/** * Copyright (c) 2012-2016 André Bargull * Alle Rechte vorbehalten / All Rights Reserved. Use is subject to license terms. * * <https://github.com/anba/es6draft> */ package com.github.anba.es6draft.interpreter; import static com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.AbstractOperations.*; import static com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.ScriptRuntime.CheckCallable; import static com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.ScriptRuntime.CheckConstructor; import static com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.ScriptRuntime.IsBuiltinEval; import static com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.types.Null.NULL; import static com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.types.Reference.GetValue; import static com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.types.Reference.PutValue; import static com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.types.Undefined.UNDEFINED; import static com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.types.builtins.ArrayObject.ArrayCreate; import static com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.types.builtins.OrdinaryObject.ObjectCreate; import static com.github.anba.es6draft.semantics.StaticSemantics.PropName; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.List; import com.github.anba.es6draft.ast.*; import com.github.anba.es6draft.ast.BinaryExpression.Operator; import com.github.anba.es6draft.parser.Parser; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.ExecutionContext; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.CompatibilityOption; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.IndexedMap; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.internal.ScriptRuntime; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.objects.Eval; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.objects.Eval.EvalFlags; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.objects.text.RegExpConstructor; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.types.Callable; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.types.Constructor; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.types.Intrinsics; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.types.Reference; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.types.ScriptObject; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.types.Undefined; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.types.builtins.ArrayObject; import com.github.anba.es6draft.runtime.types.builtins.OrdinaryObject; /** * Basic interpreter to speed-up evaluation of simple eval-scripts. */ public final class Interpreter extends DefaultNodeVisitor<Object, ExecutionContext> { /** * Returns a new {@link InterpretedScript} if {@code parsedScript} can be interpreted, otherwise * returns {@code null}. * * @param parsedScript * the script node * @return the interpreted script or {@code null} */ public static InterpretedScript script(Script parsedScript) { if (!parsedScript.accept(InterpreterTest.INSTANCE, null)) { return null; } return new InterpretedScript(parsedScript); } private final EnumSet<Parser.Option> parserOptions; private final boolean strict; public Interpreter(Script parsedScript) { this.parserOptions = EnumSet.copyOf(parsedScript.getParserOptions()); this.strict = parsedScript.isStrict(); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * 12.4.4 Postfix Increment Operator. * * @param lhs * the left-hand side expression * @param cx * the execution context * @return the return value after applying the operation */ private static Double postIncrement(Reference<?, ?> lhs, ExecutionContext cx) { double oldValue = ToNumber(cx, GetValue(lhs, cx)); double newValue = oldValue + 1; PutValue(lhs, newValue, cx); return oldValue; } /** * 12.4.5 Postfix Decrement Operator * * @param lhs * the left-hand side expression * @param cx * the execution context * @return the return value after applying the operation */ private static Double postDecrement(Reference<?, ?