/************************************************************************* * Copyright 2009-2014 Eucalyptus Systems, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 3 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. * * Please contact Eucalyptus Systems, Inc., 6755 Hollister Ave., Goleta * CA 93117, USA or visit http://www.eucalyptus.com/licenses/ if you need * additional information or have any questions. ************************************************************************/ package com.eucalyptus.loadbalancing; import com.eucalyptus.auth.Accounts; import com.eucalyptus.auth.principal.AccountFullName; import com.eucalyptus.auth.principal.AccountIdentifiers; import com.eucalyptus.bootstrap.Bootstrap; import com.eucalyptus.component.Topology; import com.eucalyptus.compute.common.*; import com.eucalyptus.configurable.ConfigurableClass; import com.eucalyptus.configurable.ConfigurableField; import com.eucalyptus.configurable.ConfigurableFieldType; import com.eucalyptus.configurable.ConfigurableProperty; import com.eucalyptus.configurable.ConfigurablePropertyException; import com.eucalyptus.configurable.PropertyChangeListener; import com.eucalyptus.event.ClockTick; import com.eucalyptus.event.EventListener; import com.eucalyptus.event.Listeners; import com.eucalyptus.loadbalancing.activities.EucalyptusActivityTasks; import com.eucalyptus.loadbalancing.activities.LoadBalancerAutoScalingGroup; import com.eucalyptus.loadbalancing.activities.LoadBalancerServoInstance; import com.eucalyptus.loadbalancing.common.LoadBalancing; import com.eucalyptus.util.Exceptions; import com.eucalyptus.ws.StackConfiguration; import com.google.common.cache.CacheBuilder; import com.google.common.cache.CacheLoader; import com.google.common.cache.LoadingCache; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; import com.google.common.collect.Maps; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.function.BiPredicate; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.Predicate; import java.util.function.Supplier; import java.util.stream.Collectors; @ConfigurableClass(root = "services.loadbalancing", description = "Parameters controlling loadbalancing") public class LoadBalancingSystemVpcs { private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(LoadBalancingSystemVpcs.class); static Supplier<Map<String, Set<String>>> systemVpcPublicSubnetBlocksSupplier = () -> { final Map<String, Set<String>> val = splitPublicSubnetBlocks(); systemVpcPublicSubnetBlocksSupplier = () -> val; return val; }; static Map<String, Set<String>> SystemVpcPublicSubnetBlocks() { return systemVpcPublicSubnetBlocksSupplier.get(); } static Supplier<Map<String, Set<String>>> systemVpcPrivateSubnetBlocksSupplier = () -> { final Map<String, Set<String>> val = splitPrivateSubnetBlocks(); systemVpcPrivateSubnetBlocksSupplier = () -> val; return val; }; static Map<String, Set<String>> SystemVpcPrivateSubnetBlocks() { return systemVpcPrivateSubnetBlocksSupplier.get(); } private static Supplier<Boolean> cloudVpcTest = () -> { try { final AccountFullName elbSystemAccount = AccountFullName.getInstance(Accounts.lookupAccountIdByAlias( AccountIdentifiers.ELB_SYSTEM_ACCOUNT )); final Boolean result; if (EucalyptusActivityTasks.getInstance().defaultVpc(elbSystemAccount).isPresent()) result = true; else result = false; cloudVpcTest = () -> result; return result; } catch (final Exception ex) { return false; } }; public static Optional<Boolean> isCloudVpc() { if (Topology.isEnabled(Compute.class)) { return Optional.of(cloudVpcTest.get()); } else { return Optional.empty(); } } @ConfigurableField(displayName = "number_of_hosts_in_vpc_subnet", description = "number of hosts per ELB system VPC subnet", initial = "4096", readonly = false, type = ConfigurableFieldType.KEYVALUE, changeListener = NumHostsChangeListener.class ) public static String HOSTS_PER_SYSTEM_SUBNET = "4096"; public static int NumberOfHostsPerSystemSubnet() { return Integer.parseInt(HOSTS_PER_SYSTEM_SUBNET); } static double log2(double x) { return Math.log(x) / Math.log(2.0d); } public static class NumHostsChangeListener implements PropertyChangeListener { @Override public void fireChange(ConfigurableProperty t, Object newValue) throws ConfigurablePropertyException { try { Integer numHosts = Integer.parseInt((String) newValue); if (numHosts > 32768) throw new Exception("Number of subnet hosts cannot exceed 32768"); if (numHosts < 256) throw new Exception("Number of subnet hosts should be larger than 256"); if (numHosts % 256 != 0) throw new Exception("Number of subnet hosts should be multiplication of 256"); } catch (final Exception ex) { LOG.error("Failed to verify number of hosts for system VPC subnet", ex); throw new ConfigurablePropertyException(ex); } } } private static final Set<String> SystemVpcCidrBlocks = Sets.newHashSet( "", "" ); // public subnets: "" -> ["", "", ..., ""] // 256 public subnets = Max # of AZs // private static Map<String, Set<String>> splitPublicSubnetBlocks() { final Map<String, Set<String>> subnetCidrBlocks = Maps.newHashMap(); final int SUBNET_SIZE_MASK = 28; final int NUM_SUBNET_HOSTS = 16; for (final String vpcCidrBlock : SystemVpcCidrBlocks) { final String[] prefixAndMask = vpcCidrBlock.split("/"); final String ipPrefix = prefixAndMask[0]; final String[] ipParts = ipPrefix.split("\\."); if (ipParts.length != 4) throw Exceptions.toUndeclared("Invalid cidr format found: " + vpcCidrBlock); subnetCidrBlocks.put(vpcCidrBlock, Sets.<String>newHashSet()); for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++) { for (int j = 0; j <= 255; j += NUM_SUBNET_HOSTS) { final String subnetBlock = String.format("%s.%s.%d.%d/%d", ipParts[0], ipParts[1], i, j, SUBNET_SIZE_MASK); subnetCidrBlocks.get(vpcCidrBlock).add(subnetBlock); } } } return subnetCidrBlocks; } // private subnets: "" -> ["", "", ..., ] private static Map<String, Set<String>> splitPrivateSubnetBlocks() { final Map<String, Set<String>> subnetCidrBlocks = Maps.newHashMap(); final int numSubnetHosts = NumberOfHostsPerSystemSubnet(); /// NOTE: MAX # of ELB VMs IN AZ final int SUBNET_SIZE_MASK = 32 - (int) log2(numSubnetHosts); for (final String vpcCidrBlock : SystemVpcCidrBlocks) { final String[] prefixAndMask = vpcCidrBlock.split("/"); final String ipPrefix = prefixAndMask[0]; final String[] ipParts = ipPrefix.split("\\."); if (ipParts.length != 4) throw Exceptions.toUndeclared("Invalid cidr format found: " + vpcCidrBlock); subnetCidrBlocks.put(vpcCidrBlock, Sets.<String>newHashSet()); // numSubnetHosts = multiplication of 256 for (int i = 0; i < 65536; i += numSubnetHosts) { int idx256Subnets = (int) (i / 256.0); if (idx256Subnets <= 1) // this block is taken for public subnet continue; final String subnetBlock = String.format("%s.%s.%d.%d/%d", ipParts[0], ipParts[1], idx256Subnets, 0, SUBNET_SIZE_MASK); subnetCidrBlocks.get(vpcCidrBlock).add(subnetBlock); } } return subnetCidrBlocks; } private static Set<String> systemVpcs() { return systemVpcs.get(); } private static Supplier<Set<String>> systemVpcs = () -> { final EucalyptusActivityTasks client = EucalyptusActivityTasks.getInstance(); final List<VpcType> vpcs = client.describeSystemVpcs(null); final Set<String> result = vpcs.stream() .filter(vpc -> SystemVpcCidrBlocks.contains(vpc.getCidrBlock())) .map(vpc -> vpc.getVpcId()) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); systemVpcs = () -> result; return result; }; private static Predicate<RunningInstancesItemType> instanceAttachedToSystemVpc = (instance) -> { final Optional<InstanceNetworkInterfaceSetItemType> controlIf = instance.getNetworkInterfaceSet().getItem().stream() .filter(netif -> systemVpcs().contains(netif.getVpcId())) .findAny(); return controlIf.isPresent(); }; private static Predicate<RunningInstancesItemType> instanceAttachedToUserVpc = (instance) -> { final Optional<InstanceNetworkInterfaceSetItemType> userIf = instance.getNetworkInterfaceSet().getItem().stream() .filter(netif -> !systemVpcs().contains(netif.getVpcId())) .findAny(); return userIf.isPresent(); }; private static Function<RunningInstancesItemType, Set<String>> systemVpcInterfaceAddress = (instance) -> { final Set<String> addresses = Sets.newHashSet(); /// find instance's data interface address instance.getNetworkInterfaceSet().getItem().stream() .filter(iff -> ! systemVpcs().contains(iff.getVpcId())) // any inteface that's not in system VPC is ELB's data interface .forEach( iff -> { if (iff.getPrivateIpAddress() != null) addresses.add(iff.getPrivateIpAddress()); if (iff.getAssociation() != null && iff.getAssociation().getPublicIp() != null) addresses.add(iff.getAssociation().getPublicIp()); } ); /// find nat gateway's interface address final Optional<InstanceNetworkInterfaceSetItemType> controlIf = instance.getNetworkInterfaceSet().getItem().stream() .filter(iff -> systemVpcs().contains(iff.getVpcId())) .findAny(); if(!controlIf.isPresent()) return addresses; // silently return only data interfaces? final InstanceNetworkInterfaceSetItemType netIf = controlIf.get(); final String subnetId = netIf.getSubnetId(); final EucalyptusActivityTasks client = EucalyptusActivityTasks.getInstance(); final String natGatewayId; // find the route for the subnet try { final Optional<RouteTableType> routeTable = client.describeSystemRouteTables().stream() .filter(rtb -> { return rtb.getAssociationSet().getItem().stream() .anyMatch(assoc -> subnetId.equals(assoc.getSubnetId())); }) .filter(rtb -> { return rtb.getRouteSet().getItem().stream() .anyMatch(route -> route.getNatGatewayId() != null); }) .findFirst(); if (!routeTable.isPresent()) throw Exceptions.toUndeclared("Failed to lookup route table associated with subnet: " + subnetId); natGatewayId = routeTable.get().getRouteSet().getItem().stream() .filter(rt -> rt.getNatGatewayId() != null) .findFirst() .get().getNatGatewayId(); }catch(final Exception ex) { throw Exceptions.toUndeclared("Failed to lookup NAT gateway ID associated with subnet: " + subnetId, ex); } // find the NAT gateway connected to the same subnet try { final NatGatewayType gateway = client.describeSystemNatGateway(null).stream() .filter( gw -> natGatewayId.equals(gw.getNatGatewayId())) .findAny() .get(); final NatGatewayAddressSetItemType natAddress = gateway.getNatGatewayAddressSet().getItem().stream() .findFirst() .get(); if(natAddress.getPublicIp()!=null) addresses.add(natAddress.getPublicIp()); if(natAddress.getPrivateIp()!=null) addresses.add(natAddress.getPrivateIp()); }catch(final Exception ex) { throw Exceptions.toUndeclared("Failed to lookup NAT gateway's interface address", ex); } return addresses; }; private static BiPredicate<String, String> cidrBlockInclusive = (systemVpcCidr, userCidr) -> { final String[] systemCidrTokens = systemVpcCidr.split("\\."); final String[] userCidrTokens = userCidr.split("\\."); return systemCidrTokens[0].equals(userCidrTokens[0]) && systemCidrTokens[1].equals(userCidrTokens[1]); }; private static Function<String, RunningInstancesItemType> instanceLookup = (instanceId) -> { final EucalyptusActivityTasks client = EucalyptusActivityTasks.getInstance(); return client.describeSystemInstances(Lists.newArrayList(instanceId)).stream() .findAny().orElse(null); }; private static Function<String, String> systemSubnetToSecurityGroupId = (subnetId) -> { final EucalyptusActivityTasks client = EucalyptusActivityTasks.getInstance(); final Optional<String> optVpcId = client.describeSubnets(Lists.newArrayList(subnetId)).stream() .map( subnet -> subnet.getVpcId()) .findFirst(); if(! optVpcId.isPresent()) throw Exceptions.toUndeclared("No VPC ID for the requested subnet is found: " +subnetId); final String vpcId = optVpcId.get(); final Optional<String> optSgroupId = client.describeSystemSecurityGroups(null).stream() .filter(g -> vpcId.equals(g.getVpcId())) .map(g -> g.getGroupId()) .findFirst(); // assuming there's only one security group for system VPCs if (! optSgroupId.isPresent()) throw Exceptions.toUndeclared("No security group is found for VPC: " + vpcId); return optSgroupId.get(); }; private static Function<String, String> userSubnetTosystemVpcPrivateSubnet = (userSubnetId) -> { final EucalyptusActivityTasks client = EucalyptusActivityTasks.getInstance(); // describe user subnet final Optional<SubnetType> optUserSubnet = client.describeSubnets(Lists.newArrayList(userSubnetId)).stream() .findFirst(); if(!optUserSubnet.isPresent()) throw Exceptions.toUndeclared("No such user subnet is found: " + userSubnetId); final SubnetType userSubnet = optUserSubnet.get(); final String az = userSubnet.getAvailabilityZone(); final String userVpcId = userSubnet.getVpcId(); final Optional<VpcType> userVpc = client.describeSystemVpcs(Lists.newArrayList(userVpcId)).stream() .findAny(); if(! userVpc.isPresent()) throw Exceptions.toUndeclared("No user VPC is found: "+userVpcId); final String userVpcCidrBlock = userVpc.get().getCidrBlock(); // find system VPC with no-overlapping cidr block final String systemCidrBlock = SystemVpcCidrBlocks.stream().filter((systemCidr -> ! cidrBlockInclusive.test(systemCidr, userVpcCidrBlock) )).findFirst().get(); final Optional<String> vpcId = client.describeSystemVpcs(null).stream() .filter(vpc -> systemCidrBlock.equals(vpc.getCidrBlock())) .map(vpc -> vpc.getVpcId()) .findAny(); if(! vpcId.isPresent()) throw Exceptions.toUndeclared("No system VPC with cidr block " + systemCidrBlock +" is found"); final Map<String, String> privateSubnets = getSubnets(vpcId.get(), SystemVpcPrivateSubnetBlocks().get(systemCidrBlock), Lists.newArrayList(az)); if(! privateSubnets.containsKey(az)) throw Exceptions.toUndeclared("Failed to lookup system VPC's private subnet"); return privateSubnets.get(az); }; private static Function<RunningInstancesItemType, String> systemVpcPrivateSubnet = (instance) -> { final EucalyptusActivityTasks client = EucalyptusActivityTasks.getInstance(); // describeSystemVpc returns user VPC when vpc name is explicitly given final Optional<VpcType> userVpc = client.describeSystemVpcs(Lists.newArrayList(instance.getVpcId())).stream() .findAny(); if(! userVpc.isPresent()) throw Exceptions.toUndeclared("No VPC ID is found for instance " + instance.getInstanceId()); final String userVpcCidrBlock = userVpc.get().getCidrBlock(); // find system VPC with no-overlapping cidr block final String systemCidrBlock = SystemVpcCidrBlocks.stream().filter((systemCidr -> ! cidrBlockInclusive.test(systemCidr, userVpcCidrBlock) )).findFirst().get(); final Optional<String> vpcId = client.describeSystemVpcs(null).stream() .filter(vpc -> systemCidrBlock.equals(vpc.getCidrBlock())) .map(vpc -> vpc.getVpcId()) .findAny(); if(! vpcId.isPresent()) throw Exceptions.toUndeclared("No system VPC with cidr block " + systemCidrBlock +" is found"); final String az = instance.getPlacement(); final Map<String, String> privateSubnets = getSubnets(vpcId.get(), SystemVpcPrivateSubnetBlocks().get(systemCidrBlock), Lists.newArrayList(az)); if(! privateSubnets.containsKey(az)) throw Exceptions.toUndeclared("Failed to lookup system VPC's private subnet for instance " + instance.getInstanceId()); return privateSubnets.get(az); }; final static LoadingCache<String, Set<String>> controlInterfaceCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .maximumSize(10000) .expireAfterWrite(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES) /// control interface address shouldn't change .build(new CacheLoader<String, Set<String>>() { @Override public Set<String> load(final String instanceId) throws Exception { final EucalyptusActivityTasks client = EucalyptusActivityTasks.getInstance(); final Optional<RunningInstancesItemType> vmInstanceOpt = client.describeSystemInstances(Lists.newArrayList(instanceId)).stream() .filter(vm -> "running".equals(vm.getStateName())) .findFirst(); if(! vmInstanceOpt.isPresent()) throw Exceptions.toUndeclared("No running instance is found with ID " + instanceId); final RunningInstancesItemType vmInstance = vmInstanceOpt.get(); try{ return systemVpcInterfaceAddress.apply(vmInstance); }catch(final Exception ex) { throw Exceptions.toUndeclared("Failed to lookup ELB's system VPC interface address: " + vmInstance.getInstanceId(), ex); } } }); // given the user vpc's subnet ID, return the corresponding system vpc's subnet ID // to which the control interface will be attached public static String getSystemVpcSubnetId(final String userSubnetId) { return userSubnetTosystemVpcPrivateSubnet.apply(userSubnetId); } // given the system vpc's subnet ID, return the security group ID for the VPC. public static String getSecurityGroupId(final String systemSubnetId) { return systemSubnetToSecurityGroupId.apply(systemSubnetId); } public static Set<String> getControlInterfaceAddresses(final LoadBalancerServoInstance instance) { if(!isCloudVpc().isPresent() || !isCloudVpc().get()) return null; try{ return controlInterfaceCache.get(instance.getInstanceId()); }catch(final Exception ex) { LOG.error("Failed to lookup system vpc's control interface address", ex); return null; } } public static Optional<InstanceNetworkInterfaceSetItemType> getUserVpcInterface(final String instanceId) { if (!isCloudVpc().isPresent() || !isCloudVpc().get()) return Optional.empty(); final EucalyptusActivityTasks client = EucalyptusActivityTasks.getInstance(); final Optional<RunningInstancesItemType> vmInstanceOpt = client.describeSystemInstances(Lists.newArrayList(instanceId)).stream() .filter(vm -> "running".equals(vm.getStateName())) .findFirst(); if (!vmInstanceOpt.isPresent()) throw Exceptions.toUndeclared("No running instance is found with ID " + instanceId); final RunningInstancesItemType vmInstance = vmInstanceOpt.get(); final Optional<InstanceNetworkInterfaceSetItemType> userVpcEni = vmInstance.getNetworkInterfaceSet().getItem().stream() .filter(netif -> !systemVpcs().contains(netif.getVpcId())) .findAny(); return userVpcEni; } // list[0]: public IP, list[1] public static List<Optional<String>> getUserVpcInterfaceIps(final String instanceId) { if (!isCloudVpc().isPresent() || !isCloudVpc().get()) return null; final Optional<InstanceNetworkInterfaceSetItemType> userVpcEni = getUserVpcInterface(instanceId); if(! userVpcEni.isPresent()) return null; final InstanceNetworkInterfaceSetItemType eni = userVpcEni.get(); final String privateIp = eni.getPrivateIpAddress(); String publicIp = null; if (eni.getAssociation()!