package edu.ucsb.eucalyptus.msgs; import; import java.util.UUID; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.jibx.runtime.BindingDirectory; import org.jibx.runtime.IBindingFactory; import org.jibx.runtime.IMarshallingContext; import org.jibx.runtime.JiBXException; public class BaseMessage { String correlationId; String userId; String effectiveUserId; Boolean _return; String statusMessage; public BaseMessage( ) { super( ); this.correlationId = UUID.randomUUID( ).toString( ); this._return = true; } public BaseMessage( String userId ) { this( ); this.userId = userId; this.effectiveUserId = userId; this.statusMessage = null; } public String getCorrelationId( ) { return this.correlationId; } public void setCorrelationId( String correlationId ) { this.correlationId = correlationId; } public String getUserId( ) { return this.userId; } public void setUserId( String userId ) { this.userId = userId; } public void setEffectiveUserId( String effectiveUserId ) { this.effectiveUserId = effectiveUserId; } public Boolean get_return( ) { return this._return; } public void set_return( Boolean return1 ) { this._return = return1; } public String getStatusMessage( ) { return this.statusMessage; } public void setStatusMessage( String statusMessage ) { this.statusMessage = statusMessage; } public String getEffectiveUserId( ) { if ( isAdministrator( ) ) return "eucalyptus"; return effectiveUserId; } public <TYPE extends BaseMessage> TYPE regarding( ) { this.userId = "eucalyptus"; this.effectiveUserId = "eucalyptus"; return ( TYPE ) this; } public <TYPE extends BaseMessage> TYPE regarding( BaseMessage msg ) { return ( TYPE ) regarding( msg, String.format( "%f", Math.random( ) ).substring( 2 ) ); } public <TYPE extends BaseMessage> TYPE regardingUserRequest( BaseMessage msg ) { return ( TYPE ) regardingUserRequest( msg, String.format( "%f", Math.random( ) ).substring( 2 ) ); } public <TYPE extends BaseMessage> TYPE regarding( BaseMessage msg, String subCorrelationId ) { this.correlationId = msg.getCorrelationId( ) + "-" + subCorrelationId; return ( TYPE ) regarding( ); } public <TYPE extends BaseMessage> TYPE regardingUserRequest( BaseMessage msg, String subCorrelationId ) { this.correlationId = msg.getCorrelationId( ) + "-" + subCorrelationId; this.userId = msg.getUserId( ); this.effectiveUserId = msg.getEffectiveUserId( ); return ( TYPE ) this; } public boolean isAdministrator( ) { return "eucalyptus".equals( this.effectiveUserId ); } public String toString( ) { String str = this.toString( "msgs_eucalyptus_com" ); str = ( str != null ) ? str : this.toString( "eucalyptus_ucsb_edu" ); str = ( str != null ) ? str : "Failed to bind message of type: " + this.getClass( ).getName( ) + " at " + Thread.currentThread( ).getStackTrace( )[1].toString( ); return str; } /** * Get the XML form of the message. * * @param namespace * @return String representation of the object, null if binding fails. */ public String toString( String namespace ) { ByteArrayOutputStream temp = new ByteArrayOutputStream( ); Class targetClass = this.getClass( ); // while ( !targetClass.getSimpleName( ).endsWith( "Type" ) && BaseMessage.class.equals( targetClass ) ) { // targetClass = targetClass.getSuperclass( ); // } try { IBindingFactory bindingFactory = BindingDirectory.getFactory( namespace, targetClass ); IMarshallingContext mctx = bindingFactory.createMarshallingContext( ); mctx.setIndent( 2 ); mctx.marshalDocument( this, "UTF-8", null, temp ); } catch ( JiBXException e ) { Logger.getLogger(BaseMessage.class).debug( e, e ); return null; } return temp.toString( ); } public <TYPE extends BaseMessage> TYPE getReply( ) { Class msgClass = this.getClass( ); while ( !msgClass.getSimpleName( ).endsWith( "Type" ) ) { msgClass = msgClass.getSuperclass( ); } TYPE reply = null; String replyType = msgClass.getName( ).replaceAll( "Type", "" ) + "ResponseType"; try { Class responseClass = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader( ).loadClass( replyType ); reply = ( TYPE ) responseClass.newInstance( ); } catch ( Exception e ) { Logger.getLogger(BaseMessage.class).debug( e, e ); throw new TypeNotPresentException( correlationId, e ); } reply.setCorrelationId( this.getCorrelationId( ) ); reply.setUserId( this.getUserId( ) ); reply.setEffectiveUserId( this.getEffectiveUserId( ) ); return reply; } public String toSimpleString( ) { return String.format("%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s", this.getClass( ).getSimpleName( ), this.getCorrelationId( ), this.getUserId( ), this.getEffectiveUserId( ), this.get_return( ), this.getStatusMessage( ) ); } }