot, to enabling various communication protocols. * This class deals specifically with the webroot side of things, ensuring we have a valid index.jar * and the relevant .apk and icon files available. */ public final class LocalRepoManager { private static final String TAG = "LocalRepoManager"; private final Context context; private final PackageManager pm; private final AssetManager assetManager; private final String fdroidPackageName; private static final String[] WEB_ROOT_ASSET_FILES = { "swap-icon.png", "swap-tick-done.png", "swap-tick-not-done.png", }; private final Map<String, App> apps = new HashMap<>(); private final SanitizedFile xmlIndexJar; private final SanitizedFile xmlIndexJarUnsigned; private final SanitizedFile webRoot; private final SanitizedFile fdroidDir; private final SanitizedFile fdroidDirCaps; private final SanitizedFile repoDir; private final SanitizedFile repoDirCaps; private final SanitizedFile iconsDir; @Nullable private static LocalRepoManager localRepoManager; @NonNull public static LocalRepoManager get(Context context) { if (localRepoManager == null) { localRepoManager = new LocalRepoManager(context); } return localRepoManager; } private LocalRepoManager(Context c) { context = c.getApplicationContext(); pm = c.getPackageManager(); assetManager = c.getAssets(); fdroidPackageName = c.getPackageName(); webRoot = SanitizedFile.knownSanitized(c.getFilesDir()); /* /fdroid/repo is the standard path for user repos */ fdroidDir = new SanitizedFile(webRoot, "fdroid"); fdroidDirCaps = new SanitizedFile(webRoot, "FDROID"); repoDir = new SanitizedFile(fdroidDir, "repo"); repoDirCaps = new SanitizedFile(fdroidDirCaps, "REPO"); iconsDir = new SanitizedFile(repoDir, "icons"); xmlIndexJar = new SanitizedFile(repoDir, "index.jar"); xmlIndexJarUnsigned = new SanitizedFile(repoDir, "index.unsigned.jar"); if (!fdroidDir.exists() && !fdroidDir.mkdir()) { Log.e(TAG, "Unable to create empty base: " + fdroidDir); } if (!repoDir.exists() && !repoDir.mkdir()) { Log.e(TAG, "Unable to create empty repo: " + repoDir); } if (!iconsDir.exists() && !iconsDir.mkdir()) { Log.e(TAG, "Unable to create icons folder: " + iconsDir); } } private String writeFdroidApkToWebroot() { ApplicationInfo appInfo; String fdroidClientURL = ""; try { appInfo = pm.getApplicationInfo(fdroidPackageName, PackageManager.GET_META_DATA); SanitizedFile apkFile = SanitizedFile.knownSanitized(appInfo.publicSourceDir); SanitizedFile fdroidApkLink = new SanitizedFile(webRoot, "fdroid.client.apk"); attemptToDelete(fdroidApkLink); if (Utils.symlinkOrCopyFileQuietly(apkFile, fdroidApkLink)) { fdroidClientURL = "/" + fdroidApkLink.getName(); } } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Could not set up F-Droid apk in the webroot", e); } return fdroidClientURL; } public void writeIndexPage(String repoAddress) { final String fdroidClientURL = writeFdroidApkToWebroot(); try { File indexHtml = new File(webRoot, "index.html"); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader("index.template.html"), "UTF-8")); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream(indexHtml))); String line; while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { line = line.replaceAll("\\{\\{REPO_URL\\}\\}", repoAddress); line = line.replaceAll("\\{\\{CLIENT_URL\\}\\}", fdroidClientURL); out.write(line); } in.close(); out.close(); for (final String file : WEB_ROOT_ASSET_FILES) { InputStream assetIn =; OutputStream assetOut = new FileOutputStream(new File(webRoot, file)); Utils.copy(assetIn, assetOut); assetIn.close(); assetOut.close(); } // make symlinks/copies in each subdir of the repo to make sure that // the user will always find the bootstrap page. symlinkEntireWebRootElsewhere("../", fdroidDir); symlinkEntireWebRootElsewhere("../../", repoDir); // add in /FDROID/REPO to support bad QR Scanner apps attemptToMkdir(fdroidDirCaps); attemptToMkdir(repoDirCaps); symlinkEntireWebRootElsewhere("../", fdroidDirCaps); symlinkEntireWebRootElsewhere("../../", repoDirCaps); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error writing local repo index", e); } } private static void attemptToMkdir(@NonNull File dir) throws IOException { if (dir.exists()) { if (dir.isDirectory()) { return; } throw new IOException("Can't make directory " + dir + " - it is already a file."); } if (!dir.mkdir()) { throw new IOException("An error occurred trying to create directory " + dir); } } private static void attemptToDelete(@NonNull File file) { if (!file.delete()) { Log.e(TAG, "Could not delete \"" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "\"."); } } private