/************************************************************************* * (c) Copyright 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development Company LP * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 3 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. ************************************************************************/ package com.eucalyptus.simplequeue.config; import com.eucalyptus.configurable.ConfigurableClass; import com.eucalyptus.configurable.ConfigurableField; import com.eucalyptus.configurable.ConfigurableProperty; import com.eucalyptus.configurable.ConfigurablePropertyException; import com.eucalyptus.configurable.PropertyChangeListener; import com.eucalyptus.configurable.PropertyChangeListeners; import com.eucalyptus.configurable.StaticPropertyEntry; import com.eucalyptus.simplequeue.persistence.cassandra.CassandraSessionManager; import com.eucalyptus.simpleworkflow.common.client.Config; import com.eucalyptus.system.Ats; import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.lang.annotation.Target; import java.lang.reflect.Field; /** * Created by ethomas on 10/28/16. */ @ConfigurableClass( root = "services.simplequeue", description = "Parameters controlling simple queue (SQS)") public class SimpleQueueProperties { private static final String DEFAULT_SWF_ACTIVITY_WORKER_CONFIG = "{\"PollThreadCount\": 4, \"TaskExecutorThreadPoolSize\": 8, \"MaximumPollRateIntervalMilliseconds\": 50, \"MaximumPollRatePerSecond\": 20 }"; private static final String DEFAULT_SWF_WORKFLOW_WORKER_CONFIG = "{ \"DomainRetentionPeriodInDays\": 1, \"PollThreadCount\": 2, \"MaximumPollRateIntervalMilliseconds\": 50, \"MaximumPollRatePerSecond\": 20 }"; @ConfigurableField( initial = "auto", description = "The db to use (postgres|cassandra|euca-cassandra|auto)" ) public static volatile String DB_TO_USE = "auto"; @ConfigurableField( initial = "", description = "The host for cassandra", changeListener = CassandraSessionManager.ChangeListener.class ) public static volatile String CASSANDRA_HOST = ""; @ConfigurableField( initial = "SimpleQueueDomain", description = "The simple workflow service domain for simplequeue", changeListener = Config.NameValidatingChangeListener.class ) public static volatile String SWF_DOMAIN = "SimpleQueueDomain"; @ConfigurableField( initial = "SimpleQueueTaskList", description = "The simple workflow service task list for simplequeue", changeListener = Config.NameValidatingChangeListener.class ) public static volatile String SWF_TASKLIST = "SimpleQueueTaskList"; @ConfigurableField( initial = DEFAULT_SWF_ACTIVITY_WORKER_CONFIG, description = "JSON configuration for the simplequeue simple workflow activity worker", changeListener = Config.ActivityWorkerConfigurationValidatingChangeListener.class ) public static volatile String SWF_ACTIVITY_WORKER_CONFIG = DEFAULT_SWF_ACTIVITY_WORKER_CONFIG; @ConfigurableField( initial = DEFAULT_SWF_WORKFLOW_WORKER_CONFIG, description = "JSON configuration for the simplequeue simple workflow decision worker", changeListener = Config.WorkflowWorkerConfigurationValidatingChangeListener.class ) public static volatile String SWF_WORKFLOW_WORKER_CONFIG = DEFAULT_SWF_WORKFLOW_WORKER_CONFIG; @ConfigurableField( description = "How long a queue is considered 'active' in seconds after it has been accessed.", initial = "21600", changeListener = MinValuePropertyChangeListener.class ) @MinValue(min = 1) public volatile static int ACTIVE_QUEUE_TIME_SECS = 21600; @ConfigurableField( description = "Maximum number of characters in a queue name.", initial = "80", changeListener = MinValuePropertyChangeListener.class ) @MinValue(min = 1) public volatile static int MAX_QUEUE_NAME_LENGTH_CHARS = 80; @ConfigurableField( description = "Maximum number of characters in a label.", initial = "80", changeListener = MinValuePropertyChangeListener.class ) @MinValue(min = 1) public volatile static int MAX_LABEL_LENGTH_CHARS = 80; @ConfigurableField( description = "Maximum value for delay seconds.", initial = "900", changeListener = MinValuePropertyChangeListener.class ) @MinValue(min = 0) public volatile