/** * Copyright (c) 2012-2016 André Bargull * Alle Rechte vorbehalten / All Rights Reserved. Use is subject to license terms. * * <https://github.com/anba/es6draft> */ package com.github.anba.es6draft.parser; import static com.github.anba.es6draft.semantics.StaticSemantics.*; import static java.util.Collections.emptyList; import static java.util.Collections.singletonList; import java.util.*; import java.util.function.BiFunction; import com.github.anba.es6draft.ast.*; import com.github.anba.es6draft.ast.AbruptNode.Abrupt; import com.github.anba.es6draft.ast.GeneratorDefinition.GeneratorKind; import com.github.anba.es6draft.ast.MethodDefinition.MethodAllocation; import com.github.anba.es6draft.ast.MethodDefinition.MethodType; import com.github.anba.es6draft.ast.scope.BlockScope; import com.github.anba.es6draft.ast.scope.FunctionScope; import com.github.anba.es6draft.ast.scope.ModuleScope; import com.github.anba.es6draft.ast.scope.Name; import com.github.anba.es6draft.ast.scope.Scope; import com.github.anba.es6draft.ast.scope.ScriptScope; import com.github.anba.es6draft.ast.scope.TopLevelScope; import com.github.anba.es6draft.ast.scope.WithScope; import com.github.anba.es6draft.parser.ParserException.ExceptionType; import com.github.anba.es6draft.regexp.RegExpParser; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.CompatibilityOption; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.InlineArrayList; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.Messages; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.RuntimeContext; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.Source; /** * Parser for ECMAScript6 source code * <ul> * <li>12 ECMAScript Language: Expressions * <li>13 ECMAScript Language: Statements and Declarations * <li>14 ECMAScript Language: Functions and Classes * <li>15 ECMAScript Language: Scripts and Modules * </ul> */ public final class Parser { private static final boolean DEBUG = false; private static final int MAX_ARGUMENTS = 0x4000; private static final int NATIVE_CALL_MAX_ARGUMENTS = 250; private static final String DEFAULT_EXPORT_BINDING_NAME = "*default*"; private static final String DEFAULT_EXPORT_NAME = "default"; private static final List<Binding> NO_INHERITED_BINDING = Collections.emptyList(); private static final List<Expression> NO_DECORATORS = Collections.emptyList(); private static final Set<String> EMPTY_LABEL_SET = Collections.emptySet(); private final Source source; private final EnumSet<CompatibilityOption> options; private final EnumSet<Option> parserOptions; private TokenStream ts; private ParseContext context; private boolean moduleCode; private enum StrictMode { Unknown, Strict, NonStrict } private enum StatementType { Iteration, Breakable, Statement } private enum ContextKind { Script, Module, Function, Method, Generator, GeneratorMethod, AsyncFunction, AsyncMethod, AsyncGenerator, AsyncGeneratorMethod, ArrowFunction, GeneratorComprehension, AsyncArrowFunction; final boolean isScript() { return this == Script; } final boolean isModule() { return this == Module; } final boolean isFunction() { switch (this) { case ArrowFunction: case AsyncArrowFunction: case AsyncFunction: case AsyncGenerator: case AsyncGeneratorMethod: case AsyncMethod: case Function: case Generator: case GeneratorComprehension: case GeneratorMethod: case Method: return true; default: return false; } } final boolean isGenerator() { switch (this) { case AsyncGenerator: case AsyncGeneratorMethod: case Generator: case GeneratorMethod: return true; default: return false; } } final boolean isAsync() { switch (this) { case AsyncArrowFunction: case AsyncFunction: case AsyncGenerator: case AsyncGeneratorMethod: case AsyncMethod: return true; default: return false; } } final boolean isLexical() { switch (this) { case ArrowFunction: case AsyncArrowFunction: case GeneratorComprehension: return true; default: return false; } } public boolean isMethod() { switch (this) { case AsyncGeneratorMethod: case AsyncMethod: case GeneratorMethod: case Method: return true; default: return false; } } } private static final class ParseContext { final ParseContext parent; final ContextKind kind; boolean yieldAllowed = false; boolean awaitAllowed = false; boolean returnAllowed = false; boolean legacyGenerator = false; boolean explicitStrict = false; boolean isDerivedClassConstructor = false; boolean yieldOrAwaitExpression = false; StrictMode strictMode = StrictMode.Unknown; ParserException strictError; InlineArrayList<FunctionNode> deferred; ArrayDeque<ObjectLiteral> objectLiterals; ScopeWithNames illegalLexNames = new ScopeWithNames(null, null); HashMap<String, LabelContext> labelSet; LabelContext labels; ScopeContext scopeContext; final TopContext topContext; final ScriptContext scriptContext; final ModuleContext modContext; final FunctionContext funContext; ParseContext() { this.parent = null; this.kind = null; this.topContext = null; this.scriptContext = null; this.modContext = null; this.funContext = null; } ParseContext(ParseContext parent, ContextKind kind) { this.parent = parent; this.kind = kind; if (kind.isScript()) { this.scriptContext = new ScriptContext(parent.scopeContext); this.modContext = null; this.funContext = null; this.topContext = scriptContext; } else if (kind.isModule()) { this.scriptContext = null; this.modContext = new ModuleContext(parent.scopeContext); this.funContext = null; this.topContext = modContext; } else { assert kind.isFunction(); this.scriptContext = null; this.modContext = null; this.funContext = new FunctionContext(parent.scopeContext, kind.isLexical()); this.topContext = funContext; } this.scopeContext = topContext; if (parent.strictMode == StrictMode.Strict) { this.strictMode = parent.strictMode; } } ParseContext findSuperContext() { for (ParseContext cx = this;; cx = cx.parent) { switch (cx.kind) { case ArrowFunction: case AsyncArrowFunction: case GeneratorComprehension: continue; default: return cx; } } } void setHasEval() { if (funContext != null) { funContext.directEval = true; } scopeContext.setHasEval(); } void setNeedsSuperBinding() { if (funContext != null) { funContext.superReference = true; } } int countLiterals() { return objectLiterals != null ? objectLiterals.size() : 0; } void addLiteral(ObjectLiteral object) { if (objectLiterals == null) { objectLiterals = new ArrayDeque<>(4); } objectLiterals.push(object); } void removeLiteral(ObjectLiteral object) { boolean removed = objectLiterals.removeFirstOccurrence(object); assert removed; } boolean assertLiteralsUnchecked(int expected) { int count = countLiterals(); assert count == expected : String.format( "%d unchecked object literals, but expected %d", count, expected); return count == expected; } ScopeWithNames setIllegalNames(NameSet names) { ScopeWithNames previous = illegalLexNames; illegalLexNames = new ScopeWithNames(scopeContext, names); return previous; } void restoreIllegalNames(ScopeWithNames illegalLexNames) { this.illegalLexNames = illegalLexNames; } boolean isIllegalName(Name name) { return illegalLexNames.scope == scopeContext && illegalLexNames.names.contains(name); } } private static final class ScopeWithNames { final ScopeContext scope; final NameSet names; ScopeWithNames(ScopeContext scope, NameSet names) { this.scope = scope; this.names = names; } } private static final class NameSet extends AbstractSet<Name> implements Set<Name> { private final LinkedHashMap<String, Name> map; NameSet() { map = new LinkedHashMap<>(); } NameSet(NameSet set) { map = new LinkedHashMap<>(set.map); } NameSet(Collection<Name> c) { map = new LinkedHashMap<>(Math.max((int) (c.size() / 0.75f) + 1, 16)); addAll(c); } void addAll(NameSet set) { map.putAll(set.map); } boolean remove(Name o) { return map.remove(o.getIdentifier()) != null; } boolean contains(Name o) { return map.containsKey(o.getIdentifier()); } Name get(Name o) { return map.get(o.getIdentifier()); } @Override public Iterator<Name> iterator() { return map.values().iterator(); } @Override public int size() { return map.size(); } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return map.isEmpty(); } @Override public boolean add(Name e) { return map.put(e.getIdentifier(), e) == null; } @Override public void clear() { map.clear(); } @Override public boolean contains(Object o) { if (o == null || o.getClass() != Name.class) { return false; } return map.containsKey(((Name) o).getIdentifier()); } @Override public boolean remove(Object o) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } private static final class FunctionContext extends TopContext implements FunctionScope { FunctionNode node; ScopeContext variableScope = this; ScopeContext lexicalScope = this; Name arguments; NameSet parameterNames; NameSet blockFunctionNames; final boolean isLexical; boolean needsArguments; boolean directEval; boolean superReference; FunctionContext(ScopeContext enclosing, boolean isLexical) { super(enclosing); this.isLexical = isLexical; } void setBlockFunctions(InlineArrayList<FunctionDeclaration> blockFunctions) { this.blockFunctions = blockFunctions; this.blockFunctionNames = new NameSet(); for (FunctionDeclaration f : blockFunctions) { Name fname = f.getIdentifier().getName(); Name name = variableScope.getDeclaredName(fname); if (name == null) { // Create a new name binding, need to use clone() to create a distinct binding. name = fname.clone(); } blockFunctionNames.add(name); } } void setParameterNames(List<Name> names) { this.parameterNames = new NameSet(names); } void needsArguments(boolean lookupByName) { this.needsArguments = true; } void setNode(FunctionNode node) { this.node = node; ScopeContext varScope = variableScope, lexScope = lexicalScope; assert (varScope != this) == node.getParameters().containsExpression(); if (lexScope != this) { // Copy all lexically declared names into the function scope. assert lexDeclaredNames == null && lexScopedDeclarations == null; if (lexScope.lexDeclaredNames != null) { lexDeclaredNames = new NameSet(lexScope.lexDeclaredNames); } lexScopedDeclarations = lexScope.lexScopedDeclarations; lexScope.lexScopedDeclarations = null; ((FunctionBodyContext) lexScope).node = node; } if (varScope != this) { // Copy all variable declared names into varScope. assert lexScope != this; if (varDeclaredNames != null) { if (varScope.lexDeclaredNames == null) { varScope.lexDeclaredNames = new NameSet(varDeclaredNames); } else { assert varScope == lexScope; varScope.lexDeclaredNames.addAll(varDeclaredNames); } } ((FunctionBodyContext) varScope).node = node; } assert varScope == this || varScope.lexScopedDeclarations == null; assert lexScope == this || lexScope.lexScopedDeclarations == null; if (needsArguments()) { if (isLexical) { propagateNeedsArguments(); } else { setImplicitArguments(); } } } private void setImplicitArguments() { assert node.getThisMode() != FunctionNode.ThisMode.Lexical; Name arguments = new Name("arguments"); if (parameterNames().contains(arguments)) { return; } if (!node.getParameters().containsExpression()) { if (lexicallyDeclaredNames().contains(arguments)) { return; } if (varDeclaredNames().contains(arguments)) { for (StatementListItem item : node.getStatements()) { if (item instanceof HoistableDeclaration) { if (((HoistableDeclaration) item).getName().equals(arguments)) { return; } } } } } this.arguments = arguments; } private void propagateNeedsArguments() { for (TopContext t = this; t instanceof FunctionContext; t = t.enclosing.top) { FunctionContext fc = (FunctionContext) t; if (!fc.isLexical) { fc.needsArguments(directEval); break; } } } Name blockFunctionName(Name name) { if (blockFunctionNames != null) { return blockFunctionNames.get(name); } return null; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(super.toString()); sb.append("\tparams: ").append(parameterNames != null ? parameterNames : "<null>"); return sb.toString(); } @Override public FunctionNode getNode() { return node; } @Override public Scope variableScope() { return variableScope; } @Override public Scope lexicalScope() { return lexicalScope; } @Override public Set<Name> parameterNames() { return parameterNames; } @Override public Name arguments() { return arguments; } @Override public Set<Name> blockFunctionNames() { return emptyIfNull(blockFunctionNames); } @Override public boolean isDynamic() { return directEval && !IsStrict(node); } @Override public boolean hasEval() { return directEval; } @Override public boolean hasSuperReference() { return superReference; } @Override public boolean needsArguments() { return needsArguments || directEval; } @Override protected Name getDeclaredName(Name name) { if (arguments != null && arguments.equals(name)) { return arguments; } Name parameter = parameterNames.get(name); if (parameter != null) { return parameter; } if (variableScope == this && varDeclaredNames != null) { Name varName = varDeclaredNames.get(name); if (varName != null) { return varName; } } if (variableScope == this) { Name varName = blockFunctionName(name); if (varName != null) { return varName; } } if (lexicalScope == this && lexDeclaredNames != null) { Name lexName = lexDeclaredNames.get(name); if (lexName != null) { return lexName; } } return null; } @Override public List<FunctionDeclaration> blockFunctions() { return emptyIfNull(blockFunctions); } } private static final class FunctionBodyContext extends ScopeContext { FunctionNode node; FunctionBodyContext(ScopeContext parent) { super(parent); } private FunctionContext functionContext() { return (FunctionContext) node.getScope(); } private boolean isVarScope() { // NB: (node == null) handles the case when isVarScope() is called in FunctionContext#setBlockFunctions(). return node == null || functionContext().variableScope == this; } private Name blockFunctionName(Name name) { // See the comment in isVarScope() for (node == null). assert node == null || functionContext() == parent; return ((FunctionContext) parent).blockFunctionName(name); } @Override public FunctionNode getNode() { return node; } @Override public boolean isDynamic() { return isVarScope() && functionContext().isDynamic(); } @Override public boolean isPresent() { return super.isPresent() || isVarScope(); } @Override protected Name getDeclaredName(Name name) { Name declaredName = super.getDeclaredName(name); if (declaredName == null && isVarScope()) { return blockFunctionName(name); } return declaredName; } } private static final class ScriptContext extends TopContext implements ScriptScope { NameSet varForOfDeclaredNames; Script node; ScriptContext(ScopeContext enclosing) { super(enclosing); } void addVarForOfDeclaredName(Name name) { if (varForOfDeclaredNames == null) { varForOfDeclaredNames = new NameSet(); } varForOfDeclaredNames.add(name); } void setBlockFunctions(InlineArrayList<FunctionDeclaration> blockFunctions) { this.blockFunctions = blockFunctions; } @Override protected Name getDeclaredName(Name name) { if (node.isEvalScript() && node.isStrict() && varDeclaredNames != null) { Name varName = varDeclaredNames.get(name); if (varName != null) { return varName; } } return super.getDeclaredName(name); } @Override public Script getNode() { return node; } @Override public Set<Name> varForOfDeclaredNames() { return emptyIfNull(varForOfDeclaredNames); } @Override public List<FunctionDeclaration> blockFunctions() { return emptyIfNull(blockFunctions); } } private static final class ModuleContext extends TopContext implements ModuleScope { HashSet<String> exportNames = new HashSet<>(); HashSet<Name> importBindings = new HashSet<>(); LinkedHashMap<Name, Long> undeclaredExportBindings = new LinkedHashMap<>(); Module node; ModuleContext(ScopeContext enclosing) { super(enclosing); } void addUndeclaredExportBinding(long position, Name name) { if (!undeclaredExportBindings.containsKey(name)) { undeclaredExportBindings.put(name, position); } } boolean addExportName(String exportName) { return exportNames.add(exportName); } boolean addImportBinding(Name name) { return importBindings.add(name); } @Override protected Name getDeclaredName(Name name) { if (varDeclaredNames != null) { Name varName = varDeclaredNames.get(name); if (varName != null) { return varName; } } return super.getDeclaredName(name); } @Override public Module getNode() { return node; } @Override public void addImplicitBinding(Name name) { addLexDeclaredName(name); } } private static abstract class TopContext extends ScopeContext implements TopLevelScope { final ScopeContext enclosing; InlineArrayList<StatementListItem> varScopedDeclarations; InlineArrayList<FunctionDeclaration> blockFunctions; TopContext(ScopeContext enclosing) { super(); this.enclosing = enclosing; } final void addVarScopedDeclaration(StatementListItem decl) { if (varScopedDeclarations == null) { varScopedDeclarations = newList(); } varScopedDeclarations.add(decl); } final void addBlockFunction(FunctionDeclaration function) { if (blockFunctions == null) { blockFunctions = newList(); } blockFunctions.add(function); } @Override public final ScopeContext getEnclosingScope() { return enclosing; } @Override public final Set<Name> lexicallyDeclaredNames() { return emptyIfNull(lexDeclaredNames); } @Override public final List<Declaration> lexicallyScopedDeclarations() { return emptyIfNull(lexScopedDeclarations); } @Override public final Set<Name> varDeclaredNames() { return emptyIfNull(varDeclaredNames); } @Override public final List<StatementListItem> varScopedDeclarations() { return emptyIfNull(varScopedDeclarations); } @Override public final boolean isPresent() { return true; } } private static final class BlockContext extends ScopeContext implements BlockScope { ScopedNode node; BlockContext(ScopeContext parent) { super(parent); } @Override public ScopedNode getNode() { return node; } @Override public Set<Name> lexicallyDeclaredNames() { return emptyIfNull(lexDeclaredNames); } @Override public List<Declaration> lexicallyScopedDeclarations() { return emptyIfNull(lexScopedDeclarations); } } private static final class CatchContext extends ScopeContext implements BlockScope { ScopedNode node; CatchContext(ScopeContext parent) { super(parent); } @Override public ScopedNode getNode() { return node; } @Override public boolean isPresent() { return true; } @Override public Set<Name> lexicallyDeclaredNames() { return emptyIfNull(lexDeclaredNames); } @Override public List<Declaration> lexicallyScopedDeclarations() { return emptyIfNull(lexScopedDeclarations); } } private static final class WithContext extends ScopeContext implements WithScope { WithStatement node; WithContext(ScopeContext parent) { super(parent); } @Override public WithStatement getNode() { return node; } @Override public boolean isPresent() { return true; } @Override public boolean isDynamic() { return true; } } private static final class FormalParameterContext extends ScopeContext { FormalParameter node; FormalParameterContext(ScopeContext parent) { super(parent); } @Override public FormalParameter getNode() { return node; } @Override public boolean isPresent() { return hasDirectEval(); } } private static abstract class ScopeContext implements Scope { final ScopeContext parent; final TopContext top; private boolean directEval; NameSet varDeclaredNames; NameSet lexDeclaredNames; InlineArrayList<Declaration> lexScopedDeclarations; ScopeContext() { this.parent = null; this.top = (TopContext) this; } ScopeContext(ScopeContext parent) { this.parent = parent; this.top = parent.top; } protected Name getDeclaredName(Name name) { return lexDeclaredNames != null ? lexDeclaredNames.get(name) : null; } @Override public final Scope getParent() { return parent; } @Override public final TopLevelScope getTop() { return top; } @Override public final boolean isDeclared(Name name) { return getDeclaredName(name) != null; } @Override public final Name resolveName(Name name, boolean lookupByName) { Name declaredName = getDeclaredName(name); declaredName.resolve(this, lookupByName); return declaredName; } @Override public boolean isPresent() { return lexDeclaredNames != null; } @Override public boolean isDynamic() { return false; } @Override public final Iterator<Scope> iterator() { return new ScopeIterator(this); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(getClass().getSimpleName()).append('@').append(depth()); sb.append("\tvar: ").append(varDeclaredNames != null ? varDeclaredNames : "<null>"); sb.append("\tlex: ").append(lexDeclaredNames != null ? lexDeclaredNames : "<null>"); return sb.toString(); } private int depth() { int depth = 0; for (ScopeContext p = this.parent; p != null; p = p.parent) { depth += 1; } return depth; } final void setHasEval() { for (ScopeContext scope = this; scope != null && !scope.directEval;) { scope.directEval = true; ScopeContext parent = scope.parent; if (parent == null) { parent = ((TopContext) scope).enclosing; } scope = parent; } } final boolean hasDirectEval() { return directEval; } final boolean allowVarDeclaredName(Name name) { return lexDeclaredNames == null || !lexDeclaredNames.contains(name); } final void addVarDeclaredNames(NameSet names) { if (varDeclaredNames == null) { varDeclaredNames = names; } else { varDeclaredNames.addAll(names); } } final boolean addVarDeclaredName(Name name) { if (varDeclaredNames == null) { varDeclaredNames = new NameSet(); } varDeclaredNames.add(name); return lexDeclaredNames == null || !lexDeclaredNames.contains(name); } final boolean addLexDeclaredName(Name name) { if (lexDeclaredNames == null) { lexDeclaredNames = new NameSet(); } return lexDeclaredNames.add(name) && (varDeclaredNames == null || !varDeclaredNames.contains(name)); } final void addLexScopedDeclaration(Declaration decl) { if (lexScopedDeclarations == null) { lexScopedDeclarations = newList(); } lexScopedDeclarations.add(decl); } protected static final <T> Set<T> emptyIfNull(Set<T> list) { return list != null ? list : Collections.<T> emptySet(); } protected static final <T> List<T> emptyIfNull(List<T> list) { return list != null ? list : Collections.<T> emptyList(); } } private static final class ScopeIterator implements Iterator<Scope> { private ScopeContext scope; ScopeIterator(ScopeContext scope) { this.scope = scope; } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return scope != null; } @Override public Scope next() { ScopeContext s = scope; if (s == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } ScopeContext p = s.parent; if (p == null) { p = ((TopContext) s).enclosing; } scope = p; return s; } @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } private static final class LabelContext { final LabelContext parent; final StatementType type; final Set<String> labelSet; final EnumSet<Abrupt> abrupts = EnumSet.noneOf(Abrupt.class); LabelContext(LabelContext parent, StatementType type, Set<String> labelSet) { this.parent = parent; this.type = type; this.labelSet = labelSet; } void mark(Abrupt abrupt) { abrupts.add(abrupt); } } @SuppressWarnings("serial") private static final class RetryGenerator extends RuntimeException { public RetryGenerator() { super("RetryGenerator", null, false, false); } } public enum Option { /** * Strictness for source code. */ Strict, /** * Source code is not global code. */ FunctionCode, /** * Source code does not receive global object as this-binding. */ FunctionThis, /** * Source code is not in global scope. */ LocalScope, /** * Source code is direct eval code. */ DirectEval, /** * Source code is eval code. */ EvalScript, /** * Source code is nested in with-statement context. */ EnclosedByWithStatement, /** * Source code is nested in lexical declaration context. */ EnclosedByLexicalDeclaration, /** * Source is JSR-223 scripting. */ Scripting, /** * Allow native call syntax. */ NativeCall, /** * Parse functions as native. */ NativeFunction, } public Parser(RuntimeContext context, Source source) { this(source, context.getOptions(), context.getParserOptions()); } public Parser(Source source, EnumSet<CompatibilityOption> options, EnumSet<Option> parserOptions) { this.source = source; this.options = EnumSet.copyOf(options); this.parserOptions = EnumSet.copyOf(parserOptions); context = new ParseContext(); context.strictMode = this.parserOptions.contains(Option.Strict) ? StrictMode.Strict : StrictMode.NonStrict; // eval-script option must be set if one of the following options is used assert !(parserOptions.contains(Option.FunctionCode) || parserOptions.contains(Option.FunctionThis) || parserOptions.contains(Option.LocalScope) || parserOptions.contains(Option.DirectEval) || parserOptions.contains(Option.EnclosedByWithStatement) || parserOptions .contains(Option.EnclosedByLexicalDeclaration)) || (parserOptions.contains(Option.EvalScript)) : "Illegal option: " + parserOptions; // eval-script and scripting are mutually exclusive assert !(parserOptions.contains(Option.Scripting) && parserOptions .contains(Option.EvalScript)) : "Illegal option: " + parserOptions; } String getSourceName() { return source.getName(); } int getSourceLine() { return source.getLine(); } boolean isEnabled(CompatibilityOption option) { return options.contains(option); } boolean isEnabled(Option option) { return parserOptions.contains(option); } boolean isModule() { return moduleCode; } private ParseContext newContext(ContextKind kind) { return context = new ParseContext(context, kind); } private ParseContext restoreContext() { if (context.parent.strictError == null) { context.parent.strictError = context.strictError; } return context = context.parent; } private WithContext enterWithContext() { return enterScopeContext(new WithContext(context.scopeContext)); } private ScopeContext exitWithContext() { return exitScopeContext(); } private BlockContext enterBlockContext() { return enterScopeContext(new BlockContext(context.scopeContext)); } private BlockContext enterBlockContext(Binding binding) { BlockContext cx = enterBlockContext(); addLexDeclaredName(binding); return cx; } private BlockContext enterBlockContext(List<Binding> bindings) { BlockContext cx = enterBlockContext(); addLexDeclaredNames(bindings); return cx; } private ScopeContext exitBlockContext() { return exitScopeContext(); } private CatchContext enterCatchContext() { return enterScopeContext(new CatchContext(context.scopeContext)); } private ScopeContext exitCatchContext() { return exitScopeContext(); } private FunctionBodyContext enterFunctionBodyContext() { return enterScopeContext(new FunctionBodyContext(context.scopeContext)); } private ScopeContext exitFunctionBodyContext() { return exitScopeContext(); } private FormalParameterContext enterFormalParameterContext() { return enterScopeContext(new FormalParameterContext(context.scopeContext)); } private ScopeContext exitFormalParameterContext() { return exitScopeContext(); } private <SCOPE extends ScopeContext> SCOPE enterScopeContext(SCOPE scope) { context.scopeContext = scope; return scope; } private ScopeContext exitScopeContext() { ScopeContext scope = context.scopeContext; ScopeContext parent = scope.parent; assert parent != null : "exitScopeContext() on top-level"; NameSet varDeclaredNames = scope.varDeclaredNames; if (varDeclaredNames != null) { parent.addVarDeclaredNames(varDeclaredNames); scope.varDeclaredNames = null; } return context.scopeContext = parent; } private void addFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration decl, boolean isNamedDefault) { addDeclaration(decl, isNamedDefault); if (isBlockScopedFunction()) { context.parent.topContext.addBlockFunction(decl); } } private void addDeclaration(HoistableDeclaration decl, boolean isNamedDefault) { ParseContext parentContext = context.parent; ScopeContext parentScope = parentContext.scopeContext; if (parentContext.kind.isScript() && parentScope == parentContext.scriptContext) { // top-level function declaration in script context addVarDeclaredName(decl, parentContext, BoundName(decl)); parentContext.scriptContext.addVarScopedDeclaration(decl); } else if (parentContext.kind.isFunction() && parentScope == parentContext.funContext.lexicalScope) { // top-level function declaration in function context addVarDeclaredName(decl, parentContext, BoundName(decl)); parentContext.funContext.addVarScopedDeclaration(decl); } else { // lexical-scoped function declaration in module/block context addLexDeclaredName(decl, parentContext, BoundName(decl)); if (isNamedDefault) { // TODO: Better error message addLexDeclaredName(decl, parentContext, new Name(DEFAULT_EXPORT_BINDING_NAME)); } parentScope.addLexScopedDeclaration(decl); } } private boolean isBlockScopedFunction() { ParseContext parentContext = context.parent; if (parentContext.strictMode == StrictMode.Strict || !isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.BlockFunctionDeclaration)) { return false; } if (parentContext.kind.isFunction()) { return parentContext.funContext.lexicalScope != parentContext.scopeContext; } assert parentContext.kind.isScript(); return parentContext.scriptContext != parentContext.scopeContext; } private void addDeclaration(ClassDeclaration decl, boolean isNamedDefault) { addLexDeclaredName(decl, context, BoundName(decl)); if (isNamedDefault) { // TODO: Better error message addLexDeclaredName(decl, context, new Name(DEFAULT_EXPORT_BINDING_NAME)); } context.scopeContext.addLexScopedDeclaration(decl); } private void addDeclaration(ExportDefaultExpression defaultExpression) { assert context.scopeContext == context.modContext : "not in module scope"; // TODO: Better error message addLexDeclaredName(defaultExpression, context, BoundName(defaultExpression.getBinding())); context.scopeContext.addLexScopedDeclaration(defaultExpression); } private void addLexScopedDeclaration(LexicalDeclaration decl) { context.scopeContext.addLexScopedDeclaration(decl); } private void addVarScopedDeclaration(VariableStatement decl) { context.topContext.addVarScopedDeclaration(decl); } private void addVarDeclaredName(BindingIdentifier bindingIdentifier) { Name name = BoundName(bindingIdentifier); addVarDeclaredName(bindingIdentifier, name, Parser::redeclarationNode); } private void addVarDeclaredName(BindingPattern bindingPattern) { for (Name name : BoundNames(bindingPattern)) { addVarDeclaredName(bindingPattern, name, Parser::redeclarationBindingPattern); } } /** * <strong>[13.2] Block</strong> * <p> * Static Semantics: Early Errors<br> * <ul> * <li>It is a Syntax Error if any element of the LexicallyDeclaredNames of StatementList also * occurs in the VarDeclaredNames of StatementList. * </ul> * * @param binding * the binding to add to the variable scope * @param name * the var declared name */ private <NODE extends Binding> void addVarDeclaredName(NODE binding, Name name, BiFunction<NODE, Name, Node> f) { addVarDeclaredName(binding, context, name, f); for (ScopeContext next = context.scopeContext.parent; next != null; next = next.parent) { if (!next.allowVarDeclaredName(name)) { if (next instanceof CatchContext) { continue; } Node errorNode = f.apply(binding, name); reportSyntaxError(errorNode, Messages.Key.VariableRedeclaration, name); } } } private void addVarDeclaredName(Node node, ParseContext context, Name name) { addVarDeclaredName(node, context, name, Parser::redeclarationNode); } private <NODE> void addVarDeclaredName(NODE node, ParseContext context, Name name, BiFunction<NODE, Name, Node> f) { if (!context.scopeContext.addVarDeclaredName(name)) { Node errorNode = f.apply(node, name); reportSyntaxError(errorNode, Messages.Key.VariableRedeclaration, name); } } private void checkVarDeclaredName(Binding binding) { if (binding instanceof BindingIdentifier) { checkVarDeclaredName((BindingIdentifier) binding); } else { assert binding instanceof BindingPattern; checkVarDeclaredName((BindingPattern) binding); } } private void checkVarDeclaredName(BindingIdentifier bindingIdentifier) { Name name = BoundName(bindingIdentifier); checkVarDeclaredName(bindingIdentifier, name, Parser::redeclarationNode); } private void checkVarDeclaredName(BindingPattern bindingPattern) { for (Name name : BoundNames(bindingPattern)) { checkVarDeclaredName(bindingPattern, name, Parser::redeclarationBindingPattern); } } private <NODE extends Binding> void checkVarDeclaredName(NODE binding, Name name, BiFunction<NODE, Name, Node> f) { ScopeContext scope = context.scopeContext; for (ScopeContext parent; (parent = scope.parent) != null; scope = parent) { if (!parent.allowVarDeclaredName(name)) { Node errorNode = f.apply(binding, name); reportSyntaxError(errorNode, Messages.Key.VariableRedeclaration, name); } } if (context.kind.isScript() && isEnabled(Option.EvalScript)) { context.scriptContext.addVarForOfDeclaredName(name); } } /** * <strong>[13.2] Block</strong> * <p> * Static Semantics: Early Errors<br> * <ul> * <li>It is a Syntax Error if the LexicallyDeclaredNames of StatementList contains any * duplicate entries. * <li>It is a Syntax Error if any element of the LexicallyDeclaredNames of StatementList also * occurs in the VarDeclaredNames of StatementList. * </ul> * * @param binding * the binding to add to the lexical scope */ private void addLexDeclaredName(Binding binding) { if (binding instanceof BindingIdentifier) { addLexDeclaredName((BindingIdentifier) binding); } else { assert binding instanceof BindingPattern; addLexDeclaredName((BindingPattern) binding); } } private void addLexDeclaredName(BindingIdentifier bindingIdentifier) { Name name = BoundName(bindingIdentifier); addLexDeclaredName(bindingIdentifier, context, name); } private void addLexDeclaredName(BindingPattern bindingPattern) { for (Name name : BoundNames(bindingPattern)) { addLexDeclaredName(bindingPattern, context, name, Parser::redeclarationBindingPattern); } } private void addLexDeclaredName(Node node, ParseContext context, Name name) { addLexDeclaredName(node, context, name, Parser::redeclarationNode); } private <NODE> void addLexDeclaredName(NODE node, ParseContext context, Name name, BiFunction<NODE, Name, Node> f) { if (context.isIllegalName(name) || !context.scopeContext.addLexDeclaredName(name)) { Node errorNode = f.apply(node, name); reportSyntaxError(errorNode, Messages.Key.VariableRedeclaration, name); } } private void addLexDeclaredNames(List<Binding> bindings) { for (Binding binding : bindings) { addLexDeclaredName(binding); } } private static Node redeclarationNode(Node node, Name name) { return node; } private static Node redeclarationBindingPattern(BindingPattern node, Name name) { return FindParameter.findExact(node, name); } private NameSet lexicalNames(List<Binding> bindings) { NameSet names = new NameSet(); for (Binding binding : bindings) { if (binding instanceof BindingIdentifier) { names.add(BoundName((BindingIdentifier) binding)); } else { assert binding instanceof BindingPattern; names.addAll(BoundNames((BindingPattern) binding)); } } return names; } private void addExportBindings(long sourcePosition, List<Name> names) { for (Name name : names) { addExportBinding(sourcePosition, name); } } private void addExportBinding(long sourcePosition, Name name) { assert context.scopeContext == context.modContext : "not in module scope"; if (!context.modContext.isDeclared(name)) { context.modContext.addUndeclaredExportBinding(sourcePosition, name); } } private void addExportBinding(long sourcePosition, String name) { addExportBinding(sourcePosition, new Name(name)); } private void addExportNames(ExportClause exportClause) { IdentifierName defaultEntry = exportClause.getDefaultEntry(); if (defaultEntry != null) { addExportName(defaultEntry.getBeginPosition(), defaultEntry.getName()); } IdentifierName nameSpace = exportClause.getNameSpace(); if (nameSpace != null) { addExportName(nameSpace.getBeginPosition(), nameSpace.getName()); } for (ExportSpecifier export : exportClause.getExports()) { addExportName(export.getBeginPosition(), export.getExportName()); } } private void addExportNames(long sourcePosition, List<Name> names) { for (Name name : names) { addExportName(sourcePosition, name); } } private void addExportName(long sourcePosition, Name name) { addExportName(sourcePosition, name.getIdentifier()); } private void addExportName(long sourcePosition, String name) { assert context.scopeContext == context.modContext : "not in module scope"; if (!context.modContext.addExportName(name)) { reportSyntaxError(sourcePosition, Messages.Key.DuplicateExport, name); } } private void addImportBinding(BindingIdentifier bindingIdentifier) { assert context.scopeContext == context.modContext : "not in module scope"; Name name = BoundName(bindingIdentifier); if (!context.modContext.addImportBinding(name)) { reportSyntaxError(bindingIdentifier, Messages.Key.DuplicateImport, name); } } private void addLabel(long sourcePosition, LinkedHashSet<String> labelSet, String label) { if ((context.labelSet != null && context.labelSet.containsKey(label)) || !labelSet.add(label)) { reportSyntaxError(sourcePosition, Messages.Key.DuplicateLabel, label); } } private LabelContext enterLabelled(StatementType type, Set<String> labelSet) { LabelContext cx = context.labels = new LabelContext(context.labels, type, labelSet); if (!labelSet.isEmpty() && context.labelSet == null) { context.labelSet = new HashMap<>(); } for (String label : labelSet) { assert !context.labelSet.containsKey(label); context.labelSet.put(label, cx); } return cx; } private LabelContext exitLabelled() { for (String label : context.labels.labelSet) { context.labelSet.remove(label); } return context.labels = context.labels.parent; } private LabelContext enterIteration(Set<String> labelSet) { return enterLabelled(StatementType.Iteration, labelSet); } private void exitIteration() { exitLabelled(); } private LabelContext enterBreakable(Set<String> labelSet) { return enterLabelled(StatementType.Breakable, labelSet); } private void exitBreakable() { exitLabelled(); } private LabelContext findContinueTarget(String label) { for (LabelContext cx = context.labels; cx != null; cx = cx.parent) { if (label == null ? cx.type == StatementType.Iteration : cx.labelSet.contains(label)) { return cx; } } return null; } private LabelContext findBreakTarget(String label) { for (LabelContext cx = context.labels; cx != null; cx = cx.parent) { if (label == null ? cx.type != StatementType.Statement : cx.labelSet.contains(label)) { return cx; } } return null; } private static void setFunctionName(Expression expr, BindingIdentifier identifier) { setFunctionName(expr, identifier.getName().getIdentifier()); } private static void setFunctionName(Expression expr, IdentifierReference identifier) { setFunctionName(expr, identifier.getName()); } private static void setFunctionName(Expression expr, PropertyName propertyName) { assert !