/************************************************************************* * Copyright 2009-2016 Eucalyptus Systems, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 3 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. * * Please contact Eucalyptus Systems, Inc., 6755 Hollister Ave., Goleta * CA 93117, USA or visit http://www.eucalyptus.com/licenses/ if you need * additional information or have any questions. * ************************************************************************ * @author chris grzegorczyk <grze@eucalyptus.com> */ package com.eucalyptus.upgrade; import groovy.sql.GroovyRowResult; import groovy.sql.Sql; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.ObjectOutputStream; import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.lang.annotation.Target; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration; import org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaUpdate; import com.eucalyptus.bootstrap.Bootstrap; import com.eucalyptus.bootstrap.BootstrapArgs; import com.eucalyptus.bootstrap.Bootstrapper; import com.eucalyptus.bootstrap.DatabaseBootstrapper; import com.eucalyptus.bootstrap.Databases; import com.eucalyptus.bootstrap.DependsLocal; import com.eucalyptus.bootstrap.Provides; import com.eucalyptus.bootstrap.RunDuring; import com.eucalyptus.bootstrap.ServiceJarDiscovery; import com.eucalyptus.component.ComponentId; import com.eucalyptus.component.ComponentIds; import com.eucalyptus.component.ServiceUris; import com.eucalyptus.component.annotation.DatabaseNamingStrategy; import com.eucalyptus.component.id.Eucalyptus; import com.eucalyptus.component.id.Database; import com.eucalyptus.crypto.Digest; import com.eucalyptus.empyrean.Empyrean; import com.eucalyptus.entities.PersistenceContextConfiguration; import com.eucalyptus.entities.PersistenceContexts; import com.eucalyptus.system.Ats; import com.eucalyptus.system.SubDirectory; import com.eucalyptus.util.Classes; import com.eucalyptus.util.Exceptions; import com.google.common.base.MoreObjects; import com.google.common.base.Predicate; import com.google.common.collect.ArrayListMultimap; import com.google.common.collect.Collections2; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; import com.google.common.collect.Maps; import com.google.common.collect.Multimap; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; import com.google.common.io.BaseEncoding; import com.google.common.io.Files; import com.google.common.net.InetAddresses; public class Upgrades { private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger( Upgrades.class ); @Target( { ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD } ) @Retention( RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME ) public @interface PreUpgrade { /** * The {@link ComponentId} for which this upgrade should be executed. */ Class<? extends ComponentId> value( ); /** * The {@link Upgrades.Version} since which this upgrade should be executed. */ Version since( ); } @Target( { ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD } ) @Retention( RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME ) public @interface PostUpgrade { /** * The {@link ComponentId} for which this upgrade should be executed. */ Class<? extends ComponentId> value( ); /** * The {@link Upgrades.Version} since which this upgrade should be executed. */ Version since( ); } @Target( { ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD } ) @Retention( RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME ) public @interface EntityUpgrade { /** * The list of entity classes which are addressed by this upgrade implementation. */ Class[] entities( ); /** * The {@link ComponentId} for which this upgrade should be executed. */ Class<? extends ComponentId> value( ); /** * The {@link Upgrades.Version} since which this upgrade should be executed. */ Version since( ); } private enum Arguments { CURRENT_VERSION( "euca.version" ), OLD_VERSION( "euca.upgrade.old.version" ){ @Override public String getValue( ) { return System.getProperty( this.propName, BootstrapArgs.isUpgradeSystem( ) ? null : CURRENT_VERSION.getValue( ) ); } }, NEW_VERSION( "euca.version" ); String propName; Arguments( String propName ) { this.propName = propName; } public String getValue( ) { return System.getProperty( this.propName ); } } public enum Version { v3_1_0, v3_1_1, v3_1_2, v3_2_0, v3_2_1, v3_2_2, v3_3_0, v3_3_1, v3_3_2, v3_3_3, v3_4_0, v3_4_1, v3_4_2, v3_4_3, v3_4_4, v4_0_0, v4_0_1, v4_0_2, v4_0_3, v4_0_4, v4_1_0, v4_1_1, v4_1_2, v4_1_3, v4_1_4, v4_2_0, v4_2_1, v4_2_2, v4_2_3, v4_3_0, v4_3_1, v4_3_2, v4_3_3, v4_4_0, v4_4_1, v4_4_2, v4_4_3, v5_0_0; public