static int MAX_DELAY_SECONDS = 900; @ConfigurableField( description = "Maximum value for maximum message size.", initial = "262144", changeListener = MinValuePropertyChangeListener.class ) @MinValue(min = 1024) public volatile static int MAX_MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_SIZE = 262144; @ConfigurableField( description = "Maximum value for message retention period.", initial = "1209600", changeListener = MinValuePropertyChangeListener.class ) @MinValue(min = 60) public volatile static int MAX_MESSAGE_RETENTION_PERIOD = 1209600; @ConfigurableField( description = "Maximum value for receive message wait time seconds.", initial = "20", changeListener = MinValuePropertyChangeListener.class ) @MinValue(min = 0) public volatile static int MAX_RECEIVE_MESSAGE_WAIT_TIME_SECONDS = 20; @ConfigurableField( description = "Maximum value for visibility timeout.", initial = "43200", changeListener = MinValuePropertyChangeListener.class ) @MinValue(min = 0) public volatile static int MAX_VISIBILITY_TIMEOUT = 43200; @ConfigurableField( description = "Maximum value for maxReceiveCount (dead letter queue).", initial = "1000", changeListener = MinValuePropertyChangeListener.class ) @MinValue(min = 1) public volatile static int MAX_MAX_RECEIVE_COUNT = 1000; @ConfigurableField( description = "Maximum value for maxNumberOfMessages (ReceiveMessages).", initial = "10", changeListener = MinValuePropertyChangeListener.class ) @MinValue(min = 1) public volatile static int MAX_RECEIVE_MESSAGE_MAX_NUMBER_OF_MESSAGES = 10; @ConfigurableField( description = "Maximum length of message attribute name. (chars)", initial = "256", changeListener = MinValuePropertyChangeListener.class ) @MinValue(min = 1) public volatile static int MAX_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_LENGTH = 256; @ConfigurableField( description = "Maximum number of bytes in message attribute type. (bytes)", initial = "256", changeListener = MinValuePropertyChangeListener.class ) @MinValue(min = 1) public volatile static int MAX_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_LENGTH = 256; @ConfigurableField( description = "Maximum number of entries in a batch request", initial = "10", changeListener = MinValuePropertyChangeListener.class ) @MinValue(min = 1) public volatile static int MAX_NUM_BATCH_ENTRIES = 10; @ConfigurableField( description = "Maximum length of batch id. (chars)", initial = "80", changeListener = MinValuePropertyChangeListener.class ) @MinValue(min = 1) public volatile static int MAX_BATCH_ID_LENGTH = 80; @ConfigurableField( initial = "true", description = "Set 'true' to allow CloudWatch Metrics for SQS", changeListener = PropertyChangeListeners.IsBoolean.class ) public static volatile Boolean ENABLE_METRICS_COLLECTION = true; @ConfigurableField( initial = "true", description = "Set 'true' to allow Long Polling for SQS", changeListener = PropertyChangeListeners.IsBoolean.class ) public static volatile Boolean ENABLE_LONG_POLLING = true; @Target(ElementType.FIELD) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) public @interface MinValue { long min() default 0; } public static class MinValuePropertyChangeListener implements PropertyChangeListener { @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" ) @Override public void fireChange( final ConfigurableProperty t, final Object newValue ) throws ConfigurablePropertyException { if ( !(t instanceof StaticPropertyEntry) ) { throw new ConfigurablePropertyException( "Invalid use of listener" ); } final StaticPropertyEntry staticPropertyEntry = (StaticPropertyEntry) t; final Field field = staticPropertyEntry.getField( ); final MinValue minValue; long value; try { minValue = Ats.from(field).get( MinValue.class ); if (minValue == null) { throw new ConfigurablePropertyException("This listener requires an @MinValue annotation"); } value = Long.parseLong((String) newValue); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ConfigurablePropertyException("Invalid value " + newValue); } if (value < minValue.min() ) { throw new ConfigurablePropertyException("Invalid value " + newValue); } } } }