> lhs, ExecutionContext cx) { double oldValue = ToNumber(cx, GetValue(lhs, cx)); double newValue = oldValue - 1; PutValue(lhs, newValue, cx); return oldValue; } /** * 12.5.4 The delete Operator * * @param expr * the expression value * @param cx * the execution context * @return the return value after applying the operation */ private static boolean delete(Object expr, ExecutionContext cx) { if (!(expr instanceof Reference)) { return true; } return ((Reference<?, ?>) expr).delete(cx); } /** * 12.5.5 The void Operator * * @param value * the expression value * @return the return value after applying the operation */ private static Undefined _void(Object value) { assert !(value instanceof Reference); return UNDEFINED; } /** * 12.5.7 Prefix Increment Operator * * @param expr * the expression value * @param cx * the execution context * @return the return value after applying the operation */ private static Double preIncrement(Reference<?, ?> expr, ExecutionContext cx) { double oldValue = ToNumber(cx, GetValue(expr, cx)); double newValue = oldValue + 1; PutValue(expr, newValue, cx); return newValue; } /** * 12.5.8 Prefix Decrement Operator * * @param expr * the expression value * @param cx * the execution context * @return the return value after applying the operation */ private static Double preDecrement(Reference<?, ?> expr, ExecutionContext cx) { double oldValue = ToNumber(cx, GetValue(expr, cx)); double newValue = oldValue - 1; PutValue(expr, newValue, cx); return newValue; } /** * 12.5.9 Unary + Operator * * @param value * the expression value * @param cx * the execution context * @return the return value after applying the operation */ private static Double pos(Object value, ExecutionContext cx) { return ToNumber(cx, value); } /** * 12.5.10 Unary - Operator * * @param value * the expression value * @param cx * the execution context * @return the return value after applying the operation */ private static Double neg(Object value, ExecutionContext cx) { return -ToNumber(cx, value); } /** * 12.5.11 Bitwise NOT Operator ( ~ ) * * @param value * the expression value * @param cx * the execution context * @return the return value after applying the operation */ private static Integer bitnot(Object value, ExecutionContext cx) { return ~ToInt32(cx, value); } /** * 12.5.12 Logical NOT Operator ( ! ) * * @param value * the expression value * @return the return value after applying the operation */ private static Boolean not(Object value) { return !ToBoolean(value); } /** * Extension: Exponentiation Operator * * @param leftValue * the left-hand side expression value * @param rightValue * the right-hand side expression value * @param cx * the execution context * @return the return value after applying the operation */ private static Double exp(Object leftValue, Object rightValue, ExecutionContext cx) { double lnum = ToNumber(cx, leftValue); double rnum = ToNumber(cx, rightValue); return Math.pow(lnum, rnum); } /** * 12.6 Multiplicative Operators * * @param leftValue * the left-hand side expression value * @param rightValue * the right-hand side expression value * @param cx * the execution context * @return the return value after applying the operation */ private static Double mul(Object leftValue, Object rightValue, ExecutionContext cx) { double lnum = ToNumber(cx, leftValue); double rnum = ToNumber(cx, rightValue); return lnum * rnum; } /** * 12.6 Multiplicative Operators * * @param leftValue * the left-hand side expression value * @param rightValue * the right-hand side expression value * @param cx * the execution context * @return the return value after applying the operation */ private static Double div(Object leftValue, Object rightValue, ExecutionContext cx) { double lnum = ToNumber(cx, leftValue); double rnum = ToNumber(cx, rightValue); return lnum / rnum; } /** * 12.6 Multiplicative Operators * * @param leftValue * the left-hand side expression value * @param rightValue * the right-hand side expression value * @param cx * the execution context * @return the return value after applying the operation */ private static Double mod(Object leftValue, Object rightValue, ExecutionContext cx) { double lnum = ToNumber(cx, leftValue); double rnum = ToNumber(cx, rightValue); return lnum % rnum; } /** * 12.7.2 The Subtraction Operator ( - ) * * @param lval * the left-hand side