(propertyName instanceof ComputedPropertyName); setFunctionName(expr, propertyName.getName()); } private static void setFunctionName(Expression expr, ComputedPropertyName propertyName) { setFunctionName(expr, propertyName.toString()); } private static void setFunctionName(Expression expr, String name) { if (expr instanceof ClassExpression) { for (MethodDefinition def : ((ClassExpression) expr).getMethods()) { def.setClassName(name); } } else { assert expr instanceof FunctionNode : expr.getClass(); ((FunctionNode) expr).setFunctionName(name); } } private static void setMethodName(Expression expr, LeftHandSideExpression lhs) { String name = MethodNameVisitor.toMethodName(lhs); if (name != null && expr instanceof FunctionNode) { ((FunctionNode) expr).setMethodName(name); } } private static <T> InlineArrayList<T> newList() { return new InlineArrayList<>(); } private static <T> List<T> merge(List<T> list1, List<T> list2) { if (!(list1.isEmpty() || list2.isEmpty())) { List<T> merged = new ArrayList<>(list1.size() + list2.size()); merged.addAll(list1); merged.addAll(list2); return merged; } return list1.isEmpty() ? list2 : list1; } private static int toLine(long sourcePosition) { return (int) sourcePosition; } private static int toColumn(long sourcePosition) { return (int) (sourcePosition >>> 32); } private long beginSource() { // make columns 1-indexed return ((long) 1 << 32) | getSourceLine(); } private ParserException reportException(ParserException exception) { throw exception; } /** * Report mismatched token error from tokenstream's current position. * * @param expected * the expected token * @param actual * the actual token in the token stream * @return the parser exception */ private ParserException reportTokenMismatch(Token expected, Token actual) { throw reportTokenMismatch(expected.toString(), actual); } /** * Report mismatched token error from tokenstream's current position. * * @param actual * the actual token in the token stream * @return the parser exception */ private ParserException reportTokenNotIdentifier(Token actual) { if (Token.isIdentifierName(actual)) { throw reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidIdentifier, getName(actual)); } throw reportTokenMismatch("<identifier>", actual); } /** * Report mismatched token error from tokenstream's current position. * * @param actual * the actual token in the token stream * @return the parser exception */ private ParserException reportTokenNotIdentifierName(Token actual) { throw reportTokenMismatch("<identifier-name>", actual); } /** * Report mismatched token error from tokenstream's current position. * * @param expected * the expected token description * @param actual * the actual token in the token stream * @return the parser exception */ private ParserException reportTokenMismatch(String expected, Token actual) { if (actual == Token.EOF) { throw reportEofError(ts.sourcePosition(), Messages.Key.UnexpectedEndOfFile, expected); } if (actual == Token.ERROR) { throw reportError(ExceptionType.SyntaxError, ts.sourcePosition(), Messages.Key.UnexpectedCharacter, String.valueOf(ts.lastChar()), expected); } throw reportError(ExceptionType.SyntaxError, ts.sourcePosition(), Messages.Key.UnexpectedToken, actual.toString(), expected); } /** * Report parser eof-error with the given position. * * @param sourcePosition * the source position for the error * @param messageKey * the error message key * @param args * the error message arguments * @return the parser exception */ private ParserEOFException reportEofError(long sourcePosition, Messages.Key messageKey, String... args) { int line = toLine(sourcePosition), column = toColumn(sourcePosition); throw new ParserEOFException(getSourceName(), line, column, messageKey, args); } /** * Report parser error with the given type and position. * * @param type * the exception type for the error * @param sourcePosition * the source position for the error * @param messageKey * the error message key * @param args * the error message arguments * @return the parser exception */ private ParserException reportError(ExceptionType type, long sourcePosition, Messages.Key messageKey, String... args) { int line = toLine(sourcePosition), column = toColumn(sourcePosition); throw new ParserException(type, getSourceName(), line, column, messageKey, args); } /** * Report reference error from the given position. * * @param sourcePosition * the source position for the error * @param messageKey * the error message key * @param args * the error message arguments * @return the parser exception */ private ParserException reportReferenceError(long sourcePosition, Messages.Key messageKey, String... args) { throw reportError(ExceptionType.ReferenceError, sourcePosition, messageKey, args); } /** * Report syntax error from the given position. * * @param sourcePosition * the source position for the error * @param messageKey * the error message key * @param args * the error message arguments * @return the parser exception */ private ParserException reportSyntaxError(long sourcePosition, Messages.Key messageKey, String... args) { throw reportError(ExceptionType.SyntaxError, sourcePosition, messageKey, args); } /** * Report syntax error from the node's begin source-position. * * @param node * the node which could not be parsed without errors * @param messageKey * the error message key * @param args * the error message arguments * @return the parser exception */ private ParserException reportSyntaxError(Node node, Messages.Key messageKey, String... args) { throw reportSyntaxError(node.getBeginPosition(), messageKey, args); } /** * Report syntax error from tokenstream's current position. * * @param messageKey * the error message key * @param args * the error message arguments * @return the parser exception */ private ParserException reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key messageKey, String... args) { throw reportSyntaxError(ts.sourcePosition(), messageKey, args); } /** * Report syntax error from the node's begin source-position. * * @param node * the node which could not be parsed without errors * @param messageKey * the error message key * @param args * the error message arguments * @return the parser exception */ private ParserException reportSyntaxError(Node node, Messages.Key messageKey, Name name) { throw reportSyntaxError(node.getBeginPosition(), messageKey, name.getIdentifier()); } /** * Report (or store) strict-mode parser error with the given type and position. * * @param type * the exception type for the error * @param sourcePosition * the source position for the error * @param messageKey * the error message key * @param args * the error message arguments */ void reportStrictModeError(ExceptionType type, long sourcePosition, Messages.Key messageKey, String... args) { if (context.strictMode == StrictMode.Unknown) { if (context.strictError == null) { int line = toLine(sourcePosition), column = toColumn(sourcePosition); context.strictError = new ParserException(type, getSourceName(), line, column, messageKey, args); } } else if (context.strictMode == StrictMode.Strict) { reportError(type, sourcePosition, messageKey, args); } } /** * Report (or store) strict-mode syntax error from the given position. * * @param sourcePosition * the source position for the error * @param messageKey * the error message key * @param args * the error message arguments */ private void reportStrictModeSyntaxError(long sourcePosition, Messages.Key messageKey, String... args) { reportStrictModeError(ExceptionType.SyntaxError, sourcePosition, messageKey, args); } /** * Report (or store) strict-mode syntax error from the node's source-position. * * @param node * the node which could not be parsed without errors * @param messageKey * the error message key * @param args * the error message arguments */ private void reportStrictModeSyntaxError(Node node, Messages.Key messageKey, String... args) { reportStrictModeError(ExceptionType.SyntaxError, node.getBeginPosition(), messageKey, args); } /** * Report (or store) strict-mode syntax error from tokenstream's current position. * * @param messageKey * the error message key * @param args * the error message arguments */ private void reportStrictModeSyntaxError(Messages.Key messageKey, String... args) { reportStrictModeError(ExceptionType.SyntaxError, ts.sourcePosition(), messageKey, args); } /** * Report (or store) strict-mode syntax error from the node's source-position. * * @param node * the node which could not be parsed without errors * @param messageKey * the error message key * @param args * the error message arguments */ private void reportStrictModeSyntaxError(Node node, Messages.Key messageKey, Name name) { reportStrictModeError(ExceptionType.SyntaxError, node.getBeginPosition(), messageKey, name.getIdentifier()); } /** * Peeks the next token in the token-stream. * * @return the next token */ private Token peek() { return ts.peekToken(); } /** * Checks whether the next token in the token-stream is equal to the input token. * * @param token * the token to test * @return {@code true} if the next token matches */ private boolean LOOKAHEAD(Token token) { return ts.peekToken() == token; } /** * Returns the current token in the token-stream. * * @return the current token */ private Token token() { return ts.currentToken(); } /** * Consumes the current token in the token-stream and advances the stream to the next token. * * @param tok * the token to consume */ private void consume(Token tok) { if (tok != token()) reportTokenMismatch(tok, token()); Token next = ts.nextToken(); if (DEBUG) System.out.printf("consume(%s) -> %s\n", tok, next); } /** * Consumes the current token in the token-stream and advances the stream to the next token. * * @param name * the name string to consume */ private void consume(String name) { long sourcePos = ts.sourcePosition(); String string = ts.getString(); consume(Token.NAME); if (!name.equals(string)) reportSyntaxError(sourcePos, Messages.Key.UnexpectedName, string, name); } /** * Parses the input source as script code. * * @param source * the source string to parse * @return the parsed script * @throws ParserException * if the input source could not be parsed successfully */ public Script parseScript(String source) throws ParserException { if (ts != null) throw new IllegalStateException(); ts = new TokenStream(this, new TokenStreamInput(source)); return script(); } /** * Parses the input source as module code. * * @param source * the source string to parse * @return the parsed module * @throws ParserException * if the input source could not be parsed successfully */ public Module parseModule(String source) throws ParserException { if (ts != null) throw new IllegalStateException(); ts = new TokenStream(this, new TokenStreamInput(source)); moduleCode = true; return module(); } /** * Parses the input source as function code. * * @param formals * the function formal parameters source * @param bodyText * the function body source text * @return the parsed function * @throws ParserException * if the input source could not be parsed successfully */ public FunctionDefinition parseFunction(String formals, String bodyText) throws ParserException { if (ts != null) throw new IllegalStateException(); newContext(ContextKind.Script); try { applyStrictMode(false); FunctionDeclaration function; newContext(ContextKind.Function); try { ts = new TokenStream(this, new TokenStreamInput(formals)).initialize(); FormalParameterList parameters = formalParameters(Token.EOF); if (token() != Token.EOF) { reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidFormalParameterList); } String header = formatParameters(formals, ts.position()); ts = new TokenStream(this, new TokenStreamInput(bodyText)).initialize(); List<StatementListItem> statements = functionBody(parameters, Token.EOF); if (token() != Token.EOF) { reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidFunctionBody); } String body = formatBody(bodyText); String functionName = "anonymous"; BindingIdentifier identifier = new BindingIdentifier(beginSource(), beginSource(), functionName); FunctionContext scope = context.funContext; function = new FunctionDeclaration(beginSource(), ts.endPosition(), scope, identifier, parameters, statements, functionName, header, body); scope.setNode(function); function_EarlyErrors(function); function = inheritStrictness(function); } catch (RetryGenerator e) { // don't bother with legacy support here throw reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidYieldExpression); } finally { restoreContext(); } createScript(function); return function; } finally { restoreContext(); } } /** * Parses the input source as generator function code. * * @param formals * the function formal parameters source * @param bodyText * the function body source text * @return the parsed generator function * @throws ParserException * if the input source could not be parsed successfully */ public GeneratorDefinition parseGenerator(String formals, String bodyText) throws ParserException { if (ts != null) throw new IllegalStateException(); newContext(ContextKind.Script); try { applyStrictMode(false); GeneratorDeclaration generator; newContext(ContextKind.Generator); try { ts = new TokenStream(this, new TokenStreamInput(formals)).initialize(); FormalParameterList parameters = formalParameters(Token.EOF); if (token() != Token.EOF) { reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidFormalParameterList); } String header = formatParameters(formals, ts.position()); ts = new TokenStream(this, new TokenStreamInput(bodyText)).initialize(); List<StatementListItem> statements = functionBody(parameters, Token.EOF); if (token() != Token.EOF) { reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidFunctionBody); } String body = formatBody(bodyText); String functionName = "anonymous"; BindingIdentifier identifier = new BindingIdentifier(beginSource(), beginSource(), functionName); FunctionContext scope = context.funContext; generator = new GeneratorDeclaration(beginSource(), ts.endPosition(), scope, generatorKind(), identifier, parameters, statements, functionName, header, body); scope.setNode(generator); generator_EarlyErrors(generator); generator = inheritStrictness(generator); } finally { restoreContext(); } createScript(generator); return generator; } finally { restoreContext(); } } /** * Parses the input source as async function code. * * @param formals * the function formal parameters source * @param bodyText * the function body source text * @return the parsed async function * @throws ParserException * if the input source could not be parsed successfully */ public AsyncFunctionDefinition parseAsyncFunction(String formals, String bodyText) throws ParserException { if (ts != null) throw new IllegalStateException(); newContext(ContextKind.Script); try { applyStrictMode(false); AsyncFunctionDeclaration asyncFunction; newContext(ContextKind.AsyncFunction); try { ts = new TokenStream(this, new TokenStreamInput(formals)).initialize(); FormalParameterList parameters = formalParameters(Token.EOF); if (token() != Token.EOF) { reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidFormalParameterList); } String header = formatParameters(formals, ts.position()); ts = new TokenStream(this, new TokenStreamInput(bodyText)).initialize(); List<StatementListItem> statements = functionBody(parameters, Token.EOF); if (token() != Token.EOF) { reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidFunctionBody); } String body = formatBody(bodyText); String functionName = "anonymous"; BindingIdentifier identifier = new BindingIdentifier(beginSource(), beginSource(), functionName); FunctionContext scope = context.funContext; asyncFunction = new AsyncFunctionDeclaration(beginSource(), ts.endPosition(), scope, identifier, parameters, statements, functionName, header, body); scope.setNode(asyncFunction); asyncFunction_EarlyErrors(asyncFunction); asyncFunction = inheritStrictness(asyncFunction); } finally { restoreContext(); } createScript(asyncFunction); return asyncFunction; } finally { restoreContext(); } } /** * Parses the input source as async generator code. * * @param formals * the function formal parameters source * @param bodyText * the function body source text * @return the parsed async generator * @throws ParserException * if the input source could not be parsed successfully */ public AsyncGeneratorDefinition parseAsyncGenerator(String formals, String bodyText) throws ParserException { if (ts != null) throw new IllegalStateException(); newContext(ContextKind.Script); try { applyStrictMode(false); AsyncGeneratorDeclaration asyncFunction; newContext(ContextKind.AsyncGenerator); try { ts = new TokenStream(this, new TokenStreamInput(formals)).initialize(); FormalParameterList parameters = formalParameters(Token.EOF); if (token() != Token.EOF) { reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidFormalParameterList); } String header = formatParameters(formals, ts.position()); ts = new TokenStream(this, new TokenStreamInput(bodyText)).initialize(); List<StatementListItem> statements = functionBody(parameters, Token.EOF); if (token() != Token.EOF) { reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidFunctionBody); } String body = formatBody(bodyText); String functionName = "anonymous"; BindingIdentifier identifier = new BindingIdentifier(beginSource(), beginSource(), functionName); FunctionContext scope = context.funContext; asyncFunction = new AsyncGeneratorDeclaration(beginSource(), ts.endPosition(), scope, identifier, parameters, statements, functionName, header, body); scope.setNode(asyncFunction); asyncGenerator_EarlyErrors(asyncFunction); asyncFunction = inheritStrictness(asyncFunction); } finally { restoreContext(); } createScript(asyncFunction); return asyncFunction; } finally { restoreContext(); } } private <FUNDECL extends Declaration & FunctionNode> Script createScript(FUNDECL funDeclaration) { List<StatementListItem> statements = singletonList((StatementListItem) funDeclaration); boolean strict = (context.strictMode == StrictMode.Strict); ScriptContext scope = context.scriptContext; Script script = new Script(beginSource(), ts.endPosition(), source, scope, statements, options, parserOptions, strict); scope.node = script; return script; } private static String formatParameters(String formals, int lastParametersTokenPosition) { boolean unsafeChars = hasUnsafeTrailingCharacters(formals, lastParametersTokenPosition); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(formals.length() + 3 + (unsafeChars ? 2 : 0)); sb.append('('); if (unsafeChars) { // More input after last token (whitespace, comments), add newlines to handle // last token is single-line comment case. sb.append('\n').append(formals).append('\n'); } else { sb.append(formals); } return sb.append(')').append(' ').toString(); } private static String formatBody(String body) { return new StringBuilder(body.length() + 2).append('\n').append(body).append('\n') .toString(); } private static boolean hasUnsafeTrailingCharacters(String s, int start) { for (int i = s.length() - 1; i > start; --i) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (Characters.isLineTerminator(c)) { break; } if (!Characters.isWhitespace(c)) { return true; } } return false; } /* ***************************************************************************************** */ /** * <strong>[15.1] Scripts</strong> * * <pre> * Script : * ScriptBody<span><sub>opt</sub></span> * ScriptBody : * StatementList * </pre> * * @return the parsed script node */ private Script script() { newContext(ContextKind.Script); try { ts.initialize(); List<StatementListItem> prologue = directivePrologue(true); List<StatementListItem> body = statementList(Token.EOF); assert context.assertLiteralsUnchecked(0); computeBlockFunctionsForScript(); List<StatementListItem> statements = merge(prologue, body); boolean strict = (context.strictMode == StrictMode.Strict); ScriptContext scope = context.scriptContext; Script script = new Script(beginSource(), ts.endPosition(), source, scope, statements, options, parserOptions, strict); scope.node = script; return script; } finally { restoreContext(); } } /** * <strong>[15.2] Modules</strong> * * <pre> * Module : * ModuleBody<span><sub>opt</sub></span> * ModuleBody : * ModuleItemList * </pre> * * @return the parsed module node */ private Module module() { newContext(ContextKind.Module); context.strictMode = StrictMode.Strict; try { ts.initialize(); List<ModuleItem> statements = moduleItemList(); assert context.assertLiteralsUnchecked(0); ModuleContext scope = context.modContext; Module module = new Module(beginSource(), ts.endPosition(), source, scope, statements, options, parserOptions); scope.node = module; module_EarlyErrors(); return module; } finally { restoreContext(); } } /** * Static Semantics: Early Errors */ private void module_EarlyErrors() { assert context.scopeContext == context.modContext; ModuleContext scope = context.modContext; if (!scope.undeclaredExportBindings.isEmpty()) { for (Map.Entry<Name, Long> export : scope.undeclaredExportBindings.entrySet()) { Name exportBinding = export.getKey(); if (!scope.isDeclared(exportBinding)) { reportSyntaxError(export.getValue(), Messages.Key.MissingExportBinding, exportBinding.getIdentifier()); } } } scope.exportNames = null; scope.undeclaredExportBindings = null; scope.importBindings = null; } /** * <strong>[15.2] Modules</strong> * * <pre> * ModuleItemList : * ModuleItem * ModuleItemList ModuleItem * ModuleItem : * ImportDeclaration * ExportDeclaration * StatementListItem * </pre> * * @return the list of parsed module items */ private List<ModuleItem> moduleItemList() { InlineArrayList<ModuleItem> moduleItemList = newList(); while (token() != Token.EOF) { switch (token()) { case EXPORT: moduleItemList.add(exportDeclaration()); break; case IMPORT: moduleItemList.add(importDeclaration()); break; default: moduleItemList.add(statementListItem()); } } return moduleItemList; } /** * <strong>[15.2.2] Imports</strong> * * <pre> * ImportDeclaration : * import ImportClause FromClause ; * import ModuleSpecifier ; * </pre> * * @return the parsed import declaration */ private ImportDeclaration importDeclaration() { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.IMPORT); ImportDeclaration decl; if (token() != Token.STRING) { ImportClause importClause = importClause(); String moduleSpecifier = fromClause(); semicolon(); decl = new ImportDeclaration(begin, ts.endPosition(), importClause, moduleSpecifier); } else { String moduleSpecifier = moduleSpecifier(); semicolon(); decl = new ImportDeclaration(begin, ts.endPosition(), moduleSpecifier); } return decl; } /** * <strong>[15.2.2] Imports</strong> * * <pre> * FromClause : * from ModuleSpecifier * </pre> * * @return the parsed from-clause's module specifier */ private String fromClause() { consume("from"); return moduleSpecifier(); } /** * <strong>[15.2.2] Imports</strong> * * <pre> * ImportClause : * ImportedDefaultBinding * NameSpaceImport * NamedImports * ImportedDefaultBinding , NameSpaceImport * ImportedDefaultBinding , NamedImports * ImportedDefaultBinding : * ImportedBinding * </pre> * * @return the parsed import clause */ private ImportClause importClause() { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); BindingIdentifier defaultEntry = null; BindingIdentifier nameSpace = null; List<ImportSpecifier> namedImports = emptyList(); if (isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.TypeAnnotation)) { // import typeof <ImportClause> from "module"; // import type <ImportClause> from "module"; if (token() == Token.TYPEOF || (isName("type") && !(LOOKAHEAD(Token.COMMA) || isNextName("from")))) { consume(token()); } } if (token() == Token.LC) { namedImports = namedImports(); } else if (token() == Token.MUL) { nameSpace = nameSpaceImport(); addImportBinding(nameSpace); addLexDeclaredName(nameSpace); } else { defaultEntry = importedBinding(); addImportBinding(defaultEntry); addLexDeclaredName(defaultEntry); if (token() == Token.COMMA) { consume(Token.COMMA); if (token() == Token.LC) { namedImports = namedImports(); } else { nameSpace = nameSpaceImport(); addImportBinding(nameSpace); addLexDeclaredName(nameSpace); } } } return new ImportClause(begin, ts.endPosition(), defaultEntry, namedImports, nameSpace); } /** * <strong>[15.2.2] Imports</strong> * * <pre> * NameSpaceImport : * * as ImportedBinding * </pre> * * @return the parsed namespace import binding */ private BindingIdentifier nameSpaceImport() { // TODO: Add new ast node? consume(Token.MUL); consume("as"); return importedBinding(); } /** * <strong>[15.2.2] Imports</strong> * * <pre> * NamedImports : * { } * { ImportsList } * { ImportsList , } * ImportsList : * ImportSpecifier * ImportsList , ImportSpecifier * </pre> * * @return the list of parsed named imports */ private List<ImportSpecifier> namedImports() { InlineArrayList<ImportSpecifier> namedImports = newList(); consume(Token.LC); while (token() != Token.RC) { namedImports.add(importSpecifier()); if (token() == Token.COMMA) { consume(Token.COMMA); } else { break; } } consume(Token.RC); return namedImports; } /** * <strong>[15.2.2] Imports</strong> * * <pre> * ImportSpecifier : * ImportedBinding * IdentifierName as ImportedBinding * </pre> * * @return the parsed import specifier */ private ImportSpecifier importSpecifier() { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); String importName; BindingIdentifier localName; if (Token.isIdentifierName(token()) && importSpecifierFollowSet(peek())) { BindingIdentifier binding = importedBinding(); importName = binding.getName().getIdentifier(); localName = binding; } else { importName = identifierName(); consume("as"); localName = importedBinding(); } addImportBinding(localName); addLexDeclaredName(localName); return new ImportSpecifier(begin, ts.endPosition(), importName, localName); } /** * Returns FOLLOW(ImportSpecifier): « <code>,</code> , <code>}</code> » * * @param token * the token to test * @return {@code true} if token is in the follow-set */ private boolean importSpecifierFollowSet(Token token) { switch (token) { case COMMA: case RC: return true; default: return false; } } /** * <strong>[15.2.2] Imports</strong> * * <pre> * ModuleSpecifier : * StringLiteral * </pre> * * @return the parsed module specifier string */ private String moduleSpecifier() { return stringLiteral(); } /** * <strong>[15.2.2] Imports</strong> * * <pre> * ImportedDefaultBinding : * ImportedBinding * ImportedBinding : * BindingIdentifier * </pre> * * @return the parsed imported binding node */ private BindingIdentifier importedBinding() { return bindingIdentifier(); } /** * <strong>[15.2.3] Exports</strong> * * <pre> * ExportDeclaration : * export * FromClause ; * export ExportClause FromClause ; * export ExportClause ; * export VariableStatement * export Declaration * export default HoistableDeclaration<span><sub>[Default]</sub></span> * export default ClassDeclaration<span><sub>[Default]</sub></span> * export default [LA ∉ { <b>function</b>, <b>class</b> }] AssignmentExpression<span><sub>[In]</sub></span> ; * </pre> * * @return the parsed export declaration */ private ExportDeclaration exportDeclaration() { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.EXPORT); switch (token()) { case MUL: { // export * FromClause ; // Extension: export ExportFromClause FromClause ; long beginExportAll = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.MUL); if (isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.ExportFrom) && isName("as")) { ExportClause exportClause = exportNameSpaceFromClause(beginExportAll); String moduleSpecifier = fromClause(); semicolon(); // Static Semantics: ExportedNames addExportNames(exportClause); return new ExportDeclaration(begin, ts.endPosition(), exportClause, moduleSpecifier); } String moduleSpecifier = fromClause(); semicolon(); return new ExportDeclaration(begin, ts.endPosition(), moduleSpecifier); } case LC: { // export ExportClause FromClause ; // export ExportClause ; ExportClause exportClause = exportClause(); String moduleSpecifier; if (isName("from")) { moduleSpecifier = fromClause(); } else { moduleSpecifier = null; // Static Semantics: Early Errors // Static Semantics: ExportedBindings // Static Semantics: ExportedNames for (ExportSpecifier export : exportClause.getExports()) { String sourceName = export.getSourceName(); if (isModuleReservedName(sourceName)) { reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidIdentifier, sourceName); } addExportBinding(export.getBeginPosition(), export.getSourceName()); } } semicolon(); // Static Semantics: ExportedNames addExportNames(exportClause); return new ExportDeclaration(begin, ts.endPosition(), exportClause, moduleSpecifier); } case VAR: { // export VariableStatement VariableStatement variableStatement = variableStatement(true); // Static Semantics: ExportedBindings // Static Semantics: ExportedNames addExportBindings(begin, BoundNames(variableStatement)); addExportNames(begin, BoundNames(variableStatement)); return new ExportDeclaration(begin, ts.endPosition(), variableStatement); } case ASYNC: if (!((isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.AsyncFunction) || isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.AsyncGenerator)) && LOOKAHEAD(Token.FUNCTION) && noNextLineTerminator())) { break; } // fall-through case FUNCTION: case CLASS: case CONST: case LET: case AT: { // export Declaration Declaration declaration = declaration(); // Static Semantics: ExportedBindings // Static Semantics: ExportedNames addExportBindings(begin, BoundNames(declaration)); addExportNames(begin, BoundNames(declaration)); return new ExportDeclaration(begin, ts.endPosition(), declaration); } case DEFAULT: { // export default HoistableDeclaration[Default] // export default ClassDeclaration[Default] // export default [LA != {function, class}] AssignmentExpression[In] ; long beginDefault = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.DEFAULT); switch (token()) { case FUNCTION: { HoistableDeclaration declaration = hoistableDeclaration(true); // Static Semantics: BoundNames // Static Semantics: ExportedBindings // Static Semantics: ExportedNames addExportBinding(begin, declaration.getName()); if (declaration.getIdentifier() != null) { addExportBinding(begin, DEFAULT_EXPORT_BINDING_NAME); } addExportName(begin, DEFAULT_EXPORT_NAME); return new ExportDeclaration(begin, ts.endPosition(), declaration); } case AT: { ClassDeclaration declaration = classDeclaration(true, decorators()); // Static Semantics: BoundNames // Static Semantics: ExportedBindings // Static Semantics: ExportedNames addExportBinding(begin, declaration.getName()); if (declaration.getIdentifier() != null) { addExportBinding(begin, DEFAULT_EXPORT_BINDING_NAME); } addExportName(begin, DEFAULT_EXPORT_NAME); return new ExportDeclaration(begin, ts.endPosition(), declaration); } case CLASS: { ClassDeclaration declaration = classDeclaration(true, NO_DECORATORS); // Static Semantics: BoundNames // Static Semantics: ExportedBindings // Static Semantics: ExportedNames addExportBinding(begin, declaration.getName()); if (declaration.getIdentifier() != null) { addExportBinding(begin, DEFAULT_EXPORT_BINDING_NAME); } addExportName(begin, DEFAULT_EXPORT_NAME); return new ExportDeclaration(begin, ts.endPosition(), declaration); } case ASYNC: if (isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.AsyncFunction) || isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.AsyncGenerator)) { if (LOOKAHEAD(Token.FUNCTION) && noNextLineTerminator()) { HoistableDeclaration declaration = asyncFunctionOrGeneratorDeclaration(true); // Static Semantics: BoundNames // Static Semantics: ExportedBindings addExportBinding(begin, declaration.getName()); if (declaration.getIdentifier() != null) { addExportBinding(begin, DEFAULT_EXPORT_BINDING_NAME); } addExportName(begin, DEFAULT_EXPORT_NAME); return new ExportDeclaration(begin, ts.endPosition(), declaration); } } // fall-through default: { if (isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.ExportFrom) && isName("from") && LOOKAHEAD(Token.STRING) && noNextLineTerminator()) { // Handle: `export default from "module-specifier" ;` ExportClause exportClause = exportFromClause(beginDefault, true); String moduleSpecifier = fromClause(); semicolon(); // Static Semantics: ExportedNames addExportNames(exportClause); return new ExportDeclaration(begin, ts.endPosition(), exportClause, moduleSpecifier); } ExportDefaultExpression defaultExpression = defaultExpression(); addExportBinding(begin, DEFAULT_EXPORT_BINDING_NAME); addExportName(begin, DEFAULT_EXPORT_NAME); return new ExportDeclaration(begin, ts.endPosition(), defaultExpression); } } } default: } if (isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.ExportFrom)) { ExportClause exportClause = exportFromClause(ts.beginPosition(), false); String moduleSpecifier = fromClause(); semicolon(); // Static Semantics: ExportedNames addExportNames(exportClause); return new ExportDeclaration(begin, ts.endPosition(), exportClause, moduleSpecifier); } throw reportTokenMismatch(Token.DEFAULT, token()); } private ExportDefaultExpression defaultExpression() { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); BindingIdentifier binding = new BindingIdentifier(begin, ts.endPosition(), DEFAULT_EXPORT_BINDING_NAME); Expression expression = assignmentExpression(true); semicolon(); ExportDefaultExpression defaultExpression = new ExportDefaultExpression(begin, ts.endPosition(), binding, expression); addDeclaration(defaultExpression); return defaultExpression; } private static boolean isModuleReservedName(String name) { Token token = TokenStream.readReservedWord(name); return Token.isReservedWord(token) || Token.isStrictReservedWord(token) || token == Token.AWAIT; } /** * <strong>[15.2.3] Exports</strong> * * <pre> * ExportClause : * { } * { ExportsList } * { ExportsList , } * ExportsList : * ExportSpecifier * ExportsList , ExportSpecifier * </pre> * * @return the parsed exports clause */ private ExportClause exportClause() { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); List<ExportSpecifier> exports = namedExports(); return new ExportClause(begin, ts.endPosition(), exports); } /** * <strong>[15.2.3] Exports</strong> * * <pre> * ExportSpecifier : * IdentifierName * IdentifierName as IdentifierName * </pre> * * @return the parsed export specifier */ private ExportSpecifier exportSpecifier() { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); String sourceName = identifierName(); String exportName; if (isName("as")) { consume("as"); exportName = identifierName(); } else { exportName = sourceName; } return new ExportSpecifier(begin, ts.endPosition(), sourceName, exportName); } /** * <strong>[Extension] Exports</strong> * * <pre> * ExportFromClause : * * * ExportedDefaultBinding * NameSpaceExport * NamedExports * ExportedDefaultBinding , NameSpaceExport * ExportedDefaultBinding , NamedExports * </pre> * * @param begin * the begin position * @param isDefault * {@code true} if the exported default binding is "default" * @return the parsed export from clause */ private ExportClause exportFromClause(long begin, boolean isDefault) { assert token() != Token.MUL && token() != Token.LC; IdentifierName defaultEntry; if (isDefault) { defaultEntry = new IdentifierName(begin, ts.endPosition(), "default"); } else { defaultEntry = exportedDefaultBinding(); } IdentifierName nameSpace = null; List<ExportSpecifier> namedExports = emptyList(); if (token() == Token.COMMA) { consume(Token.COMMA); if (token() == Token.MUL) { consume(Token.MUL); nameSpace = nameSpaceExport(); } else { namedExports = namedExports(); } } return new ExportClause(begin, ts.endPosition(), defaultEntry, namedExports, nameSpace); } private ExportClause exportNameSpaceFromClause(long begin) { IdentifierName defaultEntry = null; IdentifierName nameSpace = nameSpaceExport(); List<ExportSpecifier> namedExports = emptyList(); return new ExportClause(begin, ts.endPosition(), defaultEntry, namedExports, nameSpace); } /** * <strong>[Extension] Exports</strong> * * <pre> * NameSpaceExport : * * as IdentifierName * </pre> * * @return the parsed namespace export */ private IdentifierName nameSpaceExport() { // Token.MUL already consumed in caller. consume("as"); long begin = ts.beginPosition(); String name = identifierName(); return new