void symlinkEntireWebRootElsewhere(String symlinkPrefix, File directory) { symlinkFileElsewhere("index.html", symlinkPrefix, directory); for (final String fileName : WEB_ROOT_ASSET_FILES) { symlinkFileElsewhere(fileName, symlinkPrefix, directory); } } private void symlinkFileElsewhere(String fileName, String symlinkPrefix, File directory) { SanitizedFile index = new SanitizedFile(directory, fileName); attemptToDelete(index); Utils.symlinkOrCopyFileQuietly(new SanitizedFile(new File(directory, symlinkPrefix), fileName), index); } private void deleteContents(File path) { if (path.exists()) { for (File file : path.listFiles()) { if (file.isDirectory()) { deleteContents(file); } else { attemptToDelete(file); } } } } /** * Get the {@code index.jar} file that represents the local swap repo. */ public File getIndexJar() { return xmlIndexJar; } public void deleteRepo() { deleteContents(repoDir); } public void copyApksToRepo() { copyApksToRepo(new ArrayList<>(apps.keySet())); } private void copyApksToRepo(List<String> appsToCopy) { for (final String packageName : appsToCopy) { final App app = apps.get(packageName); if (app.installedApk != null) { SanitizedFile outFile = new SanitizedFile(repoDir, app.installedApk.apkName); if (Utils.symlinkOrCopyFileQuietly(app.installedApk.installedFile, outFile)) { continue; } } // if we got here, something went wrong throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to copy APK"); } } public void addApp(Context context, String packageName) { App app; try { app = SwapService.getAppFromCache(packageName); if (app == null) { app = new App(context.getApplicationContext(), pm, packageName); } if (!app.isValid()) { return; } } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException | CertificateEncodingException | IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error adding app to local repo", e); return; } Utils.debugLog(TAG, "apps.put: " + packageName); apps.put(packageName, app); } public void copyIconsToRepo() { ApplicationInfo appInfo; for (final App app : apps.values()) { if (app.installedApk != null) { try { appInfo = pm.getApplicationInfo(app.packageName, PackageManager.GET_META_DATA); copyIconToRepo(appInfo.loadIcon(pm), app.packageName, app.installedApk.versionCode); } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error getting app icon", e); } } } } /** * Extracts the icon from an APK and writes it to the repo as a PNG */ private void copyIconToRepo(Drawable drawable, String packageName, int versionCode) { Bitmap bitmap; if (drawable instanceof BitmapDrawable) { bitmap = ((BitmapDrawable) drawable).getBitmap(); } else { bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(drawable.getIntrinsicWidth(), drawable.getIntrinsicHeight(), Config.ARGB_8888); Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap); drawable.setBounds(0, 0, canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight()); drawable.draw(canvas); } File png = getIconFile(packageName, versionCode); OutputStream out; try { out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(png)); bitmap.compress(CompressFormat.PNG, 100, out); out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error copying icon to repo", e); } } private File getIconFile(String packageName, int versionCode) { return new File(iconsDir, App.getIconName(packageName, versionCode)); } /** * Helper class to aid in constructing index.xml file. */ public static final class IndexXmlBuilder { @NonNull private final XmlSerializer serializer; @NonNull private final DateFormat dateToStr = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd", Locale.US); private IndexXmlBuilder() throws XmlPullParserException { serializer = XmlPullParserFactory.newInstance().newSerializer(); } public void build(Context context, Map<String, App> apps, OutputStream output) throws IOException, LocalRepoKeyStore.InitException { serializer.setOutput(output, "UTF-8"); serializer.startDocument(null, null); serializer.startTag("", "fdroid"); // <repo> block serializer.startTag("", "repo"); serializer.attribute("", "icon", "blah.png"); serializer.attribute("", "name", Preferences.get().getLocalRepoName() + " on " + FDroidApp.ipAddressString); serializer.attribute("", "pubkey", Hasher.hex(LocalRepoKeyStore.get(context).getCertificate())); long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L; serializer.attribute("", "timestamp", String.valueOf(timestamp)); serializer.attribute("", "version", "10"); tag("description", "A local FDroid repo generated from apps installed on " + Preferences.get().getLocalRepoName()); serializer.endTag("", "repo"); // <application> blocks for (Map.Entry<String, App> entry : apps.entrySet()) { tagApplication(entry.getValue()); } serializer.endTag("", "fdroid"); serializer.endDocument(); output.close(); } /** * Helper function to start a tag called "name", fill it with text "text", and then * end the tag in a more concise manner. */ private void tag(String name, String text) throws IOException { serializer.startTag("", name).text(text).endTag("", name); } /** * Alias for {@link org.fdroid.fdroid.localrepo.LocalRepoManager.IndexXmlBuilder#tag(String, String)} * That accepts a number instead of string. * * @see IndexXmlBuilder#tag(String, String) */ private void tag(String name, long number) throws IOException { tag(name, String.valueOf(number)); } /** * Alias for {@link org.fdroid.fdroid.localrepo.LocalRepoManager.IndexXmlBuilder#tag(String, String)} * that accepts a date instead of a string. * * @see IndexXmlBuilder#tag(String, String) */ private void tag(String name, Date date) throws IOException { tag(name, dateToStr.format(date)); } private void tagApplication(App app) throws IOException { serializer.startTag("", "application"); serializer.attribute("", "id", app.packageName); tag("id", app.packageName); tag("added", app.added); tag("lastupdated", app.lastUpdated); tag("name",; tag("summary", app.summary); tag("icon", app.icon); tag("desc", app.description); tag("license", "Unknown"); tag("categories", "LocalRepo," + Preferences.get().getLocalRepoName()); tag("category", "LocalRepo," + Preferences.get().getLocalRepoName()); tag("web", "web"); tag("source", "source"); tag("tracker", "tracker"); tag("marketversion", app.installedApk.versionName); tag("marketvercode", app.installedApk.versionCode); tagPackage(app); serializer.endTag("", "application"); } private void tagPackage(App app) throws IOException { serializer.startTag("", "package"); tag("version", app.installedApk.versionName); tag("versioncode", app.installedApk.versionCode); tag("apkname", app.installedApk.apkName); tagHash(app); tag("sig", app.installedApk.sig.toLowerCase(Locale.US)); tag("size", app.installedApk.installedFile.length()); tag("added", app.installedApk.added); if (app.installedApk.minSdkVersion > Apk.SDK_VERSION_MIN_VALUE) { tag("sdkver", app.installedApk.minSdkVersion); } if (app.installedApk.targetSdkVersion > app.installedApk.minSdkVersion) { tag("targetSdkVersion", app.installedApk.targetSdkVersion); } if (app.installedApk.maxSdkVersion < Apk.SDK_VERSION_MAX_VALUE) { tag("maxsdkver", app.installedApk.maxSdkVersion); } tagFeatures(app); tagPermissions(app); tagNativecode(app); serializer.endTag("", "package"); } private void tagPermissions(App app) throws IOException { serializer.startTag("", "permissions"); if (app.installedApk.requestedPermissions != null) { StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(); for (String permission : app.installedApk.requestedPermissions) { buff.append(permission.replace("android.permission.", "")); buff.append(','); } String out = buff.toString(); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(out)) { serializer.text(out.substring(0, out.length() - 1)); } } serializer.endTag("", "permissions"); } private void tagFeatures(App app) throws IOException { serializer.startTag("", "features"); if (app.installedApk.features != null) { serializer.text(TextUtils.join(",", app.installedApk.features)); } serializer.endTag("", "features"); } private void tagNativecode(App app) throws IOException { if (app.installedApk.nativecode != null) { serializer.startTag("", "nativecode"); serializer.text(TextUtils.join(",", app.installedApk.nativecode)); serializer.endTag("", "nativecode"); } } private void tagHash(App app) throws IOException { serializer.startTag("", "hash"); serializer.attribute("", "type", app.installedApk.hashType); serializer.text(app.installedApk.hash); serializer.endTag("", "hash"); } } public void writeIndexJar() throws IOException, XmlPullParserException, LocalRepoKeyStore.InitException { BufferedOutputStream bo = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(xmlIndexJarUnsigned)); JarOutputStream jo = new JarOutputStream(bo); JarEntry je = new JarEntry("index.xml"); jo.putNextEntry(je); new IndexXmlBuilder().build(context, apps, jo); jo.close(); bo.close(); try { LocalRepoKeyStore.get(context).signZip(xmlIndexJarUnsigned, xmlIndexJar); } catch (LocalRepoKeyStore.InitException e) { throw new IOException("Could not sign index - keystore failed to initialize"); } finally { attemptToDelete(xmlIndexJarUnsigned); } } }