package com.eucalyptus.util; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.eucalyptus.entities.EntityWrapper; public class Transactions { private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger( Transactions.class ); public static <T> T one( T search, JoinTx<T>... txs ) throws TransactionException { if ( search == null ) { TransactionException ex = new TransactionException( "A search object must be supplied" ); LOG.warn( ex.getMessage( ), ex ); throw ex; } EntityWrapper<T> db = EntityWrapper.get( search ); try { T entity = db.getUnique( search ); for ( JoinTx<T> c : txs ) { db, entity ); } db.commit( ); return entity; } catch ( EucalyptusCloudException e ) { db.rollback( ); throw new TransactionException( e.getMessage( ), e ); } catch ( Throwable e ) { db.rollback( ); LOG.error( e, e ); throw new TransactionFireException( e.getMessage( ), e ); } } public static <T> T one( T search, Tx<T> c ) throws TransactionException { if ( search == null ) { TransactionException ex = new TransactionException( "A search object must be supplied" ); LOG.warn( ex.getMessage( ), ex ); throw ex; } EntityWrapper<T> db = EntityWrapper.get( search ); try { T entity = db.getUnique( search ); entity ); db.commit( ); return entity; } catch ( EucalyptusCloudException e ) { db.rollback( ); throw new TransactionException( e.getMessage( ), e ); } catch ( Throwable e ) { db.rollback( ); LOG.error( e, e ); throw new TransactionFireException( e.getMessage( ), e ); } } public static <T> T save( T saveMe ) throws TransactionException { return save( saveMe, null ); } public static <T> T save( T saveMe, Tx<T> c ) throws TransactionException { EntityWrapper<T> db = EntityWrapper.get( saveMe ); try { db.add( saveMe ); T entity = saveMe; //db.getUnique( saveMe ); if ( c != null ) { entity ); } db.commit( ); return entity; } catch ( EucalyptusCloudException e ) { db.rollback( ); throw new TransactionException( e.getMessage( ), e ); } catch ( Throwable e ) { db.rollback( ); LOG.error( e, e ); throw new TransactionFireException( e.getMessage( ), e ); } } public static <T> List<T> many( T search, Tx<T> c ) throws TransactionException { if ( search == null ) { TransactionException ex = new TransactionException( "A search object must be supplied" ); LOG.warn( ex.getMessage( ), ex ); throw ex; } EntityWrapper<T> db = EntityWrapper.get( search ); try { List<T> res = db.query( search ); for ( T entity : res ) { entity ); } db.commit( ); return res; } catch ( EucalyptusCloudException e ) { db.rollback( ); throw new TransactionException( e.getMessage( ), e ); } catch ( Throwable e ) { LOG.error( e, e ); throw new TransactionFireException( e.getMessage( ), e ); } } public static <T> List<T> list( T search, Tx<List<T>> c ) throws TransactionException { if ( search == null ) { TransactionException ex = new TransactionException( "A search object must be supplied" ); LOG.warn( ex.getMessage( ), ex ); throw ex; } EntityWrapper<T> db = EntityWrapper.get( search ); try { List<T> res = db.query( search ); res ); db.commit( ); return res; } catch ( EucalyptusCloudException e ) { db.rollback( ); throw new TransactionException( e.getMessage( ), e ); } catch ( Throwable e ) { db.rollback( ); LOG.error( e, e ); throw new TransactionFireException( e.getMessage( ), e ); } } }