String getVersion( ) { return this.name( ).substring( 1 ).replace( "_", "." ); } public static Version getOldVersion( ) { return Version.valueOf( "v" + Arguments.OLD_VERSION.getValue( ).replace( ".", "_" ) ); } public static Version getNewVersion( ) { return Version.valueOf( "v" + Arguments.NEW_VERSION.getValue( ).replace( ".", "_" ) ); } public static Version getCurrentVersion( ) { return Version.valueOf( "v" + Arguments.CURRENT_VERSION.getValue( ).replace( ".", "_" ) ); } /** * Filter {@link Version#values()} to include only those {@link Version}s which are in the * current upgrade path (if any). * * @return Iterable<Version> which are in the upgrade path. */ @SuppressWarnings( "OptionalUsedAsFieldOrParameterType" ) public static Iterable<Version> upgradePath( final Optional<Version> alternateFromVersion ) { final Version from = alternateFromVersion.orElse( getOldVersion( ) ); final Version to = getNewVersion( ); return Arrays.asList( Version.values( ) ).stream( ) .filter( input -> from.ordinal( ) < input.ordinal( ) && to.ordinal( ) >= input.ordinal( ) ) .collect( Collectors.toList( ) ); } } @SuppressWarnings( "unused" ) public static class UpgradeDiscovery extends ServiceJarDiscovery { @Override public Double getPriority( ) { return 0.92d; } @Override public boolean processClass( Class candidate ) throws Exception { if ( Ats.from( candidate ).has( EntityUpgrade.class ) ) { if ( !Predicate.class.isAssignableFrom( candidate ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "@EntityUpgrade can only be used on a type which implements Predicate: " + candidate ); } EntityUpgrade upgrade = Ats.from( candidate ).get( EntityUpgrade.class ); ComponentUpgradeInfo.put( upgrade.value( ), candidate ); } else if ( Ats.from( candidate ).has( PreUpgrade.class ) ) { if ( !Callable.class.isAssignableFrom( candidate ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "@PreUpgrade can only be used on a type which implements Callable: " + candidate ); } PreUpgrade upgrade = Ats.from( candidate ).get( PreUpgrade.class ); ComponentUpgradeInfo.put( upgrade.value( ), candidate ); } else if ( Ats.from( candidate ).has( PostUpgrade.class ) ) { if ( !Callable.class.isAssignableFrom( candidate ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "@PostUpgrade can only be used on a type which implements Callable: " + candidate ); } PostUpgrade upgrade = Ats.from( candidate ).get( PostUpgrade.class ); ComponentUpgradeInfo.put( upgrade.value( ), candidate ); } else { return false; } return true; } } private static final Map<Version, Map<Class<? extends ComponentId>, ComponentUpgradeInfo>> versionedComponentUpgrades = Maps.newHashMap( ); private static class ComponentUpgradeInfo { private Multimap<Class, Predicate<Class>> entityUpgrades = ArrayListMultimap.create( ); private List<Callable<Boolean>> preUpgrades = Lists.newArrayList( ); private List<Callable<Boolean>> postUpgrades = Lists.newArrayList( ); private Class<? extends ComponentId> component; private ComponentUpgradeInfo( Class<? extends ComponentId> component ) { this.component = component; } List<Callable<Boolean>> getPreUpgrades( ) { return this.preUpgrades; } Multimap<Class, Predicate<Class>> getEntityUpgrades( ) { return this.entityUpgrades; } List<Callable<Boolean>> getPostUpgrades( ) { return this.postUpgrades; } static ComponentUpgradeInfo get( Version version, Class<? extends ComponentId> component ) { Map<Class<? extends ComponentId>, ComponentUpgradeInfo> compMap = versionedComponentUpgrades.get( version ); if ( compMap == null ) { compMap = Maps.newHashMap( ); versionedComponentUpgrades.put( version, compMap ); } if ( !compMap.containsKey( component ) ) { compMap.put( component, new ComponentUpgradeInfo( component ) ); } return compMap.get( component ); } @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" ) static void put( Class<? extends ComponentId> component, Class upgradeClass ) { Ats ats = Ats.from( upgradeClass ); if ( ats.has( EntityUpgrade.class ) ) { for ( Class c : ats.get( EntityUpgrade.class ).entities( ) ) { get( ats.get( EntityUpgrade.class ).since( ), component ).entityUpgrades.put( c, ( Predicate ) Classes.newInstance( upgradeClass ) ); LOG.info( "Registered @EntityUpgrade: " + component.getSimpleName( ) + ":" + c.getSimpleName( ) + " => " + upgradeClass ); } } else if ( ats.has( PreUpgrade.class ) ) { get( ats.get( PreUpgrade.class ).since( ), component ).preUpgrades.add( ( Callable<Boolean> ) Classes.newInstance( upgradeClass ) ); LOG.info( "Registered @PreUpgrade: " + component.getSimpleName( ) + " => " + upgradeClass ); } else if ( ats.has( PostUpgrade.class ) ) { get( ats.get( PostUpgrade.class ).since( ), component ).postUpgrades.add( ( Callable<Boolean> ) Classes.newInstance( upgradeClass ) ); LOG.info( "Registered @PostUpgrade: " + component.getSimpleName( ) + " => " + upgradeClass ); } } public String toString( ) { return MoreObjects.toStringHelper( ComponentUpgradeInfo.class ) .add( "component", component ) .add( "entityUpgradesSize", entityUpgrades.size( ) ) .add( "preUpgradesSize", preUpgrades.size( ) ) .add( "postUpgradesSize", postUpgrades.size( ) ) .toString( ); } } private enum UpgradeEventLog { INSTANCE; private final String tableName = "database_upgrade_log"; private final String schema = "CREATE TABLE " + this.tableName + " (\n" + " id character varying(255) NOT NULL,\n" + " timestamp timestamp without time zone,\n" + " upgrade_from_version character varying(255),\n" + " upgrade_to_version character varying(255),\n" + " upgrade_state character varying(255)\n" + ");\n" + "ALTER TABLE public." + this.tableName + " OWNER TO %1$s;"; public void logEvent( Version fromVersion, Version toVersion, UpgradeState state ) { Sql sql = null; try { sql = Databases.Events.getConnection( ); LOG.debug( "Recording upgrade event: " + fromVersion.name( ) + "=>" + toVersion.name( ) + " state=" + state.name( ) ); //GRZE: can i make this uglier? sql.execute( "INSERT INTO " + this.tableName + " VALUES ('" + UUID.randomUUID( ) + "','" + new Timestamp( System.currentTimeMillis( ) ) + "','" + fromVersion.name( ) + "','" + toVersion.name( ) + "','" + state.name( ) + "')" ); } catch ( Exception ex ) { LOG.error( ex, ex ); } finally { if ( sql != null ) { sql.close( ); } } } public static UpgradeState getLastState( ) { Sql sql = null; try { sql = Databases.Events.getConnection( ); //GRZE: again, can i make this uglier? List<GroovyRowResult> res = sql.rows( "select upgrade_state from database_upgrade_log order by timestamp desc limit 1;" ); if ( !res.isEmpty( ) ) { return UpgradeState.valueOf( ( String ) res.listIterator( ).next( ).get( "upgrade_state" ) ); } else { return UpgradeState.COMPLETED; } } catch ( Exception ex ) { LOG.error( ex, ex ); return UpgradeState.ERROR; } finally { if ( sql != null ) { sql.close( ); } } } public static Version getLastUpgradedVersion( ) { Sql sql = null; try { sql = Databases.Events.getConnection( ); //GRZE: again, can i make this uglier? List<GroovyRowResult> res = sql.rows( "select upgrade_to_version from database_upgrade_log where upgrade_state='COMPLETED' order by timestamp desc limit 1;" ); if ( !res.isEmpty( ) ) { return Version.valueOf( ( String ) res.listIterator( ).next( ).get( "upgrade_to_version" ) ); } else { return Version.v3_1_2; } } catch ( Exception ex ) { LOG.error( ex, ex ); return Version.v3_1_2; } finally { if ( sql != null ) { sql.close( ); } } } private static boolean create( ) { if ( !exists( ) ) { Sql sql = null; try { sql = Databases.Events.getConnection( ); sql.execute( String.format( UpgradeEventLog.INSTANCE.schema, Databases.getBootstrapper( ).getUserName( ) ) ); return true; } catch ( Exception ex ) { LOG.error( ex, ex ); throw Exceptions.toUndeclared( ex ); } finally { if ( sql != null ) { sql.close( ); } } } else { return false; } } public static boolean exists( ) { return Databases.getBootstrapper( ).listTables( Databases.Events.INSTANCE.getName( ), null ).contains( UpgradeEventLog.INSTANCE.tableName ); } } @RunDuring( Bootstrap.Stage.UpgradeDatabase ) @Provides( Empyrean.class ) @DependsLocal( Eucalyptus.class ) public static class UpgradeBootstrapper extends Bootstrapper.Simple { @Override public boolean load( ) throws Exception { try { do { if ( !UpgradeState.nextState( ).callAndLog( ) ) { break; } } while ( !UpgradeState.isFinished( ) ); Upgrades.runSchemaUpdate( DatabaseFilters.EUCALYPTUS ); if ( BootstrapArgs.isUpgradeSystem( ) ) { System.exit( 0 ); return false; } } catch ( Throwable ex ) { LOG.error( ex, ex ); //TODO:GRZE: restore UpgradeState.currentState.rollback( ); if ( BootstrapArgs.isUpgradeSystem( ) ) { System.exit( 1 ); } return false; } return true; } } public enum DatabaseFilters implements Predicate<String> { EUCALYPTUS { @Override public String getPrefix( ) { return "eucalyptus_"; } }, OLDVERSION { @Override public String getPrefix( ) { return Version.getOldVersion( ) + "_" + EUCALYPTUS.getPrefix( ); } }, NEWVERSION { @Override public String getPrefix( ) { return Version.getNewVersion( ) + "_" + EUCALYPTUS.getPrefix( ); } }; @Override public boolean apply( String arg0 ) { return arg0.startsWith( this.getPrefix( ) ); } public abstract String getPrefix( ); public String getVersionedName( String origName ) { if ( origName.startsWith( EUCALYPTUS.getPrefix( ) ) ) { return