expression value * @param rval * the right-hand side expression value * @param cx * the execution context * @return the return value after applying the operation */ private static Double sub(Object lval, Object rval, ExecutionContext cx) { double lnum = ToNumber(cx, lval); double rnum = ToNumber(cx, rval); return lnum - rnum; } /** * 12.8.1 The Left Shift Operator ( {@literal <<} ) * * @param lval * the left-hand side expression value * @param rval * the right-hand side expression value * @param cx * the execution context * @return the return value after applying the operation */ private static Integer leftShift(Object lval, Object rval, ExecutionContext cx) { int lnum = ToInt32(cx, lval); long rnum = ToUint32(cx, rval); int shiftCount = (int) (rnum & 0x1F); return lnum << shiftCount; } /** * 12.8.2 The Signed Right Shift Operator ( {@literal >>} ) * * @param lval * the left-hand side expression value * @param rval * the right-hand side expression value * @param cx * the execution context * @return the return value after applying the operation */ private static Integer rightShift(Object lval, Object rval, ExecutionContext cx) { int lnum = ToInt32(cx, lval); long rnum = ToUint32(cx, rval); int shiftCount = (int) (rnum & 0x1F); return lnum >> shiftCount; } /** * 12.8.3 The Unsigned Right Shift Operator ( {@literal >>>} ) * * @param lval * the left-hand side expression value * @param rval * the right-hand side expression value * @param cx * the execution context * @return the return value after applying the operation */ private static Long unsignedRightShift(Object lval, Object rval, ExecutionContext cx) { long lnum = ToUint32(cx, lval); long rnum = ToUint32(cx, rval); int shiftCount = (int) (rnum & 0x1F); return lnum >>> shiftCount; } /** * 12.9 Relational Operators * * @param lval * the left-hand side expression value * @param rval * the right-hand side expression value * @param cx * the execution context * @return the return value after applying the operation */ private static Boolean _instanceof(Object lval, Object rval, ExecutionContext cx) { return ScriptRuntime.InstanceofOperator(lval, rval, cx); } /** * 12.9 Relational Operators * * @param lval * the left-hand side expression value * @param rval * the right-hand side expression value * @param cx * the execution context * @return the return value after applying the operation */ private static Boolean lessThan(Object lval, Object rval, ExecutionContext cx) { return RelationalComparison(cx, lval, rval, true) == 1; } /** * 12.9 Relational Operators * * @param lval * the left-hand side expression value * @param rval * the right-hand side expression value * @param cx * the execution context * @return the return value after applying the operation */ private static Boolean lessThanEqual(Object lval, Object rval, ExecutionContext cx) { return RelationalComparison(cx, rval, lval, false) == 0; } /** * 12.9 Relational Operators * * @param lval * the left-hand side expression value * @param rval * the right-hand side expression value * @param cx * the execution context * @return the return value after applying the operation */ private static Boolean greaterThan(Object lval, Object rval, ExecutionContext cx) { return RelationalComparison(cx, rval, lval, false) == 1; } /** * 12.9 Relational Operators * * @param lval * the left-hand side expression value * @param rval * the right-hand side expression value * @param cx * the execution context * @return the return value after applying the operation */ private static Boolean greaterThanEqual(Object lval, Object rval, ExecutionContext cx) { return RelationalComparison(cx, lval, rval, true) == 0; } /** * 12.10 Equality Operators * * @param lval * the left-hand side expression value * @param rval * the right-hand side expression value * @param cx * the execution context * @return the return value after applying the operation */ private static Boolean equals(Object lval, Object rval, ExecutionContext cx) { return EqualityComparison(cx, rval, lval); } /** * 12.10 Equality Operators * * @param lval * the left-hand side expression value * @param rval * the right-hand side expression value * @param cx * the execution context * @return the return value