/** * Copyright (c) 2012-2016 André Bargull * Alle Rechte vorbehalten / All Rights Reserved. Use is subject to license terms. * * <https://github.com/anba/es6draft> */ package com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.objects.promise; import static com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.AbstractOperations.*; import static com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.Errors.newTypeError; import static com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.Properties.createProperties; import static com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.objects.promise.PromiseAbstractOperations.CreateResolvingFunctions; import static com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.objects.promise.PromiseAbstractOperations.GetPromiseAllocator; import static com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.objects.promise.PromiseAbstractOperations.IsPromise; import static com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.objects.promise.PromiseAbstractOperations.NewPromiseCapability; import static com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.objects.promise.PromiseCapability.IfAbruptRejectPromise; import static com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.types.Undefined.UNDEFINED; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.ExecutionContext; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.Realm; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.Initializable; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.Messages; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.Properties.Accessor; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.Properties.Attributes; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.Properties.Function; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.Properties.Prototype; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.Properties.Value; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.ScriptException; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.ScriptIterator; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.objects.promise.PromiseAbstractOperations.ResolvingFunctions; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.types.BuiltinSymbol; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.types.Callable; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.types.Constructor; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.types.Intrinsics; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.types.ScriptObject; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.types.Type; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.types.builtins.ArrayObject; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.types.builtins.BuiltinConstructor; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.types.builtins.BuiltinFunction; /** * <h1>25 Control Abstraction Objects</h1><br> * <h2>25.4 Promise Objects</h2> * <ul> * <li>25.4.3 The Promise Constructor * <li>25.4.4 Properties of the Promise Constructor * </ul> */ public final class PromiseConstructor extends BuiltinConstructor implements Initializable { /** * Constructs a new Promise constructor function. * * @param realm * the realm object */ public PromiseConstructor(Realm realm) { super(realm, "Promise", 1); } @Override public void initialize(Realm realm) { createProperties(realm, this, Properties.class); } @Override public PromiseConstructor clone() { return new PromiseConstructor(getRealm()); } /** * Promise ( executor ) */ @Override public Object call(ExecutionContext callerContext, Object thisValue, Object... args) { /* step 1 */ throw newTypeError(calleeContext(), Messages.Key.InvalidCall, "Promise"); } /** * Promise ( executor ) */ @Override public PromiseObject construct(ExecutionContext callerContext, Constructor newTarget, Object... args) { ExecutionContext calleeContext = calleeContext(); Object executor = argument(args, 0); /* step 1 (not applicable) */ /* step 2 */ if (!IsCallable(executor)) { throw newTypeError(calleeContext, Messages.Key.NotCallable); } /* steps 3-7 */ PromiseObject promise = OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(calleeContext, newTarget, Intrinsics.PromisePrototype, GetPromiseAllocator(calleeContext.getRealm())); /* step 8 */ ResolvingFunctions resolvingFunctions = CreateResolvingFunctions(calleeContext, promise); /* steps 9-10 */ try { /* step 9 */ ((Callable) executor).call(calleeContext, UNDEFINED, resolvingFunctions.getResolve(), resolvingFunctions.getReject()); } catch (ScriptException e) { /* step 10 */ resolvingFunctions.getReject().call(calleeContext, UNDEFINED, e.getValue()); } /* step 