IdentifierName(begin, ts.endPosition(), name); } /** * <strong>[Extension] Exports</strong> * * <pre> * NamedExports : * { } * { ExportsList } * { ExportsList , } * </pre> * * @return the parsed export from clause */ private List<ExportSpecifier> namedExports() { InlineArrayList<ExportSpecifier> namedExports = newList(); consume(Token.LC); while (token() != Token.RC) { namedExports.add(exportSpecifier()); if (token() == Token.COMMA) { consume(Token.COMMA); } else { break; } } consume(Token.RC); return namedExports; } /** * <strong>[Extension] Exports</strong> * * <pre> * ExportedDefaultBinding : * IdentifierName * </pre> * * @return the parsed exported default binding */ private IdentifierName exportedDefaultBinding() { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); String name = identifierName(); return new IdentifierName(begin, ts.endPosition(), name); } /** * <strong>[14.1.1] Directive Prologues and the Use Strict Directive</strong> * * <pre> * DirectivePrologue : * Directive<span><sub>opt</sub></span> * Directive: * StringLiteral ; * Directive StringLiteral ; * </pre> * * @param allowUseStrict * {@code true} if 'use strict' directives are allowed * @return the parsed list of directives */ private List<StatementListItem> directivePrologue(boolean allowUseStrict) { if (token() != Token.STRING) { applyStrictMode(false); return emptyList(); } InlineArrayList<StatementListItem> statements = newList(); boolean strict = false; directive: do { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); boolean hasEscape = ts.hasEscape(); // peek() clears hasEscape if next token is string Token next = peek(); switch (next) { case SEMI: case RC: case EOF: break; default: if (noNextLineTerminator() || stringLiteralFollowSetNextLine(next)) { break directive; } break; } // found a directive String string = stringLiteral(); if (!hasEscape && "use strict".equals(string)) { if (!allowUseStrict) { reportSyntaxError(begin, Messages.Key.InvalidUseStrictDirective); } strict = true; } StringLiteral stringLiteral = new StringLiteral(begin, ts.endPosition(), string); semicolon(); statements.add(new ExpressionStatement(begin, ts.endPosition(), stringLiteral)); } while (token() == Token.STRING); applyStrictMode(strict); return statements; } private static boolean stringLiteralFollowSetNextLine(Token token) { switch (token) { case DOT: case LB: case LP: case TEMPLATE: case COMMA: case HOOK: return true; default: return Token.isBinaryOperator(token) || Token.isAssignmentOperator(token); } } private void applyStrictMode(boolean strict) { if (strict) { context.strictMode = StrictMode.Strict; context.explicitStrict = true; if (context.strictError != null) { reportException(context.strictError); } } else { if (context.strictMode == StrictMode.Unknown) { context.strictMode = context.parent.strictMode; } } } /* ***************************************************************************************** */ private static FunctionNode.StrictMode toFunctionStrictness(boolean strict, boolean explicit) { if (!strict) { return FunctionNode.StrictMode.NonStrict; } if (explicit) { return FunctionNode.StrictMode.ExplicitStrict; } return FunctionNode.StrictMode.ImplicitStrict; } private <FUNCTION extends FunctionNode> FUNCTION inheritStrictness(FUNCTION function) { ParseContext context = this.context; if (context.strictMode != StrictMode.Unknown) { boolean strict = (context.strictMode == StrictMode.Strict); assert !strict || context.funContext.blockFunctions == null; function.setStrictMode(toFunctionStrictness(strict, context.explicitStrict)); if (context.deferred != null) { deferredInheritStrictness(strict); } } else { // This case only applies for functions in default parameter expressions. deferInheritStrictness(function); } return function; } private void deferredInheritStrictness(boolean strict) { ParseContext context = this.context; for (FunctionNode func : context.deferred) { func.setStrictMode(toFunctionStrictness(strict, false)); if (strict) { FunctionContext fc = (FunctionContext) func.getScope(); InlineArrayList<FunctionDeclaration> blockFunctions = fc.blockFunctions; if (blockFunctions != null) { for (FunctionDeclaration blockFunction : blockFunctions) { blockFunction.setLegacyBlockScoped(false); } fc.blockFunctions = null; fc.blockFunctionNames = null; } } } context.deferred = null; } private <FUNCTION extends FunctionNode> void deferInheritStrictness(FUNCTION function) { ParseContext context = this.context; assert context.parent.strictMode == StrictMode.Unknown; ParseContext parent = context.parent; if (parent.deferred == null) { parent.deferred = newList(); } parent.deferred.add(function); if (context.deferred != null) { parent.deferred.addAll(context.deferred); context.deferred = null; } } /** * <strong>[14.1] Function Definitions</strong> * * <pre> * FunctionDeclaration<span><sub>[Yield, Default]</sub></span> : * function BindingIdentifier<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> ( FormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } * <span><sub>[+Default]</sub></span> function ( FormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } * </pre> * * @param isDefault * the flag to select whether or not the declaration is part of a default export * @return the parsed function declaration */ private FunctionDeclaration functionDeclaration(boolean isDefault) { newContext(ContextKind.Function); try { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.FUNCTION); boolean hasName = !isDefault || token() != Token.LP; BindingIdentifier identifier; String functionName; if (hasName) { identifier = bindingIdentifierFunctionName(true); functionName = identifier.getName().getIdentifier(); } else { identifier = null; functionName = DEFAULT_EXPORT_NAME; } consume(Token.LP); int startFunction = ts.position() - 1; FormalParameterList parameters = formalParameters(Token.RP); consume(Token.RP); if (token() == Token.COLON && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.TypeAnnotation)) { returnTypeAnnotation(); } String header, body; List<StatementListItem> statements; if (token() != Token.LC && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.ExpressionClosure)) { int startBody = ts.position(); statements = expressionClosureBody(parameters); int endFunction = ts.position(); header = ts.range(startFunction, startBody); body = "return " + ts.range(startBody, endFunction); } else { consume(Token.LC); int startBody = ts.position(); statements = functionBody(parameters, Token.RC); consume(Token.RC); int endFunction = ts.position() - 1; header = ts.range(startFunction, startBody - 1); body = ts.range(startBody, endFunction); } FunctionContext scope = context.funContext; FunctionDeclaration function = new FunctionDeclaration(begin, ts.endPosition(), scope, identifier, parameters, statements, functionName, header, body); scope.setNode(function); function_EarlyErrors(function); addFunctionDeclaration(function, hasName && isDefault); return inheritStrictness(function); } finally { restoreContext(); } } /** * <strong>[14.1] Function Definitions</strong> * * <pre> * FunctionExpression : * function BindingIdentifier<span><sub>opt</sub></span> ( FormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } * </pre> * * @return the parsed function expression */ private FunctionExpression functionExpression() { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.FUNCTION); boolean hasName = token() != Token.LP; if (hasName) { enterBlockContext(); } newContext(ContextKind.Function); try { BindingIdentifier identifier = null; if (hasName) { identifier = bindingIdentifierFunctionName(false); addLexDeclaredName(identifier, context.parent, BoundName(identifier)); } consume(Token.LP); int startFunction = ts.position() - 1; FormalParameterList parameters = formalParameters(Token.RP); consume(Token.RP); if (token() == Token.COLON && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.TypeAnnotation)) { returnTypeAnnotation(); } String header, body; List<StatementListItem> statements; if (token() != Token.LC && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.ExpressionClosure)) { int startBody = ts.position(); statements = expressionClosureBody(parameters); int endFunction = ts.position(); header = ts.range(startFunction, startBody); body = "return " + ts.range(startBody, endFunction); } else { consume(Token.LC); int startBody = ts.position(); statements = functionBody(parameters, Token.RC); consume(Token.RC); int endFunction = ts.position() - 1; header = ts.range(startFunction, startBody - 1); body = ts.range(startBody, endFunction); } FunctionContext scope = context.funContext; FunctionExpression function = new FunctionExpression(begin, ts.endPosition(), scope, identifier, parameters, statements, header, body); scope.setNode(function); function_EarlyErrors(function); return inheritStrictness(function); } finally { restoreContext(); if (hasName) { exitBlockContext(); } } } /** * <strong>[14.1] Function Definitions</strong> * * <pre> * StrictFormalParameters<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * FormalParameters<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param end * the end token * @return the parsed formal parameters list */ private FormalParameterList strictFormalParameters(Token end) { return formalParameters(end); } /** * <strong>[14.1] Function Definitions</strong> * * <pre> * FormalParameters<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * [empty] * FormalParameterList<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param end * the end token * @return the parsed formal parameters list */ private FormalParameterList formalParameters(Token end) { if (token() == end) { return emptyFormalParameterList(); } return formalParameterList(end); } private FormalParameterList emptyFormalParameterList() { context.funContext.setParameterNames(Collections.<Name> emptyList()); return new FormalParameterList(ts.beginPosition(), ts.endPosition(), Collections.<FormalParameter> emptyList()); } private FormalParameterList arrowFormalParameterList(BindingIdentifier identifier) { long begin = identifier.getBeginPosition(); BindingElement element = new BindingElement(begin, ts.endPosition(), identifier, null); context.funContext.setParameterNames(BoundNames(identifier)); FormalParameter parameter = new FormalParameter(begin, ts.endPosition(), element, null); return new FormalParameterList(begin, ts.endPosition(), singletonList(parameter)); } /** * <strong>[14.1] Function Definitions</strong> * * <pre> * FormalParameterList<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * FunctionRestParameter<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * FormalsList<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * FormalsList<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span>, FunctionRestParameter<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * FormalsList<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * FormalParameter<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * FormalsList<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span>, FormalParameter<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param end * the end token * @return the parsed formal parameters list */ private FormalParameterList formalParameterList(Token end) { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); InlineArrayList<FormalParameter> formals = newList(); for (;;) { if (token() == Token.TRIPLE_DOT) { formals.add(functionRestParameter()); break; } else { formals.add(formalParameter()); if (token() == Token.COMMA) { consume(Token.COMMA); if (token() == end && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.FunctionCallTrailingComma)) { break; } } else { break; } } } context.funContext.setParameterNames(BoundNames(formals)); return new FormalParameterList(begin, ts.endPosition(), formals); } /** * <strong>[14.1] Function Definitions</strong> * * <pre> * FunctionRestParameter<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * BindingRestElement<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @return the parsed formal parameter */ private FormalParameter functionRestParameter() { boolean nonSimple = token() == Token.LB || token() == Token.LC; FormalParameterContext scope = null; if (nonSimple) { scope = enterFormalParameterContext(); } long begin = ts.beginPosition(); BindingRestElement restElement = bindingRestElement(true); FormalParameter parameter = new FormalParameter(begin, ts.endPosition(), restElement); if (nonSimple) { scope.node = parameter; exitFormalParameterContext(); } return parameter; } /** * <strong>[14.1] Function Definitions</strong> * * <pre> * FormalParameter<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * BindingElement<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @return the parsed formal parameter */ private FormalParameter formalParameter() { boolean nonSimple = token() == Token.LB || token() == Token.LC || !(isBindingIdentifier(token()) && !LOOKAHEAD(Token.ASSIGN)); FormalParameterContext scope = null; if (nonSimple) { scope = enterFormalParameterContext(); } long begin = ts.beginPosition(); BindingElement element = bindingElement(true, true); FormalParameter parameter = new FormalParameter(begin, ts.endPosition(), element, scope); if (nonSimple) { scope.node = parameter; exitFormalParameterContext(); } return parameter; } private static Name containsAny(List<Name> list, NameSet set) { for (Name element : list) { if (set.contains(element)) { return element; } } return null; } private void checkFormalParameterRedeclaration(FunctionNode node, List<Name> boundNames, NameSet declaredNames) { if (!(declaredNames == null || declaredNames.isEmpty())) { Name redeclared = containsAny(boundNames, declaredNames); if (redeclared != null) { BindingIdentifier parameter = FindParameter.find(node, redeclared); reportSyntaxError(parameter, Messages.Key.FormalParameterRedeclaration, redeclared); } } } private static Name findDuplicate(NameSet set, List<Name> list) { assert list.size() > set.size(); NameSet copy = new NameSet(set); for (Name element : list) { if (!copy.remove(element)) { return element; } } throw new AssertionError(String.format("no duplicate: %s - %s", set, list)); } private void checkFormalParameterDuplication(FunctionNode node, List<Name> boundNames, NameSet names) { boolean hasDuplicates = (boundNames.size() != names.size()); if (hasDuplicates) { Name duplicate = findDuplicate(names, boundNames); BindingIdentifier parameter = FindParameter.find(node, duplicate); reportSyntaxError(parameter, Messages.Key.DuplicateFormalParameter, duplicate); } } private void checkFormalParameterDuplicationStrict(FunctionNode node, List<Name> boundNames, NameSet names) { boolean hasDuplicates = (boundNames.size() != names.size()); if (hasDuplicates) { Name duplicate = findDuplicate(names, boundNames); BindingIdentifier parameter = FindParameter.find(node, duplicate); reportStrictModeSyntaxError(parameter, Messages.Key.DuplicateFormalParameter, duplicate); } } /** * 14.1.2 Static Semantics: Early Errors * * @param function * the function definition to validate */ private void function_EarlyErrors(FunctionDefinition function) { assert context.scopeContext == context.funContext; FunctionContext scope = context.funContext; FormalParameterList parameters = function.getParameters(); List<Name> boundNames = BoundNames(parameters); if (!IsSimpleParameterList(parameters)) { checkFormalParameterDuplication(function, boundNames, scope.parameterNames); } else if (context.strictMode != StrictMode.NonStrict) { checkFormalParameterDuplicationStrict(function, boundNames, scope.parameterNames); } checkFormalParameterRedeclaration(function, boundNames, scope.lexDeclaredNames); } /** * <strong>[14.1] Function Definitions</strong> * * <pre> * FunctionBody<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * FunctionStatementList<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * FunctionStatementList<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * StatementList<span><sub>[?Yield, Return]opt</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param parameters * the function parameters * @param end * the end token * @return the list of parsed statement list items */ private List<StatementListItem> functionBody(FormalParameterList parameters, Token end) { // enable 'return' context.returnAllowed = true; // enable 'yield' if in generator context.yieldAllowed = context.kind.isGenerator(); // enable 'await' if in async function context.awaitAllowed = context.kind.isAsync(); boolean allowUseStrict = true; if (isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.StrictDirectiveSimpleParameterList)) { allowUseStrict = IsSimpleParameterList(parameters); } List<StatementListItem> prologue = directivePrologue(allowUseStrict); if (parameters.containsExpression()) { context.funContext.variableScope = enterFunctionBodyContext(); context.funContext.lexicalScope = context.funContext.variableScope; } if (context.strictMode != StrictMode.Strict) { context.funContext.lexicalScope = enterFunctionBodyContext(); } List<StatementListItem> body = statementList(end); if (context.strictMode != StrictMode.Strict) { exitFunctionBodyContext(); } if (parameters.containsExpression()) { exitFunctionBodyContext(); } assert context.assertLiteralsUnchecked(0); computeBlockFunctions(); return merge(prologue, body); } private void computeBlockFunctions() { // TODO: Consider moving computeBlockFunctions() after node is assigned to funscope. assert context.kind.isFunction(); if (!isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.BlockFunctionDeclaration)) { return; } FunctionContext funScope = context.funContext; ScopeContext topScope = funScope.lexicalScope; InlineArrayList<FunctionDeclaration> functions = funScope.blockFunctions; if (functions == null) { return; } assert context.strictMode != StrictMode.Strict : "block functions in strict mode"; InlineArrayList<FunctionDeclaration> blockFunctions = new InlineArrayList<>(); for (FunctionDeclaration function : functions) { if (hasEnclosingLexicalDeclaration(function, topScope)) { continue; } // See 14.1.2 Static Semantics: Early Errors Name name = function.getIdentifier().getName(); if (topScope.allowVarDeclaredName(name) && !funScope.parameterNames.contains(name)) { // Function declaration is applicable for legacy semantics, iff // (1) Adding a VariableStatement with the same name would not produce an error. // (2) The name is not an element of BoundNames of FormalParameters. function.setLegacyBlockScoped(true); blockFunctions.add(function); } } funScope.setBlockFunctions(blockFunctions); } private void computeBlockFunctionsForScript() { assert context.kind.isScript(); if (!isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.BlockFunctionDeclaration)) { return; } ScriptContext scriptScope = context.scriptContext; InlineArrayList<FunctionDeclaration> functions = scriptScope.blockFunctions; if (functions == null) { return; } assert context.strictMode != StrictMode.Strict : "block functions in strict mode"; InlineArrayList<FunctionDeclaration> blockFunctions = new InlineArrayList<>(); for (FunctionDeclaration function : functions) { if (hasEnclosingLexicalDeclaration(function, scriptScope)) { continue; } // See 15.1.1 Static Semantics: Early Errors Name name = function.getIdentifier().getName(); if (scriptScope.allowVarDeclaredName(name)) { // Function declaration is applicable for legacy semantics, iff // (1) Adding a VariableStatement with the same name would not produce an error. function.setLegacyBlockScoped(true); blockFunctions.add(function); } } scriptScope.setBlockFunctions(blockFunctions); } private boolean hasEnclosingLexicalDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration function, ScopeContext topScope) { Name name = function.getIdentifier().getName(); ScopeContext enclosingScope = (ScopeContext) function.getScope().getEnclosingScope(); // Top-level function declarations are not applicable for legacy semantics. assert enclosingScope != topScope : "top-level function declaration"; assert enclosingScope.isDeclared(name) : "undeclared block scoped function: " + name; for (ScopeContext scope = enclosingScope; (scope = scope.parent) != topScope;) { // See 13.2.1 Static Semantics: Early Errors // See 13.12.1 Static Semantics: Early Errors if (scope.isDeclared(name)) { // Found a block scoped, lexical declaration - cannot declare function as var. if (scope instanceof CatchContext) { // Unless "B.3.5 VariableStatements in Catch blocks" applies. continue; } return true; } } return false; } /** * <strong>[14.1] Function Definitions</strong> * * <pre> * ExpressionClosureBody<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * AssignmentExpression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @return the list of parsed statement list items */ private List<StatementListItem> expressionClosureBody(FormalParameterList parameters) { assert !(context.kind.isGenerator() || context.kind.isAsync()); // enable 'return' context.returnAllowed = true; // Necessary to call applyStrictMode() manually b/c directivePrologue() is not used. applyStrictMode(false); if (parameters.containsExpression()) { context.funContext.variableScope = enterFunctionBodyContext(); context.funContext.lexicalScope = context.funContext.variableScope; } if (context.strictMode != StrictMode.Strict) { context.funContext.lexicalScope = enterFunctionBodyContext(); } Expression expr = assignmentExpression(true); if (context.strictMode != StrictMode.Strict) { exitFunctionBodyContext(); } if (parameters.containsExpression()) { exitFunctionBodyContext(); } assert context.assertLiteralsUnchecked(0); return Collections.<StatementListItem> singletonList(new ReturnStatement( ts.beginPosition(), ts.endPosition(), expr)); } /** * <strong>[14.2] Arrow Function Definitions</strong> * * <pre> * ArrowFunction<span><sub>[In, Yield]</sub></span> : * ArrowParameters<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> [no <i>LineTerminator</i> here] {@literal =>} ConciseBody<span><sub>[?In]</sub></span> * ArrowParameters<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * BindingIdentifier<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * CoverParenthesizedExpressionAndArrowParameterList<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * ConciseBody<span><sub>[In]</sub></span> : * [LA ∉ { <b>{</b> }] AssignmentExpression<span><sub>[?In]</sub></span> * { FunctionBody } * </pre> * * <h2>Supplemental Syntax</h2> * * <pre> * ArrowFormalParameters<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * ( StrictFormalParameters<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> ) * </pre> * * @param allowIn * the flag to select whether or not the in-operator is allowed * @return the parsed arrow function */ private ArrowFunction arrowFunction(boolean allowIn) { newContext(ContextKind.ArrowFunction); try { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); int startFunction; StringBuilder source = new StringBuilder(); FormalParameterList parameters; if (token() == Token.LP) { consume(Token.LP); startFunction = ts.position() - 1; context.yieldAllowed = context.parent.yieldAllowed; context.awaitAllowed = context.parent.awaitAllowed; parameters = strictFormalParameters(Token.RP); context.yieldAllowed = false; context.awaitAllowed = false; consume(Token.RP); } else { // Don't need to set {await,yield}Allowed for single parameter case. BindingIdentifier identifier = bindingIdentifier(); parameters = arrowFormalParameterList(identifier); startFunction = ts.position(); source.append(identifier.getName().getIdentifier()); } if (!noLineTerminator()) { reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.UnexpectedEndOfLine); } consume(Token.ARROW); if (token() == Token.LC) { consume(Token.LC); int startBody = ts.position(); List<StatementListItem> statements = functionBody(parameters, Token.RC); consume(Token.RC); int endFunction = ts.position() - 1; String header = source.append(ts.range(startFunction, startBody - 1)).toString(); String body = ts.range(startBody, endFunction); FunctionContext scope = context.funContext; ArrowFunction function = new ArrowFunction(begin, ts.endPosition(), scope, parameters, statements, header, body); scope.setNode(function); arrowFunction_EarlyErrors(function); return inheritStrictness(function); } else { int startBody = ts.position(); Expression expression = arrowFunctionExpressionBody(parameters, allowIn); int endFunction = ts.position(); String header = source.append(ts.range(startFunction, startBody)).toString(); String body = ts.range(startBody, endFunction); FunctionContext scope = context.funContext; ArrowFunction function = new ArrowFunction(begin, ts.endPosition(), scope, parameters, expression, header, body); scope.setNode(function); arrowFunction_EarlyErrors(function); return inheritStrictness(function); } } finally { restoreContext(); } } private Expression arrowFunctionExpressionBody(FormalParameterList parameters, boolean allowIn) { // enable 'return' context.returnAllowed = true; // enable 'yield' if in generator context.yieldAllowed = context.kind.isGenerator(); // enable 'await' if in async function context.awaitAllowed = context.kind.isAsync(); // Necessary to call applyStrictMode() manually b/c directivePrologue() is not used. applyStrictMode(false); if (parameters.containsExpression()) { context.funContext.variableScope = enterFunctionBodyContext(); context.funContext.lexicalScope = context.funContext.variableScope; } if (context.strictMode != StrictMode.Strict) { context.funContext.lexicalScope = enterFunctionBodyContext(); } Expression expression = assignmentExpression(allowIn); if (context.strictMode != StrictMode.Strict) { exitFunctionBodyContext(); } if (parameters.containsExpression()) { exitFunctionBodyContext(); } assert context.assertLiteralsUnchecked(0); return expression; } /** * 14.2.1 Static Semantics: Early Errors * * @param function * the arrow function node to validate */ private void arrowFunction_EarlyErrors(ArrowFunction function) { assert context.scopeContext == context.funContext; FunctionContext scope = context.funContext; List<Name> boundNames = BoundNames(function.getParameters()); checkFormalParameterDuplication(function, boundNames, scope.parameterNames); checkFormalParameterRedeclaration(function, boundNames, scope.lexDeclaredNames); } /** * <strong>[14.3] Method Definitions</strong> * * <pre> * MethodDefinition<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * PropertyName<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> ( StrictFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } * GeneratorMethod<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * get PropertyName<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> ( ) { FunctionBody } * set PropertyName<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } * </pre> * * @param allocation * the method allocation kind * @param hasExtends * {@code true} if the ClassHeritage expression is present * @param decorators * the list of method decorators * @return the parsed method definition */ private MethodDefinition methodDefinition(MethodAllocation allocation, boolean hasExtends, List<Expression> decorators) { switch (methodType()) { case AsyncFunction: return asyncMethod(allocation, decorators); case AsyncGenerator: return asyncGeneratorMethod(allocation, decorators); case Generator: return generatorMethod(allocation, decorators); case Getter: return getterMethod(allocation, decorators); case Setter: return setterMethod(allocation, decorators); default: return normalMethod(allocation, hasExtends, decorators); } } /** * <strong>[14.3] Method Definitions</strong> * * <pre> * MethodDefinition<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * PropertyName<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> ( StrictFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } * </pre> * * @param allocation * the method allocation kind * @param hasExtends * {@code true} if the ClassHeritage expression is present * @param decorators * the list of method decorators * @return the parsed method definition */ private MethodDefinition normalMethod(MethodAllocation allocation, boolean hasExtends, List<Expression> decorators) { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); PropertyName propertyName = propertyName(); return normalMethod(allocation, hasExtends, decorators, begin, propertyName, false); } private MethodDefinition callConstructor(boolean hasExtends, List<Expression> decorators) { // FIXME: spec issue - decorators on call constructors? if (!decorators.isEmpty()) { reportSyntaxError(decorators.get(0), Messages.Key.InvalidCallConstructorDecorator); } long beginPosition = ts.beginPosition(); consume("call"); assert isName("constructor"); PropertyName propertyName = propertyName(); return normalMethod(MethodAllocation.Prototype, hasExtends, decorators, beginPosition, propertyName, true); } private MethodDefinition normalMethod(MethodAllocation allocation, boolean hasExtends, List<Expression> decorators, long begin, PropertyName propertyName, boolean callConstructor) { newContext(ContextKind.Method); try { MethodType type; if (callConstructor) { assert allocation == MethodAllocation.Prototype; type = MethodType.CallConstructor; } else if (allocation == MethodAllocation.Prototype && "constructor".equals(propertyName.getName())) { context.isDerivedClassConstructor = hasExtends; type = hasExtends ? MethodType.DerivedConstructor : MethodType.BaseConstructor; } else { type = MethodType.Function; } consume(Token.LP); int startFunction = ts.position() - 1; FormalParameterList parameters = strictFormalParameters(Token.RP); consume(Token.RP); if (token() == Token.COLON && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.TypeAnnotation)) { returnTypeAnnotation(); } consume(Token.LC); int startBody = ts.position(); List<StatementListItem> statements = functionBody(parameters, Token.RC); consume(Token.RC); int endFunction = ts.position() - 1; String header = ts.range(startFunction, startBody - 1); String body = ts.range(startBody, endFunction); FunctionContext scope = context.funContext; MethodDefinition method = new MethodDefinition(begin, ts.endPosition(), scope, type, allocation, decorators, propertyName, parameters, statements, header, body); scope.setNode(method); methodDefinition_EarlyErrors(method); return inheritStrictness(method); } finally { restoreContext(); } } /** * <strong>[14.3] Method Definitions</strong> * * <pre> * MethodDefinition<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * get PropertyName<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> ( ) { FunctionBody } * </pre> * * @param allocation * the method allocation kind * @param decorators * the list of method decorators * @return the parsed getter method definition */ private MethodDefinition getterMethod(MethodAllocation allocation, List<Expression> decorators) { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.NAME); // "get" PropertyName propertyName = propertyName(); newContext(ContextKind.Method); try { consume(Token.LP); int startFunction = ts.position() - 1; FormalParameterList parameters = emptyFormalParameterList(); consume(Token.RP); List<StatementListItem> statements; String header, body; if (token() != Token.LC && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.ExpressionClosure)) { if (allocation != MethodAllocation.Object) { reportTokenMismatch(Token.LC, token()); } int startBody = ts.position(); statements = expressionClosureBody(parameters); int endFunction = ts.position(); header = ts.range(startFunction, startBody); body = "return " + ts.range(startBody, endFunction); } else { consume(Token.LC); int startBody = ts.position(); statements = functionBody(parameters, Token.RC); consume(Token.RC); int endFunction = ts.position() - 1; header = ts.range(startFunction, startBody - 1); body = ts.range(startBody, endFunction); } FunctionContext scope = context.funContext; MethodType type = MethodType.Getter; MethodDefinition method = new MethodDefinition(begin, ts.endPosition(), scope, type, allocation, decorators, propertyName, parameters, statements, header, body); scope.setNode(method); methodDefinition_EarlyErrors(method); return inheritStrictness(method); } finally { restoreContext(); } } /** * <strong>[14.3] Method Definitions</strong> * * <pre> * MethodDefinition<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * set PropertyName<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } * </pre> * * @param allocation * the method allocation kind * @param decorators * the list of method decorators * @return the parsed setter method definition */ private MethodDefinition setterMethod(MethodAllocation allocation, List<Expression> decorators) { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.NAME); // "set" PropertyName propertyName = propertyName(); newContext(ContextKind.Method); try { consume(Token.LP); int startFunction = ts.position() - 1; FormalParameterList parameters = propertySetParameterList(); consume(Token.RP); List<StatementListItem> statements; String header, body; if (token() != Token.LC && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.ExpressionClosure)) { if (allocation != MethodAllocation.Object) { reportTokenMismatch(Token.LC, token()); } int startBody = ts.position(); statements = expressionClosureBody(parameters); int endFunction = ts.position(); header = ts.range(startFunction, startBody); body = "return " + ts.range(startBody, endFunction); } else { consume(Token.LC); int startBody = ts.position(); statements = functionBody(parameters, Token.RC); consume(Token.RC); int endFunction = ts.position() - 1; header = ts.range(startFunction, startBody - 1); body = ts.range(startBody, endFunction); } FunctionContext scope = context.funContext; MethodType type = MethodType.Setter; MethodDefinition method = new MethodDefinition(begin, ts.endPosition(), scope, type, allocation, decorators, propertyName, parameters, statements, header, body); scope.setNode(method); methodDefinition_EarlyErrors(method); return inheritStrictness(method); } finally { restoreContext(); } } /** * <strong>[14.3] Method Definitions</strong> * * <pre> * PropertySetParameterList : * FormalParameter * </pre> * * @return the parsed formal parameters list */ private FormalParameterList propertySetParameterList() { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); FormalParameter setParameter = formalParameter(); context.funContext.setParameterNames(BoundNames(setParameter)); return new FormalParameterList(begin, ts.endPosition(), singletonList(setParameter)); } private MethodType methodType() { switch (token()) { case MUL: return MethodType.Generator; case NAME: String name = getName(Token.NAME); if ("get".equals(name) && isPropertyName(peek())) { return MethodType.Getter; } if ("set".equals(name) && isPropertyName(peek())) { return MethodType.Setter; } break; case ASYNC: if (isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.AsyncFunction)) { if (isPropertyName(peek()) && noNextLineTerminator()) { return MethodType.AsyncFunction; } } if (isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.AsyncGenerator)) { if (LOOKAHEAD(Token.MUL) && noNextLineTerminator()) { return MethodType.AsyncGenerator; } } break; default: } return MethodType.Function; // or Constructor, or Property } private static boolean isPropertyName(Token token) { switch (token) { case STRING: case NUMBER: case LB: return true; default: return Token.isIdentifierName(token); } } /** * 14.3.1 Static Semantics: Early Errors * * @param method * the method definition node to validate */ private void methodDefinition_EarlyErrors(MethodDefinition method) { assert context.scopeContext == context.funContext; FunctionContext scope = context.funContext; List<Name> boundNames = BoundNames(method.getParameters()); checkFormalParameterDuplication(method, boundNames, scope.parameterNames); checkFormalParameterRedeclaration(method, boundNames, scope.lexDeclaredNames); } /** * <strong>[14.4] Generator Function Definitions</strong> * * <pre> * GeneratorMethod<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * * PropertyName<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> ( StrictFormalParameters<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> ) { FunctionBody<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> } * </pre> * * @param allocation * the method allocation kind * @param decorators * the list of method decorators * @return the parsed generator method definition */ private MethodDefinition generatorMethod(MethodAllocation allocation, List<Expression> decorators) { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.MUL); PropertyName propertyName = propertyName(); newContext(ContextKind.GeneratorMethod); try { consume(Token.LP); int startFunction = ts.position() - 1; FormalParameterList parameters = strictFormalParameters(Token.RP); consume(Token.RP); if (token() == Token.COLON && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.TypeAnnotation)) { returnTypeAnnotation(); } consume(Token.LC); int startBody = ts.position(); List<StatementListItem> statements = functionBody(parameters, Token.RC); consume(Token.RC); int endFunction = ts.position() - 1; String header = ts.range(startFunction, startBody - 1); String body = ts.range(startBody, endFunction); FunctionContext scope = context.funContext; MethodType type; if (isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.GeneratorNonConstructor)) { type = MethodType.Generator; } else { type = MethodType.ConstructorGenerator; } MethodDefinition method = new MethodDefinition(begin, ts.endPosition(), scope, type, allocation, decorators, propertyName, parameters, statements, header, body); scope.setNode(method); methodDefinition_EarlyErrors(method); return inheritStrictness(method); } finally { restoreContext(); } } /** * <strong>[14.4] Generator Function Definitions</strong> * * <pre> * GeneratorDeclaration<span><sub>[Yield, Default]</sub></span> : * function * BindingIdentifier<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> ( FormalParameters<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> ) { GeneratorBody<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> } * <span><sub>[+Default]</sub></span> function * ( FormalParameters<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> ) { GeneratorBody<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> } * GeneratorBody<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * FunctionBody<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param isDefault * the flag to select whether or not the declaration is part of a default export * @param isLegacy * the flag to mark this generator as a legacy, star-less generator * @return the parsed generator declaration */ private GeneratorDeclaration generatorDeclaration(boolean isDefault, boolean isLegacy) { newContext(ContextKind.Generator); try { context.legacyGenerator = isLegacy; long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.FUNCTION); if (!isLegacy) { consume(Token.MUL); } boolean hasName = !isDefault || token() != Token.LP; BindingIdentifier identifier; String functionName; if (hasName) { identifier = bindingIdentifierFunctionName(true); functionName = identifier.getName().getIdentifier(); } else { identifier = null; functionName = DEFAULT_EXPORT_NAME; } consume(Token.LP); int startFunction = ts.position() - 1; FormalParameterList parameters = formalParameters(Token.RP); consume(Token.RP); if (token() == Token.COLON && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.TypeAnnotation)) { returnTypeAnnotation(); } consume(Token.LC); int startBody = ts.position(); List<StatementListItem> statements = functionBody(parameters, Token.RC); consume(Token.RC); int endFunction = ts.position() - 1; String header = ts.range(startFunction, startBody - 1); String body = ts.range(startBody, endFunction); FunctionContext scope = context.funContext; GeneratorDeclaration generator; if (!isLegacy) { generator = new GeneratorDeclaration(begin, ts.endPosition(), scope, generatorKind(), identifier, parameters, statements, functionName, header, body); } else { generator = new LegacyGeneratorDeclaration(begin, ts.endPosition(), scope, identifier, parameters, statements, functionName, header, body); } scope.setNode(generator); generator_EarlyErrors(generator); addDeclaration(generator, hasName && isDefault); return inheritStrictness(generator); } finally { restoreContext(); } } /** * <strong>[14.4] Generator Function Definitions</strong> * * <pre> * GeneratorExpression : * function * BindingIdentifier<span><sub>[Yield]opt</sub></span> ( FormalParameters<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> ) { FunctionBody<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> } * </pre> * * @param isLegacy * the flag to mark this generator as a legacy, star-less generator * @return the parsed generator expression declaration */ private GeneratorExpression generatorExpression(boolean isLegacy) { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.FUNCTION); if (!isLegacy) { consume(Token.MUL); } boolean hasName = token() != Token.LP; if (hasName) { enterBlockContext(); } newContext(ContextKind.Generator); try { context.legacyGenerator = isLegacy; BindingIdentifier identifier = null; if (hasName) { identifier = bindingIdentifierFunctionName(false); addLexDeclaredName(identifier, context.parent, BoundName(identifier)); } consume(Token.LP); int startFunction = ts.position() - 1; FormalParameterList parameters = formalParameters(Token.RP); consume(Token.RP); if (token() == Token.COLON && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.TypeAnnotation)) { returnTypeAnnotation(); } consume(Token.LC); int startBody = ts.position(); List<StatementListItem> statements = functionBody(parameters, Token.RC); consume(Token.RC); int endFunction = ts.position() - 1; String header = ts.range(startFunction, startBody - 1); String body = ts.range(startBody, endFunction); FunctionContext scope = context.funContext; GeneratorExpression generator; if (!isLegacy) { generator = new GeneratorExpression(begin, ts.endPosition(), scope, generatorKind(), identifier, parameters, statements, header, body); } else { generator = new LegacyGeneratorExpression(begin, ts.endPosition(), scope, identifier, parameters, statements, header, body); } scope.setNode(generator); generator_EarlyErrors(generator); return inheritStrictness(generator); } finally { restoreContext(); if (hasName) { exitBlockContext(); } } } /** * 14.4.1 Static Semantics: Early Errors * * @param generator * the generator to validate */ private void generator_EarlyErrors(GeneratorDefinition generator) { assert context.scopeContext == context.funContext; FunctionContext scope = context.funContext; FormalParameterList parameters = generator.getParameters(); List<Name> boundNames = BoundNames(parameters); if (!IsSimpleParameterList(parameters)) { checkFormalParameterDuplication(generator, boundNames, scope.parameterNames); } else if (context.strictMode != StrictMode.NonStrict) { checkFormalParameterDuplicationStrict(generator, boundNames, scope.parameterNames); } checkFormalParameterRedeclaration(generator, boundNames, scope.lexDeclaredNames); } private GeneratorKind generatorKind() { if (isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.GeneratorNonConstructor)) { return GeneratorKind.NonConstructor; } return GeneratorKind.Constructor; } /** * <strong>[14.4] Generator Function Definitions</strong> * * <pre> * YieldExpression<span><sub>[In]</sub></span> : * yield * yield [no <i>LineTerminator</i> here] AssignmentExpression<span><sub>[?In, Yield]</sub></span> * yield [no <i>LineTerminator</i> here] * AssignmentExpression<span><sub>[?In, Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param allowIn * the flag to select whether or not the in-operator is allowed * @return the parsed yield expression */ private YieldExpression yieldExpression(boolean allowIn) { assert context.kind.isGenerator() && context.yieldAllowed; context.yieldOrAwaitExpression |= true; long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.YIELD); boolean delegatedYield = false; if (token() == Token.MUL) { if (!noLineTerminator()) { reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.UnexpectedEndOfLine); } consume(Token.MUL); delegatedYield = true; } Expression expr; if (delegatedYield) { expr = assignmentExpression(allowIn); } else if (!context.legacyGenerator) { if (noLineTerminator() && assignmentExpressionFirstSet(token())) { expr = assignmentExpression(allowIn); } else { expr = null; } } else { // slightly different rules for optional AssignmentExpression in legacy generators if (noLineTerminator() && !assignmentExpressionFollowSet(token())) { expr = assignmentExpression(allowIn); } else { expr = null; } } return new YieldExpression(begin, ts.endPosition(), delegatedYield, expr); } private boolean assignmentExpressionFirstSet(Token token) { // returns FIRST(AssignmentExpression) switch (token) { case YIELD: // FIRST(YieldExpression) return true; case DELETE: case VOID: case TYPEOF: case INC: case DEC: case ADD: case SUB: case BITNOT: case NOT: // FIRST(UnaryExpression) return true; case SUPER: case NEW: // FIRST(LeftHandSideExpression) return true; case THIS: case NULL: case FALSE: case TRUE: case NUMBER: case STRING: case LB: case LC: case LP: case FUNCTION: case CLASS: case AT: case TEMPLATE: // FIRST(PrimaryExpression) return true; case DIV: case ASSIGN_DIV: // FIRST(RegularExpressionLiteral) return true; case AWAIT: if (context.kind.isAsync()) { return true; } // fall-through case ASYNC: case LET: case IMPLEMENTS: case INTERFACE: case PACKAGE: case PRIVATE: case PROTECTED: case PUBLIC: case STATIC: case NAME: case ESCAPED_NAME: case ESCAPED_RESERVED_WORD: case ESCAPED_STRICT_RESERVED_WORD: case ESCAPED_YIELD: case ESCAPED_ASYNC: case ESCAPED_AWAIT: case ESCAPED_LET: // FIRST(Identifier) return isIdentifierReference(token); case DO: // FIRST(DoExpression) return isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.DoExpression); default: return false; } } private boolean assignmentExpressionFollowSet(Token token) { // returns FOLLOW(AssignmentExpression) without { "of", "in", "for", "{" } // NB: not the exact follow set, consider `a = let(x=0)x++ ++`, but not relevant here switch (token) { case COLON: case COMMA: case RB: case RC: case RP: case SEMI: case EOF: return true; default: return false; } } /** * <strong>[14.5] Class Definitions</strong> * * <pre> * ClassDeclaration<span><sub>[Yield, Default]</sub></span> : * class BindingIdentifier<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> ClassTail<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * [+Default] class ClassTail[?Yield] * ClassTail<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * ClassHeritage<span><sub>[?Yield]opt</sub></span> { ClassBody<span><sub>[?Yield]opt</sub></span> } * </pre> * * @param isDefault * the flag to select whether or not the declaration is part of a default export * @param decorators * the list of class decorators * @return the parsed class declaration */ private ClassDeclaration classDeclaration(boolean isDefault, List<Expression> decorators) { StrictMode strictMode = context.strictMode; try { // 10.2.1 - ClassDeclaration and ClassExpression is always strict code context.strictMode = StrictMode.Strict; long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.CLASS); boolean hasName = !isDefault || (token() != Token.EXTENDS && token() != Token.LC); BindingIdentifier identifier; String className; if (hasName) { identifier = bindingIdentifierClassName(); className = identifier.getName().getIdentifier(); } else { identifier = null; className = DEFAULT_EXPORT_NAME; } BlockContext scope = null; if (hasName) { scope = enterBlockContext(); // Create a second inner class binding (NB: distinct Name instance required). addLexDeclaredName(identifier, context, BoundName(identifier).clone()); } Expression heritage = null; if (token() == Token.EXTENDS) { heritage = classHeritage(); } consume(Token.LC); InlineArrayList<MethodDefinition> methods = newList(); List<PropertyDefinition> properties = classBody(identifier, heritage != null, methods); if (hasName) { exitBlockContext(); } consume(Token.RC); ClassDeclaration decl = new ClassDeclaration(begin, ts.endPosition(), scope, decorators, identifier, heritage, methods, properties, className); if (hasName) { scope.node = decl; } addDeclaration(decl, isDefault && hasName); return decl; } finally { context.strictMode = strictMode; } } /** * <strong>[14.5] Class Definitions</strong> * * <pre> * ClassExpression<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * class BindingIdentifier<span><sub>[?Yield]opt</sub></span> ClassTail<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * ClassTail<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * ClassHeritage<span><sub>[?Yield]opt</sub></span> { ClassBody<span><sub>[?Yield]opt</sub></span> } * </pre> * * @param decorators * the list of class decorators * @return the parsed class expression */ private ClassExpression classExpression(List<Expression> decorators) { StrictMode strictMode = context.strictMode; try { // 10.2.1 - ClassDeclaration and ClassExpression is always strict code context.strictMode = StrictMode.Strict; long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.CLASS); BindingIdentifier name = null; if (token() != Token.EXTENDS && token() != Token.LC) { name = bindingIdentifierClassName(); } BlockContext scope = null; if (name != null) { scope = enterBlockContext(name); } Expression heritage = null; if (token() == Token.EXTENDS) { heritage = classHeritage(); } consume(Token.LC); InlineArrayList<MethodDefinition> methods = newList(); List<PropertyDefinition> properties = classBody(name, heritage != null, methods); if (name != null) { exitBlockContext(); } consume(Token.RC); ClassExpression expr = new ClassExpression(begin, ts.endPosition(), scope, decorators, name, heritage, methods, properties); if (name != null) { scope.node = expr; } return expr; } finally { context.strictMode = strictMode; } } /** * <strong>[14.5] Class Definitions</strong> * * <pre> * ClassHeritage<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * extends LeftHandSideExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @return the parsed class heritage expression */ private Expression classHeritage() { consume(Token.EXTENDS); return leftHandSideExpressionWithValidation(true); } /** * <strong>[14.5] Class Definitions</strong> * * <pre> * ClassBody<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * ClassElementList<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * ClassElementList<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * ClassElement<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * ClassElementList<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> ClassElement<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param className * the class name if present, otherwise {@code null} * @param hasExtends * {@code true} if the ClassHeritage expression is present * @return the class methods in source order */ private List<PropertyDefinition> classBody(BindingIdentifier className, boolean hasExtends, InlineArrayList<MethodDefinition> methods) { int beginLine = ts.getLine(); InlineArrayList<PropertyDefinition> properties = newList(); while (token() != Token.RC) { if (token() == Token.SEMI) { consume(Token.SEMI); continue; } properties.add(classElement(className, hasExtends, methods)); } classBody_EarlyErrors(methods); if (ConstructorMethod(methods) == null) { MethodDefinition constructor = createSyntheticClassConstructor(beginLine, hasExtends); if (className != null) { constructor.setClassName(className.getName().getIdentifier()); } methods.add(constructor); properties.add(constructor); } return properties; } /** * <strong>[14.5] Class Definitions</strong> * * <pre> * ClassElement<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * MethodDefinition<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * static MethodDefinition<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * ; * </pre> * * @param className * the class name if present, otherwise {@code null} * @param hasExtends * {@code true} if the ClassHeritage expression is present * @param methods * the list of method definitions * @return the parsed class element */ private PropertyDefinition classElement(BindingIdentifier className, boolean hasExtends, InlineArrayList<MethodDefinition> methods) { List<Expression> decorators = token() == Token.AT ? decorators() : NO_DECORATORS; MethodDefinition method; if (token() == Token.STATIC && !LOOKAHEAD(Token.LP)) { consume(Token.STATIC); // TODO: Add "static" start position to node? long begin = ts.beginPosition(); if (token() == Token.LB) { // either `PropertyName = AssignmentExpression` or MethodDefinition (normal) ComputedPropertyName propertyName = computedPropertyName(); if (token() == Token.ASSIGN && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.StaticClassProperties)) { return classProperty(begin, propertyName, decorators); } method = normalMethod(MethodAllocation.Class, hasExtends, decorators, begin, propertyName, false); } else if (LOOKAHEAD(Token.ASSIGN) && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.StaticClassProperties)) { return classProperty(begin, literalPropertyName(), decorators); } else { method = methodDefinition(MethodAllocation.Class, hasExtends, decorators); } } else if (isName("call") && isNextName("constructor") && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.CallConstructor)) { method = callConstructor(hasExtends, decorators); } else { method = methodDefinition(MethodAllocation.Prototype, hasExtends, decorators); } methods.add(method); if (className != null) { method.setClassName(className.getName().getIdentifier()); } return method; } private PropertyDefinition classProperty(long begin, PropertyName propertyName, List<Expression> decorators) { if (!decorators.isEmpty()) { reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidPropertyDecorator); } if ("prototype".equals(propertyName.getName())) { reportSyntaxError(begin, Messages.Key.InvalidPrototypeProperty); } consume(Token.ASSIGN); Expression propertyValue = assignmentExpression(true); if (IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition(propertyValue)) { if (propertyName instanceof ComputedPropertyName) { setFunctionName(propertyValue, (ComputedPropertyName) propertyName); } else { setFunctionName(propertyValue, propertyName); } } return new PropertyValueDefinition(begin, ts.endPosition(), propertyName, propertyValue); } private MethodDefinition createSyntheticClassConstructor(int beginLine, boolean hasExtends) { String sourceText; if (hasExtends) { sourceText = "constructor(...args){super(...args);}"; } else { sourceText = "constructor(){}"; } TokenStream tokenStream = ts; TokenStream syntheticStream = new TokenStream(this, new TokenStreamInput(sourceText)); try { ts = syntheticStream.initialize(beginLine); return methodDefinition(MethodAllocation.Prototype, hasExtends, NO_DECORATORS); } finally { ts = tokenStream; } } /** * 14.5.1 Static Semantics: Early Errors * * @param methods * the list of method definitions */ private void classBody_EarlyErrors(List<MethodDefinition> methods) { boolean hasConstructor = false, hasCallConstructor = false; for (MethodDefinition def : methods) { String key = def.getPropertyName().getName(); if (key == null) { assert def.getPropertyName() instanceof ComputedPropertyName; continue; } if (def.getAllocation() == MethodAllocation.Class) { if ("prototype".equals(key)) { reportSyntaxError(def, Messages.Key.InvalidPrototypeMethod); } } else { assert def.getAllocation() == MethodAllocation.Prototype; if (!"constructor".equals(key)) { continue; } switch (def.getType()) { case BaseConstructor: case DerivedConstructor: if (hasConstructor) { reportSyntaxError(def, Messages.Key.DuplicateConstructor, key); } hasConstructor = true; break; case CallConstructor: if (hasCallConstructor) { reportSyntaxError(def, Messages.Key.DuplicateCallConstructor, key); } hasCallConstructor = true; break; default: assert SpecialMethod(def); throw reportSyntaxError(def, Messages.Key.InvalidConstructorMethod); } } } } private HoistableDeclaration asyncFunctionOrGeneratorDeclaration(boolean isDefault) { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.ASYNC); if (!noLineTerminator()) { reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.UnexpectedEndOfLine); } consume(Token.FUNCTION); if (token() == Token.MUL && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.AsyncGenerator)) { return asyncGeneratorDeclaration(isDefault, begin); } return asyncFunctionDeclaration(isDefault, begin); } private Expression asyncFunctionOrGeneratorExpression() { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.ASYNC); if (!noLineTerminator()) { reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.UnexpectedEndOfLine); } consume(Token.FUNCTION); if (token() == Token.MUL && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.AsyncGenerator)) { return asyncGeneratorExpression(begin); } return asyncFunctionExpression(begin); } /** * <strong>[Extension] <code>async</code> Function Definitions</strong> * * <pre> * AsyncFunctionDeclaration<span><sub>[Yield, Await, Default]</sub></span> : * async [no <i>LineTerminator</i> here] function BindingIdentifier<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Await]</sub></span> ( FormalParameters<span><sub>[Await]</sub></span> ) { AsyncFunctionBody } * <span><sub>[+Default]</sub></span> async [no <i>LineTerminator</i> here] function ( FormalParameters<span><sub>[Await]</sub></span> ) { AsyncFunctionBody } * AsyncFunctionBody : * FunctionBody<span><sub>[Await]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param isDefault * the flag to select whether or not the declaration is part of a default export * @param begin * the begin position * @return the parsed async function declaration */ private AsyncFunctionDeclaration asyncFunctionDeclaration(boolean isDefault, long begin) { newContext(ContextKind.AsyncFunction); try { // `async function` already parsed in caller. boolean hasName = !isDefault || token() != Token.LP; BindingIdentifier identifier; String functionName; if (hasName) { identifier = bindingIdentifierFunctionName(true); functionName = identifier.getName().getIdentifier(); } else { identifier = null; functionName = DEFAULT_EXPORT_NAME; } consume(Token.LP); int startFunction = ts.position() - 1; FormalParameterList parameters = formalParameters(Token.RP); consume(Token.RP); if (token() == Token.COLON && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.TypeAnnotation)) { returnTypeAnnotation(); } consume(Token.LC); int startBody = ts.position(); List<StatementListItem> statements = functionBody(parameters, Token.RC); consume(Token.RC); int endFunction = ts.position() - 1; String header = ts.range(startFunction, startBody - 1); String body = ts.range(startBody, endFunction); FunctionContext scope = context.funContext; AsyncFunctionDeclaration function = new AsyncFunctionDeclaration(begin, ts.endPosition(), scope, identifier, parameters, statements, functionName, header, body); scope.setNode(function); asyncFunction_EarlyErrors(function); addDeclaration(function, hasName && isDefault); return inheritStrictness(function); } finally { restoreContext(); } } /** * <strong>[Extension] <code>async</code> Function Definitions</strong> * * <pre> * AsyncFunctionExpression : * async [no <i>LineTerminator</i> here] function BindingIdentifier<span><sub>opt</sub></span> ( FormalParameters<span><sub>[Await]</sub></span> ) { AsyncFunctionBody } * </pre> * * @param begin * the begin position * @return the parsed async function expression */ private AsyncFunctionExpression asyncFunctionExpression(long begin) { // `async function` already parsed in caller. boolean hasName = token() != Token.LP; if (hasName) { enterBlockContext(); } newContext(ContextKind.AsyncFunction); try { BindingIdentifier identifier = null; if (hasName) { identifier = bindingIdentifierFunctionName(false); addLexDeclaredName(identifier, context.parent, BoundName(identifier)); } consume(Token.LP); int startFunction = ts.position() - 1; FormalParameterList parameters = formalParameters(Token.RP); consume(Token.RP); if (token() == Token.COLON && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.TypeAnnotation)) { returnTypeAnnotation(); } consume(Token.LC); int startBody = ts.position(); List<StatementListItem> statements = functionBody(parameters, Token.RC); consume(Token.RC); int endFunction = ts.position() - 1; String header = ts.range(startFunction, startBody - 1); String body = ts.range(startBody, endFunction); FunctionContext scope = context.funContext; AsyncFunctionExpression function = new AsyncFunctionExpression(begin, ts.endPosition(), scope, identifier, parameters, statements, header, body); scope.setNode(function); asyncFunction_EarlyErrors(function); return inheritStrictness(function); } finally { restoreContext(); if (hasName) { exitBlockContext(); } } } private void asyncFunction_EarlyErrors(AsyncFunctionDefinition function) { assert context.scopeContext == context.funContext; FunctionContext scope = context.funContext; FormalParameterList parameters = function.getParameters(); List<Name> boundNames = BoundNames(parameters); if (!IsSimpleParameterList(parameters)) { checkFormalParameterDuplication(function, boundNames, scope.parameterNames); } else if (context.strictMode != StrictMode.NonStrict) { checkFormalParameterDuplicationStrict(function, boundNames, scope.parameterNames); } checkFormalParameterRedeclaration(function, boundNames, scope.lexDeclaredNames); } /** * <strong>[Extension] <code>async</code> Function Definitions</strong> * * <pre> * AsyncArrowFunction<span><sub>[In, Yield]</sub></span> : * async [no <i>LineTerminator</i> here] AsyncArrowBindingIdentifier<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> [no <i>LineTerminator</i> here] {@literal =>} AsyncConciseBody<span><sub>[?In]</sub></span> * CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Await]</sub></span> [no <i>LineTerminator</i> here] {@literal =>} AsyncConciseBody<span><sub>[?In]</sub></span> * AsyncConciseBody<span><sub>[In]</sub></span> : * [lookahead ≠ <b>{</b>] AssignmentExpression<span><sub>[?In, Await]</sub></span> * { AsyncFunctionBody } * AsyncArrowBindingIdentifier<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * BindingIdentifier<span><sub>[?Yield, Await]</sub></span> * CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead<span><sub>[Yield, Await]</sub></span> : * MemberExpression<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Await]</sub></span> Arguments<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Await]</sub></span> * AsyncArrowHead<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * async [no <i>LineTerminator</i> here] ArrowFormalParameters<span><sub>[?Yield, Await]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param allowIn * the flag to select whether or not the in-operator is allowed * @return the parsed async arrow function */ private AsyncArrowFunction asyncArrowFunction(boolean allowIn) { newContext(ContextKind.AsyncArrowFunction); try { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.ASYNC); if (!noLineTerminator()) { reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.UnexpectedEndOfLine); } int startFunction; StringBuilder source = new StringBuilder(); FormalParameterList parameters; if (token() == Token.LP) { consume(Token.LP); startFunction = ts.position() - 1; context.yieldAllowed = context.parent.yieldAllowed; context.awaitAllowed = false; parameters = strictFormalParameters(Token.RP); context.yieldAllowed = false; consume(Token.RP); } else { // Don't need to set {await,yield}Allowed for single parameter case. BindingIdentifier identifier = bindingIdentifier(); parameters = arrowFormalParameterList(identifier); startFunction = ts.position(); source.append(identifier.getName().getIdentifier()); } if (!noLineTerminator()) { reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.UnexpectedEndOfLine); } consume(Token.ARROW); if (token() == Token.LC) { consume(Token.LC); int startBody = ts.position(); List<StatementListItem> statements = functionBody(parameters, Token.RC); consume(Token.RC); int endFunction = ts.position() - 1; String header = source.append(ts.range(startFunction, startBody - 1)).toString(); String body = ts.range(startBody, endFunction); FunctionContext scope = context.funContext; AsyncArrowFunction function = new AsyncArrowFunction(begin, ts.endPosition(), scope, parameters, statements, header, body); scope.setNode(function); asyncArrowFunction_EarlyErrors(function); return inheritStrictness(function); } else { int startBody = ts.position(); Expression expression = arrowFunctionExpressionBody(parameters, allowIn); int endFunction = ts.position(); String header = source.append(ts.range(startFunction, startBody - 1)).toString(); String body = ts.range(startBody, endFunction); FunctionContext scope = context.funContext; AsyncArrowFunction function = new AsyncArrowFunction(begin, ts.endPosition(), scope, parameters, expression, header, body); scope.setNode(function); asyncArrowFunction_EarlyErrors(function); return inheritStrictness(function); } } finally { restoreContext(); } } /** * Static Semantics: Early Errors * * @param function * the async arrow function node to validate */ private void asyncArrowFunction_EarlyErrors(AsyncArrowFunction function) { assert context.scopeContext == context.funContext; FunctionContext scope = context.funContext; List<Name> boundNames = BoundNames(function.getParameters()); checkFormalParameterDuplication(function, boundNames, scope.parameterNames); checkFormalParameterRedeclaration(function, boundNames, scope.lexDeclaredNames); } /** * <strong>[Extension] <code>async</code> Function Definitions</strong> * * <pre> * AsyncMethod<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * async [no <i>LineTerminator</i> here] PropertyName<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Await]</sub></span> ( StrictFormalParameters<span><sub>[Await]</sub></span> ) { AsyncFunctionBody } * </pre> * * @param allocation * the method allocation kind * @param decorators * the list of method decorators * @return the parsed async method */ private MethodDefinition asyncMethod(MethodAllocation allocation, List<Expression> decorators) { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.ASYNC); if (!noLineTerminator()) { reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.UnexpectedEndOfLine); } PropertyName propertyName = propertyName(); newContext(ContextKind.AsyncMethod); try { consume(Token.LP); int startFunction = ts.position() - 1; FormalParameterList parameters = strictFormalParameters(Token.RP); consume(Token.RP); if (token() == Token.COLON && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.TypeAnnotation)) { returnTypeAnnotation(); } consume(Token.LC); int startBody = ts.position(); List<StatementListItem> statements = functionBody(parameters, Token.RC); consume(Token.RC); int endFunction = ts.position() - 1; String header = ts.range(startFunction, startBody - 1); String body = ts.range(startBody, endFunction); FunctionContext scope = context.funContext; MethodType type = MethodType.AsyncFunction; MethodDefinition method = new MethodDefinition(begin, ts.endPosition(), scope, type, allocation, decorators, propertyName, parameters, statements, header, body); scope.setNode(method); methodDefinition_EarlyErrors(method); return inheritStrictness(method); } finally { restoreContext(); } } /** * <strong>[Extension] <code>async</code> Function Definitions</strong> * * <pre> * AwaitExpression<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * await UnaryExpression<span><sub>[?Yield, Await]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @return the parsed await expression */ private AwaitExpression awaitExpression() { assert context.kind.isAsync() && context.awaitAllowed; context.yieldOrAwaitExpression |= true; long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.AWAIT); Expression expr = unaryExpression(false); return new AwaitExpression(begin, ts.endPosition(), expr); } /** * <strong>[Extension] <code>async</code> Generator Function Definitions</strong> * * <pre> * AsyncGeneratorDeclaration<span><sub>[Yield, Await, Default]</sub></span> : * async [no <i>LineTerminator</i> here] function * BindingIdentifier<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Await]</sub></span> ( FormalParameters<span><sub>[Yield, Await]</sub></span> ) { AsyncGeneratorBody } * <span><sub>[+Default]</sub></span> async [no <i>LineTerminator</i> here] function * ( FormalParameters<span><sub>[Yield, Await]</sub></span> ) { AsyncGeneratorBody } * AsyncGeneratorBody : * FunctionBody<span><sub>[Yield, Await]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param isDefault * the flag to select whether or not the declaration is part of a default export * @param begin * the begin position * @return the parsed async generator declaration */ private AsyncGeneratorDeclaration asyncGeneratorDeclaration(boolean isDefault, long begin) { newContext(ContextKind.AsyncGenerator); try { // `async function` already parsed in caller. consume(Token.MUL); boolean hasName = !isDefault || token() != Token.LP; BindingIdentifier identifier; String functionName; if (hasName) { identifier = bindingIdentifierFunctionName(true); functionName = identifier.getName().getIdentifier(); } else { identifier = null; functionName = DEFAULT_EXPORT_NAME; } consume(Token.LP); int startFunction = ts.position() - 1; FormalParameterList parameters = formalParameters(Token.RP); consume(Token.RP); if (token() == Token.COLON && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.TypeAnnotation)) { returnTypeAnnotation(); } consume(Token.LC); int startBody = ts.position(); List<StatementListItem> statements = functionBody(parameters, Token.RC); consume(Token.RC); int endFunction = ts.position() - 1; String header = ts.range(startFunction, startBody - 1); String body = ts.range(startBody, endFunction); FunctionContext scope = context.funContext; AsyncGeneratorDeclaration function = new AsyncGeneratorDeclaration(begin, ts.endPosition(), scope, identifier, parameters, statements, functionName, header, body); scope.setNode(function); asyncGenerator_EarlyErrors(function); addDeclaration(function, hasName && isDefault); return inheritStrictness(function); } finally { restoreContext(); } } /** * <strong>[Extension] <code>async</code> Generator Function Definitions</strong> * * <pre> * AsyncGeneratorExpression : * async [no <i>LineTerminator</i> here] function * BindingIdentifier<span><sub>[Yield, Await]opt</sub></span> ( FormalParameters<span><sub>[Yield, Await]</sub></span> ) { AsyncGeneratorBody } * </pre> * * @param begin * the begin position * @return the parsed async generator expression */ private AsyncGeneratorExpression asyncGeneratorExpression(long begin) { // `async function` already parsed in caller. consume(Token.MUL); boolean hasName = token() != Token.LP; if (hasName) { enterBlockContext(); } newContext(ContextKind.AsyncGenerator); try { BindingIdentifier identifier = null; if (hasName) { identifier = bindingIdentifierFunctionName(false); addLexDeclaredName(identifier, context.parent, BoundName(identifier)); } consume(Token.LP); int startFunction = ts.position() - 1; FormalParameterList parameters = formalParameters(Token.RP); consume(Token.RP); if (token() == Token.COLON && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.TypeAnnotation)) { returnTypeAnnotation(); } consume(Token.LC); int startBody = ts.position(); List<StatementListItem> statements = functionBody(parameters, Token.RC); consume(Token.RC); int endFunction = ts.position() - 1; String header = ts.range(startFunction, startBody - 1); String body = ts.range(startBody, endFunction); FunctionContext scope = context.funContext; AsyncGeneratorExpression function = new AsyncGeneratorExpression(begin, ts.endPosition(), scope, identifier, parameters, statements, header, body); scope.setNode(function); asyncGenerator_EarlyErrors(function); return inheritStrictness(function); } finally { restoreContext(); if (hasName) { exitBlockContext(); } } } private void asyncGenerator_EarlyErrors(AsyncGeneratorDefinition function) { assert context.scopeContext == context.funContext; FunctionContext scope = context.funContext; FormalParameterList parameters = function.getParameters(); List<Name> boundNames = BoundNames(parameters); if (!IsSimpleParameterList(parameters)) { checkFormalParameterDuplication(function, boundNames, scope.parameterNames); } else if (context.strictMode != StrictMode.NonStrict) { checkFormalParameterDuplicationStrict(function, boundNames, scope.parameterNames); } checkFormalParameterRedeclaration(function, boundNames, scope.lexDeclaredNames); } /** * <strong>[Extension] <code>async</code> Generator Function Definitions</strong> * * <pre> * AsyncGeneratorMethod<span><sub>[Yield, Await]</sub></span> : * async [no <i>LineTerminator</i> here] * PropertyName<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Await]</sub></span> ( StrictFormalParameters<span><sub>[Yield, Await]</sub></span> ) { AsyncGeneratorBody } * </pre> * * @param allocation * the method allocation kind * @param decorators * the list of method decorators * @return the parsed async method */ private MethodDefinition asyncGeneratorMethod(MethodAllocation allocation, List<Expression> decorators) { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.ASYNC); if (!noLineTerminator()) { reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.UnexpectedEndOfLine); } consume(Token.MUL); PropertyName propertyName = propertyName(); newContext(ContextKind.AsyncGeneratorMethod); try { consume(Token.LP); int startFunction = ts.position() - 1; FormalParameterList parameters = strictFormalParameters(Token.RP); consume(Token.RP); if (token() == Token.COLON && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.TypeAnnotation)) { returnTypeAnnotation(); } consume(Token.LC); int startBody = ts.position(); List<StatementListItem> statements = functionBody(parameters, Token.RC); consume(Token.RC); int endFunction = ts.position() - 1; String header = ts.range(startFunction, startBody - 1); String body = ts.range(startBody, endFunction); FunctionContext scope = context.funContext; MethodType type = MethodType.AsyncGenerator; MethodDefinition method = new MethodDefinition(begin, ts.endPosition(), scope, type, allocation, decorators, propertyName, parameters, statements, header, body); scope.setNode(method); methodDefinition_EarlyErrors(method); return inheritStrictness(method); } finally { restoreContext(); } } /** * <strong>[Extension] Decorators</strong> */ private List<Expression> decorators() { InlineArrayList<Expression> decorators = newList(); do { // FIXME: bug in spec proposal, AssignmentExpression not valid, cf. `{ @ F * G () {} }`. // And: `{ @ D ["m"] () {} }`. // https://github.com/wycats/javascript-decorators/issues/10 // TODO: Add new ast node for decorator to include @ sign? consume(Token.AT); decorators.add(leftHandSideExpressionWithValidation(false)); } while (token() == Token.AT); return decorators; } private void parameterTypeAnnotation() { // NB: Parse and ignore type annotations. if (token() == Token.HOOK) { consume(Token.HOOK); } if (token() == Token.COLON) { typeAnnotation(); } } private void returnTypeAnnotation() { // NB: Parse and ignore type annotations. typeAnnotation(); } private void typeAnnotation() { // NB: Parse and ignore type annotations. consume(Token.COLON); if (token() == Token.HOOK) { consume(Token.HOOK); } for (;;) { if (token() == Token.LC) { objectTypeAnnotation(); } else if (token() == Token.STRING) { stringLiteral(); } else { identifier(); if (token() == Token.LT) { consume(Token.LT); identifier(); consume(Token.GT); } } if (token() == Token.BITOR) { consume(Token.BITOR); continue; } break; } } private void objectTypeAnnotation() { consume(Token.LC); while (token() != Token.RC) { identifier(); if (token() == Token.HOOK) { consume(Token.HOOK); } typeAnnotation(); if (token() == Token.SEMI) { consume(Token.SEMI); } else { break; } } consume(Token.RC); } /* ***************************************************************************************** */ /** * <strong>[13] ECMAScript Language: Statements and Declarations</strong> * * <pre> * Statement<span><sub>[Yield, Return]</sub></span> : * BlockStatement<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> * VariableStatement<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * EmptyStatement * ExpressionStatement<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * IfStatement<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> * BreakableStatement<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> * ContinueStatement<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * BreakStatement<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * <span><sub>[+Return]</sub></span>ReturnStatement<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * WithStatement<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> * LabelledStatement<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> * ThrowStatement<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * TryStatement<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> * DebuggerStatement * * BreakableStatement<span><sub>[Yield, Return]</sub></span> : * IterationStatement<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> * SwitchStatement<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param allowFunction * {@code true} if labelled function statements are allowed * @return the parsed statement node */ private Statement statement(boolean allowFunction) { switch (token()) { case LC: return block(NO_INHERITED_BINDING); case VAR: return variableStatement(true); case SEMI: return emptyStatement(); case IF: return ifStatement(); case FOR: return forStatementOrForInOfStatement(EMPTY_LABEL_SET); case WHILE: return whileStatement(EMPTY_LABEL_SET); case DO: return doWhileStatement(EMPTY_LABEL_SET); case CONTINUE: return continueStatement(); case BREAK: return breakStatement(); case RETURN: return returnStatement(); case WITH: return withStatement(); case SWITCH: return switchStatement(EMPTY_LABEL_SET); case THROW: return throwStatement(); case TRY: return tryStatement(); case DEBUGGER: return debuggerStatement(); case LET: if (isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.LetStatement) || isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.LetExpression)) { return letStatement(); } // fall-through case ASYNC: case AWAIT: case YIELD: case IMPLEMENTS: case INTERFACE: case PACKAGE: case PRIVATE: case PROTECTED: case PUBLIC: case STATIC: case NAME: case ESCAPED_NAME: case ESCAPED_RESERVED_WORD: case ESCAPED_STRICT_RESERVED_WORD: case ESCAPED_YIELD: case ESCAPED_ASYNC: case ESCAPED_AWAIT: case ESCAPED_LET: if (LOOKAHEAD(Token.COLON)) { return labelledStatement(allowFunction); } default: } return expressionStatement(); } /** * <strong>[13.2] Block</strong> * * <pre> * BlockStatement<span><sub>[Yield, Return]</sub></span> : * Block<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> * Block<span><sub>[Yield, Return]</sub></span> : * { StatementList<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]opt</sub></span> } * </pre> * * @param inherited * the list of inherited lexical bindings * @return the parsed block statement */ private BlockStatement block(List<Binding> inherited) { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.LC); BlockContext scope = enterBlockContext(); ScopeWithNames previous = null; if (!inherited.isEmpty()) { previous = context.setIllegalNames(lexicalNames(inherited)); } List<StatementListItem> list = statementList(Token.RC); if (!inherited.isEmpty()) { context.restoreIllegalNames(previous); } exitBlockContext(); consume(Token.RC); BlockStatement block = new BlockStatement(begin, ts.endPosition(), scope, list); scope.node = block; return block; } /** * <strong>[13.2] Block</strong> * * <pre> * StatementList<span><sub>[Yield, Return]</sub></span> : * StatementItem<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> * StatementList<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> StatementListItem<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param end * the end marker token * @return the list of parsed statement list items */ private List<StatementListItem> statementList(Token end) { if (token() == end) { return Collections.emptyList(); } InlineArrayList<StatementListItem> list = newList(); do { list.add(statementListItem()); } while (token() != end); return list; } /** * <strong>[13.2] Block</strong> * * <pre> * StatementListItem<span><sub>[Yield, Return]</sub></span> : * Statement<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> * Declaration<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @return the parsed statement list item */ private StatementListItem statementListItem() { switch (token()) { case FUNCTION: case CLASS: case CONST: case AT: return declaration(); case ASYNC: if (isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.AsyncFunction) || isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.AsyncGenerator)) { if (LOOKAHEAD(Token.FUNCTION) && noNextLineTerminator()) { return declaration(); } } break; case LET: if (lexicalBindingFirstSet(peek())) { return declaration(); } // 'let' as identifier, e.g. `let + 1` break; default: } return statement(true); } /** * <strong>[13] ECMAScript Language: Statements and Declarations</strong> * * <pre> * Declaration<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * HoistableDeclaration<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * ClassDeclaration<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * LexicalDeclaration<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @return the parsed declaration node */ private Declaration declaration() { switch (token()) { case FUNCTION: return hoistableDeclaration(false); case AT: return classDeclaration(false, decorators()); case CLASS: return classDeclaration(false, NO_DECORATORS); case LET: case CONST: return lexicalDeclaration(true); case ASYNC: if (isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.AsyncFunction) || isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.AsyncGenerator)) { return asyncFunctionOrGeneratorDeclaration(false); } // fall-through default: throw reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidToken, token().toString()); } } /** * <strong>[13] ECMAScript Language: Statements and Declarations</strong> * * <pre> * HoistableDeclaration<span><sub>[Yield, Default]</sub></span> : * FunctionDeclaration<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Default]</sub></span> * GeneratorDeclaration<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Default]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param isDefault * the flag to select whether or not the declaration is part of a default export * @return the parsed declaration node */ private HoistableDeclaration hoistableDeclaration(boolean isDefault) { if (LOOKAHEAD(Token.MUL)) { return generatorDeclaration(isDefault, false); } return functionDeclarationWithRetry(isDefault); } private HoistableDeclaration functionDeclarationWithRetry(boolean isDefault) { long position = ts.position(), lineinfo = ts.lineinfo(); try { return functionDeclaration(isDefault); } catch (RetryGenerator e) { ts.reset(position, lineinfo); return generatorDeclaration(isDefault, true); } } /** * <strong>[13.3.1] Let and Const Declarations</strong> * * <pre> * LexicalDeclaration<span><sub>[In, Yield]</sub></span> : * LetOrConst BindingList<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> ; * LetOrConst : * let * const * </pre> * * @param allowIn * the flag to select whether or not the in-operator is allowed * @return the parsed lexical declaration */ private LexicalDeclaration lexicalDeclaration(boolean allowIn) { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); LexicalDeclaration.Type type; if (token() == Token.LET) { consume(Token.LET); type = LexicalDeclaration.Type.Let; } else { consume(Token.CONST); type = LexicalDeclaration.Type.Const; } List<LexicalBinding> list = bindingList((type == LexicalDeclaration.Type.Const), allowIn); if (allowIn) { // semicolon() not called if "in" not allowed, cf. forStatement() semicolon(); } LexicalDeclaration decl = new LexicalDeclaration(begin, ts.endPosition(), type, list); addLexScopedDeclaration(decl); return decl; } /** * <strong>[13.3.1] Let and Const Declarations</strong> * * <pre> * BindingList<span><sub>[In, Yield]</sub></span> : * LexicalBinding<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * BindingList<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span>, LexicalBinding<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param isConst * the flag for const lexical bindings * @param allowIn * the flag to select whether or not the in-operator is allowed * @return the list of parsed lexical bindings */ private List<LexicalBinding> bindingList(boolean isConst, boolean allowIn) { InlineArrayList<LexicalBinding> list = newList(); list.add(lexicalBinding(isConst, allowIn)); while (token() == Token.COMMA) { consume(Token.COMMA); list.add(lexicalBinding(isConst, allowIn)); } return list; } /** * <strong>[13.3.1] Let and Const Declarations</strong> * * <pre> * LexicalBinding<span><sub>[In, Yield]</sub></span> : * BindingIdentifier<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> Initializer<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]opt</sub></span> * BindingPattern<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> Initializer<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param isConst * the flag for const lexical bindings * @param allowIn * the flag to select whether or not the in-operator is allowed * @return the parsed lexical binding */ private LexicalBinding lexicalBinding(boolean isConst, boolean allowIn) { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); Binding binding; Expression initializer = null; if (token() == Token.LC || token() == Token.LB) { BindingPattern bindingPattern = bindingPattern(false); addLexDeclaredName(bindingPattern); if (token() == Token.ASSIGN || allowIn) { // make initializer optional if `allowIn == false`, cf. forStatement() initializer = initializer(allowIn); } binding = bindingPattern; } else { BindingIdentifier bindingIdentifier = bindingIdentifier(false); addLexDeclaredName(bindingIdentifier); if (token() == Token.ASSIGN) { initializer = initializer(allowIn); if (IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition(initializer)) { setFunctionName(initializer, bindingIdentifier); } } else if (isConst && allowIn) { // `allowIn == false` indicates for-loop, cf. forStatement() reportSyntaxError(bindingIdentifier, Messages.Key.ConstMissingInitializer); } binding = bindingIdentifier; } return new LexicalBinding(begin, ts.endPosition(), binding, initializer); } /** * Returns {@code true} iff {@code token} is in the first-set of LexicalBinding. * * @param token * the token to inspect * @return {@code true} if the token is in the first-set */ private boolean lexicalBindingFirstSet(Token token) { switch (token) { case LB: case LC: return true; case YIELD: return !context.yieldAllowed; case AWAIT: return !(moduleCode || context.awaitAllowed); default: return isBindingIdentifier(token); } } /** * <strong>[12.2.6] Object Initializer</strong> * * <pre> * Initializer<span><sub>[In, Yield]</sub></span> : * = AssignmentExpression<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param allowIn * the flag to select whether or not the in-operator is allowed * @return the parsed initializer expression */ private Expression initializer(boolean allowIn) { consume(Token.ASSIGN); return assignmentExpression(allowIn); } /** * <strong>[13.3.2] Variable Statement</strong> * * <pre> * VariableStatement<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * var VariableDeclarationList<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> ; * </pre> * * @param allowIn * the flag to select whether or not the in-operator is allowed * @return the parsed variable statement */ private VariableStatement variableStatement(boolean allowIn) { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.VAR); List<VariableDeclaration> decls = variableDeclarationList(allowIn); if (allowIn) { semicolon(); } VariableStatement varStmt = new VariableStatement(begin, ts.endPosition(), decls); addVarScopedDeclaration(varStmt); return varStmt; } /** * <strong>[13.3.2] Variable Statement</strong> * * <pre> * VariableDeclarationList<span><sub>[In, Yield]</sub></span> : * VariableDeclaration<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * VariableDeclarationList<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> , VariableDeclaration<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param allowIn * the flag to select whether or not the in-operator is allowed * @return the parsed list of variable declarations */ private List<VariableDeclaration> variableDeclarationList(boolean allowIn) { InlineArrayList<VariableDeclaration> list = newList(); list.add(variableDeclaration(allowIn)); while (token() == Token.COMMA) { consume(Token.COMMA); list.add(variableDeclaration(allowIn)); } return list; } /** * <strong>[13.3.2] Variable Statement</strong> * * <pre> * VariableDeclaration<span><sub>[In, Yield]</sub></span> : * BindingIdentifier<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> Initializer<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]opt</sub></span> * BindingPattern<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> Initializer<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param allowIn * the flag to select whether or not the in-operator is allowed * @return the parsed variable declaration */ private VariableDeclaration variableDeclaration(boolean allowIn) { Binding binding; Expression initializer = null; if (token() == Token.LC || token() == Token.LB) { BindingPattern bindingPattern = bindingPattern(true); addVarDeclaredName(bindingPattern); if (allowIn) { initializer = initializer(allowIn); } else if (token() == Token.ASSIGN) { // make initializer optional if `allowIn == false`, cf. forStatement() initializer = initializer(allowIn); } binding = bindingPattern; } else { BindingIdentifier bindingIdentifier = bindingIdentifier(); addVarDeclaredName(bindingIdentifier); if (token() == Token.ASSIGN) { initializer = initializer(allowIn); if (IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition(initializer)) { setFunctionName(initializer, bindingIdentifier); } } binding = bindingIdentifier; } return new VariableDeclaration(binding, initializer); } /** * <strong>[13.3.3] Destructuring Binding Patterns</strong> * * <pre> * BindingPattern<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * ObjectBindingPattern<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * ArrayBindingPattern<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param allowLet * the flag to select if 'let' is allowed as a binding name * @return the parsed binding pattern */ private BindingPattern bindingPattern(boolean allowLet) { if (token() == Token.LC) { return objectBindingPattern(allowLet); } else { return arrayBindingPattern(allowLet); } } /** * <strong>[13.3.3] Destructuring Binding Patterns</strong> * * <pre> * ObjectBindingPattern<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * { } * { BindingPropertyList<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> } * { BindingPropertyList<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> , } * BindingPropertyList<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * BindingProperty<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * BindingPropertyList<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> , BindingProperty<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param allowLet * the flag to select if 'let' is allowed as a binding name * @return the parsed object binding pattern */ private ObjectBindingPattern objectBindingPattern(boolean allowLet) { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); InlineArrayList<BindingProperty> list = newList(); BindingRestProperty rest = null; consume(Token.LC); for (Token tok; (tok = token()) != Token.RC;) { if (tok == Token.TRIPLE_DOT && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.ObjectRestDestructuring)) { rest = bindingRestProperty(allowLet); break; } else { list.add(bindingProperty(allowLet)); if (token() == Token.COMMA) { consume(Token.COMMA); } else { break; } } } consume(Token.RC); return new ObjectBindingPattern(begin, ts.endPosition(), list, rest); } /** * <strong>[13.3.3] Destructuring Binding Patterns</strong> * * <pre> * BindingProperty<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * SingleNameBinding<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * PropertyName<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> : BindingElement<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * SingleNameBinding<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * BindingIdentifier<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> Initializer<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]opt</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param allowLet * the flag to select if 'let' is allowed as a binding name * @return the parsed binding property */ private BindingProperty bindingProperty(boolean allowLet) { if (token() == Token.LB || (isPropertyName(token()) && LOOKAHEAD(Token.COLON))) { PropertyName propertyName = propertyName(); consume(Token.COLON); Binding binding = binding(allowLet); Expression initializer = null; if (token() == Token.ASSIGN) { initializer = initializer(true); if (binding instanceof BindingIdentifier && IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition(initializer)) { setFunctionName(initializer, (BindingIdentifier) binding); } } return new BindingProperty(propertyName, binding, initializer); } else { BindingIdentifier binding = bindingIdentifier(allowLet); Expression initializer = null; if (token() == Token.ASSIGN) { initializer = initializer(true); if (IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition(initializer)) { setFunctionName(initializer, (BindingIdentifier) binding); } } return new BindingProperty(binding, initializer); } } private BindingRestProperty bindingRestProperty(boolean allowLet) { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.TRIPLE_DOT); BindingIdentifier bindingIdentifier = bindingIdentifier(allowLet); return new BindingRestProperty(begin, ts.endPosition(), bindingIdentifier); } /** * <strong>[13.3.3] Destructuring Binding Patterns</strong> * * <pre> * ArrayBindingPattern<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * [ Elision<span><sub>opt</sub></span> BindingRestElement<span><sub>[?Yield]opt</sub></span> ] * [ BindingElementList<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> ] * [ BindingElementList<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> , Elision<span><sub>opt</sub></span> BindingRestElement<span><sub>[?Yield]opt</sub></span> ] * BindingElementList<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * BindingElisionElement<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * BindingElementList<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> , BindingElisionElement<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * BindingElisionElement<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span>: * Elision<span><sub>opt</sub></span> BindingElement<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param allowLet * the flag to select if 'let' is allowed as a binding name * @return the parsed array binding pattern */ private ArrayBindingPattern arrayBindingPattern(boolean allowLet) { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); InlineArrayList<BindingElementItem> list = newList(); consume(Token.LB); boolean needComma = false; for (Token tok; (tok = token()) != Token.RB;) { if (needComma) { consume(Token.COMMA); needComma = false; } else if (tok == Token.COMMA) { consume(Token.COMMA); list.add(new BindingElision(0, 0)); } else if (tok == Token.TRIPLE_DOT) { list.add(bindingRestElement(allowLet)); break; } else { list.add(bindingElement(allowLet, false)); needComma = true; } } consume(Token.RB); return new ArrayBindingPattern(begin, ts.endPosition(), list); } /** * <pre> * Binding<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * BindingIdentifier<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * BindingPattern<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param allowLet * the flag to select if 'let' is allowed as a binding name * @return the parsed binding node */ private Binding binding(boolean allowLet) { switch (token()) { case LC: return objectBindingPattern(allowLet); case LB: return arrayBindingPattern(allowLet); default: return bindingIdentifier(allowLet); } } /** * <strong>[13.3.3] Destructuring Binding Patterns</strong> * * <pre> * BindingElement<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * SingleNameBinding<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * BindingPattern<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> Initializer<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]opt</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param allowLet * the flag to select if 'let' is allowed as a binding name * @param allowType * the flag to select if type annotations are allowed * @return the parsed binding element */ private BindingElement bindingElement(boolean allowLet, boolean allowType) { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); Binding binding = binding(allowLet); if (allowType && binding instanceof BindingIdentifier && (token() == Token.COLON || token() == Token.HOOK) && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.TypeAnnotation)) { parameterTypeAnnotation(); } Expression initializer = null; if (token() == Token.ASSIGN) { initializer = initializer(true); if (binding instanceof BindingIdentifier && IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition(initializer)) { setFunctionName(initializer, (BindingIdentifier) binding); } } return new BindingElement(begin, ts.endPosition(), binding, initializer); } /** * <strong>[13.3.3] Destructuring Binding Patterns</strong> * * <pre> * BindingRestElement<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * ... BindingIdentifier<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * ... BindingPattern<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param allowLet * the flag to select if 'let' is allowed as a binding name * @return the parsed binding rest element */ private BindingRestElement bindingRestElement(boolean allowLet) { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.TRIPLE_DOT); Binding binding; if (isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.RestBindingPattern)) { binding = binding(allowLet); } else { binding = bindingIdentifier(allowLet); } return new BindingRestElement(begin, ts.endPosition(), binding); } /** * <strong>[13.4] Empty Statement</strong> * * <pre> * EmptyStatement: * ; * </pre> * * @return the parsed empty statement */ private EmptyStatement emptyStatement() { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.SEMI); return new EmptyStatement(begin, ts.endPosition()); } /** * <strong>[13.5] Expression Statement</strong> * * <pre> * ExpressionStatement<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * [LA ∉ { <b>{, function, class, let [</b> }] Expression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> ; * </pre> * * @return the parsed expression statement */ private ExpressionStatement expressionStatement() { switch (token()) { case LC: case FUNCTION: case CLASS: case AT: throw reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidToken, token().toString()); case LET: if (LOOKAHEAD(Token.LB)) { throw reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidToken, token().toString()); } break; case ASYNC: if (isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.AsyncFunction) || isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.AsyncGenerator)) { if (LOOKAHEAD(Token.FUNCTION) && noNextLineTerminator()) { throw reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidToken, token().toString()); } } break; case DO: if (isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.DoExpression)) { throw reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidToken, token().toString()); } break; default: break; } long begin = ts.beginPosition(); Expression expr = expression(true); semicolon(); return new ExpressionStatement(begin, ts.endPosition(), expr); } /** * <strong>[13.6] The <code>if</code> Statement</strong> * * <pre> * IfStatement<span><sub>[Yield, Return]</sub></span> : * if ( Expression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> ) Statement<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> else Statement<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> * if ( Expression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> ) Statement<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> * </pre> * * <strong>[B.3.4] FunctionDeclarations in IfStatement Statement Clauses</strong> * * <pre> * IfStatement<span><sub>[Yield, Return]</sub></span> : * if ( Expression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> ) FunctionDeclaration<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> else Statement<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> * if ( Expression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> ) Statement<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> else FunctionDeclaration<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * if ( Expression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> ) FunctionDeclaration<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> else FunctionDeclaration<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * if ( Expression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> ) FunctionDeclaration<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @return the parsed if-statement */ private IfStatement ifStatement() { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.IF); consume(Token.LP); Expression test = expression(true); consume(Token.RP); Statement then = statementOrFunctionDeclaration(); Statement otherwise = null; if (token() == Token.ELSE) { consume(Token.ELSE); otherwise = statementOrFunctionDeclaration(); } return new IfStatement(begin, ts.endPosition(), test, then, otherwise); } private Statement statementOrFunctionDeclaration() { if (token() == Token.FUNCTION && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.IfStatementFunctionDeclaration)) { return ifStatementFunctionDeclaration(); } return statement(false); } private BlockStatement ifStatementFunctionDeclaration() { if (context.strictMode != StrictMode.NonStrict) { reportStrictModeSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidToken, token().toString()); } long begin = ts.beginPosition(); BlockContext scope = enterBlockContext(); Declaration declaration = functionDeclarationWithRetry(false); List<StatementListItem> list = singletonList((StatementListItem) declaration); exitBlockContext(); BlockStatement block = new BlockStatement(begin, ts.endPosition(), scope, list); scope.node = block; return block; } /** * <strong>[13.7.2] The <code>do-while</code> Statement</strong> * * <pre> * IterationStatement<span><sub>[Yield, Return]</sub></span> : * do Statement<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> while ( Expression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> ) ;<span><sub>opt</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param labelSet * the label set * @return the parsed do-while statement */ private DoWhileStatement doWhileStatement(Set<String> labelSet) { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.DO); LabelContext labelCx = enterIteration(labelSet); Statement stmt = statement(false); exitIteration(); consume(Token.WHILE); consume(Token.LP); Expression test = expression(true); consume(Token.RP); if (token() == Token.SEMI) { consume(Token.SEMI); } return new DoWhileStatement(begin, ts.endPosition(), labelCx.abrupts, labelCx.labelSet, test, stmt); } /** * <strong>[13.7.3] The <code>while</code> Statement</strong> * * <pre> * IterationStatement<span><sub>[Yield, Return]</sub></span> : * while ( Expression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> ) StatementStatement<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param labelSet * the label set * @return the parsed while statement */ private WhileStatement whileStatement(Set<String> labelSet) { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.WHILE); consume(Token.LP); Expression test = expression(true); consume(Token.RP); LabelContext labelCx = enterIteration(labelSet); Statement stmt = statement(false); exitIteration(); return new WhileStatement(begin, ts.endPosition(), labelCx.abrupts, labelCx.labelSet, test, stmt); } private enum ForType { Await, Each, In, Of } /** * <strong>[13.7.4] The <code>for</code> Statement</strong> <br> * <strong>[13.7.5] The <code>for-in</code> and <code>for-of</code> Statements</strong> * * <pre> * IterationStatement<span><sub>[Yield, Return]</sub></span> : * for ( [LA ∉ { <b>let [</b> }] Expression<span><sub>[?Yield]opt</sub></span> ; Expression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]opt</sub></span> ; Expression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]opt</sub></span> ) Statement<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> * for ( var VariableDeclarationList<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> ; Expression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]opt</sub></span> ; Expression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]opt</sub></span> ) Statement<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> * for ( LexicalDeclaration<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> Expression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]opt</sub></span> ; Expression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]opt</sub></span> ) Statement<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> * for ( [LA ∉ { <b>let [</b> }] LeftHandSideExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> in Expression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> ) Statement<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> * for ( var ForBinding<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> in Expression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> ) Statement<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> * for ( ForDeclaration<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> in Expression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> ) Statement<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> * for ( [LA ∉ { <b>let</b> }] LeftHandSideExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> of AssignmentExpression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> ) Statement<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> * for ( var ForBinding<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> of AssignmentExpression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> ) Statement<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> * for ( ForDeclaration<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> of AssignmentExpression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> ) Statement<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> * ForDeclaration<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * LetOrConst ForBinding<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * ForBinding<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * BindingIdentifier<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * BindingPattern<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param labelSet * the label set * @return the parsed for-loop or for-in/of statement */ private IterationStatement forStatementOrForInOfStatement(Set<String> labelSet) { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); boolean forAwait = false, forEach = false; consume(Token.FOR); if (token() == Token.AWAIT && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.AsyncGenerator)) { if (context.kind.isAsync() && context.awaitAllowed) { context.yieldOrAwaitExpression |= true; } else { reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidAwaitExpression); } consume(Token.AWAIT); forAwait = true; } else if (isName("each") && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.ForEachStatement)) { consume("each"); forEach = true; } consume(Token.LP); // NB: This code needs to be able to parse ForStatement and ForIn/OfStatement boolean letIdentifier = false; BlockContext lexBlockContext = null; Node head; switch (token()) { case VAR: head = variableStatement(false); break; case SEMI: head = null; break; case CONST: lexBlockContext = enterBlockContext(); head = lexicalDeclaration(false); break; case LET: if (forAwait || lexicalBindingFirstSet(peek())) { lexBlockContext = enterBlockContext(); head = lexicalDeclaration(false); break; } // 'let' as identifier, e.g. `for (let ;;) {}` // 'let' as identifier, e.g. `for (let in "") {}` or `for (let.prop in "") {}` letIdentifier = true; // fall-through default: int count = context.countLiterals(); Expression expr = assignmentExpressionNoValidation(false); if (token() == Token.SEMI || token() == Token.COMMA) { // ForStatement, apply early error checks for object literals objectLiteral_EarlyErrors(count); // Proceed to parse expression tail, if any if (token() == Token.COMMA) { head = commaExpression(expr, false); } else { head = expr; } } else { // ForInStatement or ForOfStatement, check assignment target head = validateAssignment(expr, ExceptionType.SyntaxError, Messages.Key.InvalidAssignmentTarget); // Apply early error checks for remaining object literals objectLiteral_EarlyErrors(count); } break; } if (forAwait) { return forInOfStatement(labelSet, begin, head, lexBlockContext, ForType.Await); } else if (forEach) { return forInOfStatement(labelSet, begin, head, lexBlockContext, ForType.Each); } else if (token() == Token.IN) { return forInOfStatement(labelSet, begin, head, lexBlockContext, ForType.In); } else if (token() == Token.NAME && !letIdentifier && isName("of")) { return forInOfStatement(labelSet, begin, head, lexBlockContext, ForType.Of); } else { return forStatement(labelSet, begin, head, lexBlockContext); } } private IterationStatement forInOfStatement(Set<String> labelSet, long begin, Node head, BlockContext lexBlockContext, ForType type) { // Only allow single binding without initializer in for-in/of head. if (head == null) { // for-each loop without head: `for each (;` assert type == ForType.Await || type == ForType.Each; reportSyntaxError(begin, Messages.Key.InvalidForStatementLeftHandSide); } else if (head instanceof VariableStatement) { VariableStatement varStmt = (VariableStatement) head; if (varStmt.getElements().size() != 1) { reportSyntaxError(varStmt, Messages.Key.InvalidForStatementLeftHandSide); } VariableDeclaration varDecl = varStmt.getElements().get(0); if (varDecl.getInitializer() != null) { if (type == ForType.Of || varDecl.getBinding() instanceof BindingPattern) { reportSyntaxError(varDecl, Messages.Key.InvalidForStatementLeftHandSide); } if (!isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.ForInVarInitializer)) { reportSyntaxError(varDecl, Messages.Key.InvalidForStatementLeftHandSide); } } if (type == ForType.Of) { checkVarDeclaredName(varDecl.getBinding()); } } else if (head instanceof LexicalDeclaration) { // Forbid initializer for BindingPattern and const declarations LexicalDeclaration lexDecl = (LexicalDeclaration) head; if (lexDecl.getElements().size() != 1) { reportSyntaxError(lexDecl, Messages.Key.InvalidForStatementLeftHandSide); } LexicalBinding lexBinding = lexDecl.getElements().get(0); if (lexBinding.getInitializer() != null) { reportSyntaxError(lexBinding, Messages.Key.InvalidForStatementLeftHandSide); } } else if (!(head instanceof LeftHandSideExpression)) { // Handle: `for (a, b in ...` and `for each (false; ...