after applying the operation */ private static Boolean notEquals(Object lval, Object rval, ExecutionContext cx) { return !EqualityComparison(cx, rval, lval); } /** * 12.10 Equality Operators * * @param lval * the left-hand side expression value * @param rval * the right-hand side expression value * @return the return value after applying the operation */ private static Boolean strictEquals(Object lval, Object rval) { return StrictEqualityComparison(rval, lval); } /** * 12.10 Equality Operators * * @param lval * the left-hand side expression value * @param rval * the right-hand side expression value * @return the return value after applying the operation */ private static Boolean strictNotEquals(Object lval, Object rval) { return !StrictEqualityComparison(rval, lval); } /** * 12.11 Binary Bitwise Operators * * @param lval * the left-hand side expression value * @param rval * the right-hand side expression value * @param cx * the execution context * @return the return value after applying the operation */ private static Integer bitand(Object lval, Object rval, ExecutionContext cx) { int lnum = ToInt32(cx, lval); int rnum = ToInt32(cx, rval); return lnum & rnum; } /** * 12.11 Binary Bitwise Operators * * @param lval * the left-hand side expression value * @param rval * the right-hand side expression value * @param cx * the execution context * @return the return value after applying the operation */ private static Integer bitxor(Object lval, Object rval, ExecutionContext cx) { int lnum = ToInt32(cx, lval); int rnum = ToInt32(cx, rval); return lnum ^ rnum; } /** * 12.11 Binary Bitwise Operators * * @param lval * the left-hand side expression value * @param rval * the right-hand side expression value * @param cx * the execution context * @return the return value after applying the operation */ private static Integer bitor(Object lval, Object rval, ExecutionContext cx) { int lnum = ToInt32(cx, lval); int rnum = ToInt32(cx, rval); return lnum | rnum; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ @Override protected Object visit(Node node, ExecutionContext cx) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } @Override public Object visit(Script node, ExecutionContext cx) { Object completionValue = UNDEFINED; for (StatementListItem stmt : node.getStatements()) { Object val = stmt.accept(this, cx); if (val != null) { completionValue = val; } } return completionValue; } @Override public Object visit(VariableStatement node, ExecutionContext cx) { for (VariableDeclaration decl : node.getElements()) { decl.accept(this, cx); } return null; } @Override public Object visit(VariableDeclaration node, ExecutionContext cx) { BindingIdentifier binding = (BindingIdentifier) node.getBinding(); Expression initializer = node.getInitializer(); if (initializer != null) { Reference<?, String> lhs = cx.resolveBinding(binding.getName().getIdentifier(), strict); Object val = GetValue(initializer.accept(this, cx), cx); lhs.putValue(val, cx); } return null; } @Override public Object visit(ExpressionStatement node, ExecutionContext cx) { return GetValue(node.getExpression().accept(this, cx), cx); } @Override public Object visit(AssignmentExpression node, ExecutionContext cx) { if (node.getOperator() == AssignmentExpression.Operator.ASSIGN) { Reference<?, ?> lref = (Reference<?, ?>) node.getLeft().accept(this, cx); Object rval = GetValue(node.getRight().accept(this, cx), cx); PutValue(lref, rval, cx); return rval; } else { Reference<?, ?> lref = (Reference<?, ?>) node.getLeft().accept(this, cx); Object lval = GetValue(lref, cx); Object rval = GetValue(node.getRight().accept(this, cx), cx); Object r; switch (node.getOperator()) { case ASSIGN_ADD: r = ScriptRuntime.add(lval, rval, cx); break; case ASSIGN_BITAND: r = bitand(lval, rval, cx); break; case ASSIGN_BITOR: r = bitor(lval, rval, cx); break; case ASSIGN_BITXOR: r = bitxor(lval, rval, cx); break; case ASSIGN_DIV: r = div(lval, rval, cx); break; case ASSIGN_EXP: r = exp(lval, rval, cx); break; case ASSIGN_MOD: r = mod(lval, rval, cx); break; case ASSIGN_MUL: r = mul(lval, rval, cx); break; case ASSIGN_SHL: r = leftShift(lval, rval, cx); break; case ASSIGN_SHR: r = rightShift(lval, rval, cx); break; case