origName.replace( EUCALYPTUS.getPrefix( ), this.getPrefix( ) ); } else if ( origName.startsWith( NEWVERSION.getPrefix( ) ) ) { return origName.replace( NEWVERSION.getPrefix( ), this.getPrefix( ) ); } else if ( origName.startsWith( OLDVERSION.getPrefix( ) ) ) { return origName.replace( OLDVERSION.getPrefix( ), this.getPrefix( ) ); } else { throw new RuntimeException( "Failed to determine correct version name for: " + origName ); } } public Sql getConnection( String context ) throws Exception { return Databases.getBootstrapper( ).getConnection( this.getVersionedName( PersistenceContexts.toDatabaseName( ).apply( context ) ), PersistenceContexts.toSchemaName( ).apply( context ) ); } } /** * <ol> * <li>START * <li>CHECKING_VERSIONS * <li>BACKINGUP_DATABASE * <li>COPYING_DATABASES * <li>SCHEMA_UPDATE * <li>SETUP_JPA * <li>PRE_UPGRADE * <li>ENTITY_UPGRADE * <li>POST_UPGRADE * <li>SHUTDOWN_JPA * <ul> * <li>From here on down rollback becomes trickier. * </ul> * <li>DELETE_ORIG_DATABASE * <li>COPY_NEW_DATABASE * <li>DELETE_NEW_DATABASE * <li>DELETE_OLD_DATABASE * <li>COMPLETED * </ol> */ private enum UpgradeState implements Callable<Boolean> { START { @Override public boolean callAndLog( ) throws Exception { return this.call( ); } }, CHECK_NAMING { @Override public boolean callAndLog() throws Exception { return this.call( ); } @Override public Boolean call( ) throws Exception { return BootstrapArgs.isCloudController( ) && !databaseNamingConflict( ); } private boolean databaseNamingConflict( ) { if ( BootstrapArgs.isUpgradeSystem( ) || isForceUpgrade( ) ) return false; final Set<String> databaseNames = getDatabaseNames( ); final Set<String> schemaNames = getSchemaNames( databaseNames ); databaseNames.retainAll( schemaNames ); if ( !databaseNames.isEmpty( ) ) { LOG.fatal( "Conflicting schema/database for contexts: " + databaseNames + ", resolve conflicts and restart." ); System.exit( 1 ); } return false; } }, PARSE_ARGS { @Override public boolean callAndLog( ) throws Exception { try {//GRZE: check to make sure the given version arguments make sense (parse as Version.valueOf()) Version.getCurrentVersion( ); Version.getOldVersion( ); Version.getNewVersion( ); Version schemaVersion = UpgradeEventLog.getLastUpgradedVersion( ); if ( schemaVersion != Version.v3_1_2 && schemaVersion != Version.getOldVersion( ) ) { LOG.warn( "Detected skipped schema upgrade, previous software version " + Version.getOldVersion( ) + ", previous schema version " + schemaVersion ); schemaVersionOption = Optional.of( schemaVersion ); } } catch ( IllegalArgumentException ex ) { LOG.fatal( ex ); throw ex; } return true; } }, /** * Ensure each context is using the expected naming strategy. */ UPGRADE_NAMING { @Override public boolean callAndLog( ) throws Exception { return call( ); } @Override public Boolean call( ) throws Exception { final Set<String> databaseNames = getDatabaseNames( ); final Set<String> schemaNames = getSchemaNames( databaseNames ); int exitCode = -1; for ( final String ctx : PersistenceContexts.list( ) ) { final DatabaseNamingStrategy strategy = PersistenceContexts.getNamingStrategy( ctx ); final Collection<DatabaseNamingStrategy> otherStrategies = EnumSet.complementOf( EnumSet.of( strategy ) ); final Collection<DatabaseNamingStrategy> presentStrategies = Collections2.filter( otherStrategies, strategy1 -> { final String databaseName = strategy1.getDatabaseName( ctx ); final String schemaName = strategy1.getSchemaName( ctx ); return ( schemaName == null && databaseNames.contains( databaseName ) ) || ( schemaName != null && schemaNames.contains( schemaName ) ); } ); if ( !presentStrategies.isEmpty( ) && !(BootstrapArgs.isUpgradeSystem( ) || isForceUpgrade( )) ) { LOG.fatal( "Database layout update required for '"+ctx+"', but upgrade not enabled (add '-Deuca.upgrade.force=true' in CLOUD_OPTS to force)" ); exitCode = 1; break; } else if ( presentStrategies.size( ) > 1 ) { LOG.fatal( "Error updating naming for context '"+ctx+"', multiple sources." ); exitCode = 1; break; } else if ( presentStrategies.size( ) == 1 ) { exitCode = 123; // restart after renaming final String targetDatabaseName = strategy.getDatabaseName( ctx ); final String targetSchemaName = MoreObjects.firstNonNull( strategy.getSchemaName( ctx ), Databases.getDefaultSchemaName( ) ); final String sourceDatabaseName = Iterables.getOnlyElement( presentStrategies ).getDatabaseName( ctx ); final String sourceSchemaName = MoreObjects.firstNonNull( Iterables.getOnlyElement( presentStrategies ).getSchemaName( ctx ), Databases.getDefaultSchemaName( ) ); boolean copied = false; try { Databases.getBootstrapper().copyDatabaseSchema( sourceDatabaseName, sourceSchemaName, targetDatabaseName, targetSchemaName ); copied = true; } catch ( final Exception e ) { LOG.fatal( "Error updating naming for context '"+ctx+"'", e ); exitCode = 1; } finally { try { final String databaseToDelete = copied ? sourceDatabaseName : targetDatabaseName; final String schemaToDelete = copied ? sourceSchemaName : targetSchemaName; if ( !DatabaseNamingStrategy.SHARED_DATABASE_NAME.equals( databaseToDelete ) ) { Databases.getBootstrapper( ).deleteDatabase( databaseToDelete ); } else if ( getSchemaNames( Collections.singleton( databaseToDelete ) ).contains( schemaToDelete ) ) { LOG.info( "Dropping schema " + schemaToDelete + " for database " + databaseToDelete ); final Sql sql = Databases.getBootstrapper( ).getConnection( databaseToDelete, null ); try { sql.executeUpdate( "DROP SCHEMA " + schemaToDelete + " CASCADE" ); } finally { if ( sql != null ) sql.close( ); } } } catch ( Exception e ) { LOG.fatal( "Error cleaning up after updating naming for context '"+ctx+"'", e ); exitCode = 1; } } if ( exitCode == 1 ) break; } } if ( exitCode > -1 ) { LOG.info( "Restarting due to database renaming." ); System.exit( exitCode ); } return true; } }, CHECK_ARGS { @Override public boolean callAndLog( ) throws Exception { return this.call( ); } @Override public Boolean call( ) throws Exception { return BootstrapArgs.isCloudController( ) && ( BootstrapArgs.isUpgradeSystem( ) || !UpgradeEventLog.exists( ) ); } }, /** * Determines whether or not to execute the database upgrade code. * * The upgrade code should be run if: * <ol> * <li>The <tt>eucalyptus_version_info</tt> indicates the most recent <tt>upgrade version</tt> was for a version prior to the <tt>current version</tt>. * <li>The <tt>eucalyptus_version_info</tt> does not exist. * <li>The <tt>--upgrade</tt> flag is set using the command line parameters. * </ol> * * The steps to determine whether the <tt>eucalyptus_version_info</tt> indicates an upgrade are: * <ol> * <li>Attempt to connect to <tt>eucalyptus_version_info</tt>, if it fails, create the <tt>eucalyptus_version_info</tt> * <li>Once connected to the <tt>eucalyptus_version_info</tt>, then we find either: * <ul> * <li>no rows present ==> do upgrade * <li>most recent <tt>upgrade version</tt> is less than <tt>current version</tt> ==> do upgrade * <li>most recent <tt>upgrade version</tt> is <tt>preparing</tt> or <tt>in-progress</tt> ==> rollback to * <tt>previous version</tt> and do upgrade * <li>most recent <tt>upgrade version</tt> is <tt>rolling-back</tt> ==> copy <tt>old version</tt> db to <tt>orig</tt> db and do upgrade * <li>most recent <tt>upgrade version</tt> matches <tt>current version</tt> ==> no upgrade * </ul> * </ol> */ CHECK_UPGRADE_LOG { @Override public boolean callAndLog( ) throws Exception { return this.call( ); } @Override public Boolean call( ) throws Exception { if ( UpgradeEventLog.create( ) ) { return true; } else { UpgradeState previousState = UpgradeEventLog.getLastState( ); boolean continueUpgrade = false; switch ( previousState ) { case START: case PARSE_ARGS: case UPGRADE_NAMING: case CHECK_ARGS: case CHECK_UPGRADE_LOG: case PRE_SCHEMA_UPDATE: case CHECK_VERSIONS: /** * Here no data was changed, we can proceed. */ continueUpgrade = true; break; case BEGIN_UPGRADE: case PRE_BACKINGUP_DATABASE: case PRE_COPYING_DATABASES: case PRE_SETUP_JPA: case RUN_PRE_UPGRADE: case RUN_ENTITY_UPGRADE: case RUN_POST_UPGRADE: /** * In these cases we had a previous upgrade run which aborted prior to completion, * BUT * Only modified the NEW version database and left the ORIG database untouched. * We delete OLD db. * We delete NEW db. * We keep ORIG db. */ for ( String databaseName : Iterables.filter( Databases.getBootstrapper( ).listDatabases( ), DatabaseFilters.OLDVERSION ) ) { Databases.getBootstrapper( ).deleteDatabase( databaseName ); } for ( String databaseName : Iterables.filter( Databases.getBootstrapper( ).listDatabases( ), DatabaseFilters.NEWVERSION ) ) { Databases.getBootstrapper( ).deleteDatabase( databaseName ); } continueUpgrade = true; break; case POST_SHUTDOWN_JPA: case POST_DELETE_ORIG_DB: /** * Here we have modified the ORIG and NEW dbs in some unknown way * BUT * We still have the backup of OLD db. * We delete ORIG db. * We delete NEW db. * We rename OLD to ORIG. */ for ( String databaseName : Iterables.filter( Databases.getBootstrapper( ).listDatabases( ), DatabaseFilters.NEWVERSION ) ) { Databases.getBootstrapper( ).deleteDatabase( databaseName ); } for ( String databaseName : Iterables.filter( Databases.getBootstrapper( ).listDatabases( ), DatabaseFilters.EUCALYPTUS ) ) { Databases.getBootstrapper( ).deleteDatabase( databaseName ); } for ( String databaseName : Iterables.filter( Databases.getBootstrapper( ).listDatabases( ), DatabaseFilters.OLDVERSION ) ) { Databases.getBootstrapper( ).renameDatabase( databaseName, DatabaseFilters.EUCALYPTUS.getVersionedName( databaseName ) ); } continueUpgrade = true; break; case POST_RENAME_NEW_TO_ORIG_DB: case POST_DELETE_OLD_DB: /** * Here we have successfully upgraded but haven't finished cleaning up, so upgrade isn't really yet COMPLETED. * BUT * We need to record in the upgrade log the final stages. * We need to delete OLD db. */ POST_DELETE_OLD_DB.callAndLog( ); COMPLETED.callAndLog( ); continueUpgrade = false; break; case COMPLETED: continueUpgrade = true; break; case ERROR: /** * We don't know what happened. Something went wrong and we need to bail out. */ LOG.fatal( "Last upgrade stage executed was ERROR! We need to bail out and have someone look at what is going on here." ); System.exit( 1 ); continueUpgrade = false; break; } return continueUpgrade; } } }, CHECK_VERSIONS { @SuppressWarnings( "SimplifiableIfStatement" ) @Override public Boolean call( ) throws Exception { if ( Version.getCurrentVersion( ).equals( UpgradeEventLog.getLastUpgradedVersion( ) ) ) { return isForceUpgrade( ); } else if ( Version.getCurrentVersion( ).equals( Version.getOldVersion( ) ) && !BootstrapArgs.isUpgradeSystem( ) ) { return isForceUpgrade( ); } else { return true; } } @Override public boolean callAndLog( ) throws Exception { return this.call( ); } }, BEGIN_UPGRADE, /** * Creates a {@link System#currentTimeMillis()} timestamped backup of each database in {@link SubDirectory#BACKUPS#getChildPath(String...)} for each * database prefixed with <tt>eucalyptus_</tt> */ PRE_BACKINGUP_DATABASE { @Override public Boolean call( ) { // String backupIdentifier = "" + System.currentTimeMillis( ); // LOG.info( "Creating backup of databases for old version" ); // for ( String DATABASE_EVENTS : Iterables.filter( Databases.getBootstrapper( ).listDatabases( ), DatabaseFilters.EUCALYPTUS ) ) { // LOG.info( "Creating backup of databases for old version: " + DATABASE_EVENTS ); // Databases.getBootstrapper( ).backupDatabase( DATABASE_EVENTS, backupIdentifier ); // } return true; } }, PRE_COPYING_DATABASES { @Override public Boolean call( ) { LOG.info( "Creating upgrade databases for old version" ); for ( String databaseName : Iterables.filter( Databases.getBootstrapper( ).listDatabases( ), DatabaseFilters.OLDVERSION ) ) { LOG.info( "Deleting stale upgrade databases for old version: " + DatabaseFilters.OLDVERSION.getVersionedName( databaseName ) ); Databases.getBootstrapper( ).deleteDatabase( databaseName ); } for ( String databaseName : Iterables.filter( Databases.getBootstrapper( ).listDatabases( ), DatabaseFilters.EUCALYPTUS ) ) { LOG.info( "Creating upgrade databases for old version: " + DatabaseFilters.OLDVERSION.getVersionedName( databaseName ) ); Databases.getBootstrapper( ).copyDatabase( databaseName, DatabaseFilters.OLDVERSION.getVersionedName( databaseName ) ); } LOG.info( "Creating upgrade databases for new version" ); for ( String databaseName : Iterables.filter( Databases.getBootstrapper( ).listDatabases( ), DatabaseFilters.NEWVERSION ) ) { LOG.info( "Deleting stale upgrade databases for new version: " + DatabaseFilters.NEWVERSION.getVersionedName( databaseName ) ); Databases.getBootstrapper( ).deleteDatabase( databaseName ); } for ( String databaseName : Iterables.filter( Databases.getBootstrapper( ).listDatabases( ), DatabaseFilters.EUCALYPTUS ) ) { LOG.info( "Creating upgrade databases for new version: " + DatabaseFilters.NEWVERSION.getVersionedName( databaseName ) ); Databases.getBootstrapper( ).copyDatabase( databaseName, DatabaseFilters.NEWVERSION.getVersionedName( databaseName ) ); } return true; } }, PRE_SCHEMA_UPDATE { /** * Execute schema update for <tt>new version</tt> database */ @Override public Boolean call( ) { Upgrades.runSchemaUpdate( DatabaseFilters.NEWVERSION ); return true; } }, /** * Setup entity managers for <tt>new version</tt> database */ PRE_SETUP_JPA { @Override public Boolean call( ) { try { final Map<String, String> props = Maps.newHashMap( getDatabaseProperties( ) ); for ( final String ctx : PersistenceContexts.list( ) ) { final String databaseName = PersistenceContexts.toDatabaseName( ).apply( ctx ); final String schemaName = PersistenceContexts.toSchemaName( ).apply( ctx ); putContextProperties( props, schemaName, DatabaseFilters.NEWVERSION.getVersionedName( databaseName ) ); final PersistenceContextConfiguration config = new PersistenceContextConfiguration( ctx, PersistenceContexts.listEntities( ctx ), props ); PersistenceContexts.registerPersistenceContext( config ); } } catch ( final Exception e ) { LOG.fatal( e, e ); LOG.fatal( "Failed to initialize the persistence layer." ); throw Exceptions.toUndeclared( e ); } return true; } }, /** * Execute the @{@link PreUpgrade} implementations. */ RUN_PRE_UPGRADE { @Override public Boolean call( ) { for ( ComponentId c : ComponentIds.list( ) ) { for ( Version v : Version.upgradePath( schemaVersionOption ) ) { ComponentUpgradeInfo upgradeInfo = ComponentUpgradeInfo.get( v, c.getClass( ) ); for ( Callable<Boolean> p : upgradeInfo.getPreUpgrades( ) ) { try { LOG.info( "Executing @PreUpgrade: " + p.getClass( ) ); p.call( ); } catch ( Exception ex ) { throw Exceptions.toUndeclared( "Upgrade failed during @PreUpgrade while executing: " + p.getClass( ) + " because of: " + ex.getMessage( ), ex ); } } } } return true; } }, /** * Execute the @{@link EntityUpgrade} implementations. */ RUN_ENTITY_UPGRADE { @Override public Boolean call( ) { for ( ComponentId c : ComponentIds.list( ) ) { for ( Version v : Version.upgradePath( schemaVersionOption ) ) { ComponentUpgradeInfo upgradeInfo = ComponentUpgradeInfo.get( v, c.getClass( ) ); for ( Entry<Class, Predicate<Class>> p : upgradeInfo.getEntityUpgrades( ).entries( ) ) { try { LOG.info( "Executing @EntityUpgrade: " + p.getValue( ).getClass( ) ); p.getValue( ).apply( p.getKey( ) ); } catch ( Exception ex ) { throw Exceptions.toUndeclared( "Upgrade failed during @EntityUpgrade while executing: " + p.getValue( ).getClass( ) + " for " + p.getKey( ) + " because of: " + ex.getMessage( ), ex ); } } } } return true; } }, /** * Execute the @{@link PostUpgrade} implementations. */ RUN_POST_UPGRADE { @Override public Boolean call( ) { for ( ComponentId c : ComponentIds.list( ) ) { for ( Version v : Version.upgradePath( schemaVersionOption ) ) { ComponentUpgradeInfo upgradeInfo = ComponentUpgradeInfo.get( v, c.getClass( ) ); for ( Callable<Boolean> p : upgradeInfo.getPostUpgrades( ) ) { try { LOG.info( "Executing @PostUpgrade: " + p.getClass( ) ); p.call( ); } catch ( Exception ex ) { throw Exceptions.toUndeclared( "Upgrade failed during @PostUpgrade while executing: " + p.getClass( ) + " because of: " + ex.getMessage( ), ex ); } } } } return true; } }, POST_SHUTDOWN_JPA { @Override public Boolean call( ) { PersistenceContexts.shutdown( ); return true; } }, /** * <ol> * <li>Delete <tt>orig</tt> db * <li>Copy <tt>new version</tt> db to <tt>orig</tt> db * <li>Delete <tt>new version</tt> db * <li>Delete <tt>old version</tt> db * </ol> */ POST_DELETE_ORIG_DB { @Override public Boolean call( ) { LOG.info( "Deleting orig databases" ); for ( String databaseName : Iterables.filter( Databases.getBootstrapper( ).listDatabases( ), DatabaseFilters.EUCALYPTUS ) ) { LOG.info( "Deleting orig database: " + databaseName ); Databases.getBootstrapper( ).deleteDatabase( databaseName ); } return true; } }, POST_RENAME_NEW_TO_ORIG_DB { @Override public Boolean call( ) { LOG.info( "Renaming upgraded databases" ); for ( String databaseName : Iterables.filter( Databases.getBootstrapper( ).listDatabases( ), DatabaseFilters.NEWVERSION ) ) { LOG.info( "Renaming upgraded database: " + databaseName + " => " + DatabaseFilters.EUCALYPTUS.getVersionedName( databaseName ) ); Databases.getBootstrapper( ).renameDatabase( databaseName, DatabaseFilters.EUCALYPTUS.getVersionedName( databaseName ) ); } return true; } }, POST_DELETE_OLD_DB { @Override public Boolean call( ) { LOG.info( "Deleting upgrade databases for old version" ); for ( String databaseName : Iterables.filter( Databases.getBootstrapper( ).listDatabases( ), DatabaseFilters.OLDVERSION ) ) { LOG.info( "Deleting upgrade database for old version: " + databaseName ); Databases.getBootstrapper( ).deleteDatabase( databaseName ); } return true; } }, COMPLETED { @Override public UpgradeState next( ) { LOG.info( "Finished upgrade stage: " + this.name( ) ); return this; } }, ERROR { @Override public UpgradeState next( ) { return this; } }; @Override public Boolean call( ) throws Exception { return true; } /** * @throws Exception */ public boolean callAndLog( ) throws Exception { if ( this.call( ) ) { UpgradeEventLog.INSTANCE.logEvent( Version.getOldVersion( ), Version.getNewVersion( ), this ); return true; } else { return false; } } UpgradeState next( ) { UpgradeState next = UpgradeState.values( )[this.ordinal( ) + 1]; LOG.info( "Finished upgrade stage: " + this.name( ) + "; starting " + next.name( ) ); return next; } Set<String> getDatabaseNames( ) { return Sets.newTreeSet( Iterables.filter( Databases.getBootstrapper( ).listDatabases( ), DatabaseFilters.EUCALYPTUS ) ); } Set<String> getSchemaNames( final Set<String> databaseNames ) { return databaseNames.contains( DatabaseNamingStrategy.SHARED_DATABASE_NAME ) ? Sets.newTreeSet( Iterables.filter( Databases.getBootstrapper( ).listSchemas( DatabaseNamingStrategy.SHARED_DATABASE_NAME ), DatabaseFilters.EUCALYPTUS ) ) : Collections.emptySet( ); } public static void putContextProperties( Map<? super String, ? super String> properties, String schema, String... databasePath ) { final String ctxUrl = String.format( "jdbc:%s", ServiceUris.remote( Database.class, InetAddresses.forString( "" ), databasePath ) ); properties.put( "hibernate.connection.url", ctxUrl ); if ( schema != null ) properties.put( "hibernate.default_schema", schema ); } public static Map<String, String> getDatabaseProperties( ) { DatabaseBootstrapper db = Databases.getBootstrapper( ); return ImmutableMap.<String, String> builder( ) .put( "hibernate.show_sql", "false" ) .put( "hibernate.format_sql", "false" ) .put( "hibernate.connection.autocommit", "false" ) .put( "hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto", "update" ) .put( "hibernate.generate_statistics", "false" ) .put( "hibernate.connection.driver_class", db.getDriverName( ) ) .put( "hibernate.connection.username", db.getUserName( ) ) .put( "hibernate.connection.password", db.getPassword( ) ) .put( "hibernate.bytecode.use_reflection_optimizer", "true" ) .put( "hibernate.cglib.use_reflection_optimizer", "true" ) .put( "hibernate.dialect", db.getHibernateDialect( ) ) .put( "hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache", "false" ) .put( "hibernate.cache.use_query_cache", "false" ) .put( "hibernate.discriminator.ignore_explicit_for_joined", "true" ) // HHH-6911 .build( ); } private static UpgradeState currentState = UpgradeState.START; /** * Version we are upgrading from (if known) */ @SuppressWarnings( "OptionalUsedAsFieldOrParameterType" ) private static Optional<Version> schemaVersionOption = Optional.empty( ); public static boolean isFinished( ) { return currentState == COMPLETED; } public static UpgradeState nextState( ) { currentState = currentState.next( ); return currentState; } } public static void init( ) { if ( UpgradeEventLog.create( ) ) { LOG.info( "Created database event log" ); UpgradeEventLog.INSTANCE.logEvent( Version.getCurrentVersion( ), Version.getCurrentVersion( ), UpgradeState.COMPLETED ); LOG.info( "Logged initial completion event" ); } } private static boolean isForceUpgrade( ) { return Boolean.parseBoolean( System.getProperty( "euca.upgrade.force" ) ); } private static void runSchemaUpdate( DatabaseFilters dbName ) throws RuntimeException { try { final Map<String, String> props = Maps.newHashMap( UpgradeState.getDatabaseProperties( ) ); for ( final String ctx : PersistenceContexts.list( ) ) { final String databaseName = PersistenceContexts.toDatabaseName( ).apply( ctx ); final String schemaName = PersistenceContexts.toSchemaName( ).apply( ctx ); UpgradeState.putContextProperties( props, schemaName, dbName.getVersionedName( databaseName ) ); final PersistenceContextConfiguration config = new PersistenceContextConfiguration( ctx, PersistenceContexts.listEntities( ctx ), props ); final Configuration configuration = PersistenceContexts.getConfiguration( config ); final File configDigestFile = SubDirectory.RUNDB.getChildFile( ctx + ".cfg.sha256" ); final ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream( 4096 ); final ObjectOutputStream outputObject = new ObjectOutputStream( output ); outputObject.writeObject( configuration ); // when using Java 7 the EntityTuplizerFactory/ConcurrentHashMap can outputObject.flush( ); // cause spurious hash differences. This occurs much less with Java 8. final String digest = BaseEncoding.base16().lowerCase( ) .encode( Digest.SHA256.digestBinary( output.toByteArray( ) ) ); final boolean upgrade = BootstrapArgs.isUpgradeSystem( ) || isForceUpgrade( ); if ( upgrade || !configDigestFile.canRead( ) || !digest.equals( Files.toString( configDigestFile, StandardCharsets.UTF_8 ) ) ) { LOG.info( "Running schema update for " + ctx ); new SchemaUpdate( configuration ).execute( false, true ); if ( upgrade ) { if ( configDigestFile.exists( ) && !configDigestFile.delete( ) ) { LOG.warn( "Unable to delete configuration digest file: " + configDigestFile.getAbsolutePath( ) ); } } else { Files.write( digest.getBytes( StandardCharsets.UTF_8 ), configDigestFile ); } } else { LOG.debug( "Schema update skipped (no changes) for " + ctx ); } } } catch ( final Exception e ) { LOG.fatal( e, e ); LOG.fatal( "Failed to initialize the persistence layer." ); throw Exceptions.toUndeclared( e ); } } }