11 */ return promise; } /** * 25.4.4 Properties of the Promise Constructor */ public enum Properties { ; @Prototype public static final Intrinsics __proto__ = Intrinsics.FunctionPrototype; @Value(name = "length", attributes = @Attributes(writable = false, enumerable = false, configurable = true)) public static final int length = 1; @Value(name = "name", attributes = @Attributes(writable = false, enumerable = false, configurable = true)) public static final String name = "Promise"; /** * Promise.prototype */ @Value(name = "prototype", attributes = @Attributes(writable = false, enumerable = false, configurable = false)) public static final Intrinsics prototype = Intrinsics.PromisePrototype; /** * Promise.all ( iterable ) * * @param cx * the execution context * @param thisValue * the function this-value * @param iterable * the iterable * @return the promise object */ @Function(name = "all", arity = 1) public static Object all(ExecutionContext cx, Object thisValue, Object iterable) { /* steps 1-5 */ if (!Type.isObject(thisValue)) { throw newTypeError(cx, Messages.Key.NotObjectType); } ScriptObject c = Type.objectValue(thisValue); /* steps 6-7 */ PromiseCapability<?> promiseCapability = NewPromiseCapability(cx, c); /* step 8 */ ScriptIterator<?> iterator; try { iterator = GetScriptIterator(cx, iterable); } catch (ScriptException e) { /* step 9 */ return IfAbruptRejectPromise(cx, e, promiseCapability); } /* steps 10-13 */ try { return PerformPromiseAll(cx, iterator, c, promiseCapability); } catch (ScriptException e) { /* step 12 */ try { iterator.close(e); } catch (ScriptException inner) { return IfAbruptRejectPromise(cx, inner, promiseCapability); } return IfAbruptRejectPromise(cx, e, promiseCapability); } } /** * Promise.race ( iterable ) * * @param cx * the execution context * @param thisValue * the function this-value * @param iterable * the iterable * @return the promise object */ @Function(name = "race", arity = 1) public static Object race(ExecutionContext cx, Object thisValue, Object iterable) { /* steps 1-5 */ if (!Type.isObject(thisValue)) { throw newTypeError(cx, Messages.Key.NotObjectType); } ScriptObject c = Type.objectValue(thisValue); /* steps 6-7 */ PromiseCapability<?> promiseCapability = NewPromiseCapability(cx, c); /* step 8 */ ScriptIterator<?> iterator; try { iterator = GetScriptIterator(cx, iterable); } catch (ScriptException e) { /* step 9 */ return IfAbruptRejectPromise(cx, e, promiseCapability); } /* steps 10-13 */ try { return PerformPromiseRace(cx, iterator, c, promiseCapability); } catch (ScriptException e) { /* step 12 */ try { iterator.close(e); } catch (ScriptException inner) { return IfAbruptRejectPromise(cx, inner, promiseCapability); } return IfAbruptRejectPromise(cx, e, promiseCapability); } } /** * Promise.reject ( r ) * * @param cx * the execution context * @param thisValue * the function this-value * @param r * the rejected value * @return the new promise object */ @Function(name = "reject", arity = 1) public static Object reject(ExecutionContext cx, Object thisValue, Object r) { /* steps 1-2 */ if (!Type.isObject(thisValue)) { throw newTypeError(cx, Messages.Key.NotObjectType); } /* steps 3-4 */ PromiseCapability<?> promiseCapability = NewPromiseCapability(cx, thisValue); /* steps 5-6 */ promiseCapability.getReject().call(cx, UNDEFINED, r); /* step 7 */ return promiseCapability.getPromise(); } /** * Promise.resolve ( x ) * * @param cx * the execution context * @param thisValue * the function this-value * @param x * the resolved value * @return the new promise object */ @Function(name = "resolve", arity = 1) public static Object resolve(ExecutionContext cx, Object thisValue, Object x) { /* steps 1-2 */ if (!Type.isObject(thisValue)) { throw newTypeError(cx, Messages.Key.NotObjectType); } /* step 3 */ if (IsPromise(x)) { Object constructor = Get(cx, (PromiseObject) x, "constructor"); if (constructor == thisValue) { // SameValue return x; } } /* steps 4-5 */ PromiseCapability<?> promiseCapability = NewPromiseCapability(cx, thisValue); /* steps 6-7 */ promiseCapability.getResolve().call(cx, UNDEFINED, x); /* step 8 */ return promiseCapability.getPromise(); } /** * get Promise [ @@species ] * * @param cx * the execution context * @param thisValue * the function this-value * @return the species object */ @Accessor(name = "get [Symbol.species]", symbol = BuiltinSymbol.species, type = Accessor.Type.Getter) public static Object species(ExecutionContext cx, Object thisValue) { /* step 1 */ return thisValue; } } /** * Runtime Semantics: PerformPromiseAll( iteratorRecord, constructor, * resultCapability) * * @param <PROMISE> * the promise type * @param cx * the execution context * @param iterator * the iterator object * @param constructor * the constructor object * @param resultCapability * the new promise capability record * @return the new promise object */ public static <PROMISE extends ScriptObject> PROMISE PerformPromiseAll(ExecutionContext cx, ScriptIterator<?