ASSIGN_SUB: r = sub(lval, rval, cx); break; case ASSIGN_USHR: r = unsignedRightShift(lval, rval, cx); break; case ASSIGN: default: throw new AssertionError(); } PutValue(lref, r, cx); return r; } } @Override public Object visit(BinaryExpression node, ExecutionContext cx) { if (node.getOperator() == BinaryExpression.Operator.AND || node.getOperator() == BinaryExpression.Operator.OR) { return visitAndOr(node, cx); } /* steps 1-? */ Object lval = GetValue(node.getLeft().accept(this, cx), cx); Object rval = GetValue(node.getRight().accept(this, cx), cx); switch (node.getOperator()) { case ADD: return ScriptRuntime.add(lval, rval, cx); case BITAND: return bitand(lval, rval, cx); case BITOR: return bitor(lval, rval, cx); case BITXOR: return bitxor(lval, rval, cx); case DIV: return div(lval, rval, cx); case EQ: return equals(lval, rval, cx); case EXP: return exp(lval, rval, cx); case GE: return greaterThanEqual(lval, rval, cx); case GT: return greaterThan(lval, rval, cx); case IN: return ScriptRuntime.in(lval, rval, cx); case INSTANCEOF: return _instanceof(lval, rval, cx); case LE: return lessThanEqual(lval, rval, cx); case LT: return lessThan(lval, rval, cx); case MOD: return mod(lval, rval, cx); case MUL: return mul(lval, rval, cx); case NE: return notEquals(lval, rval, cx); case SHEQ: return strictEquals(lval, rval); case SHL: return leftShift(lval, rval, cx); case SHNE: return strictNotEquals(lval, rval); case SHR: return rightShift(lval, rval, cx); case SUB: return sub(lval, rval, cx); case USHR: return unsignedRightShift(lval, rval, cx); case AND: case OR: default: throw new AssertionError(); } } private Object visitAndOr(BinaryExpression node, ExecutionContext cx) { Object lval = GetValue(node.getLeft().accept(this, cx), cx); if (ToBoolean(lval) ^ node.getOperator() == Operator.AND) { return lval; } return GetValue(node.getRight().accept(this, cx), cx); } @Override public Object visit(UnaryExpression node, ExecutionContext cx) { Object val = node.getOperand().accept(this, cx); switch (node.getOperator()) { case BITNOT: return bitnot(GetValue(val, cx), cx); case DELETE: return delete(val, cx); case NEG: return neg(GetValue(val, cx), cx); case NOT: return not(GetValue(val, cx)); case POS: return pos(GetValue(val, cx), cx); case POST_DEC: return postDecrement((Reference<?, ?>) val, cx); case POST_INC: return postIncrement((Reference<?, ?>) val, cx); case PRE_DEC: return preDecrement((Reference<?, ?>) val, cx); case PRE_INC: return preIncrement((Reference<?, ?>) val, cx); case TYPEOF: return ScriptRuntime.typeof(val, cx); case VOID: return _void(GetValue(val, cx)); default: throw new AssertionError(); } } @Override public Object visit(CommaExpression node, ExecutionContext cx) { assert !node.getOperands().isEmpty(); Object val = null; for (Expression expression : node.getOperands()) { val = GetValue(expression.accept(this, cx), cx); } return val; } @Override public Object visit(ConditionalExpression node, ExecutionContext cx) { Object test = GetValue(node.getTest().accept(this, cx), cx); Object val; if (ToBoolean(test)) { val = node.getThen().accept(this, cx); } else { val = node.getOtherwise().accept(this, cx); } return GetValue(val, cx); } @Override public Object visit(NullLiteral node, ExecutionContext cx) { return NULL; } @Override public Object visit(BooleanLiteral node, ExecutionContext cx) { return node.getValue(); } @Override public Object visit(NumericLiteral node, ExecutionContext cx) { return node.getValue(); } @Override public Object visit(StringLiteral node, ExecutionContext cx) { return node.getValue(); } @Override public Object visit(RegularExpressionLiteral node, ExecutionContext cx) { return RegExpConstructor.RegExpCreate(cx, node.getRegexp(), node.getFlags()); } @Override public Object visit(ObjectLiteral node, ExecutionContext cx) { OrdinaryObject obj = ObjectCreate(cx, Intrinsics.ObjectPrototype); for (PropertyDefinition propertyDefinition : node.getProperties()) { assert propertyDefinition instanceof PropertyValueDefinition; PropertyValueDefinition propValDef = (PropertyValueDefinition) propertyDefinition; PropertyName propertyName = propValDef.getPropertyName(); Expression propertyValue = propValDef.getPropertyValue(); String propName = PropName(propertyName); long propIndex = propName != null ? IndexedMap.toIndex(propName) : -1; assert propName != null && !