package com.eucalyptus.upgrade; import; import groovy.sql.Sql; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider; import org.jboss.netty.util.internal.ConcurrentHashMap; import com.eucalyptus.auth.DatabaseAuthProvider; import com.eucalyptus.auth.Groups; import com.eucalyptus.auth.SystemCredentialProvider; import com.eucalyptus.auth.UserInfoStore; import com.eucalyptus.auth.Users; import com.eucalyptus.auth.crypto.Hmacs; import com.eucalyptus.auth.util.EucaKeyStore; import com.eucalyptus.bootstrap.Bootstrap; import com.eucalyptus.bootstrap.BootstrapException; import com.eucalyptus.bootstrap.ServiceJarDiscovery; import com.eucalyptus.component.Components; import com.eucalyptus.component.DispatcherFactory; import com.eucalyptus.component.ServiceRegistrationException; import com.eucalyptus.entities.PersistenceContextDiscovery; import com.eucalyptus.entities.PersistenceContexts; import com.eucalyptus.scripting.ScriptExecutionFailedException; import com.eucalyptus.scripting.groovy.GroovyUtil; import com.eucalyptus.system.BaseDirectory; import com.eucalyptus.system.LogLevels; import com.eucalyptus.system.SubDirectory; import; public class StandalonePersistence { private static Logger LOG; private static ConcurrentMap<String, Sql> sqlConnections = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Sql>( ); private static List<UpgradeScript> upgradeScripts = Lists.newArrayList( ); static { Security.addProvider( new BouncyCastleProvider( ) ); } public static String eucaHome, eucaOld, eucaSource, eucaDest, eucaOldVersion, eucaNewVersion; public static File oldLibDir, newLibDir; private static DatabaseSource source; private static DatabaseDestination dest; public static void main( String[] args ) throws Throwable { if ( ( eucaHome = System.getProperty( "" ) ) == null ) { throw new RuntimeException( "Failed to find required '' property: " + eucaHome ); } else if ( ( eucaOld = System.getProperty( "euca.upgrade.old.dir" ) ) == null ) { throw new RuntimeException( "Failed to find required 'euca.upgrade.old.dir' property: " + eucaHome ); } else if ( ( eucaNewVersion = System.getProperty( "" ) ) == null ) { throw new RuntimeException( "Failed to find required '' property: " + eucaHome ); } else if ( ( eucaOldVersion = System.getProperty( "euca.upgrade.old.version" ) ) == null ) { throw new RuntimeException( "Failed to find required 'euca.upgrade.old.version' property: " + eucaHome ); } else if ( ( eucaSource = System.getProperty( "euca.upgrade.source" ) ) == null ) { throw new RuntimeException( "Failed to find required 'euca.upgrade.source' property: " + eucaHome ); } else if ( ( eucaDest = System.getProperty( "euca.upgrade.destination" ) ) == null ) { throw new RuntimeException( "Failed to find required 'euca.upgrade.destination' property: " + eucaHome ); } else { StandalonePersistence.setupSystemProperties( ); StandalonePersistence.setupConfigurations( ); StandalonePersistence.setupInitProviders( ); } /** Prepare for database upgrade **/ try { /** Setup the persistence contexts **/ StandalonePersistence.runDiscovery( ); /** Setup some system mechanisms after starting the true destination db **/ StandalonePersistence.setupProviders( ); /** Create connections for each of the source databases **/ StandalonePersistence.setupNewDatabase( ); StandalonePersistence.setupOldDatabase( ); StandalonePersistence.runUpgrade( ); System.exit(0); } catch ( Throwable e ) { e.printStackTrace( ); System.exit( -1 ); } } public static void runUpgrade( ) { Collections.sort(upgradeScripts); upgradeScripts ); for( UpgradeScript up : upgradeScripts ) { try { up.upgrade( oldLibDir, newLibDir ); } catch ( Throwable e ) { LOG.error( e, e ); } } "=============================" ); "= DATABASE UPGRADE COMPLETE =" ); "=============================" ); } public static Collection<Sql> listConnections( ) { return sqlConnections.values( ); } public static Sql getConnection( String persistenceContext ) throws SQLException { Sql newSql = source.getSqlSession( persistenceContext ); Sql conn = sqlConnections.putIfAbsent( persistenceContext, newSql ); if ( conn != null ) { newSql.close( ); } else { conn = newSql; "Created new connection for: " + persistenceContext + " to " + conn.getConnection( ).getMetaData( ).getURL( ) ); } return conn; } private static void setupProviders( ) { DatabaseAuthProvider dbAuth = new DatabaseAuthProvider( ); Users.setUserProvider( dbAuth ); Groups.setGroupProvider( dbAuth ); UserInfoStore.setUserInfoProvider( dbAuth ); } private static void setupOldDatabase( ) throws Exception { source = ( DatabaseSource ) ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader( ).loadClass( eucaSource ).newInstance( ); /** Register a shutdown hook which closes all source-sql sessions **/ Runtime.getRuntime( ).addShutdownHook( new Thread( ) { @Override public void run( ) { for ( Sql s : StandalonePersistence.sqlConnections.values( ) ) { try { s.close( ); } catch ( Throwable e ) { LOG.debug( e, e ); } } } } ); /** open connection for each context **/ List<String> oldContexts = ServiceJarDiscovery.contextsInDir( oldLibDir ); for ( String ctx : oldContexts ) { StandalonePersistence.getConnection( ctx ); } } private static void setupNewDatabase( ) throws