` assert head instanceof CommaExpression || type == ForType.Await || type == ForType.Each; reportSyntaxError(head, Messages.Key.InvalidForStatementLeftHandSide); } Expression expr; if (type == ForType.Each || type == ForType.In) { consume(Token.IN); expr = expression(true); } else { consume("of"); expr = assignmentExpression(true); } consume(Token.RP); LabelContext labelCx = enterIteration(labelSet); Statement stmt = statement(false); exitIteration(); if (lexBlockContext != null) { exitBlockContext(); } if (type == ForType.Await) { ForAwaitStatement iteration = new ForAwaitStatement(begin, ts.endPosition(), lexBlockContext, labelCx.abrupts, labelCx.labelSet, head, expr, stmt); if (lexBlockContext != null) { lexBlockContext.node = iteration; } return iteration; } else if (type == ForType.Each) { ForEachStatement iteration = new ForEachStatement(begin, ts.endPosition(), lexBlockContext, labelCx.abrupts, labelCx.labelSet, head, expr, stmt); if (lexBlockContext != null) { lexBlockContext.node = iteration; } return iteration; } else if (type == ForType.In) { ForInStatement iteration = new ForInStatement(begin, ts.endPosition(), lexBlockContext, labelCx.abrupts, labelCx.labelSet, head, expr, stmt); if (lexBlockContext != null) { lexBlockContext.node = iteration; } return iteration; } else { ForOfStatement iteration = new ForOfStatement(begin, ts.endPosition(), lexBlockContext, labelCx.abrupts, labelCx.labelSet, head, expr, stmt); if (lexBlockContext != null) { lexBlockContext.node = iteration; } return iteration; } } private ForStatement forStatement(Set<String> labelSet, long begin, Node head, BlockContext lexBlockContext) { if (head instanceof VariableStatement) { // Enforce initializer for BindingPattern VariableStatement varStmt = (VariableStatement) head; for (VariableDeclaration decl : varStmt.getElements()) { if (decl.getBinding() instanceof BindingPattern && decl.getInitializer() == null) { reportSyntaxError(varStmt, Messages.Key.DestructuringMissingInitializer); } } } else if (head instanceof LexicalDeclaration) { // Enforce initializer for BindingPattern and const declarations LexicalDeclaration lexDecl = (LexicalDeclaration) head; boolean isConst = lexDecl.isConstDeclaration(); for (LexicalBinding decl : lexDecl.getElements()) { if (decl.getBinding() instanceof BindingPattern && decl.getInitializer() == null) { reportSyntaxError(lexDecl, Messages.Key.DestructuringMissingInitializer); } if (isConst && decl.getInitializer() == null) { reportSyntaxError(lexDecl, Messages.Key.ConstMissingInitializer); } } } consume(Token.SEMI); Expression test = null; if (token() != Token.SEMI) { test = expression(true); } consume(Token.SEMI); Expression step = null; if (token() != Token.RP) { step = expression(true); } consume(Token.RP); LabelContext labelCx = enterIteration(labelSet); Statement stmt = statement(false); exitIteration(); if (lexBlockContext != null) { exitBlockContext(); } ForStatement iteration = new ForStatement(begin, ts.endPosition(), lexBlockContext, labelCx.abrupts, labelCx.labelSet, head, test, step, stmt); if (lexBlockContext != null) { lexBlockContext.node = iteration; } return iteration; } /** * <strong>[13.8] The <code>continue</code> Statement</strong> * * <pre> * ContinueStatement<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * continue ; * continue [no <i>LineTerminator</i> here] LabelIdentifier<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> ; * </pre> * * @return the parsed continue statement */ private ContinueStatement continueStatement() { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); String label; consume(Token.CONTINUE); if (noLineTerminator() && isLabelIdentifier(token())) { label = labelIdentifier(); } else { label = null; } semicolon(); LabelContext target = findContinueTarget(label); if (target == null) { if (label == null) { reportSyntaxError(begin, Messages.Key.InvalidContinueTarget); } else { reportSyntaxError(begin, Messages.Key.LabelTargetNotFound, label); } } if (target.type != StatementType.Iteration) { reportSyntaxError(begin, Messages.Key.InvalidContinueTarget); } target.mark(Abrupt.Continue); return new ContinueStatement(begin, ts.endPosition(), label); } /** * <strong>[13.9] The <code>break</code> Statement</strong> * * <pre> * BreakStatement<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * break ; * break [no <i>LineTerminator</i> here] LabelIdentifier<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> ; * </pre> * * @return the parsed break statement */ private BreakStatement breakStatement() { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); String label; consume(Token.BREAK); if (noLineTerminator() && isLabelIdentifier(token())) { label = labelIdentifier(); } else { label = null; } semicolon(); LabelContext target = findBreakTarget(label); if (target == null) { if (label == null) { reportSyntaxError(begin, Messages.Key.InvalidBreakTarget); } else { reportSyntaxError(begin, Messages.Key.LabelTargetNotFound, label); } } target.mark(Abrupt.Break); return new BreakStatement(begin, ts.endPosition(), label); } /** * <strong>[13.10] The <code>return</code> Statement</strong> * * <pre> * ReturnStatement<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * return ; * return [no <i>LineTerminator</i> here] Expression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> ; * </pre> * * @return the parsed return statement */ private ReturnStatement returnStatement() { if (!context.returnAllowed) { reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidReturnStatement); } long begin = ts.beginPosition(); Expression expr = null; consume(Token.RETURN); if (noLineTerminator() && !(token() == Token.SEMI || token() == Token.RC || token() == Token.EOF)) { expr = expression(true); } semicolon(); return new ReturnStatement(begin, ts.endPosition(), expr); } /** * <strong>[13.11] The <code>with</code> Statement</strong> * * <pre> * WithStatement<span><sub>[Yield, Return]</sub></span> : * with ( Expression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> ) Statement<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @return the parsed with statement */ private WithStatement withStatement() { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); reportStrictModeSyntaxError(begin, Messages.Key.StrictModeWithStatement); consume(Token.WITH); consume(Token.LP); Expression expr = expression(true); consume(Token.RP); WithContext scope = enterWithContext(); Statement stmt = statement(false); exitWithContext(); WithStatement withStatement = new WithStatement(begin, ts.endPosition(), scope, expr, stmt); scope.node = withStatement; return withStatement; } /** * <strong>[13.12] The <code>switch</code> Statement</strong> * * <pre> * SwitchStatement<span><sub>[Yield, Return]</sub></span> : * switch ( Expression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> ) CaseBlock<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> * CaseBlock<span><sub>[Yield, Return]</sub></span> : * { CaseClauses<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]opt</sub></span> } * { CaseClauses<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]opt</sub></span> DefaultClause<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> CaseClauses<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]opt</sub></span> } * CaseClauses<span><sub>[Yield, Return]</sub></span> : * CaseClause<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> * CaseClauses<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> CaseClause<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> * CaseClause<span><sub>[Yield, Return]</sub></span> : * case Expression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> : StatementList<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]opt</sub></span> * DefaultClause : * default : StatementList<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]opt</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param labelSet * the label set * @return the parsed switch statement */ private SwitchStatement switchStatement(Set<String> labelSet) { InlineArrayList<SwitchClause> clauses = newList(); long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.SWITCH); consume(Token.LP); Expression expr = expression(true); consume(Token.RP); consume(Token.LC); BlockContext scope = enterBlockContext(); LabelContext labelCx = enterBreakable(labelSet); boolean hasDefault = false; for (;;) { long beginClause = ts.beginPosition(); Expression caseExpr; Token tok = token(); if (tok == Token.CASE) { consume(Token.CASE); caseExpr = expression(true); consume(Token.COLON); } else if (tok == Token.DEFAULT && !hasDefault) { hasDefault = true; consume(Token.DEFAULT); consume(Token.COLON); caseExpr = null; } else { break; } Token next = token(); if (next == Token.CASE || next == Token.DEFAULT) { // empty case clause List<StatementListItem> list = emptyList(); clauses.add(new SwitchClause(beginClause, ts.endPosition(), caseExpr, list)); continue; } InlineArrayList<StatementListItem> list = newList(); statementlist: for (;;) { switch (token()) { case CASE: case DEFAULT: case RC: break statementlist; default: list.add(statementListItem()); } } clauses.add(new SwitchClause(beginClause, ts.endPosition(), caseExpr, list)); } exitBlockContext(); exitBreakable(); consume(Token.RC); SwitchStatement switchStatement = new SwitchStatement(begin, ts.endPosition(), scope, labelCx.abrupts, labelCx.labelSet, expr, clauses); scope.node = switchStatement; return switchStatement; } /** * <strong>[13.13] Labelled Statements</strong> * * <pre> * LabelledStatement<span><sub>[Yield, Return]</sub></span> : * LabelIdentifier<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> : LabelledItem<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> * LabelledItem<span><sub>[Yield, Return]</sub></span> : * Statement<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> * FunctionDeclaration<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param allowFunction * {@code true} if labelled function statements are allowed * @return the parsed labelled statement */ private Statement labelledStatement(boolean allowFunction) { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); LinkedHashSet<String> labelSet = new LinkedHashSet<>(4); labels: for (;;) { switch (token()) { case FOR: assert !labelSet.isEmpty(); return forStatementOrForInOfStatement(labelSet); case WHILE: assert !labelSet.isEmpty(); return whileStatement(labelSet); case DO: assert !labelSet.isEmpty(); return doWhileStatement(labelSet); case SWITCH: assert !labelSet.isEmpty(); return switchStatement(labelSet); case FUNCTION: if (isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.LabelledFunctionDeclaration)) { assert !labelSet.isEmpty(); return labelledFunctionStatement(labelSet, allowFunction); } break labels; case LET: if (isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.LetStatement) || isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.LetExpression)) { break labels; } // fall-through case ASYNC: case AWAIT: case YIELD: case IMPLEMENTS: case INTERFACE: case PACKAGE: case PRIVATE: case PROTECTED: case PUBLIC: case STATIC: case NAME: case ESCAPED_NAME: case ESCAPED_RESERVED_WORD: case ESCAPED_STRICT_RESERVED_WORD: case ESCAPED_YIELD: case ESCAPED_ASYNC: case ESCAPED_AWAIT: case ESCAPED_LET: if (LOOKAHEAD(Token.COLON)) { break; } default: break labels; } long beginLabel = ts.beginPosition(); String name = labelIdentifier(); consume(Token.COLON); addLabel(beginLabel, labelSet, name); } assert !labelSet.isEmpty(); LabelContext labelCx = enterLabelled(StatementType.Statement, labelSet); Statement stmt = statement(false); exitLabelled(); return new LabelledStatement(begin, ts.endPosition(), labelCx.abrupts, labelCx.labelSet, stmt); } /** * B.3.2 Labelled Function Declarations * * @param allowFunction * {@code true} if labelled function statements are allowed * @return the labelled function statement */ private LabelledFunctionStatement labelledFunctionStatement(Set<String> labelSet, boolean allowFunction) { if (!allowFunction) { reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidToken, token().toString()); } else if (context.strictMode != StrictMode.NonStrict) { reportStrictModeSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidToken, token().toString()); } long begin = ts.beginPosition(); HoistableDeclaration function = functionDeclarationWithRetry(false); return new LabelledFunctionStatement(begin, ts.endPosition(), labelSet, function); } /** * <strong>[13.14] The <code>throw</code> Statement</strong> * * <pre> * ThrowStatement<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * throw [no <i>LineTerminator</i> here] Expression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> ; * </pre> * * @return the parsed throw statement */ private ThrowStatement throwStatement() { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.THROW); if (!noLineTerminator()) { reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.UnexpectedEndOfLine); } Expression expr = expression(true); semicolon(); return new ThrowStatement(begin, ts.endPosition(), expr); } /** * <strong>[13.15] The <code>try</code> Statement</strong> * * <pre> * TryStatement<span><sub>[Yield, Return]</sub></span> : * try Block<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> Catch<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> * try Block<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> Finally<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> * try Block<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> Catch<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> Finally<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> * Catch<span><sub>[Yield, Return]</sub></span> : * catch ( CatchParameter<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> ) Block<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> * Finally<span><sub>[Yield, Return]</sub></span> : * finally Block<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> * CatchParameter<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * BindingIdentifier<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * BindingPattern<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @return the parsed try-statement node */ private TryStatement tryStatement() { BlockStatement tryBlock, finallyBlock = null; CatchNode catchNode = null; List<GuardedCatchNode> guardedCatchNodes = emptyList(); long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.TRY); tryBlock = block(NO_INHERITED_BINDING); Token tok = token(); if (tok == Token.CATCH) { if (isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.GuardedCatch)) { guardedCatchNodes = newList(); while (token() == Token.CATCH && catchNode == null) { long beginCatch = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.CATCH); consume(Token.LP); BlockScope catchScope = enterCatchScope(); Binding catchParameter = binding(true); addLexDeclaredName(catchParameter); Expression guard; if (token() == Token.IF) { consume(Token.IF); guard = expression(true); } else { guard = null; } consume(Token.RP); // CatchBlock receives a list of non-available lexical declarable names to // fulfill the early error restriction that the BoundNames of CatchParameter // must not also occur in either the LexicallyDeclaredNames or the // VarDeclaredNames of CatchBlock. BlockStatement catchBlock = block(singletonList(catchParameter)); exitCatchContext(); if (guard != null) { GuardedCatchNode guardedCatchNode = new GuardedCatchNode(beginCatch, ts.endPosition(), catchScope, catchParameter, guard, catchBlock); assignCatchScopeNode(catchScope, guardedCatchNode); guardedCatchNodes.add(guardedCatchNode); } else { catchNode = new CatchNode(beginCatch, ts.endPosition(), catchScope, catchParameter, catchBlock); assignCatchScopeNode(catchScope, catchNode); } } } else { long beginCatch = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.CATCH); consume(Token.LP); BlockScope catchScope = enterCatchScope(); Binding catchParameter = binding(true); addLexDeclaredName(catchParameter); consume(Token.RP); // CatchBlock receives a list of non-available lexical declarable names to // fulfill the early error restriction that the BoundNames of CatchParameter // must not also occur in either the LexicallyDeclaredNames or the // VarDeclaredNames of CatchBlock. BlockStatement catchBlock = block(singletonList(catchParameter)); exitCatchContext(); catchNode = new CatchNode(beginCatch, ts.endPosition(), catchScope, catchParameter, catchBlock); assignCatchScopeNode(catchScope, catchNode); } if (token() == Token.FINALLY) { consume(Token.FINALLY); finallyBlock = block(NO_INHERITED_BINDING); } } else { consume(Token.FINALLY); finallyBlock = block(NO_INHERITED_BINDING); } return new TryStatement(begin, ts.endPosition(), tryBlock, catchNode, guardedCatchNodes, finallyBlock); } private BlockScope enterCatchScope() { if (isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.CatchVarPattern)) { if (token() == Token.LB || token() == Token.LC) { return enterBlockContext(); } } if (isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.CatchVarStatement)) { return enterCatchContext(); } return enterBlockContext(); } private void assignCatchScopeNode(BlockScope scope, ScopedNode node) { if (scope instanceof BlockContext) { ((BlockContext) scope).node = node; } else { ((CatchContext) scope).node = node; } } /** * <strong>[13.16] The <code>debugger</code> Statement</strong> * * <pre> * DebuggerStatement : * debugger ; * </pre> * * @return the parsed debugger statement */ private DebuggerStatement debuggerStatement() { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.DEBUGGER); semicolon(); return new DebuggerStatement(begin, ts.endPosition()); } /** * <strong>[Extension] The <code>let</code> Statement</strong> * * <pre> * LetStatement<span><sub>[Yield, Return]</sub></span> : * let ( BindingList<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> ) BlockStatement<span><sub>[?Yield, ?Return]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @return the parsed let-statement */ private Statement letStatement() { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.LET); consume(Token.LP); List<LexicalBinding> lexicalBindings = letBindingList(); List<Binding> bindings = toBindings(lexicalBindings); consume(Token.RP); if (token() != Token.LC && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.LetExpression)) { // let expression disguised as let statement - also error in strict mode(!) reportStrictModeSyntaxError(ts.sourcePosition(), Messages.Key.UnexpectedToken, token().toString(), Token.LC.toString()); BlockContext scope = enterBlockContext(bindings); Expression expression = assignmentExpression(true); exitBlockContext(); LetExpression letExpression = new LetExpression(begin, ts.endPosition(), scope, lexicalBindings, expression); scope.node = letExpression; return new ExpressionStatement(begin, ts.endPosition(), letExpression); } else { BlockContext scope = enterBlockContext(bindings); BlockStatement letBlock = block(bindings); exitBlockContext(); LetStatement block = new LetStatement(begin, ts.endPosition(), scope, lexicalBindings, letBlock); scope.node = block; return block; } } private List<LexicalBinding> letBindingList() { InlineArrayList<LexicalBinding> list = newList(); list.add(letBinding()); while (token() == Token.COMMA) { consume(Token.COMMA); list.add(letBinding()); } return list; } private LexicalBinding letBinding() { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); Binding binding; Expression initializer = null; if (token() == Token.LC || token() == Token.LB) { binding = bindingPattern(false); initializer = initializer(true); } else { binding = bindingIdentifier(false); if (token() == Token.ASSIGN) { initializer = initializer(true); if (IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition(initializer)) { setFunctionName(initializer, (BindingIdentifier) binding); } } } return new LexicalBinding(begin, ts.endPosition(), binding, initializer); } private List<Binding> toBindings(List<LexicalBinding> lexicalBindings) { ArrayList<Binding> bindings = new ArrayList<>(lexicalBindings.size()); for (LexicalBinding lexicalBinding : lexicalBindings) { bindings.add(lexicalBinding.getBinding()); } return bindings; } /* ***************************************************************************************** */ /** * <strong>[12.1] Identifiers</strong> * * <pre> * IdentifierReference<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * Identifier * [~Yield] yield * </pre> * * @return the parsed identifier reference */ private IdentifierReference identifierReference() { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); String identifier = identifier(); if ("arguments".equals(identifier) && context.kind.isFunction()) { context.funContext.needsArguments(false); } return new IdentifierReference(begin, ts.endPosition(), identifier); } /** * <strong>[12.1] Identifiers</strong> * * <pre> * BindingIdentifier<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * Identifier * <span><sub>[~Yield]</sub></span> yield * </pre> * * @return the parsed binding identifier */ private BindingIdentifier bindingIdentifier() { return bindingIdentifier(true); } /** * <strong>[12.1] Identifiers</strong> * * <pre> * BindingIdentifier<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * Identifier * <span><sub>[~Yield]</sub></span> yield * </pre> * * @param allowLet * the flag to select if 'let' is allowed as a binding name * @return the parsed binding identifier */ private BindingIdentifier bindingIdentifier(boolean allowLet) { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); if (!allowLet) { Token tok = token(); if (tok == Token.LET || tok == Token.ESCAPED_LET) { reportTokenNotIdentifier(Token.LET); } } String identifier = identifier(); if (context.strictMode != StrictMode.NonStrict) { if ("arguments".equals(identifier) || "eval".equals(identifier)) { reportStrictModeSyntaxError(begin, Messages.Key.StrictModeRestrictedIdentifier); } } return new BindingIdentifier(begin, ts.endPosition(), identifier); } /** * <strong>[12.1] Identifiers</strong> * <p> * Difference when compared to {@link #bindingIdentifier()}:<br> * Neither "arguments" nor "eval" nor "let" is allowed. * * <pre> * BindingIdentifier<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * Identifier * <span><sub>[~Yield]</sub></span> yield * </pre> * * @return the parsed binding identifier */ private BindingIdentifier bindingIdentifierClassName() { assert context.strictMode == StrictMode.Strict; return bindingIdentifier(true); } /** * <strong>[12.1] Identifiers</strong> * <p> * Special case for {@link Token#YIELD} as {@link BindingIdentifier} in functions and generators * * <pre> * BindingIdentifier<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * Identifier * <span><sub>[~Yield]</sub></span> yield * </pre> * * @param isDeclaration * {@code true} if the function is declaration node * @return the parsed binding identifier */ private BindingIdentifier bindingIdentifierFunctionName(boolean isDeclaration) { Token tok = token(); switch (tok) { case YIELD: case ESCAPED_YIELD: { // function declarations inherit the yield mode from the parent context long begin = ts.beginPosition(); if (!isYieldName(isDeclaration ? context.parent : context)) { reportTokenNotIdentifier(Token.YIELD); } consume(tok); return new BindingIdentifier(begin, ts.endPosition(), getName(Token.YIELD)); } case AWAIT: case ESCAPED_AWAIT: { // function declarations inherit the await mode from the parent context long begin = ts.beginPosition(); if (!isAwaitName(isDeclaration ? context.parent : context)) { reportTokenNotIdentifier(Token.AWAIT); } consume(tok); return new BindingIdentifier(begin, ts.endPosition(), getName(Token.AWAIT)); } default: return bindingIdentifier(true); } } /** * <strong>[12.1] Identifiers</strong> * * <pre> * LabelIdentifier<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * Identifier * <span><sub>[~Yield]</sub></span> yield * </pre> * * @return the parsed label identifier */ private String labelIdentifier() { return identifier(); } /** * <strong>[12.1] Identifiers</strong> * * <pre> * Identifier : * IdentifierName <strong>but not</strong> ReservedWord * </pre> * * @return the parsed identifier */ private String identifier() { Token tok = token(); if (!isIdentifier(tok)) { reportTokenNotIdentifier(tok); } String name = getName(tok); consume(tok); return name; } /** * <strong>[12.1] Identifiers</strong> * <p> * 12.1.1 Static Semantics: Early Errors * * @param tok * the token to inspect * @return {@code true} if the token is valid binding identifier */ private boolean isBindingIdentifier(Token tok) { return isIdentifier(tok); } /** * <strong>[12.1] Identifiers</strong> * <p> * 12.1.1 Static Semantics: Early Errors * * @param tok * the token to inspect * @return {@code true} if the token is valid label identifier */ private boolean isLabelIdentifier(Token tok) { return isIdentifier(tok); } /** * <strong>[12.1] Identifiers</strong> * <p> * 12.1.1 Static Semantics: Early Errors * * @param tok * the token to inspect * @return {@code true} if the token is valid identifier reference */ private boolean isIdentifierReference(Token tok) { return isIdentifier(tok); } /** * <strong>[12.1] Identifiers</strong> * <p> * 12.1.1 Static Semantics: Early Errors * * @param tok * the token to inspect * @return {@code true} if the token is valid identifier */ private boolean isIdentifier(Token tok) { switch (tok) { case NAME: case ASYNC: case ESCAPED_NAME: case ESCAPED_ASYNC: return true; case ESCAPED_RESERVED_WORD: throw reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidIdentifier, getName(tok)); case AWAIT: case ESCAPED_AWAIT: return isAwaitName(context); case YIELD: case ESCAPED_YIELD: return isYieldName(context); case LET: case ESCAPED_LET: case IMPLEMENTS: case INTERFACE: case PACKAGE: case PRIVATE: case PROTECTED: case PUBLIC: case STATIC: case ESCAPED_STRICT_RESERVED_WORD: // Strict mode reserved words if (context.strictMode != StrictMode.NonStrict) { reportStrictModeSyntaxError(Messages.Key.StrictModeInvalidIdentifier, getName(tok)); } return true; default: return false; } } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if {@link Token#YIELD} should be treated as {@link Token#NAME} in * the supplied context. * * @param yieldContext * the context to use * @return {@code true} if 'yield' is a valid name in the parse context */ private boolean isYieldName(ParseContext yieldContext) { switch (yieldContext.kind) { case AsyncGenerator: case AsyncGeneratorMethod: case Generator: case GeneratorMethod: // 'yield' is always a keyword in generator functions reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidIdentifier, getName(Token.YIELD)); break; case ArrowFunction: case AsyncArrowFunction: case GeneratorComprehension: if (yieldContext.yieldAllowed) { // 'yield' in arrow function parameters embedded in generator or generator compr. // 'yield' in generator comprehension, embedded in generator reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidIdentifier, getName(Token.YIELD)); } break; default: assert !yieldContext.yieldAllowed : String.format( "unexpected context kind '%s' with yield allowed", yieldContext.kind); } // 'yield' is always a keyword in strict-mode (independent of `yieldContext`) if (context.strictMode != StrictMode.NonStrict) { reportStrictModeSyntaxError(Messages.Key.StrictModeInvalidIdentifier, getName(Token.YIELD)); } return true; } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if {@link Token#AWAIT} should be treated as {@link Token#NAME} in * the supplied context. * * @param awaitContext * the context to use * @return {@code true} if 'await' is a valid name in the parse context */ private boolean isAwaitName(ParseContext awaitContext) { switch (awaitContext.kind) { case AsyncArrowFunction: case AsyncFunction: case AsyncGenerator: case AsyncGeneratorMethod: case AsyncMethod: // 'await' is always a keyword in async functions reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidIdentifier, getName(Token.AWAIT)); break; case ArrowFunction: case GeneratorComprehension: if (awaitContext.awaitAllowed) { // 'await' in arrow function parameters, embedded in async function // 'await' in generator comprehension, embedded in async function reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidIdentifier, getName(Token.AWAIT)); } break; default: assert !awaitContext.awaitAllowed; } // 'await' is always a keyword in module-mode (independent of `awaitContext`) if (moduleCode) { reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidIdentifier, getName(Token.AWAIT)); } return true; } /** * <strong>[12.2] Primary Expression</strong> * * <pre> * PrimaryExpresion<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * this * IdentifierReference<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * Literal * ArrayLiteral<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * ArrayComprehension<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * ObjectLiteral<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * FunctionExpression * ClassExpression * GeneratorExpression * GeneratorComprehension<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * RegularExpressionLiteral * TemplateLiteral<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * CoverParenthesizedExpressionAndArrowParameterList<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * Literal : * NullLiteral * BooleanLiteral * NumericLiteral * StringLiteral * </pre> * * @return the parsed primary expression node */ private Expression primaryExpression() { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); Token tok = token(); switch (tok) { case THIS: consume(tok); return new ThisExpression(begin, ts.endPosition()); case NULL: consume(tok); return new NullLiteral(begin, ts.endPosition()); case FALSE: case TRUE: consume(tok); return new BooleanLiteral(begin, ts.endPosition(), tok == Token.TRUE); case NUMBER: double number = numericLiteral(); return new NumericLiteral(begin, ts.endPosition(), number); case STRING: String string = stringLiteral(); return new StringLiteral(begin, ts.endPosition(), string); case DIV: case ASSIGN_DIV: return regularExpressionLiteral(tok); case LB: return arrayInitializer(); case LC: return objectLiteral(); case FUNCTION: return functionOrGeneratorExpression(); case AT: return classExpression(decorators()); case CLASS: return classExpression(NO_DECORATORS); case LP: if (LOOKAHEAD(Token.FOR) && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.Comprehension)) { return generatorComprehension(); } else { return coverParenthesizedExpressionAndArrowParameterList(); } case TEMPLATE: return templateLiteral(false); case MOD: if (isEnabled(Option.NativeCall)) { return nativeCallExpression(); } break; case LET: if (isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.LetExpression)) { return letExpression(); } break; case ASYNC: if (isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.AsyncFunction) || isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.AsyncGenerator)) { if (LOOKAHEAD(Token.FUNCTION) && noNextLineTerminator()) { return asyncFunctionOrGeneratorExpression(); } } break; case DO: if (isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.DoExpression)) { return doExpression(); } break; default: } return identifierReference(); } private Expression functionOrGeneratorExpression() { if (LOOKAHEAD(Token.MUL)) { return generatorExpression(false); } long position = ts.position(), lineinfo = ts.lineinfo(); try { return functionExpression(); } catch (RetryGenerator e) { ts.reset(position, lineinfo); return generatorExpression(true); } } /** * <strong>[12.2] Primary Expression</strong> * * <pre> * CoverParenthesizedExpressionAndArrowParameterList<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * ( Expression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> ) * ( ) * ( ... BindingIdentifier<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> ) * ( Expression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> , ... BindingIdentifier<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span>) * </pre> * * @return the parsed expression node */ private Expression coverParenthesizedExpressionAndArrowParameterList() { long position = ts.position(), lineinfo = ts.lineinfo(); boolean hasAnnotation = false; long annotationPosition = 0; consume(Token.LP); Expression expr; if (token() == Token.RP) { expr = arrowFunctionEmptyParameters(); } else if (token() == Token.TRIPLE_DOT) { expr = arrowFunctionRestParameter(); } else { // Inlined `expression(true)`, all calls to assignmentExpression() are replaced with // assignmentExpressionNoValidation() to support cover-init-name and duplicate property // names in case this production is an ArrowParameterList. expr = assignmentExpressionNoValidation(true); if (token() == Token.FOR && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.LegacyComprehension)) { // NB: It is not necessary to remove unchecked object literals from // assignmentExpressionNoValidation(), because any early errors will reappear // in legacyGeneratorComprehension(). ts.reset(position, lineinfo); return legacyGeneratorComprehension(); } if (token() == Token.COLON && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.TypeAnnotation)) { if (!hasAnnotation) { hasAnnotation = true; annotationPosition = ts.sourcePosition(); } typeAnnotation(); } if (token() == Token.COMMA) { InlineArrayList<Expression> list = newList(); list.add(expr); do { consume(Token.COMMA); if (token() == Token.TRIPLE_DOT) { list.add(arrowFunctionRestParameter()); break; } if (token() == Token.RP && LOOKAHEAD(Token.ARROW) && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.FunctionCallTrailingComma)) { break; } expr = assignmentExpressionNoValidation(true); if (token() == Token.COLON && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.TypeAnnotation)) { if (!hasAnnotation) { hasAnnotation = true; annotationPosition = ts.sourcePosition(); } typeAnnotation(); } list.add(expr); } while (token() == Token.COMMA); expr = new CommaExpression(list); } } expr.addParentheses(); consume(Token.RP); if (hasAnnotation && token() != Token.ARROW) { reportSyntaxError(annotationPosition, Messages.Key.UnexpectedToken, Token.COLON.toString(), Token.COMMA.toString()); } return expr; } private EmptyExpression arrowFunctionEmptyParameters() { if (!(token() == Token.RP && LOOKAHEAD(Token.ARROW))) { reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.EmptyParenthesizedExpression); } return new EmptyExpression(0, 0); } private SpreadElement arrowFunctionRestParameter() { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.TRIPLE_DOT); Binding binding; if (isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.RestBindingPattern)) { binding = binding(true); } else { binding = bindingIdentifier(true); } String ident; if (binding instanceof BindingIdentifier) { ident = ((BindingIdentifier) binding).getName().getIdentifier(); } else { ident = "<binding-pattern>"; } IdentifierReference identifier = new IdentifierReference(ts.beginPosition(), ts.endPosition(), ident); SpreadElement spread = new SpreadElement(begin, ts.endPosition(), identifier); if (!