(propertyName instanceof ComputedPropertyName); Object value = GetValue(propertyValue.accept(this, cx), cx); if ("__proto__".equals(propName) && cx.getRealm().isEnabled(CompatibilityOption.ProtoInitializer)) { ScriptRuntime.defineProtoProperty(obj, value, cx); } else if (IndexedMap.isIndex(propIndex)) { ScriptRuntime.defineProperty(obj, propIndex, value, cx); } else { ScriptRuntime.defineProperty(obj, propName, value, cx); } } return obj; } @Override public Object visit(ArrayLiteral node, ExecutionContext cx) { ArrayObject array = ArrayCreate(cx, 0); int nextIndex = 0; for (Expression element : node.getElements()) { if (element instanceof Elision) { // Elision } else { Object value = GetValue(element.accept(this, cx), cx); ScriptRuntime.defineProperty(array, nextIndex, value); } nextIndex += 1; } Set(cx, array, "length", nextIndex, false); return array; } @Override public Object visit(CallExpression node, ExecutionContext cx) { Object ref = node.getBase().accept(this, cx); return EvaluateCall(ref, node.getArguments(), directEval(node), cx); } /** * Runtime Semantics: EvaluateCall( ref, arguments, tailPosition )<br> * Runtime Semantics: EvaluateDirectCall( func, thisValue, arguments, tailPosition ) * * @param ref * the call base reference * @param arguments * the function call arguments * @param directEval * the direct eval flag * @param cx * the execution context * @return the return value after applying the call operation */ private Object EvaluateCall(Object ref, List<Expression> arguments, boolean directEval, ExecutionContext cx) { /* steps 1-2 (EvaluateCall) */ Object func = GetValue(ref, cx); /* steps 3-4 (EvaluateCall) */ Object thisValue = UNDEFINED; if (ref instanceof Reference) { Reference<?, ?> rref = (Reference<?, ?>) ref; if (rref.isPropertyReference()) { thisValue = rref.getThisValue(); } else if (!(rref instanceof Reference.BindingReference)) { assert rref instanceof Reference.IdentifierReference; Reference.IdentifierReference<?> idref = (Reference.IdentifierReference<?>) rref; ScriptObject newThisValue = idref.getBase().withBaseObject(); if (newThisValue != null) { thisValue = newThisValue; } } } /* steps 1-2 (EvaluateDirectCall) */ Object[] argList = ArgumentListEvaluation(arguments, cx); /* steps 3-4 (EvaluateDirectCall) */ Callable f = CheckCallable(func, cx); /* [ Runtime Semantics: Evaluation - step 3] */ if (directEval && IsBuiltinEval(ref, f, cx)) { int evalFlags = EvalFlags.Direct.getValue(); if (strict) { evalFlags |= EvalFlags.Strict.getValue(); } evalFlags |= EvalFlags.toFlags(parserOptions); return Eval.directEval(argList, cx, evalFlags); } if (directEval && ScriptRuntime.directEvalFallbackHook(cx) != null) { argList = ScriptRuntime.directEvalFallbackArguments(f, cx, thisValue, argList); thisValue = ScriptRuntime.directEvalFallbackThisArgument(cx); f = ScriptRuntime.directEvalFallbackHook(cx); } /* steps 5, 7-8 (EvaluateDirectCall) (not applicable) */ /* steps 6, 9 (EvaluateDirectCall) */ return f.call(cx, thisValue, argList); } private Object[] ArgumentListEvaluation(List<Expression> arguments, ExecutionContext cx) { int size = arguments.size(); Object[] args = new Object[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { args[i] = GetValue(arguments.get(i).accept(this, cx), cx); } return args; } private static boolean directEval(CallExpression node) { Expression base = node.getBase(); if (base instanceof IdentifierReference && "eval".equals(((IdentifierReference) base).getName())) { return true; } return false; } @Override public Object visit(NewExpression node, ExecutionContext cx) { Object constructor = node.getExpression().accept(this, cx); constructor = GetValue(constructor, cx); Object[] args = ArgumentListEvaluation(node.getArguments(), cx); return CheckConstructor(constructor, cx).construct(cx, (Constructor) constructor, args); } @Override public Object visit(ElementAccessor node, ExecutionContext cx) { Object base = GetValue(node.getBase().accept(this, cx), cx); Object element = GetValue(node.getElement().accept(this, cx), cx); return