Exception { dest = ( DatabaseDestination ) ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader( ).loadClass( eucaDest ).newInstance( ); dest.initialize( ); Runtime.getRuntime( ).addShutdownHook( new Thread( ) { @Override public void run( ) { PersistenceContexts.shutdown( ); } } ); } private static void setupInitProviders( ) throws Exception { if ( !new File( EucaKeyStore.getInstance( ).getFileName( ) ).exists( ) ) { throw new RuntimeException( "Database upgrade must be preceded by a key upgrade." ); } new SystemCredentialProvider( ).load( Bootstrap.Stage.Anonymous ); DispatcherFactory.setFactory( ( DispatcherFactory ) ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader( ).loadClass( "" ).newInstance( ) ); LOG.debug( "Initializing SSL just in case: " + ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader( ).loadClass( "com.eucalyptus.auth.util.SslSetup" ) ); LOG.debug( "Initializing db password: " + ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader( ).loadClass( "com.eucalyptus.auth.util.Hashes" ) ); } private static void setupSystemProperties( ) { /** Pre-flight configuration for system **/ System.setProperty( "euca.home", eucaHome ); System.setProperty( "euca.log.level", "TRACE" ); System.setProperty( "euca.log.appender", "console" ); System.setProperty( "", "FATAL" ); System.setProperty( "euca.log.exhaustive.db", "FATAL" ); System.setProperty( "euca.log.exhaustive.external", "FATAL" ); System.setProperty( "euca.log.exhaustive.user", "FATAL" ); System.setProperty( "euca.var.dir", eucaHome + "/var/lib/eucalyptus/" ); System.setProperty( "euca.conf.dir", eucaHome + "/etc/eucalyptus/cloud.d/" ); System.setProperty( "euca.log.dir", eucaHome + "/var/log/eucalyptus/" ); System.setProperty( "euca.lib.dir", eucaHome + "/usr/share/eucalyptus/" ); boolean doTrace = "TRACE".equals( System.getProperty( "euca.log.level" ) ); boolean doDebug = "DEBUG".equals( System.getProperty( "euca.log.level" ) ) || doTrace; LogLevels.DEBUG = doDebug; LogLevels.TRACE = doDebug; StandalonePersistence.LOG = Logger.getLogger( StandalonePersistence.class ); String.format( "%-20.20s %s", "New install directory:", eucaHome ) ); String.format( "%-20.20s %s", "Old install directory:", eucaOld ) ); String.format( "%-20.20s %s", "Upgrade data source:", eucaSource ) ); String.format( "%-20.20s %s", "Upgrade data destination:", eucaDest ) ); oldLibDir = getAndCheckLibDirectory( eucaOld ); newLibDir = getAndCheckLibDirectory( eucaHome ); } private static void setupConfigurations( ) { Enumeration<URL> p1; URI u = null; try { p1 = Thread.currentThread( ).getContextClassLoader( ).getResources( "com.eucalyptus.CloudServiceProvider" ); if ( !p1.hasMoreElements( ) ) return; while ( p1.hasMoreElements( ) ) { u = p1.nextElement( ).toURI( ); Properties props = new Properties( ); props.load( u.toURL( ).openStream( ) ); String name = props.getProperty( "name" ); if ( Components.contains( name ) ) { throw BootstrapException.throwFatal( "Duplicate component definition in: " + u.toASCIIString( ) ); } else { try { LOG.debug( "Loaded " + name + " from " + u ); Components.create( name, u ); } catch ( ServiceRegistrationException e ) { LOG.debug( e, e ); throw BootstrapException.throwFatal( "Error in component bootstrap: " + e.getMessage( ), e ); } } } } catch ( IOException e ) { LOG.error( e, e ); throw BootstrapException.throwFatal( "Failed to load component resources from: " + u, e ); } catch ( URISyntaxException e ) { LOG.error( e, e ); throw BootstrapException.throwFatal( "Failed to load component resources from: " + u, e ); } } private static File getAndCheckLibDirectory( String eucaHome ) { String eucaLibDirPath; File eucaLibDir; if ( ( eucaLibDirPath = eucaHome + "/usr/share/eucalyptus" ) == null ) { throw new RuntimeException( "The source directory has not been specified." ); } else if ( !( eucaLibDir = new File( eucaLibDirPath ) ).exists( ) ) { throw new RuntimeException( "The source directory does not exist: " + eucaLibDirPath ); } return eucaLibDir; } public static void registerUpgradeScript( UpgradeScript up ) { if( up.accepts( eucaOldVersion, eucaNewVersion ) ) { String.format( "Found upgrade script for [%s->%s] in: %s\n", eucaOldVersion, eucaNewVersion, up.getClass( ).getCanonicalName() ) ); upgradeScripts.add( up ); } else { String.format( "Ignoring upgrade script for [%s->%s] in: %s\n", eucaOldVersion, eucaNewVersion, up.getClass( ).getCanonicalName() ) ); } } public static void runDiscovery( ) { List<Class> classList = ServiceJarDiscovery.classesInDir( new File( BaseDirectory.LIB.toString( ) ) ); for( ServiceJarDiscovery d : Lists.newArrayList( new PersistenceContextDiscovery( ), new UpgradeScriptDiscovery( ) ) ) { for ( Class c : classList ) { try { d.processClass( c ); } catch ( Throwable t ) { if( t instanceof ClassNotFoundException ) { } else { t.printStackTrace( ); LOG.debug( t, t ); } } } } for( File script : SubDirectory.UPGRADE.getFile( ).listFiles( ) ) { LOG.debug( "Trying to load what looks like an upgrade script: " + script.getAbsolutePath( ) ); try { UpgradeScript u = GroovyUtil.newInstance( script.getAbsolutePath( ) ); registerUpgradeScript( u ); } catch ( ScriptExecutionFailedException e ) { LOG.debug( e, e ); } } } }