=null) { publicIp = eni.getAssociation().getPublicIp(); } final Optional<String> optPublicIp = publicIp!=null ? Optional.of(publicIp) : Optional.empty(); final Optional<String> optPrivateIp = privateIp!=null ? Optional.of(privateIp) : Optional.empty(); return Lists.newArrayList(optPublicIp, optPrivateIp); } // if the primary interface is for system VPC, the secondary interface is attached to user VPC public static void setupUserVpcInterface(final String instanceId) { if(!isCloudVpc().isPresent() || !isCloudVpc().get()) return; final EucalyptusActivityTasks client = EucalyptusActivityTasks.getInstance(); final Optional<RunningInstancesItemType> vmInstanceOpt = client.describeSystemInstances(Lists.newArrayList(instanceId)).stream() .filter(vm -> "running".equals(vm.getStateName())) .findFirst(); if(! vmInstanceOpt.isPresent()) throw Exceptions.toUndeclared("No running instance is found with ID " + instanceId); final RunningInstancesItemType vmInstance = vmInstanceOpt.get(); if(! instanceAttachedToUserVpc.test(vmInstance) ) { LoadBalancerServoInstance instance = null; try { instance = LoadBalancers.lookupServoInstance(instanceId); }catch(final Exception ex) { throw Exceptions.toUndeclared("Faild to lookup loadbalancer VM named: " + instanceId); } final LoadBalancerAutoScalingGroup.LoadBalancerAutoScalingGroupCoreView autoscaleGroupView = instance.getAutoScalingGroup(); // 1. find out this servo VM's user subnet ID final String userSubnetId = autoscaleGroupView.getUserSubnetId(); if(userSubnetId == null) throw Exceptions.toUndeclared("User subnet ID of the loadbalancer instance is null"); // 2. also find out the ELB's security group ID final LoadBalancerAutoScalingGroup autoscaleGroup = LoadBalancerAutoScalingGroup.LoadBalancerAutoScalingGroupEntityTransform.INSTANCE.apply(autoscaleGroupView); final LoadBalancer.LoadBalancerCoreView lbView = autoscaleGroup.getLoadBalancer(); final Set<String> userSecurityGroupIds = lbView.getSecurityGroupIdsToNames().keySet(); // 3. create ENI from the subnet ID, associated with the security group ID // the creation of ENI out of user subnet is EUCA-only exception NetworkInterfaceType attachedENI = null; final int MAX_RETRY = 5; int i = 1; do { NetworkInterfaceType availableInteface = null; try { availableInteface = client.describeSystemNetworkInterfaces(userSubnetId).stream() .filter(n -> "available".equals(n.getStatus())) .findAny() .orElseGet(() -> client.createNetworkInterface(userSubnetId, Lists.newArrayList(userSecurityGroupIds))); }catch(final Exception ex) { throw Exceptions.toUndeclared("Failed to create network interface to subnet " + userSubnetId, ex); } // 3. attach ENI to the instance try { // in case attach conflicts client.attachNetworkInterface(vmInstance.getInstanceId(), availableInteface.getNetworkInterfaceId(), 1); attachedENI = availableInteface; // re-load the interface address for source ip check controlInterfaceCache.invalidate(instance.getInstanceId()); }catch(final Exception ex) { LOG.warn("Failed to attach user vpc interface; will retry", ex); attachedENI = null; } }while (attachedENI == null && i++ < MAX_RETRY); if(i>=MAX_RETRY) { LOG.error("Failed to attach user VPC interface to ELB instance + " + vmInstance.getInstanceId()); }else { LOG.debug(String.format("ELB user VPC interface %s is attached to %s", attachedENI, vmInstance.getInstanceId())); } // 4. for non-internal ELB, allocate and associate EIP to the secondary interface if( attachedENI!