ScriptRuntime.getElement(base, element, cx, strict); } @Override public Object visit(PropertyAccessor node, ExecutionContext cx) { Object base = GetValue(node.getBase().accept(this, cx), cx); return ScriptRuntime.getProperty(base, node.getName(), cx, strict); } @Override public Object visit(IdentifierReference node, ExecutionContext cx) { return cx.resolveBinding(node.getName(), strict); } @Override public Object visit(ThisExpression node, ExecutionContext cx) { return cx.resolveThisBinding(); } /** * {@link NodeVisitor} to test whether or not the script can be executed by the interpreter. */ private static final class InterpreterTest extends DefaultNodeVisitor<Boolean, Void> { static final DefaultNodeVisitor<Boolean, Void> INSTANCE = new InterpreterTest(); @Override protected Boolean visit(Node node, Void value) { return false; } @Override public Boolean visit(Script node, Void value) { for (StatementListItem stmt : node.getStatements()) { if (!stmt.accept(this, value)) { return false; } } return true; } @Override public Boolean visit(VariableStatement node, Void value) { for (VariableDeclaration decl : node.getElements()) { if (!decl.accept(this, value)) { return false; } } return true; } @Override public Boolean visit(VariableDeclaration node, Void value) { Binding binding = node.getBinding(); if (!(binding instanceof BindingIdentifier)) { return false; } Expression initializer = node.getInitializer(); return initializer == null || initializer.accept(this, value); } @Override public Boolean visit(ExpressionStatement node, Void value) { return node.getExpression().accept(this, value); } @Override public Boolean visit(CallExpression node, Void value) { if (!node.getBase().accept(this, value)) { return false; } for (Expression expression : node.getArguments()) { if (!expression.accept(this, value)) { return false; } } return true; } @Override public Boolean visit(NewExpression node, Void value) { if (!node.getExpression().accept(this, value)) { return false; } for (Expression expression : node.getArguments()) { if (!expression.accept(this, value)) { return false; } } return true; } @Override public Boolean visit(ConditionalExpression node, Void value) { return node.getTest().accept(this, value) && node.getThen().accept(this, value) && node.getOtherwise().accept(this, value); } @Override public Boolean visit(CommaExpression node, Void value) { for (Expression expression : node.getOperands()) { if (!expression.accept(this, value)) { return false; } } return true; } @Override public Boolean visit(ElementAccessor node, Void value) { return node.getBase().accept(this, value) && node.getElement().accept(this, value); } @Override public Boolean visit(PropertyAccessor node, Void value) { return node.getBase().accept(this, value); } @Override public Boolean visit(IdentifierName node, Void value) { return true; } @Override public Boolean visit(IdentifierReference node, Void value) { return true; } @Override public Boolean visit(ThisExpression node, Void value) { return true; } @Override public Boolean visit(RegularExpressionLiteral node, Void value) { return true; } @Override public Boolean visit(ObjectLiteral node, Void value) { for (PropertyDefinition propertyDefinition : node.getProperties()) { if (!propertyDefinition.accept(this, value)) { return false; } } return true; } @Override public Boolean visit(PropertyValueDefinition node, Void value) { return node.getPropertyName().accept(this, value) && node.getPropertyValue().accept(this, value); } @Override public Boolean visit(ArrayLiteral node, Void value) { for (Expression expression : node.getElements()) { if (!expression.accept(this, value)) { return false; } } return true; } @Override protected Boolean visit(Literal node, Void value) { return true; } @Override public Boolean visit(AssignmentExpression node, Void value) { return node.getLeft().accept(this, value) && node.getRight().accept(this, value); } @Override public Boolean visit(BinaryExpression node, Void value) { return node.getLeft().accept(this, value) && node.getRight().accept(this, value); } @Override public Boolean visit(UnaryExpression node, Void value) { return node.getOperand().accept(this, value); } } }