> iterator, ScriptObject constructor, PromiseCapability<PROMISE> resultCapability) { /* steps 1-2 (not applicable) */ /* step 3 */ ArrayList<Object> values = new ArrayList<>(); /* step 4 */ AtomicInteger remainingElementsCount = new AtomicInteger(1); /* step 5 */ int index = 0; /* step 6 */ while (iterator.hasNext()) { /* steps 6.a-c, 6.e-g */ Object nextValue = iterator.next(); /* step 6.h */ // Using 'null' instead of undefined to be able to verify that no values are overwritten values.add(null); /* steps 6.i-j */ Object nextPromise = Invoke(cx, constructor, "resolve", nextValue); /* steps 6.k-p */ PromiseAllResolveElementFunction resolveElement = new PromiseAllResolveElementFunction(cx.getRealm(), new AtomicBoolean(false), index, values, resultCapability, remainingElementsCount); /* step 6.q */ remainingElementsCount.incrementAndGet(); /* steps 6.r-s */ Invoke(cx, nextPromise, "then", resolveElement, resultCapability.getReject()); /* step 6.t */ index += 1; } /* step 6.d */ if (remainingElementsCount.decrementAndGet() == 0) { ArrayObject valuesArray = CreateArrayFromList(cx, values); resultCapability.getResolve().call(cx, UNDEFINED, valuesArray); } return resultCapability.getPromise(); } /** * Promise.all Resolve Element Functions */ public static final class PromiseAllResolveElementFunction extends BuiltinFunction { /** [[AlreadyCalled]] */ private final AtomicBoolean alreadyCalled; /** [[Index]] */ private final int index; /** [[Values]] */ private final ArrayList<Object> values; /** [[Capabilities]] */ private final PromiseCapability<?> capabilities; /** [[RemainingElements]] */ private final AtomicInteger remainingElements; public PromiseAllResolveElementFunction(Realm realm, AtomicBoolean alreadyCalled, int index, ArrayList<Object> values, PromiseCapability<?> capabilities, AtomicInteger remainingElements) { this(realm, alreadyCalled, index, values, capabilities, remainingElements, null); createDefaultFunctionProperties(); } private PromiseAllResolveElementFunction(Realm realm, AtomicBoolean alreadyCalled, int index, ArrayList<Object> values, PromiseCapability<?> capabilities, AtomicInteger remainingElements, Void ignore) { super(realm, ANONYMOUS, 1); this.alreadyCalled = alreadyCalled; this.index = index; this.values = values; this.capabilities = capabilities; this.remainingElements = remainingElements; } @Override public PromiseAllResolveElementFunction clone() { return new PromiseAllResolveElementFunction(getRealm(), alreadyCalled, index, values, capabilities, remainingElements, null); } @Override public Object call(ExecutionContext callerContext, Object thisValue, Object... args) { ExecutionContext calleeContext = calleeContext(); Object x = argument(args, 0); /* steps 1-3 */ if (!alreadyCalled.compareAndSet(false, true)) { return UNDEFINED; } /* step 4 */ int index = this.index; /* step 5 */ ArrayList<Object> values = this.values; /* step 6 */ PromiseCapability<?> promiseCapability = this.capabilities; /* step 7 */ AtomicInteger remainingElementsCount = this.remainingElements; /* step 8 */ assert values.get(index) == null : String.format("values[%d] = %s", index, values.get(index)); values.set(index, x); /* steps 9-10 */ if (remainingElementsCount.decrementAndGet() == 0) { ArrayObject valuesArray = CreateArrayFromList(calleeContext, values); return promiseCapability.getResolve().call(calleeContext, UNDEFINED, valuesArray); } /* step 11 */ return UNDEFINED; } } /** * Runtime Semantics: PerformPromiseRace ( iteratorRecord, promiseCapability, C ) * * @param <PROMISE> * the promise type * @param cx * the execution context * @param iterator * the iterator object * @param constructor * the constructor object * @param promiseCapability * the new promise capability record * @return the new promise object */ public static <PROMISE extends ScriptObject> PROMISE PerformPromiseRace(ExecutionContext cx, ScriptIterator<?> iterator, ScriptObject constructor, PromiseCapability<PROMISE> promiseCapability) { /* step 1 */ while (iterator.hasNext()) { /* steps 1.a-c, 1.e-g */ Object nextValue = iterator.next(); /* steps 1.f-g */ Object nextPromise = Invoke(cx, constructor, "resolve", nextValue); /* steps 1.h-i */ Invoke(cx, nextPromise, "then", promiseCapability.getResolve(), promiseCapability.getReject()); } /* step 1.d */ return promiseCapability.getPromise(); } }