=null) { if (lbView.getScheme() != LoadBalancer.Scheme.Internal) { final String allocationId = client.describeSystemAddresses(true).stream() .filter(addr -> addr.getAssociationId() == null && addr.getInstanceId() == null && addr.getNetworkInterfaceId() == null) .map(addr -> addr.getAllocationId()) .findAny() .orElseGet(() -> client.allocateSystemVpcAddress().getAllocationId()); if (allocationId == null) throw Exceptions.toUndeclared("Failed to allocate EIP address to associate with ELB instances"); client.associateSystemVpcAddress(allocationId, attachedENI.getNetworkInterfaceId()); } else { // if previously this ENI has the associated EIP, disassociate it try { if (attachedENI.getAssociation() != null && attachedENI.getAssociation().getPublicIp() != null) { client.disassociateSystemVpcAddress(attachedENI.getAssociation().getPublicIp()); } }catch(final Exception ex) { LOG.warn("Failed to disassociate elastic IP from internal ELB's interface", ex); } } // 5. turn on deleteOnTerminate flag on the attached ENI try{ attachedENI = client.describeSystemNetworkInterfaces( Lists.newArrayList(attachedENI.getNetworkInterfaceId()) ).get(0); client.modifyNetworkInterfaceDeleteOnTerminate(attachedENI.getNetworkInterfaceId(), attachedENI.getAttachment().getAttachmentId(), true); }catch(final Exception ex) { LOG.warn("Failed to set deleteOnTerminate flag for attached user VPC ENI", ex); } } } } static synchronized boolean prepareSystemVpc() { if (! Topology.isEnabled(Compute.class) ) return false; try { // 1. Look for the existing VPCs or create new VPCs final EucalyptusActivityTasks client = EucalyptusActivityTasks.getInstance(); final List<String> availabilityZones = Lists.newArrayList(client.describeAvailabilityZones().stream() .map(az -> az.getZoneName()) .collect(Collectors.toList()) ); if (availabilityZones.size() > (int) (65536 / (double) NumberOfHostsPerSystemSubnet()) - 1) { throw Exceptions.toUndeclared("Number of possible subnets is less than availability zones. Property HOSTS_PER_SYSTEM_SUBNET should be reduced"); } final List<VpcType> vpcs = client.describeSystemVpcs(null); final Map<String, VpcType> cidrToVpc = Maps.newHashMap(); final Map<String, String> vpcToCidr = Maps.newHashMap(); for (final VpcType vpc : vpcs) { if (SystemVpcCidrBlocks.contains(vpc.getCidrBlock())) cidrToVpc.put(vpc.getCidrBlock(), vpc); } for (final String cidrBlock : SystemVpcCidrBlocks) { if (!cidrToVpc.containsKey(cidrBlock)) { final String vpcId = client.createSystemVpc(cidrBlock); final List<VpcType> result = client.describeSystemVpcs(Lists.newArrayList(vpcId)); final VpcType vpc = result.get(0); cidrToVpc.put(cidrBlock, vpc); } } if (SystemVpcCidrBlocks.size() != cidrToVpc.size()) { throw new Exception("Could not find some system VPCs"); } final List<String> systemVpcIds = cidrToVpc.values().stream() .map(vpc -> vpc.getVpcId()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); for (final String cidr : cidrToVpc.keySet()) { final VpcType vpc = cidrToVpc.get(cidr); vpcToCidr.put(vpc.getVpcId(), cidr); } final Map<String, String> azToNatGateway = Maps.newHashMap(); final Set<String> eipAllocated = Sets.newHashSet(); for (final String vpcId : systemVpcIds) { // 2. Internet gateway final String internetGatewayId = getInternetGateway(vpcId); // 3. public subnet (to place nat gateway) final Map<String, String> publicSubnets = getSubnets(vpcId, SystemVpcPublicSubnetBlocks().get(vpcToCidr.get(vpcId)), availabilityZones); // 4. create a route table for the public subnet for (final String az : publicSubnets.keySet()) { final String subnetId = publicSubnets.get(az); final String routeTableId = getRouteTable(vpcId, subnetId); addRouteToGateway(routeTableId, internetGatewayId, null); // 5. elastic IP to be assigned to Nat gateway final String eipAllocationId = getElasticIp(eipAllocated); eipAllocated.add(eipAllocationId); // 6. Nat gateway placed in the public subnet final String natGatewayId = getNatGateway(subnetId, eipAllocationId); azToNatGateway.put(az, natGatewayId); } // 7. private subnet final Map<String, String> privateSubnets = getSubnets(vpcId, SystemVpcPrivateSubnetBlocks().get(vpcToCidr.get(vpcId)), availabilityZones); // 8. route table with route to NAT gateway for (final String az : privateSubnets.keySet()) { final String subnetId = privateSubnets.get(az); final String routeTableId = getRouteTable(vpcId, subnetId); if (!azToNatGateway.containsKey(az)) throw Exceptions.toUndeclared("No NAT gateway is found for AZ: " + az); addRouteToGateway(routeTableId, null, azToNatGateway.get(az)); } // 9. restrict egress ports for default group final List<SecurityGroupItemType> groups = client.describeSystemSecurityGroupsByVpc(vpcId); final Optional<SecurityGroupItemType> defaultGroup = groups.stream().filter( g -> "default".equals(g.getGroupName())) .findFirst(); if (defaultGroup.isPresent()) updateDefaultSecurityGroup(defaultGroup.get()); } KnownAvailabilityZones.addAll(availabilityZones); } catch (final Exception ex) { LOG.error("Failed to prepare system VPC for loadbalancing service", ex); return false; } return true; } private static String getNatGateway(final String subnetId, final String eipAllocationId) { final EucalyptusActivityTasks client = EucalyptusActivityTasks.getInstance(); final List<NatGatewayType> gateways = client.describeSystemNatGateway(subnetId); for (final NatGatewayType gateway : gateways) { final String gwState = gateway.getState(); if ("available".equals(gwState) || "pending".equals(gwState)) return gateway.getNatGatewayId(); else { LOG.warn("Nat gateway for ELB system account is in invalid state: " + gateway.getNatGatewayId() + ":" + gateway.getState()); } } return client.createSystemNatGateway(subnetId, eipAllocationId); } private static String getElasticIp(final Set<String> exclude) { final EucalyptusActivityTasks client = EucalyptusActivityTasks.getInstance(); List<AddressInfoType> addresses = client.describeSystemAddresses(true); String allocationId = null; for (final AddressInfoType address : addresses) { if (exclude.contains(address.getAllocationId())) continue; if (address.getAssociationId() != null || address.getInstanceId() != null) continue; if (address.getPublicIp() != null) { allocationId = address.getAllocationId(); break; } } if (allocationId == null) { allocationId = client.allocateSystemVpcAddress().getAllocationId(); } return allocationId; } private static void addRouteToGateway(final String routeTableId, final String internetGatewayId, final String natGatewayId) { if (internetGatewayId != null && natGatewayId != null) throw Exceptions.toUndeclared("Only one type of gateway id can be specified"); final EucalyptusActivityTasks client = EucalyptusActivityTasks.getInstance(); final List<RouteTableType> routeTables = client.describeSystemRouteTables(routeTableId, null); if (routeTables == null || routeTables.size() <= 0) throw Exceptions.toUndeclared("No route table is found - " + routeTableId); final RouteTableType table = routeTables.get(0); RouteType routeFound = null; boolean deleteRoute = false; for (final RouteType route : table.getRouteSet().getItem()) { if ("".equals(route.getDestinationCidrBlock())) { if (route.getGatewayId() != null && route.getGatewayId().equals(internetGatewayId)) { routeFound = route; break; } else if (route.getNatGatewayId() != null && route.getNatGatewayId().equals(natGatewayId)) { routeFound = route; break; } else { routeFound = route; deleteRoute = true; } } } if (deleteRoute && routeFound != null) { client.deleteSystemRoute(routeTableId, ""); routeFound = null; } if (routeFound == null) { if (internetGatewayId != null) { client.createSystemRouteToInternetGateway(routeTableId, "", internetGatewayId); } else if (natGatewayId != null) { client.createSystemRouteToNatGateway(routeTableId, "", natGatewayId); } } } private static String getRouteTable(final String vpcId, final String subnetId) { final EucalyptusActivityTasks client = EucalyptusActivityTasks.getInstance(); List<RouteTableType> routeTables = client.describeSystemRouteTables(null, vpcId); String routeTableId = null; for (final RouteTableType table : routeTables) { for (final RouteTableAssociationType association : table.getAssociationSet().getItem()) { if (subnetId.equals(association.getSubnetId())) { routeTableId = table.getRouteTableId(); break; } } if (routeTableId != null) break; } if (routeTableId == null) { // if VPC has the non-associated route table, use it for(final RouteTableType table : routeTables) { if(table.getAssociationSet().getItem()==null || table.getAssociationSet().getItem().size()<=0) { routeTableId = table.getRouteTableId(); break; } } if(routeTableId == null) routeTableId = client.createSystemRouteTable(vpcId); client.associateSystemRouteTable(subnetId, routeTableId); } routeTables = client.describeSystemRouteTables(routeTableId, vpcId); if (routeTables == null || routeTables.size() <= 0) throw Exceptions.toUndeclared("No route table is found associated with subnet id: " + subnetId); final RouteTableType routeTable = routeTables.get(0); return routeTable.getRouteTableId(); } private static Map<String, String> getSubnets(final String vpcId, final