package; import android.provider.BaseColumns; /** * The authoritative reference to each table/column which should exist in the database. * Constants from this interface should be used in preference to string literals when referring to * the tables/columns in the database. */ public interface Schema { /** * A package is essentially the app that a developer builds and wants you to install on your * device. It differs from entries in: * * {@link ApkTable} because they are specific builds of a particular package. Many different * builds of the same package can exist. * * {@link AppMetadataTable} because this is metdata about a package which is specified by a * given repo. Different repos can provide the same package with different descriptions, * categories, etc. */ interface PackageTable { String NAME = "fdroid_package"; interface Cols { String ROW_ID = "rowid"; String PACKAGE_NAME = "packageName"; /** * Metadata about a package (e.g. description, icon, etc) can come from multiple * different repos. This is a foreign key to the row in {@link AppMetadataTable} for * this package that comes from the repo with the best priority. Although it can be * calculated at runtime using an SQL query, it is more efficient to figure out the * preferred metadata once, after a repo update, rather than every time we need to know * about a package. */ String PREFERRED_METADATA = "preferredMetadata"; String[] ALL = { ROW_ID, PACKAGE_NAME, PREFERRED_METADATA, }; } } interface AppPrefsTable { String NAME = "fdroid_appPrefs"; interface Cols extends BaseColumns { // Join onto app table via packageName, not appId. The corresponding app row could // be deleted and then re-added in the future with the same metadata but a different // rowid. This should not cause us to forget the preferences specified by a user. String PACKAGE_NAME = "packageName"; String IGNORE_ALL_UPDATES = "ignoreAllUpdates"; String IGNORE_THIS_UPDATE = "ignoreThisUpdate"; String[] ALL = {PACKAGE_NAME, IGNORE_ALL_UPDATES, IGNORE_THIS_UPDATE}; } } interface CategoryTable { String NAME = "fdroid_category"; interface Cols { String ROW_ID = "rowid"; String NAME = "name"; String[] ALL = { ROW_ID, NAME, }; } } /** * An entry in this table signifies that an app is in a particular category. Each repo can * classify its apps in separate categories, and so the same record in {@link PackageTable} * can be in the same category multiple times, if multiple repos think that is the case. * @see CategoryTable * @see AppMetadataTable */ interface CatJoinTable { String NAME = "fdroid_categoryAppMetadataJoin"; interface Cols { /** * Foreign key to {@link AppMetadataTable}. * @see AppMetadataTable */ String APP_METADATA_ID = "appMetadataId"; /** * Foreign key to {@link CategoryTable}. * @see CategoryTable */ String CATEGORY_ID = "categoryId"; /** * @see AppMetadataTable.Cols#ALL_COLS */ String[] ALL_COLS = {APP_METADATA_ID, CATEGORY_ID}; } } interface AppMetadataTable { String NAME = "fdroid_app"; interface Cols { /** * Same as the primary key {@link Cols#ROW_ID}, except aliased as "_id" instead * of "rowid". Required for {@link android.content.CursorLoader}s. */ String _ID = "rowid as _id"; String ROW_ID = "rowid"; String _COUNT = "_count"; String IS_COMPATIBLE = "compatible"; String PACKAGE_ID = "packageId"; String REPO_ID = "repoId"; String NAME = "name"; String SUMMARY = "summary"; String ICON = "icon"; String DESCRIPTION = "description"; String LICENSE = "license"; String AUTHOR = "author"; String EMAIL = "email"; String WEB_URL = "webURL"; String TRACKER_URL = "trackerURL"; String SOURCE_URL = "sourceURL"; String CHANGELOG_URL = "changelogURL"; String DONATE_URL = "donateURL"; String BITCOIN_ADDR = "bitcoinAddr"; String LITECOIN_ADDR = "litecoinAddr"; String FLATTR_ID = "flattrID"; String SUGGESTED_VERSION_CODE = "suggestedVercode"; String UPSTREAM_VERSION_NAME = "upstreamVersion"; String UPSTREAM_VERSION_CODE = "upstreamVercode"; String ADDED = "added"; String LAST_UPDATED = "lastUpdated"; String ANTI_FEATURES = "antiFeatures"; String REQUIREMENTS = "requirements"; String ICON_URL = "iconUrl"; String ICON_URL_LARGE = "iconUrlLarge"; interface SuggestedApk { String VERSION_NAME = "suggestedApkVersion"; } interface InstalledApp { String VERSION_CODE = "installedVersionCode"; String VERSION_NAME = "installedVersionName"; String SIGNATURE = "installedSig"; } interface Package { String PACKAGE_NAME = "package_packageName"; } /** * This is to make it explicit that you cannot request the {@link Categories#CATEGORIES} * field when selecting app metadata from the database. It is only here for the purpose * of inserting/updating apps. */ interface ForWriting { interface Categories { String CATEGORIES = "categories_commaSeparatedCateogryNames"; } } /** * Each of the physical columns in the sqlite table. Differs from {@link Cols#ALL} in * that it doesn't include fields which are aliases of other fields (e.g. {@link Cols#_ID} * or which are from other related tables (e.g. {@link Cols.SuggestedApk#VERSION_NAME}). */ String[] ALL_COLS = { ROW_ID, PACKAGE_ID, REPO_ID, IS_COMPATIBLE, NAME, SUMMARY, ICON, DESCRIPTION, LICENSE, AUTHOR, EMAIL, WEB_URL, TRACKER_URL, SOURCE_URL, CHANGELOG_URL, DONATE_URL, BITCOIN_ADDR, LITECOIN_ADDR, FLATTR_ID, UPSTREAM_VERSION_NAME, UPSTREAM_VERSION_CODE, ADDED, LAST_UPDATED, ANTI_FEATURES, REQUIREMENTS, ICON_URL, ICON_URL_LARGE, SUGGESTED_VERSION_CODE, }; /** * Superset of {@link Cols#ALL_COLS} including fields from other tables and also an alias * to satisfy the Android requirement for an "_ID" field. * @see Cols#ALL_COLS */ String[] ALL = { _ID, ROW_ID, REPO_ID, IS_COMPATIBLE, NAME, SUMMARY, ICON, DESCRIPTION, LICENSE, AUTHOR, EMAIL, WEB_URL, TRACKER_URL, SOURCE_URL, CHANGELOG_URL, DONATE_URL, BITCOIN_ADDR, LITECOIN_ADDR, FLATTR_ID, UPSTREAM_VERSION_NAME, UPSTREAM_VERSION_CODE, ADDED, LAST_UPDATED, ANTI_FEATURES, REQUIREMENTS, ICON_URL, ICON_URL_LARGE, SUGGESTED_VERSION_CODE, SuggestedApk.VERSION_NAME, InstalledApp.VERSION_CODE, InstalledApp.VERSION_NAME, InstalledApp.SIGNATURE, Package.PACKAGE_NAME, }; } } /** * This table stores details of all the application versions we * know about. Each relates directly back to an entry in TABLE_APP. * This information is retrieved from the repositories. */ interface ApkTable { String NAME = "fdroid_apk"; interface Cols extends BaseColumns { String _COUNT_DISTINCT = "countDistinct"; /** * Foreign