package com.eucalyptus.auth; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.eucalyptus.auth.api.UserInfoProvider; import com.eucalyptus.util.Tx; /** * Unified APIs to access UserInfo. This is backed up by various data source, including database and LDAP. It is an auxiliary class to the Users class for * getting complete user information in the system. */ public class UserInfoStore { private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger( Users.class ); private static UserInfoProvider infoStore; public static void setUserInfoProvider( UserInfoProvider provider ) { synchronized ( Users.class ) { "Setting the user info provider to: " + provider.getClass( ) ); infoStore = provider; } } public static UserInfoProvider getUserInfoProvider( ) { return infoStore; } public static UserInfo getUserInfo( UserInfo search ) throws NoSuchUserException { return UserInfoStore.getUserInfoProvider( ).getUserInfo( search ); } public static void addUserInfo( UserInfo info ) throws UserExistsException { UserInfoStore.getUserInfoProvider( ).addUserInfo( info ); } public static void updateUserInfo( String userName, Tx<UserInfo> infoTx ) throws NoSuchUserException { UserInfoStore.getUserInfoProvider( ).updateUserInfo( userName, infoTx ); } public static void deleteUserInfo( String userName ) throws NoSuchUserException { UserInfoStore.getUserInfoProvider( ).deleteUserInfo( userName ); } }