Set<String> subnetBlocks, final List<String> availabilityZones) { final Queue<String> availableBlocks = new LinkedList<String>(subnetBlocks); final EucalyptusActivityTasks client = EucalyptusActivityTasks.getInstance(); final List<SubnetType> subnets = client.describeSubnetsByZone(vpcId, null, availabilityZones); final Map<String, String> azToSubnet = Maps.newHashMap(); for (final String az : availabilityZones) { azToSubnet.put(az, null); } for (final SubnetType subnet : subnets) { final String cidrBlock = subnet.getCidrBlock(); if (subnetBlocks.contains(cidrBlock)) { azToSubnet.put(subnet.getAvailabilityZone(), subnet.getSubnetId()); availableBlocks.remove(cidrBlock); } } for (final String az : azToSubnet.keySet()) { if (azToSubnet.get(az) == null) { final String cidr = availableBlocks.remove(); final String subnet = client.createSystemSubnet(vpcId, az, cidr); azToSubnet.put(az, subnet); } } return azToSubnet; } private static String getInternetGateway(final String vpcId) { final EucalyptusActivityTasks client = EucalyptusActivityTasks.getInstance(); final List<InternetGatewayType> gateways = client.describeInternetGateways(Lists.newArrayList(vpcId)); if (gateways.size() <= 0) { final String gatewayId = client.createSystemInternetGateway(); client.attachSystemInternetGateway(vpcId, gatewayId); return gatewayId; } else { if (gateways.size() > 1) LOG.warn("More than 1 internet gateway is found for vpc: " + vpcId); return gateways.get(0).getInternetGatewayId(); } } private static void updateDefaultSecurityGroup(final SecurityGroupItemType group) { final EucalyptusActivityTasks client = EucalyptusActivityTasks.getInstance(); final String groupId = group.getGroupId(); // revoke ingress permission from the same group client.revokePermissionFromOtherGroup(groupId, group.getAccountId(), groupId, "-1"); final List<IpPermissionType> egressRules = group.getIpPermissionsEgress(); if (egressRules.stream().filter(ip -> "-1".equals(ip.getIpProtocol())) .findAny().isPresent()) { // revoke all client.revokeSystemSecurityGroupEgressRules(groupId); } final int servicePort = StackConfiguration.PORT; if (! egressRules.stream().filter(ip -> "tcp".equals(ip.getIpProtocol()) && servicePort == ip.getFromPort()).findAny().isPresent()) client.authorizeSystemSecurityGroupEgressRule(groupId, "tcp", servicePort, servicePort, ""); final int dnsPort = 53; if (! egressRules.stream().filter(ip -> "udp".equals(ip.getIpProtocol()) && dnsPort == ip.getFromPort()).findAny().isPresent()) client.authorizeSystemSecurityGroupEgressRule(groupId, "udp", dnsPort, dnsPort, ""); final int ntpPort = 123; if (! egressRules.stream().filter(ip -> "udp".equals(ip.getIpProtocol()) && ntpPort == ip.getFromPort()).findAny().isPresent()) client.authorizeSystemSecurityGroupEgressRule(groupId, "udp", ntpPort, ntpPort, ""); if (! egressRules.stream().filter(ip -> "icmp".equals(ip.getIpProtocol())).findAny().isPresent()) client.authorizeSystemSecurityGroupEgressRule(groupId, "icmp", -1, -1, ""); } private static Set<String> KnownAvailabilityZones = Sets.newHashSet(); /// When there is a new AZ enabled later, system VPC setup should run again public static class AvailabilityZoneChecker implements EventListener<ClockTick> { private static int CHECK_INTERVAL_SEC = 120; private static Date lastCheckTime = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); public static void register() { Listeners.register(ClockTick.class, new AvailabilityZoneChecker()); } @Override public void fireEvent(ClockTick event) { if (Bootstrap.isOperational() && Topology.isEnabledLocally(LoadBalancing.class) && Topology.isEnabled(Compute.class) && isCloudVpc().isPresent() && isCloudVpc().get()) { final Date now = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); final int elapsedSec = (int) ((now.getTime() - lastCheckTime.getTime()) / 1000.0); if (elapsedSec < CHECK_INTERVAL_SEC) return; lastCheckTime = now; final List<String> availabilityZones = EucalyptusActivityTasks.getInstance().describeAvailabilityZones().stream() .map(az -> az.getZoneName()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); for(final String az: availabilityZones) { if(! KnownAvailabilityZones.contains(az)) { try{ LOG.info("Trying to prepare system VPC for a new AZ: " + az); prepareSystemVpc(); }catch(final Exception ex) { LOG.error("System VPC setup failed", ex); }finally{ KnownAvailabilityZones.add(az); // try only once break; } } } } } } }