(token() == Token.RP && LOOKAHEAD(Token.ARROW))) { reportSyntaxError(spread, Messages.Key.InvalidSpreadExpression); } return spread; } /** * <strong>[12.2.5] Array Initializer</strong> * * <pre> * ArrayInitializer<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * ArrayLiteral<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * ArrayComprehension<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @return the parsed array initializer */ private ArrayInitializer arrayInitializer() { if (LOOKAHEAD(Token.FOR) && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.Comprehension)) { return arrayComprehension(); } long begin = ts.beginPosition(); if (isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.LegacyComprehension)) { switch (peek()) { case RB: case COMMA: case TRIPLE_DOT: break; default: long position = ts.position(), lineinfo = ts.lineinfo(); consume(Token.LB); Expression expression = assignmentExpressionNoValidation(true); if (token() == Token.FOR) { // NB: It is not necessary to remove unchecked object literals from // assignmentExpressionNoValidation(), because any early errors will // reappear in legacyArrayComprehension() ts.reset(position, lineinfo); return legacyArrayComprehension(); } return arrayLiteral(begin, expression); } } return arrayLiteral(begin, null); } /** * <strong>[12.2.5] Array Initializer</strong> * * <pre> * ArrayLiteral<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * [ Elision<span><sub>opt</sub></span> ] * [ ElementList<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> ] * [ ElementList<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> , Elision<span><sub>opt</sub></span> ] * ElementList<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * Elision<span><sub>opt</sub></span> AssignmentExpression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * Elision<span><sub>opt</sub></span> SpreadElement<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * ElementList<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> , Elision<span><sub>opt</sub></span> AssignmentExpression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * ElementList<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> , Elision<span><sub>opt</sub></span> SpreadElement<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * Elision : * , * Elision , * SpreadElement<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * ... AssignmentExpression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param begin * the begin source position * @param expr * the first array element or {@code null} if not yet parsed * @return the parsed array literal */ private ArrayLiteral arrayLiteral(long begin, Expression expr) { InlineArrayList<Expression> list = newList(); boolean needComma = false; if (expr == null) { consume(Token.LB); } else { list.add(expr); needComma = true; } for (Token tok; (tok = token()) != Token.RB;) { if (needComma) { consume(Token.COMMA); needComma = false; } else if (tok == Token.COMMA) { consume(Token.COMMA); list.add(new Elision(0, 0)); } else if (tok == Token.TRIPLE_DOT) { long beginSpread = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.TRIPLE_DOT); Expression expression = assignmentExpressionNoValidation(true); list.add(new SpreadElement(beginSpread, ts.endPosition(), expression)); needComma = true; } else { list.add(assignmentExpressionNoValidation(true)); needComma = true; } } consume(Token.RB); return new ArrayLiteral(begin, ts.endPosition(), list, !needComma && !list.isEmpty()); } /** * <strong>Array Comprehension</strong> * * <pre> * ArrayComprehension<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * [ Comprehension<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> ] * </pre> * * @return the parsed array comprehension */ private ArrayComprehension arrayComprehension() { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.LB); Comprehension comprehension = comprehension(); consume(Token.RB); return new ArrayComprehension(begin, ts.endPosition(), comprehension); } /** * <strong>Array Comprehension</strong> * * <pre> * Comprehension<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * ComprehensionFor<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> ComprehensionTail<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * ComprehensionTail<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * AssignmentExpression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * ComprehensionFor<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> ComprehensionTail<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * ComprehensionIf<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> ComprehensionTail<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @return the parsed comprehension node */ private Comprehension comprehension() { assert token() == Token.FOR; InlineArrayList<ComprehensionQualifier> list = newList(); int scopes = 0; for (;;) { ComprehensionQualifier qualifier; if (token() == Token.FOR) { scopes += 1; qualifier = comprehensionFor(); } else if (token() == Token.IF) { qualifier = comprehensionIf(); } else { break; } list.add(qualifier); } Expression expression = assignmentExpression(true); while (scopes-- > 0) { exitBlockContext(); } return new Comprehension(list, expression); } /** * <strong>Array Comprehension</strong> * * <pre> * ComprehensionFor<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * for ( ForBinding<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> of AssignmentExpression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> ) * ForBinding<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * BindingIdentifier<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * BindingPattern<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @return the parsed comprehension-for node */ private ComprehensionFor comprehensionFor() { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.FOR); consume(Token.LP); Binding b = forBinding(false); consume("of"); Expression expression = assignmentExpression(true); consume(Token.RP); BlockContext scope = enterBlockContext(b); ComprehensionFor node = new ComprehensionFor(begin, ts.endPosition(), scope, b, expression); scope.node = node; return node; } /** * <strong>Array Comprehension</strong> * * <pre> * ForBinding<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * BindingIdentifier<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * BindingPattern<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param allowLet * the flag to select if 'let' is allowed as a binding name * @return the parsed for-binding */ private Binding forBinding(boolean allowLet) { return binding(allowLet); } /** * <strong>Array Comprehension</strong> * * <pre> * ComprehensionIf<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * if ( AssignmentExpression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> ) * </pre> * * @return the parsed comprehension-if node */ private ComprehensionIf comprehensionIf() { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.IF); consume(Token.LP); Expression expression = assignmentExpression(true); consume(Token.RP); return new ComprehensionIf(begin, ts.endPosition(), expression); } /** * <strong>Array Comprehension</strong> * * <pre> * LegacyArrayComprehension<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * [ LegacyComprehension<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> ] * </pre> * * @return the parsed legacy array comprehension */ private ArrayComprehension legacyArrayComprehension() { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.LB); LegacyComprehension comprehension = legacyComprehension(); consume(Token.RB); return new ArrayComprehension(begin, ts.endPosition(), comprehension); } /** * <strong>Array Comprehension</strong> * * <pre> * LegacyComprehension<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * AssignmentExpression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> LegacyComprehensionForList<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> LegacyComprehensionIf<span><sub>[?Yield]opt</sub></span> * LegacyComprehensionForList<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * LegacyComprehensionFor<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> LegacyComprehensionForList<span><sub>[?Yield]opt</sub></span> * LegacyComprehensionFor<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * for ( ForBinding<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> of Expression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> ) * for ( ForBinding<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> in Expression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> ) * for each ( ForBinding<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> in Expression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> ) * LegacyComprehensionIf<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * if ( Expression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> ) * </pre> * * @return the parsed legacy comprehension */ private LegacyComprehension legacyComprehension() { BlockContext scope = enterBlockContext(); Expression expr = assignmentExpression(true); InlineArrayList<ComprehensionQualifier> list = newList(); do { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.FOR); boolean each = false; if (token() != Token.LP && isName("each")) { consume("each"); each = true; } consume(Token.LP); Binding b = forBinding(false); addLexDeclaredName(b); LegacyComprehensionFor.IterationKind iterationKind; if (each) { consume(Token.IN); iterationKind = LegacyComprehensionFor.IterationKind.EnumerateValues; } else if (token() == Token.IN) { consume(Token.IN); iterationKind = LegacyComprehensionFor.IterationKind.Enumerate; } else { consume("of"); iterationKind = LegacyComprehensionFor.IterationKind.Iterate; } Expression expression = expression(true); consume(Token.RP); list.add(new LegacyComprehensionFor(begin, ts.endPosition(), iterationKind, b, expression)); } while (token() == Token.FOR); if (token() == Token.IF) { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.IF); consume(Token.LP); Expression expression = expression(true); consume(Token.RP); list.add(new ComprehensionIf(begin, ts.endPosition(), expression)); } exitBlockContext(); LegacyComprehension comprehension = new LegacyComprehension(scope, list, expr); scope.node = comprehension; return comprehension; } /** * <strong>[12.2.6] Object Initializer</strong> * * <pre> * ObjectLiteral<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * { } * { PropertyDefinitionList<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> } * { PropertyDefinitionList<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> , } * PropertyDefinitionList<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * PropertyDefinition<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * PropertyDefinitionList<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> , PropertyDefinition<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @return the parsed object literal */ private ObjectLiteral objectLiteral() { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.LC); List<PropertyDefinition> defs; boolean trailingComma = false; if (token() == Token.RC) { defs = Collections.emptyList(); } else { InlineArrayList<PropertyDefinition> list = newList(); for (;;) { list.add(propertyDefinition()); if (token() != Token.COMMA) { break; } consume(Token.COMMA); if (token() == Token.RC) { trailingComma = true; break; } } defs = list; } consume(Token.RC); ObjectLiteral object = new ObjectLiteral(begin, ts.endPosition(), defs, trailingComma); context.addLiteral(object); return object; } private void discardUncheckedObjectLiterals(int oldCount) { ArrayDeque<ObjectLiteral> literals = context.objectLiterals; if (literals != null) { for (int i = oldCount, newCount = literals.size(); i < newCount; ++i) { literals.pop(); } } } /** * Static Semantics: Early Errors * * @param oldCount * the previous count of object literals */ private void objectLiteral_EarlyErrors(int oldCount) { ArrayDeque<ObjectLiteral> literals = context.objectLiterals; if (literals != null) { for (int i = oldCount, newCount = literals.size(); i < newCount; ++i) { objectLiteral_EarlyErrors(literals.pop()); } } } /** * Static Semantics: Early Errors * * @param object * the object literal to check for early errors */ private void objectLiteral_EarlyErrors(ObjectLiteral object) { boolean hasProto = false, checkProto = isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.ProtoInitializer); for (PropertyDefinition def : object.getProperties()) { if (def instanceof CoverInitializedName) { // Always throw a Syntax Error if this production is present String key = def.getPropertyName().getName(); reportSyntaxError(def, Messages.Key.MissingColonAfterPropertyId, key); } if (def instanceof SpreadProperty && !isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.ObjectSpreadInitializer)) { reportSyntaxError(def, Messages.Key.InvalidDestructuring); } if (def instanceof PropertyValueDefinition && checkProto) { String key = def.getPropertyName().getName(); if (key == null) { assert def.getPropertyName() instanceof ComputedPropertyName; continue; } if ("__proto__".equals(key)) { if (hasProto) { reportSyntaxError(def, Messages.Key.DuplicatePropertyDefinition, key); } hasProto = true; } } } } /** * <strong>[12.2.6] Object Initializer</strong> * * <pre> * PropertyDefinition<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * IdentifierReference<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * CoverInitializedName<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * PropertyName<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> : AssignmentExpression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * MethodDefinition<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * CoverInitializedName<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * IdentifierReference Initializer<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * Initializer<span><sub>[In, Yield]</sub></span> : * = AssignmentExpression<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @return the parsed property definition */ private PropertyDefinition propertyDefinition() { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); if (token() == Token.LB) { // either `PropertyName : AssignmentExpression` or MethodDefinition (normal) ComputedPropertyName propertyName = computedPropertyName(); if (token() == Token.COLON) { consume(Token.COLON); Expression propertyValue = assignmentExpressionNoValidation(true); if (IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition(propertyValue)) { setFunctionName(propertyValue, propertyName); } return new PropertyValueDefinition(begin, ts.endPosition(), propertyName, propertyValue); } return normalMethod(MethodAllocation.Object, false, NO_DECORATORS, begin, propertyName, false); } if (token() == Token.TRIPLE_DOT && (isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.ObjectSpreadInitializer) || isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.ObjectRestDestructuring))) { consume(Token.TRIPLE_DOT); Expression expression = assignmentExpressionNoValidation(true); return new SpreadProperty(begin, ts.endPosition(), expression); } if (isPropertyName(token()) && LOOKAHEAD(Token.COLON)) { PropertyName propertyName = literalPropertyName(); consume(Token.COLON); Expression propertyValue = assignmentExpressionNoValidation(true); if (IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition(propertyValue)) { setFunctionName(propertyValue, propertyName); } return new PropertyValueDefinition(begin, ts.endPosition(), propertyName, propertyValue); } if (Token.isIdentifierName(token()) && (LOOKAHEAD(Token.COMMA) || LOOKAHEAD(Token.RC))) { IdentifierReference identifier = identifierReference(); return new PropertyNameDefinition(begin, ts.endPosition(), identifier); } if (Token.isIdentifierName(token()) && LOOKAHEAD(Token.ASSIGN)) { IdentifierReference identifier = identifierReference(); consume(Token.ASSIGN); Expression initializer = assignmentExpression(true); if (IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition(initializer)) { setFunctionName(initializer, identifier); } return new CoverInitializedName(begin, ts.endPosition(), identifier, initializer); } List<Expression> decorators = token() == Token.AT ? decorators() : NO_DECORATORS; return methodDefinition(MethodAllocation.Object, false, decorators); } /** * <strong>[12.2.6] Object Initializer</strong> * * <pre> * PropertyName<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * LiteralPropertyName * ComputedPropertyName<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @return the parsed property name */ private PropertyName propertyName() { if (token() != Token.LB) { return literalPropertyName(); } else { return computedPropertyName(); } } /** * <strong>[12.2.6] Object Initializer</strong> * * <pre> * LiteralPropertyName : * IdentifierName * StringLiteral * NumericLiteral * </pre> * * @return the parsed literal property name */ private PropertyName literalPropertyName() { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); switch (token()) { case STRING: String string = stringLiteral(); return new StringLiteral(begin, ts.endPosition(), string); case NUMBER: double number = numericLiteral(); return new NumericLiteral(begin, ts.endPosition(), number); default: String ident = identifierName(); return new IdentifierName(begin, ts.endPosition(), ident); } } /** * <strong>[12.2.6] Object Initializer</strong> * * <pre> * ComputedPropertyName<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * [ AssignmentExpression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> ] * </pre> * * @return the parsed computed property name */ private ComputedPropertyName computedPropertyName() { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.LB); Expression expression = assignmentExpression(true); consume(Token.RB); return new ComputedPropertyName(begin, ts.endPosition(), expression); } /** * <strong>Generator Comprehensions</strong> * * <pre> * GeneratorComprehension<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * ( Comprehension<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> ) * </pre> * * @return the parsed generator comprehension */ private GeneratorComprehension generatorComprehension() { newContext(ContextKind.GeneratorComprehension); try { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); // generator comprehensions have no named parameters FormalParameterList parameters = emptyFormalParameterList(); Comprehension comprehension = generatorComprehensionBody(); FunctionContext scope = context.funContext; GeneratorComprehension generator = new GeneratorComprehension(begin, ts.endPosition(), scope, generatorKind(), parameters, comprehension); scope.setNode(generator); return inheritStrictness(generator); } finally { restoreContext(); } } private Comprehension generatorComprehensionBody() { // do not enable 'return' for consistency with 'yield' in comprehensions context.returnAllowed = false; // propagate the outer context's 'yield' state context.yieldAllowed = context.parent.yieldAllowed; // propagate the outer context's 'await' state context.awaitAllowed = context.parent.awaitAllowed; // Necessary to call applyStrictMode() manually b/c directivePrologue() is not used. applyStrictMode(false); if (context.strictMode != StrictMode.Strict) { context.funContext.lexicalScope = enterFunctionBodyContext(); } consume(Token.LP); Comprehension comprehension = comprehension(); consume(Token.RP); if (context.strictMode != StrictMode.Strict) { exitFunctionBodyContext(); } assert context.assertLiteralsUnchecked(0); return comprehension; } /** * <strong>Generator Comprehensions</strong> * * <pre> * LegacyGeneratorComprehension<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * ( LegacyComprehension<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> ) * </pre> * * @return the parsed legacy generator comprehension */ private GeneratorComprehension legacyGeneratorComprehension() { newContext(ContextKind.GeneratorComprehension); try { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); // generator comprehensions have no named parameters FormalParameterList parameters = emptyFormalParameterList(); LegacyComprehension comprehension = legacyGeneratorComprehensionBody(); FunctionContext scope = context.funContext; GeneratorComprehension generator = new GeneratorComprehension(begin, ts.endPosition(), scope, GeneratorKind.Constructor, parameters, comprehension); scope.setNode(generator); return inheritStrictness(generator); } finally { restoreContext(); } } private LegacyComprehension legacyGeneratorComprehensionBody() { // do not enable 'return' for consistency with 'yield' in comprehensions context.returnAllowed = false; // propagate the outer context's 'yield' state context.yieldAllowed = context.parent.yieldAllowed; // propagate the outer context's 'await' state context.awaitAllowed = context.parent.awaitAllowed; // Necessary to call applyStrictMode() manually b/c directivePrologue() is not used. applyStrictMode(false); if (context.strictMode != StrictMode.Strict) { context.funContext.lexicalScope = enterFunctionBodyContext(); } consume(Token.LP); LegacyComprehension comprehension = legacyComprehension(); consume(Token.RP); if (context.strictMode != StrictMode.Strict) { exitFunctionBodyContext(); } assert context.assertLiteralsUnchecked(0); return comprehension; } /** * <strong>[12.2.8] Regular Expression Literals</strong> * * <pre> * RegularExpressionLiteral :: * / RegularExpressionBody / RegularExpressionFlags * </pre> * * @param tok * the start token of the regular expression, must be either {@link Token#DIV} or * {@link Token#ASSIGN_DIV} * @return the parsed regular expression literal */ private RegularExpressionLiteral regularExpressionLiteral(Token tok) { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); String pattern = ts.readRegularExpression(tok); String flags = ts.readRegularExpressionFlags(); // Validate regular expression syntax. ( Static Semantics: Early Errors) RegExpParser.syntaxParse(pattern, flags, getSourceName(), toLine(begin), toColumn(begin), isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.WebRegularExpressions)); consume(tok); return new RegularExpressionLiteral(begin, ts.endPosition(), pattern, flags); } /** * <strong>[12.2.9] Template Literals</strong> * * <pre> * TemplateLiteral<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * NoSubstitutionTemplate * TemplateHead Expression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> TemplateSpans<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * TemplateSpans<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * TemplateTail * TemplateMiddleList<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> TemplateTail * TemplateMiddleList<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * TemplateMiddle Expression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * TemplateMiddleList<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> TemplateMiddle Expression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param tagged * the flag for tagged template literals * @return the parsed template literal */ private TemplateLiteral templateLiteral(boolean tagged) { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); InlineArrayList<Expression> elements = newList(); elements.add(templateCharacters(Token.TEMPLATE)); while (token() == Token.LC) { consume(Token.LC); elements.add(expression(true)); if (token() != Token.RC) { reportTokenMismatch(Token.RC, token()); } elements.add(templateCharacters(Token.RC)); } consume(Token.TEMPLATE); if (tagged && (elements.size() / 2) + 1 > MAX_ARGUMENTS) { reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.FunctionTooManyArguments); } return new TemplateLiteral(begin, ts.endPosition(), tagged, elements); } private TemplateCharacters templateCharacters(Token start) { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); String[] values = ts.readTemplateLiteral(start); return new TemplateCharacters(begin, ts.rawEndPosition(), values[0], values[1]); } /** * <strong>[Extension] Native call expression</strong> * * <pre> * NativeCallExpression : * % Identifier ( NativeCallArguments ) * </pre> */ private NativeCallExpression nativeCallExpression() { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.MOD); IdentifierReference name = identifierReference(); List<Expression> args = nativeCallArguments(); return new NativeCallExpression(begin, ts.endPosition(), name, args); } /** * <strong>[Extension] Native call expression</strong> * * <pre> * NativeCallArguments<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * () * ( NativeCallArgumentList<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> ) * ( NativeCallArgumentList<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> , ... AssignmentExpression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> ) * ( ... AssignmentExpression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> ) * NativeCallArgumentList<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * AssignmentExpression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * NativeCallArgumentList<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> , AssignmentExpression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @return the list of parsed function call arguments */ private List<Expression> nativeCallArguments() { consume(Token.LP); if (token() == Token.RP) { consume(Token.RP); return Collections.emptyList(); } InlineArrayList<Expression> args = newList(); for (;;) { // Allow only trailing ...spread arguments. if (token() == Token.TRIPLE_DOT) { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.TRIPLE_DOT); Expression e = assignmentExpression(true); args.add(new CallSpreadElement(begin, ts.endPosition(), e)); break; } args.add(assignmentExpression(true)); if (token() == Token.COMMA) { consume(Token.COMMA); if (token() == Token.RP && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.FunctionCallTrailingComma)) { break; } } else { break; } } if (args.size() > NATIVE_CALL_MAX_ARGUMENTS) { reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.FunctionTooManyArguments); } consume(Token.RP); return args; } /** * <strong>[Extension] The <code>let</code> Expression</strong> * * <pre> * LetExpression<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * let ( BindingList<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> ) AssignmentExpression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @return the parsed let expression */ private LetExpression letExpression() { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.LET); consume(Token.LP); List<LexicalBinding> lexicalBindings = letBindingList(); List<Binding> bindings = toBindings(lexicalBindings); consume(Token.RP); BlockContext scope = enterBlockContext(bindings); Expression expression = assignmentExpression(true); exitBlockContext(); LetExpression letExpression = new LetExpression(begin, ts.endPosition(), scope, lexicalBindings, expression); scope.node = letExpression; return letExpression; } /** * <strong>[Extension] The <code>do</code> Expression</strong> * * <pre> * DoExpression<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * do Block<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @return the parsed do expression */ private DoExpression doExpression() { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.DO); boolean oldYieldOrAwaitExpression = context.yieldOrAwaitExpression; context.yieldOrAwaitExpression = false; try { BlockStatement block = block(NO_INHERITED_BINDING); return new DoExpression(begin, ts.endPosition(), block, context.yieldOrAwaitExpression); } finally { context.yieldOrAwaitExpression = oldYieldOrAwaitExpression; } } /** * <strong>[12.3] Left-Hand-Side Expressions</strong> * * <pre> * MemberExpression<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * PrimaryExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * MemberExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> [ Expression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> ] * MemberExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> . IdentifierName * MemberExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> TemplateLiteral<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * SuperProperty<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * NewSuper Arguments<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * MetaProperty * new MemberExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> Arguments<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * SuperProperty<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * super [ Expression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> ] * super . IdentifierName * MetaProperty : * NewTarget * NewTarget : * new . target * NewExpression<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * MemberExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * new NewExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * NewSuper * NewSuper : * new super * CallExpression<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * MemberExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> Arguments<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * SuperCall<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * CallExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> Arguments<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * CallExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> [ Expression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> ] * CallExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> . IdentifierName * CallExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> TemplateLiteral<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * SuperCall<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * super Arguments<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * LeftHandSideExpression<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * NewExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * CallExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param allowCall * the flag to select whether or not call expressions are allowed * @param allowElement * the flag to select whether or not element member expressions are allowed * @return the parsed left-hand side expression */ private Expression leftHandSideExpression(boolean allowCall, boolean allowElement) { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); Expression lhs; switch (token()) { case NEW: { consume(Token.NEW); if (token() == Token.DOT) { newTarget(); consume(Token.DOT); consume("target"); lhs = new NewTarget(begin, ts.endPosition()); } else if (token() == Token.SUPER && !(LOOKAHEAD(Token.DOT) || LOOKAHEAD(Token.LB)) && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.NewSuper)) { newSuper(); consume(Token.SUPER); if (token() == Token.LP) { List<Expression> args = arguments(); lhs = new SuperNewExpression(begin, ts.endPosition(), args); } else { return new SuperNewExpression(begin, ts.endPosition(), Collections.<Expression> emptyList()); } } else { Expression expr = leftHandSideExpression(false, allowElement); if (token() == Token.LP) { List<Expression> args = arguments(); lhs = new NewExpression(begin, ts.endPosition(), expr, args); } else { return new NewExpression(begin, ts.endPosition(), expr, Collections.<Expression> emptyList()); } } break; } case SUPER: { consume(Token.SUPER); switch (token()) { case DOT: superPropertyAccess(); consume(Token.DOT); String name = identifierName(); lhs = new SuperPropertyAccessor(begin, ts.endPosition(), name); break; case LB: superPropertyAccess(); consume(Token.LB); Expression expr = expression(true); consume(Token.RB); lhs = new SuperElementAccessor(begin, ts.endPosition(), expr); break; case LP: if (allowCall) { superCall(); List<Expression> args = arguments(); lhs = new SuperCallExpression(begin, ts.endPosition(), args); break; } case TEMPLATE: default: throw reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidToken, token().toString()); } break; } case FUNCTION: { if (LOOKAHEAD(Token.DOT) && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.FunctionSent)) { consume(Token.FUNCTION); consume(Token.DOT); consume("sent"); // TODO: function.sent available in async generators? switch (context.kind) { case Generator: case GeneratorMethod: if (context.yieldAllowed) { break; } // fall-through default: reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidFunctionSent); } lhs = new FunctionSent(begin, ts.endPosition()); break; } // fall-through } default: lhs = primaryExpression(); } for (;;) { switch (token()) { case DOT: consume(Token.DOT); String name = identifierName(); lhs = new PropertyAccessor(begin, ts.endPosition(), lhs, name); break; case LB: if (!allowElement) { return lhs; } consume(Token.LB); Expression expr = expression(true); consume(Token.RB); lhs = new ElementAccessor(begin, ts.endPosition(), lhs, expr); break; case LP: if (!allowCall) { return lhs; } if (lhs instanceof IdentifierReference && "eval".equals(((IdentifierReference) lhs).getName())) { context.setHasEval(); } List<Expression> args = arguments(); lhs = new CallExpression(begin, ts.endPosition(), lhs, args); break; case TEMPLATE: TemplateLiteral templ = templateLiteral(true); lhs = new TemplateCallExpression(begin, ts.endPosition(), lhs, templ); break; default: return lhs; } } } private void superPropertyAccess() { ParseContext superContext = context.findSuperContext(); // 14.1.2 Static Semantics: Early Errors // 15.1.1 Static Semantics: Early Errors // Static Semantics: Early Errors if ((superContext.kind == ContextKind.Script && !isEnabled(Option.FunctionThis)) || superContext.kind == ContextKind.Module || superContext.kind == ContextKind.Function || superContext.kind == ContextKind.Generator || superContext.kind == ContextKind.AsyncFunction || superContext.kind == ContextKind.AsyncGenerator) { reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidSuperExpression); } superContext.setNeedsSuperBinding(); } private void superCall() { ParseContext superContext = context.findSuperContext(); // Static Semantics: Early Errors // 14.1.2 Static Semantics: Early Errors // 14.4.1 Static Semantics: Early Errors // 14.5.1 Static Semantics: Early Errors // 15.1.1 Static Semantics: Early Errors // Static Semantics: Early Errors if ((superContext.kind == ContextKind.Script && !isEnabled(Option.FunctionThis)) || superContext.kind == ContextKind.Module || superContext.kind == ContextKind.Function || superContext.kind == ContextKind.Generator || superContext.kind == ContextKind.AsyncFunction || superContext.kind == ContextKind.AsyncGenerator || (superContext.kind.isMethod() && !superContext.isDerivedClassConstructor)) { reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidSuperCallExpression); } } private void newSuper() { ParseContext superContext = context.findSuperContext(); // Static Semantics: Early Errors // 14.1.2 Static Semantics: Early Errors // 14.4.1 Static Semantics: Early Errors // 14.5.1 Static Semantics: Early Errors // 15.1.1 Static Semantics: Early Errors // Static Semantics: Early Errors if ((superContext.kind == ContextKind.Script && !isEnabled(Option.FunctionThis)) || superContext.kind == ContextKind.Module || superContext.kind == ContextKind.Function || superContext.kind == ContextKind.Generator || superContext.kind == ContextKind.AsyncFunction || superContext.kind == ContextKind.AsyncGenerator || (superContext.kind.isMethod() && !superContext.isDerivedClassConstructor)) { reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidNewSuperExpression); } } private void newTarget() { ParseContext superContext = context.findSuperContext(); // 15.1.1 Static Semantics: Early Errors // Static Semantics: Early Errors if ((superContext.kind == ContextKind.Script && !isEnabled(Option.FunctionThis)) || superContext.kind == ContextKind.Module) { reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidNewTarget); } } /** * Entry point for {@link #leftHandSideExpression(boolean, boolean)} which additionally performs * object literal early error checks. * * @param allowElement * the flag to select whether or not element member expressions are allowed * @return the parsed left-hand side expression */ private Expression leftHandSideExpressionWithValidation(boolean allowElement) { int count = context.countLiterals(); Expression lhs = leftHandSideExpression(true, allowElement); objectLiteral_EarlyErrors(count); return lhs; } /** * <strong>[12.3] Left-Hand-Side Expressions</strong> * * <pre> * Arguments<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * () * ( ArgumentList<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> ) * ArgumentList<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * AssignmentExpression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * ... AssignmentExpression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * ArgumentList<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> , AssignmentExpression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * ArgumentList<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> , ... AssignmentExpression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @return the list of parsed function call arguments */ private List<Expression> arguments() { long position = ts.position(), lineinfo = ts.lineinfo(); consume(Token.LP); if (token() == Token.RP) { consume(Token.RP); return Collections.emptyList(); } InlineArrayList<Expression> args = newList(); if (token() != Token.TRIPLE_DOT && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.LegacyComprehension)) { Expression expr = assignmentExpression(true); if (token() == Token.FOR) { ts.reset(position, lineinfo); args.add(legacyGeneratorComprehension()); return args; } args.add(expr); if (token() == Token.COMMA) { consume(Token.COMMA); if (token() == Token.RP && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.FunctionCallTrailingComma)) { consume(Token.RP); return args; } } else { consume(Token.RP); return args; } } for (;;) { Expression expr; if (token() == Token.TRIPLE_DOT) { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); consume(Token.TRIPLE_DOT); Expression e = assignmentExpression(true); expr = new CallSpreadElement(begin, ts.endPosition(), e); } else { expr = assignmentExpression(true); } args.add(expr); if (token() == Token.COMMA) { consume(Token.COMMA); if (token() == Token.RP && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.FunctionCallTrailingComma)) { break; } } else { break; } } if (args.size() > MAX_ARGUMENTS) { reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.FunctionTooManyArguments); } consume(Token.RP); return args; } /** * <strong>[12.4] Postfix Expressions</strong><br> * <strong>[12.5] Unary Operators</strong> * * <pre> * PostfixExpression<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * LeftHandSideExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * LeftHandSideExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> [no <i>LineTerminator</i> here] ++ * LeftHandSideExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> [no <i>LineTerminator</i> here] -- * UnaryExpression<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * PostfixExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * delete UnaryExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * void UnaryExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * typeof UnaryExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * ++ UnaryExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * -- UnaryExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * + UnaryExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * - UnaryExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * ~ UnaryExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * ! UnaryExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * Exponentation operator extension: * * <pre> * ExponentiationExpression<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * UnaryExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * IncrementExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> ** ExponentiationExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * UnaryExpression<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * IncrementExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * delete UnaryExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * void UnaryExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * typeof UnaryExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * + UnaryExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * - UnaryExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * ~ UnaryExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * ! UnaryExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * IncrementExpression<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * LeftHandSideExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * LeftHandSideExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> [no <i>LineTerminator</i> here] ++ * LeftHandSideExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> [no <i>LineTerminator</i> here] -- * ++ LeftHandSideExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * -- LeftHandSideExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param allowExponentiation * the flag to select whether or not exponentiation expressions are allowed * @return the parsed unary expression */ private Expression unaryExpression(boolean allowExponentiation) { long begin = ts.beginPosition(); Expression lhs; Token tok = token(); switch (tok) { case DELETE: { consume(tok); Expression operand = unaryExpression(false); // Static Semantics: Early Errors if (operand instanceof IdentifierReference) { reportStrictModeSyntaxError(operand, Messages.Key.StrictModeInvalidDeleteOperand); } return new UnaryExpression(begin, ts.endPosition(), unaryOp(tok), operand); } case VOID: case TYPEOF: case ADD: case SUB: case BITNOT: case NOT: { consume(tok); Expression operand = unaryExpression(false); return new UnaryExpression(begin, ts.endPosition(), unaryOp(tok), operand); } case INC: case DEC: { consume(tok); if (isUnaryOrIncrement(token())) { if (!isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.Exponentiation)) { reportReferenceError(ts.sourcePosition(), Messages.Key.InvalidIncDecTarget); } } Expression operand = leftHandSideExpression(true, true); // 12.5.1 Static Semantics: Early Errors validateSimpleAssignment(operand, ExceptionType.ReferenceError, Messages.Key.InvalidIncDecTarget); lhs = new UnaryExpression(begin, ts.endPosition(), incrementOp(tok, false), operand); Token next = token(); if ((next == Token.INC || next == Token.DEC) && noLineTerminator()) { if (!isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.Exponentiation)) { reportReferenceError(operand.getBeginPosition(), Messages.Key.InvalidIncDecTarget); } } break; } case AWAIT: if (isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.AsyncFunction) || isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.AsyncGenerator)) { switch (context.kind) { case AsyncArrowFunction: case AsyncFunction: case AsyncGenerator: case AsyncGeneratorMethod: case AsyncMethod: if (!context.awaitAllowed) { // await in async function parameters reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidAwaitExpression); } return awaitExpression(); case ArrowFunction: case GeneratorComprehension: if (context.awaitAllowed) { // One of: // - await in arrow function parameters, nested in async function // - await in generator comprehension, nested in async function reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidAwaitExpression); } break; default: assert !context.awaitAllowed; } } // fall-through default: { lhs = leftHandSideExpression(true, true); Token next = token(); if ((next == Token.INC || next == Token.DEC) && noLineTerminator()) { consume(next); // 12.4.1 Static Semantics: Early Errors validateSimpleAssignment(lhs, ExceptionType.ReferenceError, Messages.Key.InvalidIncDecTarget); lhs = new UnaryExpression(begin, ts.endPosition(), incrementOp(next, true), lhs); } break; } } // TODO: Better error message if (allowExponentiation && token() == Token.EXP) { consume(Token.EXP); Expression exponent = unaryExpression(true); return new BinaryExpression(BinaryExpression.Operator.EXP, lhs, exponent); } return lhs; } private static UnaryExpression.Operator unaryOp(Token tok) { switch (tok) { case DELETE: return UnaryExpression.Operator.DELETE; case VOID: return UnaryExpression.Operator.VOID; case TYPEOF: return UnaryExpression.Operator.TYPEOF; case ADD: return UnaryExpression.Operator.POS; case SUB: return UnaryExpression.Operator.NEG; case BITNOT: return UnaryExpression.Operator.BITNOT; case NOT: return UnaryExpression.Operator.NOT; default: throw new AssertionError(); } } private static UnaryExpression.Operator incrementOp(Token tok, boolean postfix) { if (tok == Token.INC) { return postfix ? UnaryExpression.Operator.POST_INC : UnaryExpression.Operator.PRE_INC; } assert tok == Token.DEC; return postfix ? UnaryExpression.Operator.POST_DEC : UnaryExpression.Operator.PRE_DEC; } private boolean isUnaryOrIncrement(Token tok) { switch (tok) { case DELETE: case VOID: case TYPEOF: case ADD: case SUB: case BITNOT: case NOT: case INC: case DEC: return true; case AWAIT: { if (isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.AsyncFunction) || isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.AsyncGenerator)) { switch (context.kind) { case AsyncArrowFunction: case AsyncFunction: case AsyncGenerator: case AsyncGeneratorMethod: case AsyncMethod: if (!context.awaitAllowed) { // await in async function parameters reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidAwaitExpression); } return true; case ArrowFunction: case GeneratorComprehension: if (context.awaitAllowed) { // One of: // - await in arrow function parameters, nested in async function // - await in generator comprehension, nested in async function reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidAwaitExpression); } break; default: assert !context.awaitAllowed; } } // fall-through } default: return false; } } /** * <strong>[12.6] Multiplicative Operators</strong><br> * <strong>[12.7] Additive Operators</strong><br> * <strong>[12.8] Bitwise Shift Operators</strong><br> * <strong>[12.9] Relational Operators</strong><br> * <strong>[12.10] Equality Operators</strong><br> * <strong>[12.11] Binary Bitwise Operators</strong><br> * <strong>[12.12] Binary Logical Operators</strong><br> * * <pre> * MultiplicativeExpression<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * UnaryExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * MultiplicativeExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * UnaryExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * MultiplicativeExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> / UnaryExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * MultiplicativeExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> % UnaryExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * AdditiveExpression<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * MultiplicativeExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * AdditiveExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> + MultiplicativeExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * AdditiveExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> - MultiplicativeExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * ShiftExpression<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * AdditiveExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * ShiftExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> {@literal <<} AdditiveExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * ShiftExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> {@literal >>} AdditiveExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * ShiftExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> {@literal >>>} AdditiveExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * RelationalExpression<span><sub>[In, Yield]</sub></span> : * ShiftExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * RelationalExpression<span><sub>[?in, ?Yield]</sub></span> {@literal <} ShiftExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * RelationalExpression<span><sub>[?in, ?Yield]</sub></span> {@literal >} ShiftExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * RelationalExpression<span><sub>[?in, ?Yield]</sub></span> {@literal <=} ShiftExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * RelationalExpression<span><sub>[?in, ?Yield]</sub></span> {@literal >=} ShiftExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * RelationalExpression<span><sub>[?in, ?Yield]</sub></span> instanceof ShiftExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * <span><sub>[+In]</sub></span> RelationalExpression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> in ShiftExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * EqualityExpression<span><sub>[In, Yield]</sub></span> : * RelationalExpression<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * EqualityExpression<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> == RelationalExpression<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * EqualityExpression<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> != RelationalExpression<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * EqualityExpression<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> === RelationalExpression<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * EqualityExpression<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> !== RelationalExpression<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * BitwiseANDExpression<span><sub>[In, Yield]</sub></span> : * EqualityExpression<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * BitwiseANDExpression<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> {@literal &} EqualityExpression<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * BitwiseXORExpression<span><sub>[In, Yield]</sub></span> : * EqualityExpression<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * BitwiseXORExpression<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> ^ EqualityExpression<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * BitwiseORExpression<span><sub>[In, Yield]</sub></span> : * EqualityExpression<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * BitwiseORExpression<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> | EqualityExpression<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * LogicalANDExpression<span><sub>[In, Yield]</sub></span> : * EqualityExpression<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * LogicalANDExpression<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> {@literal &&} EqualityExpression<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * LogicalORExpression<span><sub>[In, Yield]</sub></span> : * EqualityExpression<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * LogicalORExpression<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> || EqualityExpression<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param allowIn * the flag to select whether or not the in-operator is allowed * @return the parsed binary expression */ private Expression binaryExpression(boolean allowIn) { Expression lhs = unaryExpression(true); return binaryExpression(allowIn, lhs, BinaryExpression.Operator.OR.getPrecedence()); } private Expression binaryExpression(boolean allowIn, Expression lhs, int minpred) { // Recursive-descent parsers require multiple levels of recursion to parse binary // expressions, to avoid this we're using precedence climbing. for (;;) { Token tok = token(); if (tok == Token.IN && !allowIn) { break; } BinaryExpression.Operator op = binaryOp(tok); int pred = (op != null ? op.getPrecedence() : -1); if (pred < minpred) { break; } consume(tok); Expression rhs = unaryExpression(true); for (BinaryExpression.Operator op2; (op2 = binaryOp(token())) != null;) { int pred2 = op2.getPrecedence(); if (pred2 < pred || pred2 == pred) { break; } rhs = binaryExpression(allowIn, rhs, pred2); } lhs = new BinaryExpression(op, lhs, rhs); } return lhs; } private static BinaryExpression.Operator binaryOp(Token token) { switch (token) { case OR: return BinaryExpression.Operator.OR; case AND: return BinaryExpression.Operator.AND; case BITOR: return BinaryExpression.Operator.BITOR; case BITXOR: return BinaryExpression.Operator.BITXOR; case BITAND: return BinaryExpression.Operator.BITAND; case EQ: return BinaryExpression.Operator.EQ; case NE: return BinaryExpression.Operator.NE; case SHEQ: return BinaryExpression.Operator.SHEQ; case SHNE: return BinaryExpression.Operator.SHNE; case LT: return BinaryExpression.Operator.LT; case LE: return BinaryExpression.Operator.LE; case GT: return BinaryExpression.Operator.GT; case GE: return BinaryExpression.Operator.GE; case IN: return BinaryExpression.Operator.IN; case INSTANCEOF: return BinaryExpression.Operator.INSTANCEOF; case SHL: return BinaryExpression.Operator.SHL; case SHR: return BinaryExpression.Operator.SHR; case USHR: return BinaryExpression.Operator.USHR; case ADD: return BinaryExpression.Operator.ADD; case SUB: return BinaryExpression.Operator.SUB; case MUL: return BinaryExpression.Operator.MUL; case DIV: return BinaryExpression.Operator.DIV; case MOD: return BinaryExpression.Operator.MOD; default: return null; } } /** * <strong>[12.13] Conditional Operator</strong><br> * <strong>[12.14] Assignment Operators</strong> * * <pre> * ConditionalExpression<span><sub>[In, Yield]</sub></span> : * LogicalORExpression<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * LogicalORExpression<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> ? AssignmentExpression<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]</sub></span> : AssignmentExpression<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * AssignmentExpression<span><sub>[In, Yield]</sub></span> : * ConditionalExpression<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * <span><sub>[+Yield]</sub></span> YieldExpression<span><sub>[?In]</sub></span> * ArrowFunction<span><sub>[?In]</sub></span> * LeftHandSideExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> = AssignmentExpression<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * LeftHandSideExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> AssignmentOperator AssignmentExpression<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param allowIn * the flag to select whether or not the in-operator is allowed * @return the parsed assignment expression */ private Expression assignmentExpression(boolean allowIn) { int count = context.countLiterals(); Expression expr = assignmentExpression(allowIn, count); objectLiteral_EarlyErrors(count); return expr; } /** * Same as {@link #assignmentExpression(boolean)} except object literal early errors are not * checked. This method needs to be used if the AssignmentExpression is in a possible * destructuring assignment position. * * @param allowIn * the flag to select whether or not the in-operator is allowed * @return the parsed assignment expression */ private Expression assignmentExpressionNoValidation(boolean allowIn) { return assignmentExpression(allowIn, context.countLiterals()); } private Expression assignmentExpression(boolean allowIn, int oldCount) { if (token() == Token.YIELD) { switch (context.kind) { case AsyncGenerator: case AsyncGeneratorMethod: case Generator: case GeneratorMethod: if (!context.yieldAllowed) { // Static Semantics: Early Errors for GeneratorDeclaration/GeneratorExpression // - It is a Syntax Error if FormalParameters Contains YieldExpression. // Static Semantics: Early Errors for GeneratorMethod // - It is a Syntax Error if StrictFormalParameters Contains YieldExpression. reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidYieldExpression); } return yieldExpression(allowIn); case ArrowFunction: case AsyncArrowFunction: case GeneratorComprehension: if (context.yieldAllowed) { // Static Semantics: Early Errors for ArrowFunction // - It is a Syntax Error if ArrowParameters Contains YieldExpression. // Static Semantics: Early Errors for GeneratorComprehension // - `yield` nested in generator comprehension, nested in generator. reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.InvalidYieldExpression); } break; case Function: if (isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.LegacyGenerator)) { throw new RetryGenerator(); } // fall-through default: assert !context.yieldAllowed; } } long position = ts.position(), lineinfo = ts.lineinfo(); boolean asyncArrow = false; if (token() == Token.ASYNC && isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.AsyncFunction)) { Token next = peek(); if (noNextLineTerminator()) { if (isBindingIdentifier(next)) { // Production: `async AsyncArrowBindingIdentifier => AsyncConciseBody` consume(Token.ASYNC); // Parse in this context, but ignore result (escaped yield) bindingIdentifier(); assert context.countLiterals() == oldCount; Token tok = token(); // Reset token stream and parse again ts.reset(position, lineinfo); if (tok == Token.ARROW) { return asyncArrowFunction(allowIn); } // Invalid async arrow function, fall through } else if (next == Token.LP) { // Production: `CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead => AsyncConciseBody` asyncArrow = true; } } } Expression left = binaryExpression(allowIn); Token tok = token(); if (tok == Token.HOOK) { consume(Token.HOOK); Expression then = assignmentExpression(true); consume(Token.COLON); Expression otherwise = assignmentExpression(allowIn); return new ConditionalExpression(left, then, otherwise); } else if (tok == Token.ARROW && isCoveredArrowParameters(left, asyncArrow)) { // Discard parsed object literals. discardUncheckedObjectLiterals(oldCount); ts.reset(position, lineinfo); if (asyncArrow) { return asyncArrowFunction(allowIn); } return arrowFunction(allowIn); } else if (tok == Token.ASSIGN) { LeftHandSideExpression lhs = validateAssignment(left, ExceptionType.ReferenceError, Messages.Key.InvalidAssignmentTarget); consume(Token.ASSIGN); Expression right = assignmentExpression(allowIn); if (IsIdentifierRef(lhs) && IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition(right)) { setFunctionName(right, (IdentifierReference) lhs); } else if ((lhs instanceof ElementAccessor || lhs instanceof PropertyAccessor) && IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition(right)) { setMethodName(right, lhs); } return new AssignmentExpression(assignmentOp(tok), lhs, right); } else if (isAssignmentOperator(tok)) { LeftHandSideExpression lhs = validateSimpleAssignment(left, ExceptionType.ReferenceError, Messages.Key.InvalidAssignmentTarget); consume(tok); Expression right = assignmentExpression(allowIn); return new AssignmentExpression(assignmentOp(tok), lhs, right); } else { return left; } } private static boolean isCoveredArrowParameters(Expression expr, boolean async) { if (async) { return expr instanceof CallExpression && ((CallExpression) expr).getBase() instanceof IdentifierReference && !expr.isParenthesized(); } return expr instanceof IdentifierReference || expr.isParenthesized(); } private static AssignmentExpression.Operator assignmentOp(Token token) { switch (token) { case ASSIGN: return AssignmentExpression.Operator.ASSIGN; case ASSIGN_ADD: return AssignmentExpression.Operator.ASSIGN_ADD; case ASSIGN_SUB: return AssignmentExpression.Operator.ASSIGN_SUB; case ASSIGN_MUL: return AssignmentExpression.Operator.ASSIGN_MUL; case ASSIGN_DIV: return AssignmentExpression.Operator.ASSIGN_DIV; case ASSIGN_MOD: return AssignmentExpression.Operator.ASSIGN_MOD; case ASSIGN_SHL: return AssignmentExpression.Operator.ASSIGN_SHL; case ASSIGN_SHR: return AssignmentExpression.Operator.ASSIGN_SHR; case ASSIGN_USHR: return AssignmentExpression.Operator.ASSIGN_USHR; case ASSIGN_BITAND: return AssignmentExpression.Operator.ASSIGN_BITAND; case ASSIGN_BITOR: return AssignmentExpression.Operator.ASSIGN_BITOR; case ASSIGN_BITXOR: return AssignmentExpression.Operator.ASSIGN_BITXOR; case ASSIGN_EXP: return AssignmentExpression.Operator.ASSIGN_EXP; default: throw new AssertionError(); } } /** * <strong>[12.14] Assignment Operators</strong> * * <pre> * AssignmentOperator : <b>one of</b> * {@literal *= /= %= += -= <<= >>= >>>= &= ^= |=} * </pre> * * @param tok * the token to inspect * @return {@code true} if the token is a compound assignment token */ private static boolean isAssignmentOperator(Token tok) { switch (tok) { case ASSIGN_ADD: case ASSIGN_BITAND: case ASSIGN_BITOR: case ASSIGN_BITXOR: case ASSIGN_DIV: case ASSIGN_MOD: case ASSIGN_MUL: case ASSIGN_SHL: case ASSIGN_SHR: case ASSIGN_SUB: case ASSIGN_USHR: case ASSIGN_EXP: return true; default: return false; } } /** * Static Semantics: IsValidSimpleAssignmentTarget * <ul> * <li>12.1.3 Static Semantics: IsValidSimpleAssignmentTarget * <li> Static Semantics: IsValidSimpleAssignmentTarget * <li> Static Semantics: IsValidSimpleAssignmentTarget * <li> Static Semantics: IsValidSimpleAssignmentTarget * <li>12.4.3 Static Semantics: IsValidSimpleAssignmentTarget * <li>12.5.3 Static Semantics: IsValidSimpleAssignmentTarget * <li>12.6.2 Static Semantics: IsValidSimpleAssignmentTarget * <li>12.7.2 Static Semantics: IsValidSimpleAssignmentTarget * <li>12.8.2 Semantics: IsValidSimpleAssignmentTarget * <li>12.9.2 Static Semantics: IsValidSimpleAssignmentTarget * <li>12.10.2 Static Semantics: IsValidSimpleAssignmentTarget * <li>12.11.2 Static Semantics: IsValidSimpleAssignmentTarget * <li>12.12.2 Static Semantics: IsValidSimpleAssignmentTarget * <li>12.13.2 Static Semantics: IsValidSimpleAssignmentTarget * <li>12.14.3 Static Semantics: IsValidSimpleAssignmentTarget * <li>12.15.2 Static Semantics: IsValidSimpleAssignmentTarget * </ul> * * @param lhs * the left-hand side expression to validate * @param type * the exception type for errors * @param messageKey * the message key for errors * @return the {@code lhs} parameter as a left-hand side expression node */ private LeftHandSideExpression validateSimpleAssignment(Expression lhs, ExceptionType type, Messages.Key messageKey) { if (lhs instanceof IdentifierReference) { IdentifierReference ident = (IdentifierReference) lhs; if (context.strictMode != StrictMode.NonStrict) { String name = ident.getName(); if ("eval".equals(name) || "arguments".equals(name)) { // FIXME: spec issue - early SyntaxError in ES5, but ReferenceError in ES6. // https://bugs.ecmascript.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4375 reportStrictModeSyntaxError(ident, Messages.Key.StrictModeInvalidAssignmentTarget); } } return ident; } else if (lhs instanceof ElementAccessor || lhs instanceof PropertyAccessor || lhs instanceof SuperElementAccessor || lhs instanceof SuperPropertyAccessor) { return (LeftHandSideExpression) lhs; } // everything else => invalid lhs throw reportError(type, lhs.getBeginPosition(), messageKey); } /** * <strong>[12.14.5] Destructuring Assignment</strong> * * <ul> * <li>12.14.1 Static Semantics: Early Errors * <li> Static Semantics: Early Errors * <li> Static Semantics: Early Errors * </ul> * * @param lhs * the left-hand side expression to validate * @param type * the exception type for errors * @param messageKey * the message key for errors * @return the {@code lhs} parameter as a left-hand side expression node */ private LeftHandSideExpression validateAssignment(Expression lhs, ExceptionType type, Messages.Key messageKey) { // rewrite object/array literal to destructuring form if (lhs instanceof ObjectLiteral) { if (!lhs.isParenthesized()) { return toDestructuring((ObjectLiteral) lhs); } } else if (lhs instanceof ArrayLiteral) { if (!lhs.isParenthesized()) { return toDestructuring((ArrayLiteral) lhs); } } return validateSimpleAssignment(lhs, type, messageKey); } /** * <strong>[12.14.5] Destructuring Assignment</strong> * * <pre> * ObjectAssignmentPattern<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * { } * { AssignmentPropertyList<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> } * { AssignmentPropertyList<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> , } * AssignmentPropertyList<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * AssignmentProperty<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * AssignmentPropertyList<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> , AssignmentProperty<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * AssignmentProperty<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * IdentifierReference<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> Initializer<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]opt</sub></span> * PropertyName : AssignmentElement<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * AssignmentElement<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * DestructuringAssignmentTarget<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> Initializer<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]opt</sub></span> * DestructuringAssignmentTarget<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * LeftHandSideExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param object * the object literal to convert * @return the object assignment pattern for the object literal */ private ObjectAssignmentPattern toDestructuring(ObjectLiteral object) { assert !object.isParenthesized(); InlineArrayList<AssignmentProperty> list = newList(); AssignmentRestProperty rest = null; for (Iterator<PropertyDefinition> iterator = object.getProperties().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { PropertyDefinition p = iterator.next(); AssignmentProperty property; if (p instanceof PropertyValueDefinition) { // AssignmentProperty : PropertyName ':' AssignmentElement PropertyValueDefinition def = (PropertyValueDefinition) p; PropertyName propertyName = def.getPropertyName(); Expression propertyValue = def.getPropertyValue(); LeftHandSideExpression target; Expression initializer; if (propertyValue instanceof AssignmentExpression) { // AssignmentElement : DestructuringAssignmentTarget Initializer AssignmentExpression assignment = (AssignmentExpression) propertyValue; if (assignment.getOperator() != AssignmentExpression.Operator.ASSIGN || assignment.isParenthesized()) { reportSyntaxError(p, Messages.Key.InvalidDestructuring); } target = destructuringAssignmentTarget(assignment.getLeft()); initializer = assignment.getRight(); } else { // AssignmentElement : DestructuringAssignmentTarget target = destructuringAssignmentTarget(propertyValue); initializer = null; } property = new AssignmentProperty(p.getBeginPosition(), p.getEndPosition(), propertyName, target, initializer); } else if (p instanceof PropertyNameDefinition) { // AssignmentProperty : IdentifierReference PropertyNameDefinition def = (PropertyNameDefinition) p; IdentifierReference id = assignmentProperty(def.getPropertyName()); property = new AssignmentProperty(p.getBeginPosition(), p.getEndPosition(), id, null); } else if (p instanceof CoverInitializedName) { // AssignmentProperty : IdentifierReference Initializer CoverInitializedName def = (CoverInitializedName) p; IdentifierReference id = assignmentProperty(def.getPropertyName()); property = new AssignmentProperty(p.getBeginPosition(), p.getEndPosition(), id, def.getInitializer()); } else if (p instanceof SpreadProperty) { // ... DestructuringAssignmentTarget if (!isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.ObjectRestDestructuring)) { reportSyntaxError(p, Messages.Key.InvalidDestructuring); } SpreadProperty spread = (SpreadProperty) p; LeftHandSideExpression target = destructuringAssignmentTarget(spread.getExpression()); // no trailing comma allowed if (object.hasTrailingComma()) { reportSyntaxError(spread, Messages.Key.InvalidDestructuring); } // no further elements after AssignmentRestProperty allowed if (iterator.hasNext()) { reportSyntaxError(iterator.next(), Messages.Key.InvalidDestructuring); } rest = new AssignmentRestProperty(p.getBeginPosition(), p.getEndPosition(), target); continue; } else { assert p instanceof MethodDefinition; throw reportSyntaxError(p, Messages.Key.InvalidDestructuring); } list.add(property); } context.removeLiteral(object); return new ObjectAssignmentPattern(object.getBeginPosition(), object.getEndPosition(), list, rest); } /** * <strong>[12.14.5] Destructuring Assignment</strong> * * <pre> * ArrayAssignmentPattern<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * [ Elision<span><sub>opt</sub></span> AssignmentRestElement<span><sub>[?Yield]opt</sub></span> ] * [ AssignmentElementList<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> ] * [ AssignmentElementList<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> , Elision<span><sub>opt</sub></span> AssignmentRestElement<span><sub>[?Yield]opt</sub></span> ] * AssignmentElementList<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * AssignmentElisionElement<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * AssignmentElementList<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> , AssignmentElisionElement<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * AssignmentElisionElement<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * Elision<span><sub>opt</sub></span> AssignmentElement<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * AssignmentElement<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * DestructuringAssignmentTarget<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> Initializer<span><sub>[In, ?Yield]opt</sub></span> * AssignmentRestElement<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * ... DestructuringAssignmentTarget<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * DestructuringAssignmentTarget<span><sub>[Yield]</sub></span> : * LeftHandSideExpression<span><sub>[?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param array * the array literal to convert * @return the array assignment pattern for the array literal */ private ArrayAssignmentPattern toDestructuring(ArrayLiteral array) { assert !array.isParenthesized(); InlineArrayList<AssignmentElementItem> list = newList(); for (Iterator<Expression> iterator = array.getElements().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Expression e = iterator.next(); AssignmentElementItem element; if (e instanceof Elision) { // Elision element = (Elision) e; } else if (e instanceof SpreadElement) { // AssignmentRestElement : ... DestructuringAssignmentTarget Expression expression = ((SpreadElement) e).getExpression(); LeftHandSideExpression target = destructuringAssignmentTarget(expression); // no trailing comma allowed if (array.hasTrailingComma()) { reportSyntaxError(e, Messages.Key.InvalidDestructuring); } // no further elements after AssignmentRestElement allowed if (iterator.hasNext()) { reportSyntaxError(iterator.next(), Messages.Key.InvalidDestructuring); } element = new AssignmentRestElement(e.getBeginPosition(), e.getEndPosition(), target); } else { LeftHandSideExpression target; Expression initializer; if (e instanceof AssignmentExpression) { // AssignmentElement : DestructuringAssignmentTarget Initializer AssignmentExpression assignment = (AssignmentExpression) e; if (assignment.getOperator() != AssignmentExpression.Operator.ASSIGN || assignment.isParenthesized()) { reportSyntaxError(e, Messages.Key.InvalidDestructuring); } target = destructuringAssignmentTarget(assignment.getLeft()); initializer = assignment.getRight(); } else { // AssignmentElement : DestructuringAssignmentTarget target = destructuringAssignmentTarget(e); initializer = null; } element = new AssignmentElement(e.getBeginPosition(), e.getEndPosition(), target, initializer); } list.add(element); } return new ArrayAssignmentPattern(array.getBeginPosition(), array.getEndPosition(), list); } /** * Static Semantics: Early Errors * * @param lhs * the left-hand side expression to check * @return the {@code lhs} parameter as a left-hand side expression node */ private LeftHandSideExpression destructuringAssignmentTarget(Expression lhs) { if (lhs instanceof ObjectAssignmentPattern) { return (ObjectAssignmentPattern) lhs; } else if (lhs instanceof ArrayAssignmentPattern) { return (ArrayAssignmentPattern) lhs; } return validateAssignment(lhs, ExceptionType.SyntaxError, Messages.Key.InvalidDestructuring); } /** * Static Semantics: Early Errors * * @param lhs * the left-hand side expression to check * @return the {@code lhs} parameter as an identifier reference node */ private IdentifierReference assignmentProperty(IdentifierReference identifier) { assert !identifier.isParenthesized(); validateSimpleAssignment(identifier, ExceptionType.SyntaxError, Messages.Key.InvalidDestructuring); return identifier; } /** * <strong>[12.15] Comma Operator</strong> * * <pre> * Expression<span><sub>[In, Yield]</sub></span> : * AssignmentExpression<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * Expression<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> , AssignmentExpression<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param allowIn * the flag to select whether or not the in-operator is allowed * @return the parsed expression */ private Expression expression(boolean allowIn) { Expression expr = assignmentExpression(allowIn); if (token() == Token.COMMA) { return commaExpression(expr, allowIn); } return expr; } /** * <strong>[12.15] Comma Operator</strong> * * <pre> * Expression<span><sub>[In, Yield]</sub></span> : * AssignmentExpression<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * Expression<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> , AssignmentExpression<span><sub>[?In, ?Yield]</sub></span> * </pre> * * @param expr * the first expression * @param allowIn * the flag to select whether or not the in-operator is allowed * @return the parsed comma expression */ private CommaExpression commaExpression(Expression expr, boolean allowIn) { InlineArrayList<Expression> list = newList(); list.add(expr); do { consume(Token.COMMA); expr = assignmentExpression(allowIn); list.add(expr); } while (token() == Token.COMMA); return new CommaExpression(list); } /* ***************************************************************************************** */ /** * <strong>[11.9] Automatic Semicolon Insertion</strong> */ private void semicolon() { switch (token()) { case SEMI: consume(Token.SEMI); // fall-through case RC: case EOF: break; default: if (noLineTerminator()) { reportSyntaxError(Messages.Key.MissingSemicolon); } } } /** * Returns {@code true} if the last and the current token are not separated from each other by a * line-terminator. * * @return {@code true} if there is no line separator */ private boolean noLineTerminator() { return !ts.hasCurrentLineTerminator(); } /** * Returns {@code true} if the current and the next token are not separated from each other by a * line-terminator. * * @return {@code true} if there is no line separator */ private boolean noNextLineTerminator() { return !ts.hasNextLineTerminator(); } /** * Returns true if the current token is of type {@link Token#NAME} and its name is {@code name}. * * @param name * the name to test * @return {@code true} if the current token is the requested name */ private boolean isName(String name) { Token tok = token(); return tok == Token.NAME && name.equals(getName(tok)); } /** * Returns true if the next token is of type {@link Token#NAME} and its name is {@code name}. * * @param name * the name to test * @return {@code true} if the next token is the requested name */ private boolean isNextName(String name) { Token tok = peek(); return tok == Token.NAME && name.equals(getNextName(tok)); } /** * Returns the token's name. * * @param tok * the token to inspect * @return the token name */ private String getName(Token tok) { switch (tok) { case NAME: case ESCAPED_NAME: case ESCAPED_RESERVED_WORD: case ESCAPED_STRICT_RESERVED_WORD: case ESCAPED_YIELD: case ESCAPED_ASYNC: case ESCAPED_AWAIT: case ESCAPED_LET: return ts.getString(); default: return tok.getName(); } } /** * Returns the token's name. * * @param tok * the token to inspect * @return the token name */ private String getNextName(Token tok) { switch (tok) { case NAME: case ESCAPED_NAME: case ESCAPED_RESERVED_WORD: case ESCAPED_STRICT_RESERVED_WORD: case ESCAPED_YIELD: case ESCAPED_ASYNC: case ESCAPED_AWAIT: case ESCAPED_LET: return ts.getNextString(); default: return tok.getName(); } } /** * <strong>[11.6] Names and Keywords</strong> * * @return the parsed identifier name */ private String identifierName() { Token tok = token(); if (!Token.isIdentifierName(tok)) { reportTokenNotIdentifierName(tok); } String name = getName(tok); consume(tok); return name; } /** * <strong>[11.8.3] Numeric Literals</strong> * * @return the parsed number literal */ private double numericLiteral() { double number = ts.getNumber(); consume(Token.NUMBER); return number; } /** * <strong>[11.8.4] String Literals</strong> * * @return the parsed string literal */ private String stringLiteral() { String string = ts.getString(); consume(Token.STRING); return string; } }