package com.eucalyptus.sla; import java.util.List; import java.util.NavigableMap; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import com.eucalyptus.auth.principal.Authorization; import com.eucalyptus.cluster.Cluster; import com.eucalyptus.cluster.Clusters; import com.eucalyptus.cluster.VmTypeAvailability; import com.eucalyptus.context.Context; import com.eucalyptus.context.Contexts; import com.eucalyptus.util.NotEnoughResourcesAvailable; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class NodeResourceAllocator implements ResourceAllocator { private static String ALLOCATOR = "euca.cluster.allocator"; @Override public void allocate( VmAllocationInfo vmInfo ) throws Exception { String clusterName = vmInfo.getRequest( ).getAvailabilityZone( ); String vmTypeName = vmInfo.getRequest( ).getInstanceType( ); Integer amount = vmInfo.getRequest( ).getMinCount( ); Cluster authorizedCluster = this.doPrivilegedLookup( clusterName, vmTypeName ); VmTypeAvailability vmAvailability = authorizedCluster.getNodeState( ).getAvailability( vmTypeName ); if ( vmAvailability.getAvailable( ) < amount ) { throw new NotEnoughResourcesAvailable( "Not enough resources (" + vmAvailability.getAvailable( ) + " < " + amount + ": vm instances." ); } Context ctx = Contexts.lookup( ); ResourceToken token = authorizedCluster.getNodeState( ).getResourceAllocation( ctx.getCorrelationId( ), ctx.getUser( ).getName( ), vmTypeName, amount ); vmInfo.getAllocationTokens( ).add( token ); } private Cluster doPrivilegedLookup( String clusterName, String vmTypeName ) throws NotEnoughResourcesAvailable { if ( clusterName != null && !"default".equals( clusterName ) ) { try { final Cluster cluster = Clusters.getInstance( ).lookup( clusterName ); return cluster; } catch ( NoSuchElementException e ) { throw new NotEnoughResourcesAvailable( "Not enough resources: request cluster does not exist " + clusterName ); } } else { Iterable<Cluster> authorizedClusters = Clusters.getInstance( ).listValues( ); NavigableMap<VmTypeAvailability, Cluster> sorted = Maps.newTreeMap( ); for ( Cluster c : authorizedClusters ) { sorted.put( c.getNodeState( ).getAvailability( vmTypeName ), c ); } if( sorted.isEmpty( ) ) { throw new NotEnoughResourcesAvailable( "Not enough resources: no cluster is available on which you have permissions to run instances." ); } else { return sorted.firstEntry( ).getValue( ); } } } @Override public void fail( VmAllocationInfo vmInfo, Throwable t ) { for ( ResourceToken token : vmInfo.getAllocationTokens( ) ) { Clusters.getInstance( ).lookup( token.getCluster( ) ).getNodeState( ).releaseToken( token ); } } }