key to the {@link AppMetadataTable}. */ String APP_ID = "appId"; String ROW_ID = "rowid"; String VERSION_NAME = "version"; String REPO_ID = "repo"; String HASH = "hash"; String VERSION_CODE = "vercode"; String NAME = "apkName"; String SIZE = "size"; String SIGNATURE = "sig"; String SOURCE_NAME = "srcname"; String MIN_SDK_VERSION = "minSdkVersion"; String TARGET_SDK_VERSION = "targetSdkVersion"; String MAX_SDK_VERSION = "maxSdkVersion"; String OBB_MAIN_FILE = "obbMainFile"; String OBB_MAIN_FILE_SHA256 = "obbMainFileSha256"; String OBB_PATCH_FILE = "obbPatchFile"; String OBB_PATCH_FILE_SHA256 = "obbPatchFileSha256"; String REQUESTED_PERMISSIONS = "permissions"; String FEATURES = "features"; String NATIVE_CODE = "nativecode"; String HASH_TYPE = "hashType"; String ADDED_DATE = "added"; String IS_COMPATIBLE = "compatible"; String INCOMPATIBLE_REASONS = "incompatibleReasons"; interface Repo { String VERSION = "repoVersion"; String ADDRESS = "repoAddress"; } interface Package { String PACKAGE_NAME = "package_packageName"; } /** * @see AppMetadataTable.Cols#ALL_COLS */ String[] ALL_COLS = { APP_ID, VERSION_NAME, REPO_ID, HASH, VERSION_CODE, NAME, SIZE, SIGNATURE, SOURCE_NAME, MIN_SDK_VERSION, TARGET_SDK_VERSION, MAX_SDK_VERSION, OBB_MAIN_FILE, OBB_MAIN_FILE_SHA256, OBB_PATCH_FILE, OBB_PATCH_FILE_SHA256, REQUESTED_PERMISSIONS, FEATURES, NATIVE_CODE, HASH_TYPE, ADDED_DATE, IS_COMPATIBLE, INCOMPATIBLE_REASONS, }; /** * @see AppMetadataTable.Cols#ALL */ String[] ALL = { _ID, APP_ID, Package.PACKAGE_NAME, VERSION_NAME, REPO_ID, HASH, VERSION_CODE, NAME, SIZE, SIGNATURE, SOURCE_NAME, MIN_SDK_VERSION, TARGET_SDK_VERSION, MAX_SDK_VERSION, OBB_MAIN_FILE, OBB_MAIN_FILE_SHA256, OBB_PATCH_FILE, OBB_PATCH_FILE_SHA256, REQUESTED_PERMISSIONS, FEATURES, NATIVE_CODE, HASH_TYPE, ADDED_DATE, IS_COMPATIBLE, Repo.VERSION, Repo.ADDRESS, INCOMPATIBLE_REASONS, }; } } interface RepoTable { String NAME = "fdroid_repo"; interface Cols extends BaseColumns { String ADDRESS = "address"; String NAME = "name"; String DESCRIPTION = "description"; String IN_USE = "inuse"; String PRIORITY = "priority"; String SIGNING_CERT = "pubkey"; String FINGERPRINT = "fingerprint"; String MAX_AGE = "maxage"; String LAST_ETAG = "lastetag"; String LAST_UPDATED = "lastUpdated"; String VERSION = "version"; String IS_SWAP = "isSwap"; String USERNAME = "username"; String PASSWORD = "password"; String TIMESTAMP = "timestamp"; String PUSH_REQUESTS = "pushRequests"; String[] ALL = { _ID, ADDRESS, NAME, DESCRIPTION, IN_USE, PRIORITY, SIGNING_CERT, FINGERPRINT, MAX_AGE, LAST_UPDATED, LAST_ETAG, VERSION, IS_SWAP, USERNAME, PASSWORD, TIMESTAMP, PUSH_REQUESTS, }; } } interface InstalledAppTable { String NAME = "fdroid_installedApp"; interface Cols { String _ID = "rowid as _id"; // Required for CursorLoaders String PACKAGE_NAME = "appId"; String VERSION_CODE = "versionCode"; String VERSION_NAME = "versionName"; String APPLICATION_LABEL = "applicationLabel"; String SIGNATURE = "sig"; String LAST_UPDATE_TIME = "lastUpdateTime"; String HASH_TYPE = "hashType"; String HASH = "hash"; String[] ALL = { _ID, PACKAGE_NAME, VERSION_CODE, VERSION_NAME, APPLICATION_LABEL, SIGNATURE, LAST_UPDATE_TIME, HASH_TYPE, HASH, }; } } }